the backup character
I saw the "canceled" announcement, but the thread was still unlocked. So it seemed like the proper place for a continuation to my previous posts - especially with a view to the rebirth of this game.
I n t r o d u c t i o n
There was almost nothing in my knowledge/ experience that I could count on in preparing for the theme, setting, and potential roles. I tried to study for them, but time was too short and so - at the moment - what I have mostly to rely on is a list of bookmarks. Three posts a week might be too high a rate to make effective use of them.
Thinking that the skills one brings to the cell are important, I started my character idea from them. The other important influence was the reality of life in London - specifically for those people that my character would come most into contact with.
I felt driven towards the occupation fields Medical, Forensic, and Crime Investigation; and that was just because they stimulate the intellect more, I think - while all roles are probably just as hard for me. With both skills (Assets, Aptitudes) and realism of interpretation in view, the role I could prepare for the fastest seemed to be that of a Detective Constable (in London); as shown later, there will be more to the character's social standing than being a part of the police.
Less cell-useful roles are those of a Nurse, Ambulance Driver, Coroner Assistant, Forensic Expert Assistant, or intermediary between the police and a certain segment of Greater London's population - like a Community Activist (who would probably not have a job directly related to any of the fields mentioned).
With further study I could try for Coroner or Forensic Expert. But the training she would need for that might force a distancing from the social background that I felt inclined to build for her as the Constable; a similar effect would have being promoted to Sergeant or even Inspector within the force. There is also the option of Private Investigator with some random job on the side. But, in spite of the role's popularity in fiction movies and literature, it would imply - as I see it - less motivation (Drive) than being someone whose living or job keeps them close to the reality on the streets.
That reality on the streets seemed especially important to me, as of the two main kinds of influence from the Darkness side of the World - preying on people and trap-like abnormal phenomena - the former has the much greater impact.
P e r s o n
simplistic, rough drawing
Pronouns : she, her
(may have to zoom in on the face to distinguish gender)
Name : Abigail "Abs" Agyemang
(Only her family calls her "Aby".)
Ethnicity :
African (Black British), with roots among the Ashanti population of Ghana.
Appearance :
5.75 ft tall : : rather slender; tendency to gain flesh kept in check by exercise -- but her muscles aren't prominent : : oval, clean face (free of wrinkles, scars, or inflammation marks), with distinctive eyes and pronounced chin and cheekbones -- though their masculine lines are softened by curves : : short, curly hair : : discrete makeup and jewelry -- nothing flashy about her (those tiny earrings must be hard to miss)
She wears practical, simple, and dark colored clothes* - including pants and sports shoes. In the drawing she has a waterproof jacket on (I tried to imitate the "Mountain Warehouse Black Cloud Burst Textured" model from This, of course, would be her off-duty attire; the Met gear including white shirt and black pants, vest, tie, and hat - the latter three with white markings (alphanumerical, checkered pattern, and insignia).
(* She'd wear more attractive or relaxing colors among friends or at parties/ dancing. But I anticipate little opportunity to have that in the story.)
Age : 25 y.o.
(or more, if necessary; see
History )
Concept :
Streets kid turned copper
who takes the fight for a better life to a new level
after she becomes aware of the Darkness.
History :
She grew up as a single child in NE Greenwich (Greater London), an area with a high density of Black British population.
Her father was a vehicle technician. He got hurt at work while Abigail was still in her teens, and had trouble finding a job afterwards. It was during that time that she felt tempted by the perspectives of gang life. Her mother was a kindergarten teacher who does not shy from the occasional cleaning, cooking, and hair-dressing opportunities for extra food money.
As a 'younger', Abs mainly got involved with drugs delivery - which was a rather steady source of income. But as she advanced in years, she became more aware of the consequences of this "trade" - which, along with other "jobs" she had to take care of, tried her emotionally and challenged her sense of humanity. There were also times when she got a sense of something else: blood-chilling glimpses of a different kind of influence, like in the presence of some mysterious persons she saw her 'olders' talk to. And there were strange disappearances. And there were wounds that the participants of some gang fights got which could not be matched to the usual knife or machete. But there was little she could make of all these then.
Caught by the police once, she was offered the chance to take part in an experimental Youth Crime Prevention Program. She saw that as a chance to break away from her entourage - even if the money offered to collaborate with the force was less substantial than her previous earnings. She has not been asked to snitch, and no arrests were made based on the information she revealed - yet the gang still saw her as a foreign element from then on. So she could achieve little in her role as a spokesperson for the city. But for her personally, this marked the beginning of a great change in her life.
Her honest efforts to change and help change - in spite of the threats - brought her the favor of both the police and certain Community Activists. It was suggested that, given her abilities, she could try and achieve more for her neighborhood as a PCSO. So she undertook training under the supervision of an acting Constable to become one.
The main problem of drugs traffic she could then do little about, but as a PCSO she managed to exert some authority - which helped reducing the incidence of gang violence. To achieve more, she needed access to higher levels of society, and she needed to understand the world she lived in better. To go up in rank was hard, especially given her background, but she took all she could from her position in the force. After having proven herself for an year or so, she was allowed to enroll for further studies, and at about 25 years of age she became a Detective Constable.
About the same time, some of the gangs leaders got bothered by her efficiency - and of the Constabulary in general - and so things got hotter on the streets. Fearing for her family, she took the opportunity of a transfer without thinking. Her new position in Southbank happened to be more appealing as she was closer* to the City of London area with all its big shots. The city helped her parents with lodgings and finding employment: Her father as a watchman, her mother as a social worker. And her own salary and savings allowed her to move to a shared rent apartment, with two other girls of her age - a club singer and a nurse (but theirs could be other lower-income occupations, in order to diversify the PCs' range of contacts).
(* Incidently, Inferno's is not far from Southbank either.)
The experience she brought over from Greenwich was appreciated, and she quickly found her place in the new Constabulary. To avoid the events which forced her transfer however, the Superintendent kept her on lower profile work - more intelligence gathering and processing oriented. The nature of her work increasingly got her in contact with more evidence of strange occurrences, and while performing her required tasks, she kept trying to gather data about the mysterious figures behind unusual events.
(At the beginning of the story, she might be on a special assignment - outside her jurisdiction - to investigate the recent crimes; or she might just be taking their trace on her own, as a civilian.)
Touchstones :
I would mention categories of people in her life, rather than a few specific persons: her parents, the girls she shares her apartment with, connections of her life as a cop, people of the old and new neighborhoods - including gang members; no romantic interest.
From among gang members, naturally, only those from her past - who did not completely sever ties with her would matter more, personally. The people at work and on the streets whom she can rely on, or she can talk friendly to more frequently would be one step higher in her heart. Then come her new roommates - who welcomed her openly into their lives, and with whom she can go dancing (rarely though she can afford it), or talk girls stuff and even family matters. Her parents remain on the first place - even if she only checks in on them once in a while, a visits infrequently.
Ambition :
On the whole she wants a safer community for herself, her family, and the other people from her old neighborhood. Having had the chance to escape gang life, she moved into a world of new social relationships - as police officer - position from which she also hopes that she can make a difference. The way she would achieve that is going after the people who use the gangs and profit from them - the bosses who are well placed within London society; and some of whom may be less natural. That is her Ambition.
Shame : (secret)
Personality :
To describe a character properly through behavior, to bring her way of being to page life - this is probably the hardest part of story writing and role-play. I am still a beginner in this respect, and the process can take me a while, possibly not reaching a final, definite form even as I would enter the game.
With this application in view, I did study some more on the matter of personality design - trying to lean on the experience of others in the identifying of significant traits. According to the Myers Briggs concepts, the most suitable Types for her I found to be INTJ and ISTP.
Being introverted (I) characterizes her more than being extroverted - in spite of her public job, as she relies on her inner world - on thinking (T), rather than feelings - to express herself and find satisfaction, complementing the lack of favorable circumstances in her external life. When being put in a spotlight, in a social situation where she does not exert herself as a Constable, she would probably be uncomfortable and to escape the situation - which suits an introvert.
The (S) and (N) on second positions, as I understood them, refer to either taking things for what you perceive them to be, or trying to look at them in depth - beyond appearance - possibly accepting a product of your imagination as reality. According to an article on well-storied dot com ( ), the character's reaction to a shocking revelation would decide among the two - the sensing (S) and intuition (N). In my opinion, with practicality in view, it is rather a matter of how much of a cool head one can summon in the moment - which depends on the level of pressure the character is under, including from the immediacy of acting.
The (J) and (P) on fourth positions offer a clearer way of distinguishing personality -- based on the approach to dealing with situations: Either with a predetermined outcome in view, which one could try to make it happen - when judging (J), or with an open mind, ready to adapt according to the reality on the spot - when perceiving (P). As a Constable, investigator, and woman of action facing various situations she can't be fully prepared for, she has to be both, I think.
The Myers Briggs indicators stand: (a) for "most independent" (theoretical, skeptical, needs to be competent, sees world as chessboard, needs things "my way" [quote from the article on]), which suits her as the investigator on a personal crusade - at least until discovering that she can depend on other Hunters; and (b) for "most pragmatic" (observant, often seen as cool and aloof, practical, unpretentious, ready for anything [quote from the same article]), which can suitably describe her professional manner of interaction with people and of reacting to events.
Two important parts of her buildup, also reflected in these types, are the keeping in check of emotions and the dedication to her goal - the final success at which she might subconsciously relate to the liberation of some repressed feelings (stuff from the time when she was part of a gang).
Demeanor and mannerisms would greatly depend on the situation she is in. I see her generally balanced - between assertive and detached, trying to keep her behavior in check and act efficiently; she's a tough girl with a concern for civilian well-being. But stress can give way to certain gestures and postures that don't usually characterize her - as it can happen with every person. And these manifestations can vary and most can be quite common - so, unless she gets too little story time for personal expression, a certain mien or habit would not be sufficient in describing her (making her a memorable character); and I am saying this after having perused several lists of relevant traits. I feel that a choice of such elements of behavior - if arising from a particular situation she is in, like the nightclub scene from game start - would be more valuable and reliable than anything I can prepare in advance, for the whole game. Also, the tone and focus of the group, the nature of story developments, and the amount of emphasis on dialogue, would play an important role in how expressive I would get with Abigail.
In short, it's all a bit too overwhelming at the moment to have a clear, complete image about my character. It seems easier to discover her gradually, scene by scene, using what I could gather so far as reference - hopefully a sufficient one.
Speech :
short and to the point
She says what she means, and does not mince words -- allusive talk doesn't fit her well. When situations demand it, she usually exerts control by keeping her own tone and speech content in check -- rather than trying to intimidate others into submission. When she needs to exert authority, she relies on her eyes more - and when trying to make her point, she is never excessive with hand gestures. An action woman, she would not get herself involved in complicated dialogue - in all practical situations, looking for a quick, favorable conclusion.
Voice :
low and firm, with a mellowness to the tone only in the rare friendly circumstances where she can relax - or when she wants to convince a child to cooperate, or show compassion towards a victim
Smile :
Her full smile is a mystery to most people who know her. A small, discrete smile may come out among friends - depending on the topic of conversation.
H t R - 5 e
Her world is already one of danger and crime. Bad things do not begin and end with the unnatural, that only adding an extra level of depth and diversity to the trials of living in Greater London. Opposing the dark forces banks on the same Drive to combat the conditions which facilitate crime. Her "moment of truth", as Chapter One puts it, first came with the opportunity to join the police force. Otherwise, I suppose that the syntagm could be associated to the determination to fight against crime and Darkness put together - more than a particular moment when she managed to overpower or hurt an unnatural being. Not knowing your desired intensity and frequency of interactions with the dark forces, I assumed in History that things did not much happen in the open - and so an aura of mystery was kept around strange things (see last paragraph).
However, in the "Defining Moment" part of the setup you mentioned (I think) that the characters have already become aware of the existence of monsters. I wonder if it would be possible to say that, recently - while on the job, or during her private investigating - she did come close to a monster, felt horror in its presence, but could not believe it is something unnatural? Just a misshapen, mad, or shockingly eccentric human being; or perhaps a large wild beast. Perhaps she could not take too good a look at it, and perhaps she would not be inclined to associate it with anything from popular fiction. But the more she thought about it, also being troubled by vivid dreams - where she would re-experience the fear, the more she would be tempted to believe in the supernatural. The need to counter this unease, and the connections she would undoubtedly make with the events from earlier years, would drive her to uncover the truth about the unusual person. Of the feelings you mentioned in the "Scene" part of the setup, Nervousness seems the the most appropriate - a nervousness that annoys her.
Her job as a policewoman is important, both for her personally - as she reaches out of the old circumstances of her life - and for the resources it gives access to, or the abilities it explains (taking off from where public school and gang life brought her). Therefore, I would have her remain on the job - after discovering the supernatural - rather than becoming so alienated from normal life that she is forced to lose it; the job is also important as a source of income - there not being much else she can do with her skills, while staying on the good side of the law. It might be difficult for her to share what she knows (or believes she knows) with fellow constables or an officer - so there would a feeling of separation, possible suspicion, and the care for secrecy might be taxing. Putting the job on hold could only be an extreme measure - and she will try to balance her normal life with the Hunt, possibly relying on strong stimulants to bypass sleep; and she could not keep that going for too many nights and days straight.
Towards the closer people in her life she could not reveal anything either, which would tend to make her seem a bit colder or moody. She would look at them and talk to them while thinking they are less safe than she thought they were - a feeling that fruitless investigation would possibly amplify. But unless there is a break out of monster attacks - which somehow remain hidden from the general population's knowledge, she could not feel so burdened as to endanger her relationships. Rather, she would rely on them to help her forget all of the dark stuff - for a little while, each time.
She would find other Hunters indirectly, by investigating unusual claims, or directly - by looking for them. But given a need of secrecy, that would happen more readily on following the hint of a journalist or someone from the social circle of her old neighborhood.
She might enter the game at too early a point to speak of a Creed, but given her life situation and history I expect that Martial with elements of Underground would characterize her best. Partnership with extremists of either Creed could only be established at a business level.
The most suitable Drive for her by far is Vengeance - as she hunts the big guys up the power chain; Atonement might also fit her (see Shame ). Towards weaker minions she would simply act out of a need for normality, trying to not involve feeling. She would rather not be in the position to decide any wretch's fate, but she could never see monsters as equal to humans.
Her Attributes order would be: Physical > Mental > Social.
Suitable Skills for her are:
[Physical] Athletics, Driving, Firearms, (Larceny?), Melee, (Stealth?);
[Mental] Academics (limited specialized studies as part of her police training), Awareness, Investigation, (Medicine?), Science, Technology (these two - as justified by her job);
[Social] Animal Ken (police Dogs and Horses), Insight, Leadership, Streetwise.
Suitable Advantages for her are:
[Merits] Looks, (flaw -- Substance Abuse: Addiction?);
[Backgrounds] Allies, Contacts.
Suitable Edges for her are:
[Assets] Arsenal, Ordnance, Library (if police records qualify for it);
[Aptitudes] Drone Jockey(?), Beast Whisperer (see Animal Ken);
[Endowments] possibly Sense the Unnatural + the Handsfree Perk.
Medium gunshot weapons (+3) and Kevlar vest/ flak jacket (4) seem suitable choices for her - if she comes prepared for a shootout.
T h e - S c e n e
Making the following assumptions: (1) the cell is too young for proper cooperation; (2) the tip was received quite recently - that very day; (3) we did not have the time to prepare - or it was agreed that, once inside, we each do as we see fit; (4) it’s night time (the club is supposed to open at 21:30); (5) there is a doorman; (6) we don’t have anyone in the street; (7) we don’t know the club’s layout; (8) our comm system is not state of the art; (9) there is a band on the stage; (10) the guy offering the drink is a bartender.
I don’t like it... I thought as we approached the entrance. I wish I had the place checked out first, but my dance nights never brought me this far. And... this call gave me no time to look some blueprints up, at the Hall. No way I could have justified that to my sups.
We reached the shadow-clad doorway, passing the slipshod scan of diffuse red light. This big tonk stood there, casually nodding back at us as we went through. I wonder... I thought. We were four, only, and as it was decided we should all go in -- in case the murderer felt too confident -- there was no one to keep watch from outside. So I readied a score and one of those small cards with just my number on it, and -- as I passed by the doorman -- I leaned towards the man saying: ”Oi...” He lent the ear. ”I’m supposed to meet someone. But, you know, it’s chaos down there. So if you see him getting out, can you let me know?” And I passed him the goods along with the description we had. He took them and just nodded - like he did towards everyone else. And for a moment there, I doubted his wit. But what choice had I?
We went in, and it was as expected: a really bad place to find anyone. Heck, we might even be losing each other in here! I thought, as I reached up for one of the earbuds - tapping it gently. No one turned to look -- and we were still close. ”What now?” I whispered, with some strength - ”Should we spread out?” We really did not have had the time to prepare this. But I wasn’t really expecting a reply. We’ve only known each other for a short while, now. And though we shared an interest for the... unusual, we came from so different walks of life. As I spoke, everyone just left -- one way or the other. I was heard, alright. So maybe they’ll work... I just hoped I won’t have to shout, later.
There was a balcony ahead. Fat chance I’ll get a good enough look from up there, I said to myself -- but it was worth the try. I wasn’t the only one with the thought -- one of us was already heading there. But a second pair of eyes don’t hurt . So I started for the place, trying to avoid being caught in the midst of some group and carried around the dance floor. But in between the buzzin’ and the hammered, I did get a few knocks. And with those colored lights swirling about and the smoke too, I was surprised I reached the stairs so fast. I must have lost hold of my senses, or something, there - for a moment.
Once at the top, I spun and leaned against the balcony railing -- trying to get a firmer grip of my vision first, then take the floor in. What a mess... I could see faces, but as they moved from light to shadow, I just couldn’t be sure whom I saw. If that sod was in there... with the prey choice, we’d have to draw them out somehow , I thought - and felt worry taking a jab at me. I frowned at it, then looked after my two cellies. Couldn’t spot them either. Was any of them by the loos, yet? I wondered, as my eyes rolled on with the crowd’s waves. And then I saw it -- the stage. Didn’t count for that. One more place to keep watch on, the back... I thought. And then I had an idea.
I turned towards my other cellie - who was at the bar. Went and sat next to them, gave the bartender change to his smile, and after taking a sip of that potion -- my mind suddenly bringing up the funny smoke’s smell, for some reason -- I laid the question on him: ”Thanks... Think they do requests?” I asked, nodding towards the stage. And adding one to the rough count I had made just now, I placed in between us on the counter several bills of twenty. My hand still cupping them, I let my head turn slightly - as if less interested - and then gave the guy a questioning look.
Crazy as it may sound, I thought to pass them the target’s description - to use for song words. It was my bet that no one would notice - as long as the music was loud enough - except that sod we were after. And then they’ll make a move.
P l a y e r
Chapter One of the book talks of the Gothic-Punk approach. While describing fear and the acting in spite of it seems necessary to the narrative, I can't easily subscribe to the "exultation of the sublime, the thrill and wonder we take from fear, terror, and horror." In my personal experience, those certainly do not "provoke in us the same sort of response we would have to beauty." So I can't be expected to rely on enjoyment when dealing with horror -- but that should not come as a hindrance. Aiming to do a good job must lead to similar results as those of horror-buffs, I believe.
As I don't have experience with horror, I will have to try and adapt to the others' preferences in Content, Tone, and Mood. It seems to me that a story driven by investigation, where the horrific encounters remain mysterious and are only gradually unveiled, would be very different from a story driven by action, peppered with shocking events. But perhaps we could have both, alternatively: action sequences breaking out occasionally - when the PCs choices would have to be made fast, followed and following periods of the story's main line when the cell tries to get closer to some hidden truth; I think I would probably like that more than an action-focused game, because of how PCs are involved -- allowing them more time to be human and trying to balance the trauma with their normal life ways. Perhaps a game that has a little bit of everything and is kept varied would easily remain more interesting, as time goes on.
Sometimes PCs die. If it happens to mine because I am no longer agreeable as part of the group, that would - of course - have a dark cloud hanging above it. But otherwise I don't think I should hurt. Emotionally, I'd have to invest in this one a little -- trying to do a good job with her. But she is not related to everyone I know or care for.
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Last edited by writelite; Oct 31st, 2023 at 02:09 PM .
Reason: Scene fix; added "Scene" content; also moved the first paragraph of "Introduction" to a fieldset of its own, for convenience