A World Over Yonder
Yondering Realms
The Swamp Kingdom, Paloro, is located in the southern swamplands of the Yondering Lands. The Swamp kingdom is made up a collection of clan holds and small villages based around the massive trees that grow throughtout the swamp. The Swamp Kingdom is home to the most complete and effective medicines in all the Yondering Lands, and potions from the Swamp Kingdom are highly prized wherever they can be sold or bought.
In ancient days Paloro was a collection of toddart clans that constantly waged war against one another. When they first encountered that raiders that became the Skyholds, the disperate clans of the swamp found that individually they lacked the force to defend themselves from this threat and so a champion rose from the oldest clan to unite the toddart clans and drive off the avian invaders. This is the legend of Rhella the Unifier, the First Councilor, who organized the clans into a union of equals who would elect their ruler once a generation. Rapploc was the home of her clan, and over the generations her descendents turned it into the greatest city in all of Paloro.
The union collapsed one year when there was a near tie between two clan leaders that could not be resolved. The decent into civil war started in Rapploc as the gathered clans waged war throughout the region. Only the victory of Tarco the First King, descended directly in line from Rhella, prevented the battle from destroying Rapploc entirely.
Tarco set up a hereditary monarchy for the Swamp Kingdom, and swayed the clan leaders to support this new way of life. Again the work of generations and the ingenious inventions in the time of King Tarblux (Rapplus III's grandfather) brought the city to new heights.
A collection of large treetop cities, the Skyward houses are home to many different types of avian Woodlanders. Many of these "Roosts" have been a line's seat of power for many generations, and it is said that the knowledge and power that these houses have is the source of their arrogance. Their representative is “Queen” Gwenhylotte, whose power, like most Skyward monarchs, is mostly ceremonial and very dependent on being able to rally Houses in the Moon’s Court.
There are a few notable exceptions to Noble Houses, and some of the smaller bird species have created their own, less totalistic houses to find representation in the Moon’s Court, (The Songbird Flock, The Rookery, etc.)
While the hierarchy of the Skyward houses are pretty rife with struggle for domination by bird species of all varieties, all birds within it look at the other Woodlanders (Rootlings) with some measure of disdain.
Sky Knights are powerful, warriors who often fight in pairs of lovers, close friends, or family members. These knights are few in number compared to the forces of other lands, but make up for it in raw individual power, knowledge, and skill.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Last edited by Amarga; Aug 15th, 2023 at 07:01 PM .