The planet Naraxara is a sandy, windy place. The surface is marked by rocky protuberances and wide expanses of desert. Naraxarans live mostly underground, Gorblovnis stay on their ships in orbit, and human colonists live in glass orbs above ground. The story begins inside an operating room inside the Köbörglöt Institute for Light and Longevity, a research facility. During the rescue, the adventurers may head out away from the Institute, and onto the planet's surface. There they must negotiate the dangers of the dusty wilderness, while trying to signal a friendly transport and rendezvous with it.
The Naraxaran Offices of Köbörglöt Institute for Light and Longevity
Established in universal year 4011PQ7 by Heinz Köbörglöt, the premier human researcher on forestalling death and achieving immortality in the Reflugia Star System, K.I.L.L. has centers all over the galaxy. This outpost of the institute, on Naraxara, is helmed by Heinz's grandchild, Kört. Here, alien life forms are collected and studied.
In this tall glass tower, topped with rockets and flanked by a huge launch silo, researchers try to uncover the method by which the alien cells reproduce without degradation. Each child cell seeming younger and more vibrant than the parent that split to create it. What makes it go? Is there biotech involved? How can it be replicated? How can it be harvested? Köbörglöt must find out.
Dr. Köbörglöt's Auxiliary Operating Room
The room is brightly lit by white bulbs that frame computer screens overhead, spilling merciless light, and smaller arrays under shelves that sparkle light off rows of instruments and tools. A defenseless alien life form is trapped under study on an operating table, surrounded by scientists and techs who concentrate intensely on their work.
Around the walls, shelves hold jars of specimens, and vials of chemicals and powders. An acrid chemical smell hangs in the air, along with the sweat of the nervous researchers. A clock ticks on the wall between two illuminated sketches of hypothesized anatomy, and a centrifuge murmurs in the corner. An incubator on the counter is readied to receive tissue samples from this... autopsy? No, the subject is alive!
Naraxaran Wilderness Sector 7
Naraxara is arid, but there are constantly shifting winds over the bright green sticky sand. This means the landscape is ever changing, and the protrusions and outcroppings change shape as they are scoured and reformed daily. The local inhabitants work with these mutable structures, and their dwellings and outposts sit on shifting shelves, and are marked with tall horns that bend and shift with the day's weather.
The human outpost can be identified by their round shape. Their towns are entirely encased in globes that are impervious to the wind and sand, and the largest are powered by huge floating space creatures encased in electrified gel.
The Naraxan Dreadnought
This bulbous orange ship is built locally, and flies from underground air strips with launch ports that open in vortexes of whirling sand. They are used for intercity hops on the planet itself, and can be called from any Naraxaran outpost, to evacuate Naraxarans and their allies from danger.
The Gorblovni Space Frigate
The Gorblovnis will loan their interplanetary frigates to the air of their Naraxaran allies who find themselves in need of sudden transport off world. These angular green ships are stored in orbit, but can descend when signaled by laser communicators.
Protection Orbs
These rolling explosives are just sentient enough to follow their target silently and just evil enough to pursue it relentlessly. But don't worry! They're just for protecting the Institute from external threats. It's wild out there on the surface! And this building is made of glass.
Combat: Protection Orbs roll up on their targets and explode. Tough to detect, can completely self-destruct or toss smaller missiles at close range.
Weakness: Slow but inexorable. The self-destruct feature has a wide radius and can set off chain reactions with other Protector Orbs.
The Golden Androids
Leggy, lively, and legion. These shining enemies are operated as avatars of The Blue Philosopher himself, Dr. Heinz Köbörglöt.
Combat: They have blasters for range, and tasers for melee. There are hordes of them but they die quickly.
Weakness: They malfunction easily, especially outside in the sand, and when the Philosopher no longer needs them animated, their threatening blue faces disappear and they fall down in a crumple of parts.
The Blue Philosopher
Everybody knew that the spirit of Heinz Köbörglöt inspired the work of his brilliant grandson, Kort. But what no one anticipated was that his spirit literally animated the body of his descendent, grasping a gritty immortality from this scooped out core.
Combat: The Blue Philosopher summons deluges of water which pummel enemies and turn the sandy terrain gummy and difficult. He also tries to intimidate and scare his minions by facing them with their own mortality.
Weakness: Exposing his true identity will weaken Heinz, as will turning his own intimidation on him, because his biggest fear is his own death.
Roll a d6 after post #12. This plot twist can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Which Way?!
The PC loses the Alien they're trying to rescue. If they are playing the Alien, then one of the NPCs gets lost instead.
2. Romance Strikes!
The Alien falls hopelessly in love with the PC. If they are the Alien, then one of the NPCs falls in love with them. This romance can be intense platonic devotion.
3. Alignment Surprise!
The Alien is actually evil! If they are the Alien, then one of the scientists is revealed to have the opposite alignment than the one they're presenting.
4. Change the Goal Posts!
The spaceship waiting for the Alien is not actually safe. Gotta make a new plan.
5. Tear-jerker Finale!
In order to save the Alien, one of the rescuers must be sacrificed. If the player is the Alien, then one of the NPCs must die to save them. If they are not the Alien, then their PC must die. If this noble sacrifice is made before 47 posts have been written, the player can take over another character.
6. Dad? Is that you?
The Alien is connected in some unexpected way with the PC's backstory. If they are the Alien, then they are connected in some unexpected way with one of the NPCs.
Roll a d6 after post #24. This complication can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Hey Cutie, Where Did You Come From?
A magical puppy appears.
2. Look Out Below!
A deep pit opens.
3. This Should Do the Trick
A mysterious key is found.
4. Suddenly Seymour
A strange plant grows.
5. Live Long and Prosper
Leonard Nimoy arrives for a cameo.
6. A Face in the Sand
A dust storm attacks.
Roll a d6 after post #36. This encounter can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Enhanced Hounds
2. Invasive Iris
3. Hummingbot
4. Hellucination Bugs
5. Kirby the Luddite
6. Elemental Death
Enhanced Hounds
The scientists are evil enough to subvert dogs! These cyber-enhanced hounds track the alien relentlessly, and on a one roll, the pack catches up. The PC can fight them or cleverly use a high pitched frequency or another creative solution to drive them away. Ignored, they follow, signalling the PCs location. If the PC removed a dog's helmet or otherwise disables one dog's gear, the pack breaks and flees. Thee dog with the disabled gear can be befriended with an offer of food or on a successful animal handling roll, made with advantage because the PC removed the gear.
Invasive Iris
This plant is an invasive species from another planet, perhaps the alien's homeworld or from space-spores that attached to a a ship on an earlier visit. They kill native species. They present as a strange, barren patch of muddy earth with a blighted rim. If the PC enters their area, they emerge from the mud and cast Charm with their big, unblinking eyes. On a failed Wisdom Save, the PC feels the plant is lovely and delightful and wants to sniff at it and tend it, at which point the plant secrets an eenzyme that begins to digeets the PC, causing 1 damamge peround. The PC can repeat the save at the end of every round, with advantage once they have taken damage.
Hummingbots patrol the wilds that surround the laboratory. They mimic real birds, and should be mentioned as "birds" in a descriptive passage when a three is rolled. They stealthily follow any humans they come across in the wild, transmitting simple information about location, movement, and actions. They can be spotted with a successful perception check, made with advantage if the PC focuses on the mentioned birds. They are easily killed by any ranged attack.
Hellucination Bugs
These mutated beetles surround the party and attempt to infest exposed skin. On a successful attack, they burrow in, doing one damage before settling. They require a successful medicine check to remove. On a failed check, the PC is infested and subject to hallucinations that at the DMs discretion can be genuinely prescient. They can be removed by the alien once the ship is reached, or the PC can decide to keep them, retaining the ability to see glimpses of the future.
Kirby the Luddite
Kirby (They/Them) lives off the grid in the wilds, with zero tech and zero bio-enhancements. Kirby even needs glasses, having refused even simple Correcto-Lenses! They hate the institute and may be hostile and/or obstructive to a PC who seems allied with the scientists. They are likely to be sympathetic to the alien's plight and can be convinced to help in several ways: They might know shortcuts through the wild, or they could help the PC set a tech-free trap to slow or ambush their pursuers, or provide help actions to execute any tech-free plan the PC tries. They can also function as a love interest for the PC.
Enhanced Hounds
This elemental vortex of death and decay is an accumulation of all the mortality ejected by the Naraxarans from their "not today" glands into the atmosphere. Years, wrinkles, sighs, and waste energy swirl randomly in a funnel cloud, menacing the lands around the lab. When a 6 on the encounter table is rolled, one spawns very near the PC and companions. On a failed Dex save, the PC is caught in it and hurled in a random direction, taking one point of damage and aging one year.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
You can use as much or as little as you like. Whatever appeals to you! And remember the last three sections are tables, so you'll only be using one of the six options in those lists.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
You can use as much or as little as you like. Whatever appeals to you! And remember the last three sections are tables, so you'll only be using one of the six options in those lists.
Mwahahahahaaaaaa you always have to watch the sweet ones!
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
You are steaming along! This is awesome! I'm so glad someone rolled the cameo. LOL
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Because Hoobli ended up being evil I’m gonna do an unsubvert of expectations. The mission was to rescue an alien, and we’re still gonna do that. It will just be rescuing literal Spock from Hooblis starship
that's nuts. in the best way. absolutely nuts. i love it.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Oh man that's so rough. We're on a starship right now! I had expected to spend most of the rest of the adventure there. How on Naraxara am I gonna insert an anti-tech wilderness survivalist guy
We're starting on a KILL Leviathan class Star Cruiser, Cerebus as it leaves Naraxara's atmosphere for the cold and vast expanse of stars and nebulae where nobody knows or cares about one small alien. The goal will be making contact like in the original but also getting an escape pod or landing craft.