Information Hog's Emporium (Coinage, Equipment, and Price Estimates) - RPG Crossing
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Old May 31st, 2023, 04:43 PM
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Hog's Emporium (Coinage, Equipment, and Price Estimates)

Hog's Emporium
Middleside, Marketgate
Hog’s Emporium has the reputation for selling the finest traveling gear in the city. Tents, bedrolls, camping paraphernalia, rations, rope, iron spikes, ladders, lanterns, sacks, casks, waterskins, and the like can be found on the shop’s hooks, counters, shelves, and stands. Essentially a hardware store, it caters for those who enjoy or are employed in outdoor pursuits, so rangers, caravan guards, gloombuggers, and seamen are common customers as well as adventurers and explorers. The owner, Hog Brandimede is half human and half wart goblin, although almost everyone thinks he is simply a small and ugly human with a huge nose. He keeps a relatively tame short-horned ratdog as a guard dog. The ratdog is fiercely loyal to Hog, who hand-reared the creature from a small pup, after finding it in a ditch on the outskirts of Midden Ward. The ratdog no longer craves decaying flesh and instead has an almost insatiable appetite for parsnips — and exposed ankles.

Consider the tables below a guideline, rather than an actual rule. Some cityfolk are just ornery like that.
CoinageUnlike most d20 games you might be familiar with (even regular 13th Age games), we are working with an electrum-based coinage system in the Midderlands. Anywhere that the 13th Age books/SRD count something as 1 gold piece, read that as 1 electrum piece. Tables have been reworked below for everyone's sanity.

In the Midderlands, one platinum piece (pp) equals 5 gold pieces. One gold piece (gp) equals 2 electrum pieces. One electrum piece (ep) equals 10 silver pieces. One silver piece (sp) equals 10 copper pieces (cp). These coins are colloquially referred to as platinum fivers (for the five-gold ratio), gold quid (yes, we're very British for this game), electrum halfquid ("haff-quid"), silver shillings ("shillin's"), and copper halfpennies ("hayp'nees").

All coins may be ignored for a barter system, especially outside the cities, and I quote: "Note that a dirty, pox-ridden villager from Blackwych might value a Waterhorton turnip above his hefty wife and three groats" (The Midderlands, page 17).

Equipment Price GuideCharacters start with armor, weapons, and standard traveling gear; prices are included for reference. You can find arms and armor in Marketgate as well as in Bileward, but many go straight to the source smithy rather than some middleman only interested in jacking up the price for a bit more profit for themself.




smithys and wart-goblin-run businesses
Weapons and ArmorAssume all weapon and armor prices are for average quality arms and armor. Also assume you can design your own weapon and pay ridiculous sums of coin for it. A "deal" on a dagger might see it sold for less than 1 ep, but it's anyone's bet whether the blade will hold the first time it strikes a rib.




food and lodging
Food and Lodging in Great LundenFood and lodging in Great Lunden will depend entirely on where you are. Quality will vary by ward (roughly) and vendor. (N.B. At some point, food and lodging may be offered by PCs! Their price lists will likely echo the suggestions below, but they are entitled to sell what they want, to whomever they want, however they want.)




Last edited by Aethera; Jun 1st, 2023 at 02:45 PM.
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