DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Sep 4th, 2023 at 12:21 AM.
Turn Summary Initiative: Move: Reaction: Action: Try to cut a deal for 10 gallons of water (and 2 pickled limes).
Try to glean information on the Cloaker Captain's dealings - if anyone LIKES to deal with him. If he has competition. If he's considered 'fair'. Bonus Action: Conditions: Concentrating: Object Interaction: Other:
Posting: Better! "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG
Last edited by PlaidPeregrine; Sep 5th, 2023 at 12:57 PM.
Fela's act is holding up so far, but it doesn't feel like it's the audience that counts; the half-starved male drow pose no threat to anything, and the female drow weren't up close. Still, if they believed her airs, then hopefully it would do half the work in convincing the cloaker.
"You have no wine, either? Our own supply ran out during the week we've been chasing after that ghost. I would have thought you'd have enough time here with little to do to figure out how to make some from the mushrooms -- nearly everything ferments, isn't that right, my druid? -- why, a town we passed through on the way made it from crab claws! But if that you're poorly provisioned, the least I can do is offer this blanket -- always travel with an extra or two." Pulling the last blanket she'd bought in Saltmarsh out of her pack to offer to the drow -- seemed they had nearly nothing, and though she didn't know what she was trying to get out of him, trying to have him sympathetic to them seemed to be the thing to do.
She follows Falco's lead in not asking Lilladreki for some -- it seemed the dragon statue might be religious, and she'd dealt enough with dragon worshippers thank-you-very-much. There didn't seem to much worth exploring on this island, and it would still be a while before the cloaker landed and (hopefully) made it here. "Well, can do what we little we can to make the air appropriate for the meetings " pulling out three candles from her bag, and spacing them, lit, along the table. They'd have light without any of the drow around, but not too much -- she wasn't sure the cloaker would be able to read human emotions on her face, but no reason to make it easy for them. "Blessed; should keep the ghost at bay" she explains to any drow within earshot.
After, she resists the urge to pace to burn off her own nervous energy, and settles into a chair facing the door, preparing herself to appear patiently expectant, calm and in control. It's more than a bit distasteful to her, all these little acting touches, things she would have scoffed at Finn for. There will be a fight. she reassures herself. Just need to get them to soften themselves up for us, first. It makes it all easier to bear.
Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'
CHARACTER SHEET HP: 52/52 AC:In Chain Mail, with/without Shield16 or 18 Spells: Fey-Touched: Charm: 1/Per Long Rest1 | Misty Step: 1/Per Long Rest1 Level 1: 4/4 Prepared: Alarm, Bless, Charm Person, Command, Compelled Duel, Detect Magic, Divine Favor Level 2: 1/2 Prepared: Locate Object, Misty Step, Moonbeam, Prayer of Healing, See Invisibility, Zone of Truth Lay on Hands: 30/Per Long Rest30 As an action, you can detect good and evil. Until the end of your next turn, you can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location of any celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft. that is not behind total cover.Divine Sense: 2/Per Long Rest5 Channel Divinity: 1/Per Short Rest1 You can use your Channel Divinity to invest your presence with the warding power of your faith. As an action, you can choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). For 1 minute, you and the chosen creatures have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.Watcher’s Will You can use your Channel Divinity to castigate unworldly beings. As an action, you present your holy symbol and each aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can take the Dodge action.Abjure the Extraplanar You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you’ve reached in this class: 3rd level, once; 7th level, twice; and 15th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Harness Divine Power Attuned: Shield of Missile Attraction DM Inspiration: Vorn is a horse-girlYES Heal Potions: 1, from Tumble Carrying: Drunkard’s map, 1x Nyssa's Can keep watch all long restWatchdogwood Petals, 1x Granny Peth's Beast Befriender's Fluid, Shield of Missile Attraction, +1 Springer Sword Pearl's calling card, Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 poison damage and must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, it is also poisoned. It can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns.Dragon gas bomb, Turtle Distractimal Ricardt, the Retainer: HP: 12/12 AC: 10 Hide+10 Maude, the Marsh Tacky: HP: 13/13 DC 16 Animal Handling check, once per dayLoyalty checks (here)1/3
If she were a real adept of Saliber, she would have a favorite candle instead of just any old stub jammed in a saucer. If she were a real adept of Saliber, she would slide out of bed carefully, one leg at a time, leaving a neat folded coverlet. She would slide her feet into proper slippers, instead of leaping out of bed and cantering off, one sock on her foot, one sock still buried in a twisted quilt. Bingle has good posture anyway, but as a Saliber adept she is longer, her head threatens to bobble on its more elegant neck, her arms feel floaty and detached, she is farther from the dark wood of the dock.
She moves with as much elegance as she can muster.
Gravitas is an uncomfortable robe, but she must become more grave, if she's going to become a powerful wizard, in a proper tower, with her own adepts. If she's going to be a warlock impressive enough to dazzle Glasya into advancing her instead of eating her, she must stop curling up under benches and chewing her knuckles and venerating cnady. To be serious, one need not be tall. Look at Tumble.
Tempest will come with her -- this is very welcome, as Bingle doesn't really want to stand on the dock alone or go on the monster ship alone. She waits as Tempest makes her water deal, and then the two of them move along the dock to wait for the Duskmaiden. When it's close, she will Minor Illusion a pretty white flag above her head, a sign she means no harm and wants no harm.
If the ship docks, she will indicate her desire to board, under this flag of parlay, and deliver her message, if possible, straight to Captain Cloaker himself. But before she does, while shouts are still being shouted to the dockmaster and ropes are being thrown ashore, she will whisper an urgent message to Garrick.
Hello to the former occupant of my head from the present inhabitant! A bit of humor. Because it's all fine. (It's not.) We are here as ghost hunters, boarding the ship to cleanse it from possession. You know whose possession we really intend to cleanse. Whisper, whisper, whisper, her eyes half-closed, as if in prayer. Hands folded, visible. Please play along when I try to exorcise you, but our real purpose is to foment mutiny and ride that violence to our advantage. Whisper, whisper, nod, nod. She inclines her head to Tempest. She inclines her head to heaven. Falco will be here soon. The person the ghost really cares about. And loves.
OOC: Didn't know how far to take it, or if the ship will arrive this round. Her intention is to be able to board the ship to deliver the written message, but inform Garrick of the plan while they're close but still docking. Initiative:
[B]Saving Throw: Move: Action:Minor Illusion: white flag. Message to Garrick. Reaction: Free Action: Concentrating: Harlan's Action:
Bingle Wildwander
Forest Gnome
Wizard 5, School of Transmutation. Warlock 1, Pact of the Fiend.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Falco, you have two drow with you, flanking you, as you go to the “inn.” Lilladreki laughs outright at your charming theatrics, startling the smoking drow at her feet and making the one by you bare his teeth, anxiously, and hustle you past.
You ask if she is a priestess or something else, and the drow by you says, Something else. Once out of earshot, he adds, She’s an explorer. She cares about knowing and seeing, the wonders of the worlds, and nothing else. He shudders. It’s good that she comes here between expeditions. No one steals us for slaves or drives us into the sea for fun and seldom do they beat us down to take our little nothings. This place is useful to many, but there are those that would destroy us anyway. She is why they do not. You got her attention. That’s – well, you have it. Don’t make her mad or upset her or — anything. Don’t anything her.
The one by Fela says, She is a god, with complete certainty and makes a strange but clearly devout shape with his hand. The other makes the same shape, but gives you eyebrows. He doesn’t think she is a god, you gather, but he isn’t going to say so. Not out loud.
Fela, of course mushrooms can be fermented. Some kinds, anyway. Didn’t Vorn give the siren some mushroom wine? But the drow only shrugs and looks shifty. TBF, everyone here looks shifty. At the same time, you have never seen anyone be happier about a blanket.
You pass through an open courtyard where Duargar sit in a tight trio around a small fire, looking shiftiest. They mutter to each other in strangely accented dwarfish and peer at you from under their bushy eyebrows.
Mercs, looking for a berth, the drow will tell you once you are inside the long room with its single, splintery table and ancient stools. He sets out a bowl of jerky that tastes like chewy dirt and two scant cups of unfermented Mushroom Moisture that tastes like liquid dirt. Mmm. Grainy. Duargar and Deep Gnome boats stop here, too. If you need sailors, there are five here for hire, but the Duargar...they likely to mutiny, first chance.
The other two mercs are male drow asleep on the bedrolls in the room behind. There is no door, but the drow pulls a ragged curtain across the opening. You set out candles, make it as nice as you can, say they are blessed.
The male drow looks at the doorway, and then both are bowing low as a husky female voice says, Elvish for "Get Out" as I think Fela speaks ElfLelya. They back into the curtained room, leaving you alone with Lilladreki, who lounges in the doorway, smoking. She narrows her eyes at the candles, and says to you, very curious, Blessed? You mean, you said a prayer to sunny whoever over them, or do they hold real magic? She is tall (for a drow), and very lithe. She moves like a dancer, leading with her hips, where a matched pair of long wicked daggers hang.
Falco, she turns to you and says,[b] What are you doing so deep down under all the photosynthesis, Nature's Chosen? No green here.[b]
Now she speaks to both of you. I like travelers. Tell me the wildest, stragest or most lovely or most perfect place or thing you ever saw?
PTWIDS AND FALCO can roll religion on the hand shape if they want to. If you roll above an 18, tell me in discord, and I will add what it means to this round before you answer.
Tempest, the drow will give you half your gold back for the water. You don’t have to strain yourself to see that he is being canny. He would give you all 50 gold back, and more besides (if he has anything else, that is), for your water. He has a small cask brought, and he is very reverent when he tastes it, so cool and pure. When you talk about the limes, his mouth floods so that it is hard for you to understand his whispered intel:
Captain Cloaker is a bag of ****. Everyone hates him. But he has a nose — well, no, He has no nose, per se. He has nostrils for rarities and treasures. No house has exterminated him because of his finds. Also because he is cautious and suspicious to a fault. Not surprising he found geodes. He is lucky and smart and a sadist, and I hate him. But as long as he keeps dredging up valuable things from remote places where the drow so seldom go, the Houses will send traders and not have him assassinated. As long as he pays to use our port, it’s good business to allow him. If you hand over the limes, he disappears them into a pocket.
Bingle, the siren is an actual cleric. You have seen how she goes swinging along barefoot with her holy symbol and her shield. You know how to do this, be very holy and tall. You follow a drow man over to the north dock and wait by the drow ship, and you can feel eyes on you. As the Dusk Maiden makes its way into the harbor and docks, you pretend to pray, pointing about with a subtle holy finger.
Ahoy, missy, the ghost answers you in your mind. JUST WORDS. No impolite pushing inwards for control. Maybe MISSY is not okay? But maybe it is okay because he is lod, lod, lod and also dead. Mutiny is fomenting already, and helping it along is savage-clever. I've been eavesdropping best I can behind these damnable chains. The drow first mate, Jiven Starkscream, will disembark to confirm the trade with the House, but be careful what you say. I am not sure wheree all the lines divide. I do know be careful what you say and even think in front of Squiggles, the deck wizard; he is in it deep with Jivens.
Sure enough, if the two of you wait a hot second, a couple of gray crusty dwarves put down a gangplank and Jiven disembarks. He is very small, hardly taller than Acolyte-Version Bingle, but his huge feathered hat makes him taller. He has a strut, too, like a banty rooster; it puts a swagger in his teeny postage stamp butt and cocks his Mick Jagger shoulders. He passes the drow taking your note up onto the ship and says, A dock full of religion. How quaint. But he is in a hurry and saunters up a gangplank that the other ship has lowered.
A few moments later, Captain Cloaker peers down at you, myopic and blinking. You can see he has many pompous questions and some disbelief, but the note! THE NOTE! It is credible because he knows there is a ghost aboard. He comes to the gangplank, and at his shoulder is a tall purple squid-headed thing.
His voice is weird -- high and fluting -- but his common is quite good as he says: [B]I understand you wish to trade a trade with me at the INN. [
/b] He drops an elaborate wink. Jiven is busy with drow business. You’re, uh, TRADE interests me, but a captain does not leave his ship. This is Squiggles, my deck wizard. He will go with you to the inn, to, uh, negotiate. Him and NOT ME. In case it is your plan to assassinate me. IS THAT YOUR PLAN? ARE OU ASSASSINS! As he asks the question, the Deck Wizard springs forward. Well, kinda. He is very old, you realize. He lurches in a creaky fast walk down the gangplank toward you.
Plaid put 25G in your inventory OR with your passive insight you know he would give a full refund if pressed, so no roll is needed to get 50 gold. Just RP how you press it out of him. The cask and the limes are all you have time for before the Dusk Maiden would be there, so if you want to try to shake him down for more than the 50, you need to come back to him.
cheerio, in the same way, you have time to ask the ghost ONE more question, 25 words or less, before you are in danger of having Dusk Maiden crew get perception checks to tell PRAY from MESSAGE
I think BOTH tempest and Bingle would know what a mind flayer IS. They feel FAMOUS to me, like dragons. But roll history to get a sense of how deep the understanding goes. 1, it is a brain eating monster from a spooky story---flavor it how you like.
ALSO tell me both their surface thoughts this round, JUST IN CASE, heh. You can read the spell here to understand how it works esp in terms of how questions change what you would think etc before you write your post.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Sep 9th, 2023 at 07:57 AM.
Falco had been in plenty o' unsavory places before, even if'n he weren't always allowed off ship. This place felt sketchier'n all those places. Mostly from th' lack o' stars but he weren't exactly wantin' fer reasons t' feel anxious as they walked th' meager streets. Here they was, a paladin an' druid, wizard an' cleric, seperated an' alone in th' dark plottin' t' steal back 'is ship with th' help o' a ghost, an' now he drew th' attention o' a revered an' powerful drow woman.
Sounded like she were an' adventurer o' sorts, this Lilladreki. Must be plenty o' adventure t' find down here. Th' thought were slightly terrifyin', without th' stars t' guide ye. They sat down t' wait at th' lone table in th' long room an' didn't have t' wait long. Falco were beginnin' t' understand why Cap'n seldom gave 'im shore leave th' second she walked through th' door. This could potentially complicate ever'thing.
Falco smiled up at th' drow woman loungin' in th' doorway, he'd got her attention. He patted 'is pocket, damn why did he leave 'is pipe with Banx! "I'ts true, I be outta me element an' very far from home. Haven't seen even a speck o' green, not once. Th' truth is, I followed th' stars an', when I had t' leave them, a map I got from a faerie in exchange fer a small piece o' meself t' find somethin' I thought I'd lost. That's paraphrasin' a bit there but th' true heart o' why I'm so far deep down below th' sun an' stars an' green things what feed off th' light."
He wondered if she would care that he intended t' see the cloaker captain killed. Surely she would know what ship he were after an' what that would mean. Falco couldn't help but notice th' blades at Lilladreki's hips, maybe she'd want t' help.
"I'm sure there be plenty o' wild wonders t' be experienced down here, but," Falco casually shrugged from 'is stool, "the wildest most strange place I've been up sun-side would be th' thick green-black fae swamps surroundin' Saltmarsh. They're full o' shadows an' things what slither or crawl. Th' paths change an' shift or disappear altogether. There be trees what eat men t' stuff their skin full o' seeds an' puppet 'em around. Tribes of lizardfolk, dryads, an' o' course fairies. Bramble 'n' her dreamsnakes held a market there. One bite an' ye dream true, same can be said o' her serpents."
Falco paused t' shoot her another wink, "O' course, let them an' had a vision o' things what hadn't yet transpired. I died there, briefly."
Drink Counter: 0/3
Saving Throws: Free Action: Religion: Less than 18 lol Move: Action: Reaction: Bonus Action: Condition: Cosmic Omen: Woex3 Concentrating:
Halfling︱Druid Falco Goldenbairn HP: 45/45 AC: 12 Spells: DC: 15 Level 1: [ ][ ][ ][ ] Level 2: [ ][ ][ ] Level 3: [ ][ ] Wild Shape: [ ][ ] Attuned: House's Whistle, Moon Sickle DM Inspiration: None Potions: 1 bottle of Granny Peth’s Nervous Drops, 1 2d4+2 HPPotion of Healing, 4 Potions of Alter Self (8 hours) Carrying for party: A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. The top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. The petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, but each day at dawn the petal blooms and can be used again. It doesn’t require attunement.Band of the Dryad ; One letter stamped with a stargazing rabbit; one paper with signal notes; 1,223 gold, 30 silver, and 6 copper; a Hag's purse, a red velvet rat-pouch; 1 chairfart; Pipe of Rememberence, House's Whistle, 1 green diamond worth about 300 gold, 1 red feather pendant, 1 temporary red feather tattoo (3 days), 1 Dragon Gas Bomb, Kreb's keyring, a small wooden box with a portable hole, a letter, a pair of Dimensional Shackles, 1 Good for use intown or swamp, single use on a monster or NPC targeted creature will follow the Distractimal away in the direction you specify for d6 rounds. This effect is broken if the creature is harmed by the party. Multiple creatures in a room may be targeted and will spend 1 round gathered around it questioning, allowing you to sneak past a doorway or cavern entrance with no stealth roll.Beetle Distractimal
Recipes known (Herbalism):
When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.Soothing Salve
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Potion of Healing
Red Amanita Mushroom
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Antitoxin
Rowan Berries
Ingredients carried: 2 Red Amanita Mushrooms
Herbalist advantage on the following checks:
* Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.Arcana
* When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.Investigation
* Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.Medicine
* You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.Nature and Survival
Tempest accepted the gold coins once she placed her palm on the cask and filled it with pure water with a whispered Elven prayer. She held open her colorful pouch for the dockmaster to drop the coins in, clinking into nothingness. Twenty-five. She had no need to count them, knowing he would be foolish to short change her radiant self. Her skeptical gaze drifted to his ash-gray face believing the pure water to be worth the full fifty; her eyes said it all, but her words were a bit different. "Is there a gem, something pretty, that would be worth the other half? Or a book? Even in Elven." The Siren wanted to help him along with creative choices. Her word was kept as she produced a pair of dull, almost olive green limes, skin softened with an X cut into the top. "A no-nose for treasure …because he can swim under the water to take a look, perhaps?"
Being who and what she was, Tempest believed she had a nose for treasure, understanding where ships would have sunk without Siren assistance, or where the ocean floor bumped upwards and awkwardly, squarely, attracting different patches of corals and tubeworms. Though she never hunted for artifacts or objects of magical importance, the Siren easily enjoyed finding simple skulls to set shiny gems into, or jars of fine writing ink. This Cloaker was surely overrated, in her opinion, possibly killing off his competition as well as his suffering crew.
Tempest walked after Bingle with her bare blue feet, knowing she belonged on the dock just as much as anyone else. If the leather-clad Captain of the fancy Drow ship did not appreciate her closing in on her territory by chance, they could fight it out. Or not. Clearly she was beneath her as she, herself, being a Siren, could command any ship she so desired. So THERE. And that was that. Standing next to Bingle-ish the Priestess-Acolyte, the Siren watched as the two dusty Dwarves left the ship. "It is difficult to offer a blessing of the wind billowing their sails and a cool rain to gather in their barrels." As Jiven the rooster with the feathered hat stepped by, Tempest ignored his strange comment. That HAT. The feathers. If she had one of the feathered boas, he would positively be able to fashion a collar with it, or hang it from his flagpole.
When Captain Cloaker peered down at them, Tempest tilted her head slightly to the side as she took in the strange Sting-ish-Ray-ish-shaped-kinda person he was. His hat was not as fancy, but she appreciated it none-the-less, not having one herself. Why was that? And then Captain Cloaker winked! WINKED. And he asked them if they were Assassins?! Well, he certainly was a suspicious fellow.
"I am a Siren, good sir! To take gold and a contract to kill someone is absolutely laughable." The Siren said with slight insult in her voice, taken aback by such a question. Her thinking, though, was more sincere. Because I can kill whomever I want, since it would be personal. As IF I would charge a fee or take a contract like a common surface thug. He certainly knows he's a bag of ***** and would rather live in fear than lighten up. His voice is exactly how a ray out of water would sound if it could talk and breathe air. I wonder if the Dwarves like him or want to throw him overboard. I wonder if they had to mine the rocks while underwater. How many perished? Maybe they want revenge, which would be helpful." Tempest thought after she spoke up to the Captain. At Squiggles' presence, knowing he's a mind flayer and never having met one before, the Siren offered a courteous inclination of her toward him in acknowledgement of his being a legendary 'creature' like herself. With Bingle's WINKING, she followed what she said with a return but delayed WiNK to Captain Cloaker. Was it a flattering-flirting Wink? Or a conspiring WINK? It was wink and a partial grin, because it seemed like the correct course of action.
"Greetings, Squiggles. I am Tempest, one of Aerdrie Faenya's faithful, here to guard and assist." "A real mind flayer. I hope he doesn't want to eat me. Or us. I'm …well, I'm not boring, and I'm certainly very interesting, but…wait. Is he listening to me? Can YOU HEAR THIS? Are you looking at me or her? HER? Bingle does look very regal with the hair so bright, and she looks so much more bright not wearing black. Have you EVER met a Siren before? He must have traveled so much and so far. I hope the Captain isn't sadistic to you, but I guess if he WAS, you'd eat him. Or would he taste BAD if he had very bad thoughts? Is he looking my way? Does he look happy? Do OCTOPI ever look happy? Or are they just curious? I wonder if Squiggles knows the Ghost. Do you know the Ghost? Are you listening? We're here to help you…ok, and ourselves. I hope we - they can work out an amiable deal with him and the First Mate."
Tempest's mind rambled like a minnow caught in a funnel. Was she scared? Partially, because here was a legend - a mythical being that was to be feared, that lurked in the shadows waiting to eat some unexpecting person's brains. But, in other stories they are highly intelligent - far more than she was - and very orderly, above the little Humans, Elves, and those of the surface-world. These were the beings that control the depths of the deepest, darkest Underdark place along with giant talking mushrooms. Explorers who escaped them have tall tales of how well traveled mind flayers are, possibly coming and going to different worlds, doing whatever they wanted in the name of knowledge gathering. They ruled without being rulers with crowns, in a hidden world of other mind flayers, where information and arcane artifacts were more important than magic. More important than magic! Yet they had a power all their own that could not be explained well. They wanted everything and everyone to make sense and they, allegedly, forced their order on others. Together, they were like a giant library. The stories they would know! Her fascination was evident as was a thread of concern and fear, backed by a touch of hope that he would work with them.
Though her mind wasn't exactly quiet or still, Tempest took Bingle's lead, focusing her attention back on the well-respected Gonme who she was going to protect if protecting needed to be done on this island. After all, even though this had elements of a ruse, she considered the 'Acolyte' a friend worthy of her trident. "That is a beautiful hat. The ghost has good taste, Captain."
Chaotic Good | Siren | Tempest Cleric of Aerdrie Faenya | Level 6
HP: 45/45 | AC (15) with Shield (17) Initiative: +1 | Darkvision | Acid Resistance
Weapons: +5 to Hit / Damage: 1d6+2 (1 handed or thrown) or 1d8+2 (2 handed)Trident +1 | +4 Attack / 1d4+1 DamageDagger | (3/3)+4 Attack / Damage: 1d6+1 Damage)Javelins
Spells: +3 Modifier | Spell Attack +6 | Save DC 14
Level 1 Left: 4/4 | Level 2 Left: 3/3 | Level 3 Left: 3/3 Cleric Spells Cast: Cantrips: Acid Splash, Mending, Spare the Dying, Toll the Dead, Word of Radiance
Divine Tempest Magic: When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 14 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success).Wrath of the Storm: Remaining: 3/3 (per Long Rest) | Channel Divinity, twice per short rest, 2/2 - Destroy Undead or Destructive Wrath. Divine Domain Feature: Thunderbolt Strike - At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you.
Siren Spells Once Per Long Rest: Create or Destroy Water (used), Water Walk |
Other Stuff/Notes:
Magic Items Prayer Beads: (1) Wind Walking, (1) Smiting, (2) Cure Wounds (2nd level) or Lesser Restoration, (1) Blessing Necklace of the Ithil’mírë (Locket): From Nithe Potions: Polymorph (1)
A lab jar of rat organs.
A glass container of mushrooms pickled in wine and spices.
Three smooth stones. A strange, fancy sling shot
Two small ornate bottles of potent mushroom wine.
A pewter hinged ring box lined in black velvet holding a selection of loose humanoid teeth
A vial of ointment with a handwritten label that says: Mushroom powder and saffron in lard.
Turn Summary Initiative: Move: To the Inn Reaction: Action: Take the 25 gold and hand over the 2 limes and water. Insight on Squiggles (Is he going to eat my brain?! Is he listening to me? Eek) roll of 21. Bonus Action: Conditions: Concentrating: Object Interaction: Other: Mind Flayer History roll of 17.
Posting: Better! "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG
Last edited by PlaidPeregrine; Sep 9th, 2023 at 05:17 PM.
Lilladreki's questioning would have needled Fela in all her insecure parts in the best of times, but waiting for captain cloaker, trying to pull off this mostly-deception, it sinks in extra deep. Maybe she's just open, curious. But the other drow's attitude toward her, the "god" bit and flashed hand-signals make it seem not likely. And anyway Fela's too busy worrying about how she's coming across to read it that way -- it must be a dig. Being busy worrying about what everyone thinks, she has an impulse to cover up her indignation. How would an exorcist respond to this? But it's only mostly-deception. She is a paladin, there is a ghost, they would like to free it from the ship so its soul could travel on...there's just some other stuff mixed up in there, too. So she just replies as Fela. But in her stiff, formal, school-and-formal-events elven, which has the benefit of keeping her tone cool, even with the heated anger inside her.
"These are just blessed. But Saliber's power is strong with me" reaching down to touch her consciously displayed amulet, and sparking a small flash of light out of itdivine sense, mostly for show, but curious if any of this 'god' business would register. Having established that she speaks elvish, she switches back to common. "And you -- have you just conned these weak creatures into thinking you're a god, or have you some real power?"
And then her question -- did Fela read her wrong? Is she just curious? Or is this just a test...
"Wild, strange; lovely, perfect -- all in the eyes of the beholder, no? This tiny island in the middle of a sunless sea, the whirlpool 'ant-trap' we came down to get here are among the wildest and strangest to me, but are presumably ordinary to you? And the view from the griffon tower at noon, the white-washed buildings nearly as brilliant in the sun as the flashes of light off the sea, the stained glass of the temple afire -- perfect and lovely, but ordinary to me" or was once -- how she misses home, describing it like that! "but foreign and painful to your eyes. They said you're an explorer yourself -- have you been to the surface, to other planes?"
If it were a test, she doesn't like her chances -- she's been too brittle and defensive, leaping to defend against every perceived slight like a novice fencer chasing after every feint. Not like the self-certainty she has when she's holding a blade, or the way Lilladreki is moving, comfortable in her body, not thrown by these weird strangers, relaxed and smoking. Hmm, smoking.
"Excuse my forwardness -- but what are you smoking, and have you any spare? I don't partake myself, but -- but we've sent to meet with this cloaker captain, to exorcise the ghost on his ship, and don't know the social rituals here, to put him at ease...Falco here is a smoker " she looks questioning, apologetically at him "and it might make things run smoother if they could share a puff or two. If cloakers even smoke..."
Used a Divine Sense.
Dice insight on Lilladreki, particularly what she thinks of us:
Total = 4
Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'
CHARACTER SHEET HP: 52/52 AC:In Chain Mail, with/without Shield16 or 18 Spells: Fey-Touched: Charm: 1/Per Long Rest1 | Misty Step: 1/Per Long Rest1 Level 1: 4/4 Prepared: Alarm, Bless, Charm Person, Command, Compelled Duel, Detect Magic, Divine Favor Level 2: 1/2 Prepared: Locate Object, Misty Step, Moonbeam, Prayer of Healing, See Invisibility, Zone of Truth Lay on Hands: 30/Per Long Rest30 As an action, you can detect good and evil. Until the end of your next turn, you can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location of any celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft. that is not behind total cover.Divine Sense: 1/Per Long Rest5 Channel Divinity: 1/Per Short Rest1 You can use your Channel Divinity to invest your presence with the warding power of your faith. As an action, you can choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). For 1 minute, you and the chosen creatures have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.Watcher’s Will You can use your Channel Divinity to castigate unworldly beings. As an action, you present your holy symbol and each aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can take the Dodge action.Abjure the Extraplanar You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you’ve reached in this class: 3rd level, once; 7th level, twice; and 15th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Harness Divine Power Attuned: Shield of Missile Attraction DM Inspiration: Vorn is a horse-girlYES Heal Potions: 1, from Tumble Carrying: Drunkard’s map, 1x Nyssa's Can keep watch all long restWatchdogwood Petals, 1x Granny Peth's Beast Befriender's Fluid, Shield of Missile Attraction, +1 Springer Sword Pearl's calling card, Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 poison damage and must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, it is also poisoned. It can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns.Dragon gas bomb, Turtle Distractimal Ricardt, the Retainer: HP: 12/12 AC: 10 Hide+10 Maude, the Marsh Tacky: HP: 13/13 DC 16 Animal Handling check, once per dayLoyalty checks (here)1/3
Squiggles is in it deep with Jivens. The right head doesn't know what the left head is doing. Jivens is a mutineer, but Squiggles is trusted by the captain to respond to her message and meet with the "ghost hunters" at the inn. Watch what you say. Watch what you think. She thinks that she should watch what she thinks. She does not think about elephants. That's for sure. Garrick doesn't know where the lines divide. But there are lines. Find them. She uses her last few seconds to Message to Garrick: When I cue you, release chaos!
She drops an elaborate wink to the captain. She nudges Tempest to drop an elaborate wink. They drop elaborate winks. Or rather, they hurl elaborate winks up at the railing, where the cloaker is leaning and hurling down winks at them. Wink wink. WINK.
"Very well, Captain," she says. "I'm glad you have accepted our trade. How silly of me to think you would leave your ship when it is so comfortable for you here, Captain Cloaker. The spirit of a ship is its captain, after all. We won't want the spirit of the ship--" WINK WINK "--to get lonely with you gone."
She message to Garrick, out loud: "You unwind, just let go," and then to Cloaker, "Relax, let your minions do your business. Oh minion! Minion!" She snaps her fingers and casts Unseen Servant just behind the Captain, immediately causing the invisible creature to snatch his hat and run away with it. She has, to be honest, been eyeing that hat ever since he put it into her view. Watch what you think. I want that hat! "Oh my, do you have someone to fetch your hat for you? Or would you like me to come aboard and retrieve it? I do think it would be better if I came on board. I'm very good with recalcitrant hats."
She's hoping Garrick is causing a ruckus. She's hoping the Captain is disconcerted by the escaping hat. She moves toward the gangplank as if to board the ship.
OOC: My goal here is to nudge him toward going to the meeting with Fela and Falco, interpreting Garrick's ruckus and Bingle's hints and the Unseen Servant's hat-stealing as the vengeful spirit kicking up, and allow her to board the ship while he goes.
She would obviously be winking, playing along that the ghost can hear everything and not worrying about spilling the ghost-hunting "secret" in front of the crew, because it's not the real secret.
About the Detect Thoughts: I don't know how she could mask that she's secretly messaging to Garrick, even though he warned her to guard her thoughts. She was messaging when the ship came up -- so it's going to be in her mind already. Initiative: Saving Throw: Move: Action: History check on Mindflayers:
Dice Roll:
Total = 13
Cast Unseen Servant. Cast Message to Garrick. Bonus Action: Instruct the Unseen Servant to steal his hat and run around with it. Reaction: Free Action: Concentrating: Harlan's Action:
Bingle Wildwander
Forest Gnome
Wizard 5, School of Transmutation. Warlock 1, Pact of the Fiend.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Last edited by lostcheerio; Sep 9th, 2023 at 04:07 PM.
Your heart’s desire. Sunk deep down under your world, and you follow a star chart to a place without stars. I like it - since what you came for is clearly not this patch of rock. A ship, yes? Your blood smells of salt, she says to you, Falco. Take your ship. Hells, soak it in blood and oil and burn it; I’ll toast marshmallows in the embers. You want some hats made out of Duargar? There’s some scuttling out of the courtyard even as we speak. Skin them and get sewing.
But mind the collateral damage, eh, death-taster, or you will find a feast. I am not one to interfere - as long as me and mine are unbothered. Her words are mild and calm, her meaning very clear; you can do what you want to ships and sailors and mercs, right up until you disturb pebble or pinky toe of this village, these drow. Then she will get involved. And you won’t like it.
You notice two things. First, of all the drow you have met, starting with Vorn, she is the first one to understand that this is your operation. She talks to you, not Fela, first, directly, and you gather you are the one she holds responsible for the safety of —what? These shacks, those thin sad drow, this hunk of concreted-over land?
Yes. Second, the Inn has cleared out, even the courtyard. The drow have woken up the sleeping mercs and slipped out the back. The whole building is empty except for the three of you.
Fela, she grins wide when you question her power. **** around and find out, that grin says. Is she fronting? You can’t tell. She says, Nothing either of you describe is ordinary to me. This place is not ordinary to me. Do you think my drow here fools? I do. But I find them to be valiant fools.
When you speak of the beauty of Templetome, she is rapt. I would like to see that. I want to see everything. Yes. I’ve plane-traveled, but not much. It’s hard for your kind to tell about my kind, but I am very young. I’ve not been to the ‘wild. I’ve burrowed around in the elemental plane of Earth. and took over a wizard-bubble. He'd made it long and thin, trying for tower. She rolls her eyes, like, Wizards.He had bad manners. He tasted like Weave.
At your ask, she raises an eyebrow, but then shrugs and opens a hard leather case and extracts another thin dark cigarillo, and she rolls it down the table to you. She says, This is from the hells, and who knows when I’ll be back there. So. Now you give me something. From Up. I have not been Up. Yet.
Then she rolls on her shoulder in the doorway, away from you, to look across the courtyard toward the harbor. She makes a face like she has tasted something sour. Ugh. They are sending a mindflayer. I’ve been traveling the Lowerdark, which is under here, if you can imagine an under to your under. It is full of those slime-cream mind-reading ****s. With a hold full of Geodes, it’s hobbled, but if I wasn’t me, I’d mind my musings.
Party, She saunters down the length of the room, pausing to collect anything either of you choose to give her.
Tempest, You wanted to bargain further with the lead ragged drow, who surely must be hiding some something that you can squeeze out of him for water. But the Dusk Maiden has docked and (As per the last DM post’s OOC)if you had stayed to negotiate, Bingle would have gone on alone. You will have to take it up with him later. He pocketed the limes, eyeing the small cask of fresh water, then looked to Nilfil, swinging gently in his net. Nilfil cocked a brow in lieu of a wave, and the drow swallowed, anxious at this sight.
Now, Captain Cloaker’s eyes light when you say you are a siren; he looks to Squiggles, who nods, once, short. Is the Mindflayer probing at your mind? If he is, he is staying on the surface, and you release a veritable flood of mind babble, perhaps hoping to confuse him. He apparently has gathered that you truly are a siren, but did he glean much more? Uncertain. You do not feel him pressing further in.
A Siren, Cloaker says, thoughtful.
Bingle, you think inexorably of elephants, against your will. You think you want on board. You think instructions to Falco’s dead friend. You want to go on and make the captain come off and you can't think about this but you think it, and also of elephants.
You burst into a frenzy of activity, hurling cantrips and spells that manifest as servants and hurl hats. You hustle toward the gangplank. Squiggles is coming down it. He gives you significant eye gleams out of his sagging orange peepers. WHAT DOES HE SEE KNOW HEAR?
On the boat, the doors to the captain's cabin bang and clang. The chains rattle. The hat swoops along the deck, brisk and swoopy. Captain Cloaker says very foul cusses. Squiggles gets to the dock.
GO. UP. he says to you and Tempest. His voice is deep and resonant and creaky and very dramatic. He is just saying to go up a ding dang GANGPLANK. Not ascend to heaven. Does he need that much reverb? At the top of the gangplank appears a Gelatinous Cube. In another hat. Maybe monsters on ships love to have them as it makes them be more officially sailors? The hat is melted, a little, and sinking into the top of the cube.
It wobbles the hat at you, proudly, as if to say COME UP, but less dramatically.
Squiggles, a known mutineer, passes by you and heads toward the Inn, alone. His tentacles look like so many thin bruised old gross trunks of an eleph---dang it. They droop and wrinkle. He is lod. SO many lod things bothering you recently. It might be nice to be with a young person and be young and eat cnady, but this is not your fate today. Jiven, another known mutineer, is on the other ship. On deck, you see Duergar hauling huge boulders up from the hold.
Whose side is the Cube on? You see a lizard, swabbing near the bow. Whose side is she on? You do not see the ettin. If you step onto the gangplank, you will see a Kua Toa, though, swimming in the water just beside the ship.
Squiggles heads for the inn at a lod cerep to meet with the Emerald Dawn, negotiating an exorcism for the captain you know he has every intention of betraying.
Tempest, the Captain watches his hat sail off and his nostrils flare and shiver. Nostril winking? He has to physically work to stop himself from leaping after his hat, which would be undignified. So he does not. He snaps his fingerlike appendages, and a couple of Duergar leap and snap at the hat.
Siren, the captain says to you, A siren! Just the thing we’re needing. Monster! Come and sail with monsters! On this ship, all the officers are monsters, unless you count Jiven, and I promise, he is all monster at heart. You could be appreciated here. We need a new Bosun, as the last one went into the captain's cabin before -- well nevermind. NEVER! MIND! We need a deck wizard. Squiggles, our Quartermaster has to Deck Wizard as well, as our last drowned. You would never drown. Only a monster can do this job! Non-monsters have to be crew or food or sacrifices to the god of Loog-Loog.
He indicates the Kua Toa, who is clambering back aboard, dripping.
He is talking very very loud over the banging doors as if he doesn’t notice the terrible ghost. Obviously he notices. A Duergar tug-o-wars the unseen servant for the hat, eyes very wide, and he pretends not to notice this either. But he winks again, so you know he notices. In the lie you are playing out, you can’t talk about the ghost in front of the ghost, so maybe the job offer is like a wink? Fake. He clearly wants the ghost off his ship.
But no. He means it, you see. He is offering to let you join his monster ship and sail the starless sea.
OOC Ptwids and goons, you have a choice to make together! You can stay in the scene with Lilladreki, but if you do, please limit the interaction to what you could reasonably do in 2 - 3 minutes, as the Mindflayer IS walking over and she doesn't intend to be in the room when he arrives. Or, you can let her go and tell me what you do or say as this ancient Illithid appears, primed by Bingle’s note.
cheerio and Plaid, you can go up. Roll me some perceptions or if you interact, you can do insights to try to figure out who is on what side.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Oct 27th, 2023 at 10:32 AM.
Lilladreki doesn't back down to Fela's challenging attitude, but she doesn't escalate -- as far as Fela can tell, she is just a curious explorer. And follows it up with actually giving her a cigarette! Lilladreki just mostly confuses Fela. The claim the cigarillo was from hell, the bit about eating a wizard -- in one respect, she's living up to all the stereotypes about drow. But her marvel at travel, her protectiveness of her island...she seems so innocent in other ways.
"Something from Up -- here." Taking out the last of Nyssa's petals. "It's a flower petal -- they're everywhere on the surface, at least during spring, the first part of summer. This one in particular was a gift from a Dryad, so it's a bit magical -- can use it once to let you stay up all night and still...oh. You don't have night down here, and Elves don't sleep...maybe it will still feel nice to use, or you can just keep it to look at? And we have no interest in your island...everything we want is on that ship."
The news that it's a Mindflayer coming to meet them and not the captain is less welcome. They were covered in her training -- 17 on the history checkshe didn't remember everything from the lessons, but they liked minds. Reading them, eating them, and, uh, flaying them.
Plotting quickly with Falco after the drow leaves "No time to plan something else out Keep as close to the truth as possible with this one, and your mind, uh, busy?" Fela places her hands around her amulet, murmuring a simple prayer to Saliber over and over, as a mantra eyes half closed. "Light my path, warm my heart, there are no shadows in your noon. Light my path, warm my heart, there are no shadows in your noon."
"Oh." Her voice drips with disappointment when Squiggles enters and she stops her chanting. "We asked for the captain? We understood he was a cloaker...but I suppose if he's chosen to send you, you must be trustworthy. Fela Markwig, paladin of Saliber. And you are? Your captain is in great danger -- the ghost aboard the ship aims to foment mutiny, but we're here to send it on to the next world. Do you smoke?" Fela lights the cigarillo from one of her candles, then proffers it up, between Falco and the mindflayer. "I don't myself, but I understand it's proper etiquette for meetings here, a sign of trust and before a deal is made? So perhaps you two could share while Falco explains the rest? Well, someone take it -- I need to get back to my prayers in preparation for the exorcism!"
As soon as someone takes the lit cigarillo she clasps her hands around the amulet again and resumes her prayers, whispering them now so still to be able to hear the conversation, but hoping it keeps her mind busy enough to hide the rest from the Mindflayer. Some monks spent days repeating this, focusing on each word, and though she'd always found it boring and less than pointless -- how could you fight when your legs were stiff from meditating! -- she was concentrating as hard as she ever had on the words. Any port in a storm. She'd been magically frightened and charmed enough recently to know she didn't want anyone else messing with her head.
Gave last of Nyssa's Watchdogwood petals to Lilladreki, took the cigarillo.
Offers the Cigarillo to
Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'
CHARACTER SHEET HP: 52/52 AC:In Chain Mail, with/without Shield16 or 18 Spells: Fey-Touched: Charm: 1/Per Long Rest1 | Misty Step: 1/Per Long Rest1 Level 1: 4/4 Prepared: Alarm, Bless, Charm Person, Command, Compelled Duel, Detect Magic, Divine Favor Level 2: 1/2 Prepared: Locate Object, Misty Step, Moonbeam, Prayer of Healing, See Invisibility, Zone of Truth Lay on Hands: 30/Per Long Rest30 As an action, you can detect good and evil. Until the end of your next turn, you can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location of any celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft. that is not behind total cover.Divine Sense: 1/Per Long Rest5 Channel Divinity: 1/Per Short Rest1 You can use your Channel Divinity to invest your presence with the warding power of your faith. As an action, you can choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). For 1 minute, you and the chosen creatures have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.Watcher’s Will You can use your Channel Divinity to castigate unworldly beings. As an action, you present your holy symbol and each aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can take the Dodge action.Abjure the Extraplanar You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you’ve reached in this class: 3rd level, once; 7th level, twice; and 15th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Harness Divine Power Attuned: Shield of Missile Attraction DM Inspiration: Vorn is a horse-girlYES Heal Potions: 1, from Tumble Carrying: Drunkard’s map, 1x Nyssa's Can keep watch all long restWatchdogwood Petals, 1x Granny Peth's Beast Befriender's Fluid, Shield of Missile Attraction, +1 Springer Sword Pearl's calling card, Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 poison damage and must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, it is also poisoned. It can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns.Dragon gas bomb, Turtle Distractimal Ricardt, the Retainer: HP: 12/12 AC: 10 Hide+10 Maude, the Marsh Tacky: HP: 13/13 DC 16 Animal Handling check, once per dayLoyalty checks (here)1/3
Last edited by ptwiddle; Sep 15th, 2023 at 05:41 PM.
From their first interaction, Falco knew he'd get along jus' fine with Lillidreki. Even if she scared him a bit like Bramble and other apex predators. He met her eyes an' nodded, "Any place where someone might carve themselves out a slice o' freedom is t' be respected. I'll make it as quick an' clean as I can. Afterwards, If'n ye still want t' talk 'bout Up well, that's where we be headin' next." He reached into 'is pack produced a small bottle with a dropper, then placed it on the rough table. "Also from our domain, and Hag made. She's dead now, so. Granny Peth's Nervous Drops. A drop of this tincture under the tongue will keep a person real fuzzy an' calm. Hells, I should be feedin' this t' that other crew. It's yours, fer yer understandin' an' hospitality."
Now, Falco didn't know too much about mind flayers, save what anyone who'd ever sat 'round a fire with an' old storyteller already knew. They looked creepy and were bad news. He nodded at Fela, "Aye, simple an' clos e t' th' truth. We want t' help get Garrick out an' be on our way." He smiled like a fox an' tried t' still 'is mind but they were so close now, th' Dusk Maiden were here.
Soon, he were watchin' th' mind flayer step into th' room. He looked somehow less intimidating than th' stories and, so much older. Maybe. Certainly weird looking, Falco thought. He watched and Insight: lucky 13tried to get a read on th' strange being, where might his loyalties lie? He thought about releasin' th' silver chains an' openin' th' doors t' free Garrick so he might finally rest with Kieran. He tried t' think about Lillidreki an' what it might be like t' sail with her t' keep 'imself from thinkin' about takin' th' form o' stars an' lightin' up th' Dusk Maiden or changin' into somethin' hungry an' clearin' her deck that way. Hells, he tried not t' think 'bout th' Dusk Maiden at all. Ghosts. Ghosts ghosts ghosts to help along their way.
When th' cigarillo were sendin' a tendril o' smoke up t' th' ceilin', Falco raised an' eyebrow an' tilted 'is chin t' th' mind flayer indicatin' that he'd take it if'n Squiggles didn't. "She speaks true, a paladin can't lie." O' course, anyone could lie but you can't dwell on that. "Me name's Falco, o' th' Emerald Enclave. We've been followin' that ghost along a trail o' ghost ships. He were a mutineer in life, sold out by 'is co-conspirators an' summarily, yet brutally, executed. He were so full o' hate fer 'is captain when he died that he remained as a vengeful shade. Killin' any an' every captain he came across."
"This'll be th' 13th crew he's attached to." Falco shrugged, "Now, we don't care what ye be doin' down here or why. We don't care how ye came upon th' vessel our ghost be hauntin' either," he lied. "We jus' want t' get th' ghost out an' send 'im on t' whatever be waitin' beyond th' veil. Ye look like ye know a thing or two 'bout th' weave, would ye care t' help out?" He thought a'bout th' crew killin' th' cloaker captain.
Saving Throws: Free Action: Insight on Squiggles, where does his allegiance lie: 13 Move: Action: Offer the nervous drops to Lillidreki as tribute Reaction: Bonus Action: Condition: Cosmic Omen: Woex3 Concentrating:
Halfling︱Druid Falco Goldenbairn HP: 45/45 AC: 12 Spells: DC: 15 Level 1: [ ][ ][ ][ ] Level 2: [ ][ ][ ] Level 3: [ ][ ] Wild Shape: [ ][ ] Attuned: House's Whistle, Moon Sickle DM Inspiration: None Potions: 1 bottle of Granny Peth’s Nervous Drops, 1 2d4+2 HPPotion of Healing, 4 Potions of Alter Self (8 hours) Carrying for party: A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. The top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. The petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, but each day at dawn the petal blooms and can be used again. It doesn’t require attunement.Band of the Dryad ; One letter stamped with a stargazing rabbit; one paper with signal notes; 1,223 gold, 30 silver, and 6 copper; a Hag's purse, a red velvet rat-pouch; 1 chairfart; Pipe of Rememberence, House's Whistle, 1 green diamond worth about 300 gold, 1 red feather pendant, 1 temporary red feather tattoo (3 days), 1 Dragon Gas Bomb, Kreb's keyring, a small wooden box with a portable hole, a letter, a pair of Dimensional Shackles, 1 Good for use intown or swamp, single use on a monster or NPC targeted creature will follow the Distractimal away in the direction you specify for d6 rounds. This effect is broken if the creature is harmed by the party. Multiple creatures in a room may be targeted and will spend 1 round gathered around it questioning, allowing you to sneak past a doorway or cavern entrance with no stealth roll.Beetle Distractimal
Recipes known (Herbalism):
When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.Soothing Salve
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Potion of Healing
Red Amanita Mushroom
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Antitoxin
Rowan Berries
Ingredients carried: 2 Red Amanita Mushrooms
Herbalist advantage on the following checks:
* Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.Arcana
* When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.Investigation
* Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.Medicine
* You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.Nature and Survival