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Old Jul 12th, 2023, 11:53 AM
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As he heard his name, Merris turned, smiling brightly at the second familiar face he'd seen now.

"Ah, Khrysa! Isn't this a day for coincidences!" He gave her a polite nod. "Yes, I heard about all the jobs drying up for the day. Figured if I waited around a bit, something interesting would come along." Merris looked around at the scene unfolded before him, grinning. "I was not disappointed."

Taking a sip from his cup, Merris pivoted toward Melody, squatting down in place to try and make himself smaller and bring himself closer to her as she addressed them all. The mausling seemingly thought them a assembled party; an easy mistake to make, considering at least three of them knew one another, possibly more. Lowering his cup, Merris shook his head.

"Just fine acquaintances I'm afraid, not traveling companions. Well, not YET anyway." Merris glanced up at the others, shrugging. "But I'd certainly love to join whatever the rest of you have going on, if there's room for one more. Why don't we sit down and discuss it? I've got a table on the balcony and some tea that I'd hate to waste." He beamed back down at Sister Melody, noticing she seemed to have remained behind while her companions kept moving. "Sister Melody, was it? You're welcome to join too. I've never known a mausling to be unprepared, but in the event you don't have a cup your size, I'm sure we can improvise."

Straightening up, the firbolg addressed the entire group.

"I'm Merris, by the way. I'm a tea brewer from Wrenhollow."
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Old Jul 12th, 2023, 02:06 PM
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RahatSuddenly it seemed that the spectacle Rahat had gotten herself embroiled in was attracting more than mere spectators. In fact, the other people who Rahat had met in her travels were coming over to check on things, and of course they remembered her name, because that was a thing normal people were quite capable of. "Hiiiiiiii...again," Rahat said in response to the firbolg who she definitely remembered (aside from the name), but had not noticed until now. "I didn't expect to run into you here! It is a first in the sense that I have never met a slimefolk before, but it is not a first in the sense that I have removed swallowed objects in the past. Such as the time I had to cut open—" She caught herself in time to avoid sharing any gory details. "Anyway, this was a much faster and more painless process, for certain."

Thankfully at about that time, the potwatch from Drakkator came over and introduced herself, taking some of the attention off Rahat and reminding her of her name. Khrysa. Khrysa. Khrysa is from DraKKator, she rehearsed mentally, trying to link the sounds in her head to remember better. Even better, Khrysa recognized the firbolg and used his name out loud. "Right! Merris!" Shoot, I just said that out loud. "Erm, so I gather you came here looking for work as well, then." It was a useless addition to the conversation and did nothing to disguise the fact that Rahat had been unable to remember Merris's name. MerriSS SSteeps. MerriSS SSteeps.

Sister Melody's voice cut through Rahat's attempts to rehearse her friends' names. "Hm?" She turned her attention back to the mausling. "Yes, 'Miss' is appropriate seeing as I am unmarried and also a woman, though 'Rahat' is fine." Given that Melody seems prone to exaggeration and hyperbole, Rahat doesn't really credit her claim to being influential, but then, Rahat doesn't know anyone else who would even claim such a thing, so she decided to try taking her at her word. "You are not in debt to me over such a simple matter, but I must admit that I have been having difficulty finding work. If your influence could open the way to such, I am not too proud to accept a helping hand."
"There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men." —George Eliot, Middlemarch
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Old Jul 13th, 2023, 05:27 PM
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"Popular, aren't you?" Langtree said to Khrysa with her eyebrows raised. It seemed she had met both Rahat and the Firbolg newcomer, Merris, previously. Perhaps it was to be expected, as Langtree recalled she was the owner... or perhaps worked at?... a popular restaurant. The details were a tad fuzzy, but she did remember in fine detail the bisque she'd eaten there.

"So far we've only just decided to head to the tavern nearby," Langtree explained, gesturing to herself and Rahat. "But if there's brewed tea somewhere, I'd have a cup before anything else." She sniffed the air as if she could find the beverage by smell alone. She would have offered her hand to shake, but she was standing on one side of Goop and Merris on the other, and she thought it might be rude to stick her arm back through the slimefolk.

"Langtree, by the way,"
she added, giving a short wave. "Notary for the Bureau of Ethical Revivification, out of Soulstice."
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Last edited by morgantha; Jul 13th, 2023 at 05:28 PM.
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Old Jul 14th, 2023, 06:12 AM
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Khrysa swiveled her head between all those gathered around, becoming more aware of the slightly chaotic nature of the social situation she'd joined. Her natural energy and customer service experience was enough to prevent her from being overwhelmed, but things certainly reminded her of the busiest days at the inn.

"Popular, aren't you?"

"Oh haha, not really! I've just met a lot of people and like talking!" Khrysa grinned with a bit of a blush. "Good to meet you all again! Or for the first time!" she cheerily waved at everyone present. She particularly picked up on the information she hadn't known already.

"Langtree, by the way. Notary for the Bureau of Ethical Revivification, out of Soulstice."

"Ahh, good to get your name finally! Revi-...revo...uh, that's like, undead-ing, right?" Hotel guests from Soulstice were somewhat rare, so Khrysa wasn't too familiar with the land. In fact, it had likely been her curiosity about the region that had sparked her first conversation with Langtree, if she remembered correctly.

"And nice to meet you too, Sister Melody!" she leaned down toward the mausling. "Does your culture have some traditional greeting as well? Oh, or is it the same as Goop's?"

Khrysa rode the flow of the conversation, speaking up as the group discussed possibly going some place to sit down. "Oh, I'd love to join you, but I don't think I can at the moment. I promised the assessor that I would help with something...uh, not a quest, just delivering a lunch order!" she clarified, while also reminding herself to glance back at the door occasionally lest she get too caught up in chatting. "Actually, it might be at that tavern you wanted to go to?"
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Old Jul 14th, 2023, 01:41 PM
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"Oh, are we all leaving together then?" Goop asks, assuming to herself that she is included and invited. "A tavern sounds lovely. I haven't been to any here in this town yet. You can get food and drinks there, yes?"

OOCI wanna come!
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Old Jul 17th, 2023, 05:04 PM
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Prelude: How the Cookie Crumbles
Date: 11th Day of The second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After UnificationA.U.Time: ~ 10:00 AMMid-MorningWeather: Fair / 68° FLocale (Environ): Tradewinds, Rouge (Town Center)🎼
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Khrysa checks once again to see if the Critique Assessor had returned, but there was still no sign of her, and judging from all the activity she could spot happening in the back room of the building, it was hardly surprising.

Melody looks surprised, actually, at Rahat's question. "You need a job? Well, I think you're a mite bit too big to fit in our tunnels, but certainly you could become a merchant if'n its what you were interested in! You certainly have the right build for it!" She pats her mouse-y thighs to accentuate her claim. "Or, ah, you meant you needed an adventuring job. Sorry to say, but we've only just arrived, same as you, so I haven't anything myself, nor do the others of my band. If something does come up, though, I'll make sure your Info: A 'guild' is a term usually used to describe a crew, band, party or congregation of adventurers who work for and are certified by the Critique. Guilds require at least 2 members to form, and at least one of those members must be pre-certified as an adventurer to official found it.guild's name is first on the list. Ah, er...what was your guild again?"

At Merris' invitation, Merris: As someone who is from Wrenhollow where mauslings originate and are most active, Merris would know that they usually travel in small caravans called 'bands'. These bands might be familial in blood, but are certainly familial in nature. Mauslings, as a result, almost always refer to each other as Brother, Sister or Cousin, even if they are not actually related.

@Everyone Else: Note that this is generally common knowledge. You don't necessarily have to be from Wrenhollow to know this, its just more likely. If you think your character would know this, feel free to include it in your narrative!
Melody looks over to the table that her indicates. "Ah, well, unfortunately I'm afraid that I cannot stay overlong. As the leader of my band, I need to square away the accounts with the Merchant's Guild before the others can sort their wares. No doubt they're already growing impatient with me. A rain check, perhaps?"

Finally, she addresses Khrysa's question, smiling broadly as her little mousey tail flicks back and forth beneath her oversized knapsack. "Of course! It goes a little something like this!" The mausling raises her arm, palm flat and facing away from her, touching her finger to the top of her head and waving it outward. Realistically, this just just a wave, though, albeit with something of a flourish. "Rally-ho to you and yours!" she beams, her voice loud enough to draw the attention of several others in the room. "Though of course, this is something of a greeting between friends. For new acquaintances, we normally just whistle to let taller folk know we're down here!"

With the invitation for tea still up in the air, the group--particularly Merris--notices that there are only four seats available at the table he had previously procured for himself. Fortunately, though, it looks like the other party of adventurers is preparing to leave. As they pass, Y'gritte gives the furbolg one last eerie simper. Oddly enough, the gremlin individual doesn't leave through the door, and rather hops from their seat onto to railing of the balcony, then leaps with extrodinary agility up the side of the wall and onto the roof. The pitter-patter of their flat-footed walk can be heard for a little while thereafter, along with the jingling of many coins.
GM's NotesHomestar is currently on vacation and won't be able to post much, if any, so for now, unless there are any protests, we can just assume that Goop is following along with the others and they can react when the opportunity presents itself.

The group can choose to either move on to the inn, or stay and chat at the table. Up to you all!
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Old Jul 17th, 2023, 05:24 PM
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Rahat"Ah," Rahat said. "Then it seems I have spoken too soon, as getting the chance to be certified in the first place is my current struggle." She shrugged. "Forget I asked. Maybe once I have been able to prove myself to the Critique I will be able to seek work from you." It was best to shut down that line of questioning before further embarrassment was incurred, considering she was not certified and couldn't presume to include any of the others in her "guild" even if she was.

Turning to the others, she said. "I'd be glad to join you for tea, Merris. I've missed having something better than what I can boil over a campfire." She looked towards the balcony. "It might be a bit tight, but since I don't use chairs anyway, I'm sure I can squeeze between two of you."
"There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men." —George Eliot, Middlemarch
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Old Jul 18th, 2023, 07:23 PM
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"Ahh, good to get your name finally! Revi-...revo...uh, that's like, undead-ing, right?"

"Oh, that's a bit of a misconception. The Bureau of Ethical Revivification isn't actually responsible for any... undead-ing," Langtree explained, her tone taking on the somewhat impersonal air of an employee rattling off a rote explanation. "We're the investigative department, and we are also capable of issuing citations in the event of necromantic misconduct. To apply to raise an undead construct or petition to have one raised on your behalf, you would need the Bureau of Necromantic Service Administration. That said, I am very well capable of notarizing request, although I can't approve them." Langtree paused, realizing that the conversation was moving right along towards tea. "Um, anyways..."

She claimed a chair on the other side of Rahat and accepted any offered tea, holding the cup under her nose for a long moment before taking a sip. "If we are headed to the same place, we could help you carry the order if necessary," Langtree offered. "Not to step on your toes with your not-quest. I suspect all of us will be doing not-quests sooner or later, if things keep on as they have been. I would kill for a little unsanctioned homunculus creation right about now." She pouted a bit as she took another sip of the tea and inched down into a more comfortable position in her chair.
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Old Jul 19th, 2023, 07:02 AM
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Khrysa watched Melody carefully, trying to memorize the mausling's gestures. They were fairly simple, but Khrysa was thrown off slightly by needing to mirror the movements of the merchant, fumbling a moment before matching the wave. "Yes uh, rally-ho to you too!"

As the group drifted toward the table for tea, the dragon-girl listened as Langtree explained the specifics of Soulstice's bureaucratic protocols. "Oh, hmm, I see. That sounds...complicated. It's kinda like all the licensing you need to serve food? I actually don't remember too much about it, I zoned out when my, my supervisors were explaining it. It's great you know this all so well, though!

"If we are headed to the same place, we could help you carry the order if necessary. Not to step on your toes with your not-quest. I suspect all of us will be doing not-quests sooner or later, if things keep on as they have been. I would kill for a little unsanctioned homunculus creation right about now."

"Oh, that would be great! Well actually, I'm not sure if they want me to bring the order back, or just place it? I guess we'll see, but you can all come along for the not-quest either way! And yeah, I could really go for some hummus creations too, I wonder if the tavern serves it?"

Last edited by Xyza; Jul 19th, 2023 at 07:09 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2023, 11:07 AM
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"Next time then Melody. Always good to meet a new friend." Merris gave the mausfolk a little bow, looking back toward his spot in time to see his other new friends coming. He watched the crew of experienced adventurers go, meeting Y'gritte's unnerving smile with a placid and pleasant one. Such a nice, conversational person with no ulterior motives! Hopefully their paths would cross again soon. Pausing long enough to watch the gremlin's spectacular exit, Merris gestured toward the tables as Khrysa softly declined the invitation.

"Well I'm happy to have met you." He smiled warmly at the girl. It was understandable; she was busy. Still, he couldn't help notice that she decided to follow them back to the balcony anyway, and Merris silently offered her a chair. It was no trouble; while he enjoyed sitting back and lazily enjoying tea and good conversation, the tea maker could be fast when he needed to. Surely they could still make it to the tavern with plenty of time to spare.

"Langtree, was it? Here you are..." Merris happily poured her a cup of green tea, then Rahat, followed by any others who wished to partake, before settling back into his seat and sighing contentedly. "Your job sounds incredibly complicated. Glad there are folks like you out there with a mind for such things. Bureaucracy isn't really... much of a thing in Wrenhollow. The inherent chaos of nature constantly balancing itself tends to lend itself poorly to rules and procedure." Chuckling, he took another sip of tea. "But returning to the matter of none of us having work... a not-quest sounds as good as anything at the moment! Only if you don't mind me inviting myself along too Khrysa."
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Old Jul 21st, 2023, 11:31 AM
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RahatFolding her legs underneath her and settling down to the ground, Rahat took her place at the table. At Langtree's offer to assist Khrysa, she nodded. "Yes, if it is a particularly large order, I would be happy to lend my back towards the task of carrying it." She gestured back towards her hindquarters. It seemed likely that the order would be large, if it was for a sizable portion of the Critique. "I was planning on going to the tavern anyway, as I heard that a group of adventurers ran afoul of a sphinx, and the one who spoke hastily is taking their mistake rather hard." Healing the soul was just as important as healing the body, but it didn't seem like many of the people she encountered in her travels fully appreciated that.

When Merris filled Rahat's cup with tea, her tail swished against the floor with anticipation, but she picked up the cup with deliberate solemnity and brought it up to her nose. She inhaled deeply of the grassy scent of the tea and thought about when she had first entered Wrenhollow and realized how profound the color green could be. Anhketakhnas has its oases of lush vegetation, of course, and Drakkator had plenty of foliage, but the sheer intensity of the greenery in Wrenhollow had brought tears to her eyes. Even the moss growing on the trees seemed like fine-cut emeralds to her. Closing her eyes, she slowly took a sip of tea, letting that grassy flavor with a hint of bitterness wash over her tongue, swallowed, and sighed contentedly. "I have missed this."
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Old Jul 21st, 2023, 02:18 PM
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Prelude: How the Cookie Crumbles
Date: 11th Day of The second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After UnificationA.U.Time: ~ 10:00 AMMid-MorningWeather: Fair / 68° FLocale (Environ): Tradewinds, Rouge (Town Center)🎼
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"No, no, no!" Sister Melody exclaims in response to Khrysa's attempts at a greeting. She doesn't seem to be angry, but her tone is somewhat high-and-mighty, like what Khrysa imagines a stage director's might be like. "More pep! More energy! You're really excited to see me, after all! We mausfolk spend our whole lives traveling, and sometimes we don't see each other for months or even years at a time! Try again, and this time, with gusto! Gusto, I say! Heave that chest!"

After the cultural exchange, the group says goodbye to the little mausling, who bids them all with a similar valediction, "Farewell, then! May your packs be light and your shoes be free of rocks!" The group can't really tell if this a traditional mausling farewell, or if its just Melody's personality shining through once again, but either way, she spins on her toe and hurriedly makes for the tiny door that the rest of her kin disappeared into not long before.

The group of travelers--swiftly becoming acquaintances--retires back to the patio table that Merris had procured earlier, and soon find themselves seated around, enjoying the delights of the simple, but yet still quite distinct taste of common I was thinking that a good demonym for people and things from Wrenhollow might be 'Wrennish', though if anyone else has a better idea, that's fine too!Wrenhollow brew.

Far overhead, long, trailing clouds
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Also known as cirrus clouds!
thread across the sky can be glimpsed through the slow, wavering canopy of the solitary great oak, and the sun has finally crested the eastern horizon, casting leafy, dancing shadows against the walls of the Critique building. Fluttering above might draw one's eye to a puffy little bird with caramel-colored plumage and a spotted, milky white underbelly as it settles onto one of the branches, peering into the wide world around it.

The Critique itself continues to remain busy, with adventurers of all kinds entering and leaving in a steady, regular stream of activity. In fact, no one can remember the front door having fully shut since they arrived! Things have slowed considerably, however, since the announcement was made earlier, and only those presently-employed remain to conduct business, which is itself a testament to just how much work there is, despite there being none at all.

Meanwhile, it only seems to be this 'busy' here, and anyone who looks out across the patio's meager view into the rest of the town would see that, aside from here, there are only a few other places that appear particularly active, thus being the central square where local merchants parade their wares and another nearby building from which a steady string of white smoke continually rises. Every now and then, the smell of something sweet wafts over from that direction.

As he is moving to serve the others, Merris clears the rest of the table to make room for his guests. Previously the table had only been occupied by a small stack of mugs, probably provided by the Critique as a courtesy and left there for whoever wanted to use them. These Merris starts to remove so he can deposit them on a nearby table, though as he does, a clink and a ruffle attract his attention. Under the last cup, he finds what looks to be a folded piece of parchment, along with a twig-wood pencil.

Merris certainly doesn't remember seeing anyone deposit these two objects here in the time that he had stepped away, and thus he concludes that they must be from some previous occupant. Looking around, he doesn't see anyone that looks like they've lost something...

GM's NotesNote: Everyone will be able to see the strange, random paper, but since he's the one cleaning off the table, Merris will spot it first and thus can interact with it first. If not, however, anyone else can after.

Last edited by briar; Jul 21st, 2023 at 02:18 PM.
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Old Jul 24th, 2023, 12:42 PM
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Goop continues to follow the others curiously. As no one has turned her away, she assumes that she is still welcome to come along. But as no one has spoken to her since she has gotten everyone unstuck from her body, she does not draw in any more air to speak either. She seems content for now to watch and wait, making sure to smile at everyone that looks her way.

OOCBack from Vacation and playing catchup!
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Last edited by Homestarbaby; Jul 24th, 2023 at 12:42 PM.
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Old Jul 27th, 2023, 12:40 PM
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Merris watched Rahat properly enjoying her tea as he cleared away clutter from the table, flashing his usual placid smile.

"Someone who's on the road as much as you, helping so many people, probably doesn't take time for the little things too often. They're more important than a lot of folk give credit you know Rahat. Mustn't forget a little self-care and relaxation from time to time." Giving the centaur a faux finger waggle, he chuckled. "Nah, but really, I'd be happy to make you a cup whenever you'd like. Just say the word my friend."

Suddenly though, Merris' attention was diverted by the sound of... shuffling paper?

"..." It was... a note? Merris picked up the folded paper and opened it up. He studied the single word with mild interest, taking another sip of his tea with an odd little smile crossing his face. He had no idea where it had come from or who it was for, but it kind of reminded him of the notes he'd used to pass amongst family in their shared abode back home. Someone would write a message and leave it for one of the others to find; typically something light and innocuous, like a joke, or sentiments of affection.

Without really thinking much of it, the firbolg lifted up the pencil that had been left with the page, quickly scrawling a response to the phantom writer just underneath:

Good morning! And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Merris studied the twig pencil in his hand as he wrote, noting its make and wondering again just who the source of the original note might have been... as well as who it was for. Giving the paper a final once-over, he placed both back down onto the table before returning his attention politely to the others.
Rolls & ActionsMerris looks for any other identifying or interesting clues or features of note about the pencil and note.

Investigation: 17
I have taken the Oath!

Last edited by Touketsu; Jul 27th, 2023 at 12:51 PM.
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Old Jul 28th, 2023, 01:19 AM
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"No, no, no! More pep! More energy! You're really excited to see me, after all! We mausfolk spend our whole lives traveling, and sometimes we don't see each other for months or even years at a time! Try again, and this time, with gusto! Gusto, I say! Heave that chest!"

"Oh, sorry!" Khrysa exclaimed. Back at the inn she'd usually been scolded for being too energetic, and had trained in how to give a proper 'professional' greeting. She smiled a little upon realizing that the mausfolk way apparently suited her natural self better. "Rally-ho!!" she tried again, with much more 'gusto' this time!

Waving goodbye to the Melody and her band, Khrysa joined the others of the impromptu group at the table. "Ahh, green tea, my favorite! Thanks, Merris!" she sipped from the cup offered while taking an awkward half-seated position on a chair, ready to spring up if the saw the assessor returning.

"But returning to the matter of none of us having work... a not-quest sounds as good as anything at the moment! Only if you don't mind me inviting myself along too Khrysa."

"Yes, of course you can come along! The more the merrier they say, right?"

"Yes, if it is a particularly large order, I would be happy to lend my back towards the task of carrying it. I was planning on going to the tavern anyway, as I heard that a group of adventurers ran afoul of a sphinx, and the one who spoke hastily is taking their mistake rather hard."

"Ohh, thanks!" Khrysa lit up in pleasant surprise. "It does seem like they might be ordering a many people work in a place like this anyway?" She hadn't considered Rahat's unique capabilities in the case of actually needing to carry the order back. She'd vaguely brainstormed some far-fetched ideas of using a spell for it somehow. "A sphinx? Hmm, I haven't seen one they actually ask you riddles like in the stories? I don't know if I'd be good at that..."

Khrysa noticed Merris reading a scrap of paper and writing something down, but wasn't paying too close attention to where it had came from. Maybe he likes to keep notes in a journal too!
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