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Old Dec 15th, 2023, 02:39 AM
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Merris took his time as the trio walked, enjoying the somewhat familiarity of his verdant surroundings as the firbolg noted how long it had been since his last woodland stroll. Compared to the towering behemoths that were common in his home, the sea of trees that comprised the forested area around Lake Kagamihara felt so small and close together, the canopy above almost intimately close. Certainly some might have found the environment a bit stifling, but Merris embraced the closeness of nature in spite of the occasional difficulties it wrought upon their travel. Rahat in particular had some difficulties navigating between the ever-thickening trees, her keen sense of direction working double time to compensate as the three carefully sought out the most convenient way forward.

With time, patience, and a bit of sparse and pleasant conversation, they eventually found a few new landmarks to potentially help guide their way. In the distance, the sound of running water gave Merris some reassurance; if nothing else, the stream could serve as a guide further in or back out of the area should they become too hopelessly lost. There was also an interesting and rather weathered statue, and as the other two made their investigation of the odd figure, Merris focused more immediately on the third major feature of the area; an axe of fiercely intriguing make and size.

"Well, THERE'S something more akin to home." The entire weapon easily dwarfed the large firbolg's height, and Merris wondered immediately how an individual large enough to wield such an axe would fair trying to move between the dense trees that comprised the grove. Of course, the axe would be plenty help in that area, but that begged the more pressing question: where WAS its owner?

The answer, it seemed, was potentially quite close to becoming evident as the three suddenly heard the loud noise coming from the brush ahead, just out of sight. Was it an animal? A sleeping giant? Something entirely different and unexpected? Well, Rahat certainly aimed to find out, gesturing for he and Khrysa to remain where they were. Merris, already quite close to the source of the noise, simply nodded, smiling reassuringly to the others. He could see Khrysa prepping some form of magical backup in the event it was needed... smart. Deciding to do his part, Merris wordlessly reached out to Rahat as she passed, gingerly brushing his fingers across her shoulder to imbue her with a bit of Guidanceadditional divine aid.
Rolls & Actions
Merris studies the axe and its surroundings, looking for footprints and trying to determine how long it might have been sitting here.

Survival: 23

As Rahat approaches the mysterious sound, Merris will cast Guidance to give her an additional 1d4 to her next check.
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Old Dec 18th, 2023, 03:38 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
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Langtree & Goop
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Goop continues to be lost in some sort of daze, giving Langtree the feeling that she is busy doing something, even if the dhampir couldn't be sure as to what. Fortunately, though, she spots what looks to be a fishing pole among the slime girl's things, so it doesn't look like she'll be But she can still craft one! It might even be better quality than her regular rod needing one crafted for her.

Nevertheless, Langtree would, and so after collecting the reeds, the tangled fishing line, and the discarded cup, she sets to trying to work each piece into something a little more useful.

The fishing line is straightforward enough, she merely needs to untangle it and then figure out a way to string it on the pole, which is a task that requires little more than time, and probably a good bit of patience. Fortunately, she happened to have a spell to make the work go a little faster.

The pole itself is still a little rough around the edges, but that's nothing a bit of whittling wouldn't fix, which just leaves the hook. This, she imagines, would prove to be the more difficult task. After all, it was metal, which didn't cut nor bend all that easily.

Storyteller NotesI like your resourcefulness! I wholly approve of the idea of using all these things, including the cup/can. I would say the only thing she might have any real trouble with would be cutting and bending the can to suit her purposes as a hook. It wouldn't be impossible but since Langtree has a +0 STR and she's not a metalbender, working it with just her bare hands would be challenging.

As a result of that, and the fact that you're essentially making your pole from scraps and debris would probably be normally pretty hard, but you're not trying to make a complex rod with a reel or any kind of jigs/accessories, so I'm going to go with Difficulty Level 1. So the DC to beat for this particular item will be {(1 x 5)+5}, so DC 10.

Once again, if Goop is helping you make the rod, you'll automatically get the Assistance in preparation, and of course, you can always try for more (you can have 3 total as a Crafting Generalist). The Sacrifice is probably the most likely, though it'll be up to you to decide what such a sacrifice would consist of. I'm open to your interpretation.

Otherwise, I think you're ready! Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or concerns!

Rahat, Khrysa & Merris
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The three young adventurers-to-be each bend down to examine the stone statuette in turn and find that despite its weathered form, there is a surprising amount of detail. The individual depicted is obviously stout and doesn't seem to have any hair atop their head, but there is clear evidence of them wearing some sort of flowing garment such as a robe or perhaps a dress.

It's difficult to tell if the statue means to depict a man or a woman, though if it is a human, then the egg-like shape of the body might lend itself more to that of the former. Additionally, they are able to pick out two more details: the figure appears to have rounded ears, though they notice the lobes are elongated. Secondly, it appears to be holding some sort of shaft, but whatever made up the rest of the object is broken off and doesn't appear to be nearby.

The figure doesn't appear to have any markings on it to signify what it is, religious or otherwise, but there is a very vague line on its face that seems to suggest it wears--or rather, wore--a big, jovial smile.

Meanwhile, Merris moves to examine the axe, but it soon becomes evident that the object has been sitting there for a long, long time. Long enough, for small roots to grow around the base and moss from the tree it was leaning against to venture onto the haft. Such a thing couldn't have taken place over just a few days, and would've required weeks, perhaps even months or longer to occur.

There aren't any footprints in the area, or if whoever left the axe made any, then they have long since been reclaimed by nature, much like everything else here.

Intent on discovering the origin of the sound, Rahat creeps towards the nearby brush, her height allowing her to peer up and over the debris there and get a better view of what may lay beyond.

No boars, it would seem, nor any other animal in the area save for a couple of fluttering butterflies that appear to be dancing around a cracked stump.

Unconvinced that what she heard was simply the wind in the trees, however, she takes a closer look at the area, and to her surprise, she does in fact discover something, although she finds herself struggling to believe it.

There, beyond the brush, lies a small clearing, at the center of which is a small hill, upon which grow patches of white flowers interspersed by large, gray rocks. This by itself would not be surprising; what was, was the fact that this hill did something no hill should: it moved! Slowly, steadily, the whole mound of dirt was rising and falling in a way that would have been imperceptible were Rahat not looking for it.

Another low, rumbling sound, this time more like that of a gurgle, seems to be emanating from the strange mound.

Storyteller NotesLet me know how you want to hand this!
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Old Dec 18th, 2023, 08:43 PM
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Rahat - Twinspring GroveRahat's eyes narrowed as she peered over the bushes. She knew what she heard. The noise had been too deep and too distinct to be anything other than an animal, and she wanted to know who they were sharing the vicinity with. There was no sign of any boars, nor any burrows large enough to satisfy her that they could be the source.

Then she saw what was really happening, and her eyes widened. She quietly motioned the others over. "Watch that hill, very closely," she whispered to them, pointing towards the hill laden with white flowers and rocks. When she was sure they saw it too, she whispered again. "Have either of you seen this before?" She definitely hadn't. She wasn't sure what possibility was stranger: That the hill itself was alive and snoring away, or that something had been sleeping there for so long that they had been overgrown.
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Old Dec 21st, 2023, 06:59 AM
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Khrysa tensed up as Rahat got closer to the source of the sound...but nothing happened, at least not right away. The centaur instead gestured for her companions to join.

"Watch that hill, very closely...Have either of you seen this before?"

Khrysa stared intently, trying to figure out something about the type of flowers on the hill, and wondering why the subject had been changed from the strange sound. Then she realized that the noise was in fact coming from the well as some movement?

"Wha-?!" she had to hold back from gasping out once again. After staying still for a few confused seconds, she shook her head. She definitely had not seen a living hill before, and had no idea what that could mean. She'd heard of walking trees, but didn't realize other parts of the landscape could move around too.
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Old Dec 25th, 2023, 11:31 PM
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As Rahat instructed them to watch the hill, Merris quietly joined her in gazing at the picturesque little patch of earth.... if that WAS what it was. Merris had to admit he was unaccustomed to ground that rose and fall with the sounds of rumbling breath. The firbolg glanced back at the oversized axe again, wheels beginning to turn. Someone large enough to lay claim to that axe would have undoubtedly left quite a trail in their wake... but there was nothing of the sort around, and the axe itself had been here for some time. That meant one of two things: either the owner had just left it behind and never returned... or the owner was still here.

"...." Gazing out at the subtly shifting hill, the theories narrowed, and Merris almost unconsciously began to creep forward. "I'll... be right back." The only way to confirm anything for certain would be with a closer look. Before he could allow himself time to properly second-guess the common sense of his actions, Merris was carefully pushing through the brush, gingerly treading closer to the hill. Admittedly, he wasn't entirely accustomed to sneaking around, even in forests, and it was a slightly odd sensation as he tried to remind himself how to be stealthy.

Inevitably he found himself thinking on Rahat, who seemed to effortlessly move with more grace in her four legs than many could manage with two. Merris had always found it impressive, and he tried to emulate her smooth and effortless movements as he stepped over forest debris. It wasn't perfect, but other than a slightly hairy moment with a small patch of dry leaves, Merris was proud of himself as he made the final approach around the side of what he strongly suspected was absolutely no hill.
Rolls & Actions
Merris sneaks up closer and tries to figure out what the hill is.

Cunning (Adv from Rahat): 11

Investigation: 19

Prepared Action: If whatever is making the noise wakes up, Merris will activated Hidden Step to turn invisible and make a beeline for the cover of a nearby tree.
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Old Dec 28th, 2023, 08:08 PM
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Langtree shook her coat out and laid it on the ground to sit on with her materials spread out in front of her. The string was easy enough--it simply had to be tied securely to the rod. She turned to the can and withdrew a small pocket knife she had purchased on her travels. The handle was fine wood, with a little carving of the moon on it. The can with thin enough tin, and the knife was sharp enough that she could muscle through the metal, though it took her several attempts to get a piece thin enough and by the time she had one, she was frustrated, making her careless.

In her irritation, she rushed the final cut and the strip of tin stabbed into her finger, drawing blood. In her surprise she yelped the knife spiraled out of her hand, tumbling down the bank into the reeds. She glared up at the sky and muttered tetchily, "Tymora, you are not on my side today, are you?"

She hauled herself up and trudged down to the water's edge, parting the reeds to look for her knife. After a few minutes, she gave up looking. At least she was now in possession of a rod to fish with.

oocI just hit the DC of 10

I'm not rolling to find the knife because it is my Sacrifice for an additional d6.
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Last edited by morgantha; Dec 28th, 2023 at 08:08 PM.
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Old Jan 4th, 2024, 01:46 AM
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It was taking a lot of effort for Khrysa to hold back and remain quiet, but she tensely managed to restrain herself and look on as Merris crept closer. She still had entirely no idea what to expect from the "hill", just standing by with her spell orb ready for now.
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Old Jan 14th, 2024, 02:39 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
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Langtree & Goop
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With Goop's help, Langtree's new fishing rod seems to be coming together. It is a little makeshift, to say the least, but Langtree thinks it'll get the job done nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the knife seems to have grown fins and swam away, because there is no sign of it. A pity!

With her labors complete, Langtree and Goop begin to look around for a good place to cast their lines in. The waterfront here is peaceful and shallow, and she can see several teensie, black fish swimming around the rocks near the shore. The bigger fish seem to be further out in the lake, and now and again a tremendous splash near the lake's center marks where the largest seem to be.

Unfortunately, Langtree and Goop have never been to this area before, and as a result, its difficult to say what kind of fish they might be able to catch here. They might be able to find out more if they talk to other campers or check in at the lodge, but that would likely require a good bit of walking around.

Storyteller NotesSince you rolled one 6 and one 1, you get a Boon and a Flaw respectively. In most cases, these two aspects cancel one another out, but at the player's option, you can choose to keep them both to give your new fishing rod some personality. It's up to you! Since they would both be single stack, the effect is mostly cosmetic, but for example, your flaw could be that it looks ramshackle, and you'll probably get some odd looks from onlookers if they spot you with it.

Either way, since you made this rod, you are considered proficient with it and can add your Proficiency bonus!

If you want, I've come up with a little mini-game for fishing that I hope you enjoy. It's kinda like Battleship, but a little more in-depth! We'll be using this map as a visual aide. The bottom edge (where the green letters are) represents the shore! For a run down of the rules for fishing, check out post!

Note that you can elect to just roll a Survival check instead if you don't feel like messing with the mini-game.

Rahat, Khrysa & Merris
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The trio of adventurers, drawn to the strange, moving hill by the mysterious noises it appears to be making, cautiously make their way closer.

Khrysa and Rahat remain behind as Merris intrepidly moves forward, ready to duck and cover if anything should jump out at him. For all they know, it could be some sort of ancient beast luring them in to pounce!

But, as Merris's dainty steps allow him to reach the base of the hill, nothing stirs from it, and now that he's a little closer, he begins to make out details of the area. Namely, the cracked stump seems to be the origin point of the sounds that they're investigating, and air passes in and out of it. In fact, now that he's looking at it, the gnarled parts seem, to him, to form a rudimentary face!

He also notices that all around him, there are several chunks of mossy wood half-buried in the ground beneath him. But despite being suffused into the earth and subject to the elements, it doesn't appear to be rotten or anything that he might imagine old, discarded wood to be. Save for a little bit of moss and brush growing over it, it looks as new as if it'd been hewn just yesterday.

After a bit more investigating the various nooks and crannies around the hill, more and more features begin to come together, and before long, Merris is able to conclude that he is, in fact, standing in the presence of something, and he can define a large, bulky body and four appendages made of wood, rock, dirt, and foliage. This tree-like being appears to be slumbering and has been for a very long time if its being half-buried in the earth is any indication.

Unfortunately, whether or not this being is peaceful remains to be seen, but at the very least, Merris doesn't see anything nearby to suggest that it's violent, and there aren't any carcasses around to say what it might eat, though there are a couple of patches of wild berries nearby.

Storyteller NotesYou can walk around the thing normally without waking it up if you so desire.
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Old Jan 16th, 2024, 11:00 AM
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Rahat - Twinspring GroveWhen Merris declared he was striking forward, Rahat had half a mind to stop him, but the firbolg had already committed to movement. Any verbal or physical effort made to restrain him could be even more disruptive than a misplaced foot, so she held steady, jaw tight as she watched his movements. If the hill started to move more dramatically, she would have to act quickly to get him out of harm's way.

Thankfully, it didn't come to that. Whatever was slumbering below the hill was well and truly asleep. Once it was clear that it wasn't going to stir lightly, Rahat ventured into the clearing herself, taking stock of the creature half-buried in the hill. "Well, they've clearly been out for some time; perhaps as long as that axe has been sitting there," she said quietly as she joined Merris. "I see no reason to rouse them, do you?"

As they all pondered that question, Rahat moved to investigate the berry patches in the vicinity.
ooc Rahat makes a Nature check to investigate the berries and gets a 12.
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Old Jan 19th, 2024, 10:47 AM
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Merris should probably have been terrified at his discovery, but the firbolg's eyes lit up as he took in the creature buried in the overgrowth, fascinated. He had no idea such things roamed the world beyond the borders of his homeland. Even then, while he may have heard tales of massive tree-creatures, the man had never actually witnessed one with his own eyes. He wasn't exactly sure what to call it, but he found its anatomy of plant and stone instead of flesh so intriguing.

He was just considering how interesting a conversation with the creature would be (did such a thing speak? What languages did it perhaps know? How OLD was it?), his thoughts were interrupted by Rahat's hushed words.

"Well, they've clearly been out for some time; perhaps as long as that axe has been sitting there. I see no reason to rouse them, do you?" An indecisive frown crossed the firbolg's face.

"I... don't know. I suppose not, but... are you familiar with these creatures? I'm curious whether such a long slumber is normal for them." Merris' eyes widened suddenly. "Oh, do you think it might have been put under some kind of spell? What if the poor fellow is stuck here because of some nasty curse?" Turning to look back at the tree creature, the firbolg subconsciously began to channel some of the nature magic flowing within him as he searched for signs of magical influence.

Maybe the creature really was just asleep. Maybe this was normal... and even if it wasn't, there was no guarantee rousing the hulking figure would mean it would treat them with anything other than hostility. Still, nothing in the surrounding vicinity suggestion the creature was inherently violent, and Merris would feel terrible if he didn't at least try to conduct a bit of investigation into the matter.
Rolls & ActionsMerris uses Firbolg Magic to cast Detect Magic, searching for any magical auras surrounding the creature and (if any are found) specific schools of magic.
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Old Jan 19th, 2024, 01:27 PM
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Langtree spun the rod in her hand a couple times to get the feel of it once it was completed. The perfectionist in her was a bit irked by it's appearance, but it seemed sturdy enough to take a chance on. She kept a little jar of dried bugs to use as bat treats, and she thought they perhaps seemed a bit small for a fish, but they were better than nothing, so she did her best to finagle one onto the end of her hook.

Standing on the shore, she took a deep breath and flicked her wrist to cast into the shallow water near the shore. The hook hit the water with a satisfying plunk, and Langtree settled in to wait.

oocRod - For my flaw, I'll pick twisted, as in the reed used literally has a twist in it. For my boon, I'll say charming, as in it is very obviously homemade, and has that allure that things that didn't quite come out right often have.

Minigame - Let me know if I'm getting the steps right! Langtree will stand on the shore in row N. My initial casting roll is 6 and she'll cast straight out, so that makes my first cast to N6.
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
i have taken the oath of sangus

Last edited by morgantha; Jan 19th, 2024 at 01:27 PM.
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Old Jan 23rd, 2024, 10:12 PM
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Khrysa tensely waited as Merris approached the strange hill. After a few moments though, there seemed to be no response. Rahat emerged to take a peek herself, and Khrysa followed closely after.

"Whaa-..." She gasped in surprise once again upon seeing what seemed to be the face and body of a creature. She supposed it shouldn't be too shocking that this was indeed a creature and not just a hill moving on its own, but she was still fascinated by whatever this thing was. With her scrapbook still out, she began sketching a rough image of it.

"I see no reason to rouse them, do you?"

"I... don't know. I suppose not, but... are you familiar with these creatures? I'm curious whether such a long slumber is normal for them."

"I haven't seen one before...but it seems to be sleeping soundly. I agree, I certainly don't like to be woken from my naps or slumbers!"

"Oh, do you think it might have been put under some kind of spell? What if the poor fellow is stuck here because of some nasty curse?"

"Oh! Well if it were a cursed sleep that would be different. I heard a bard's ballad about that before...does that mean one of us needs to kiss it?" Khrysa held off on actually doing so, while her companions investigated.

Last edited by Xyza; Jan 23rd, 2024 at 10:14 PM.
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Old Feb 12th, 2024, 04:12 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
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Langtree & Goop
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At Goop's direction, Langtree casts her line out into the lake. The hook lands in the water with a satisfying *Plop!* and it isn't long until the ripples settle.

"Isn't this fun? I love fishing..." Goop seems to have grown a little nostalgic throughout their little outing, and her aqueous body seems to settle comfortably over the top of a small rock. For now, she seems content to watch Langtree's first fishing efforts before casting in her own line, but she has readied it.

"You did a good job on your rod, too. I like it! Maybe I should make one, too..."

After a few minutes of quiet, a slight reverberation can be felt in Langtree's fingers as she holds the rod. It doesn't seem like it's a nibble, perhaps something touched the line? That must mean she's close!

Storyteller NotesDue to Homestar's absence, I've opted to just NPC Goop for the time being.

Langtree's cast has revealed some fish in the general area. They seem to be plentiful in this part of the lake! See the map below for more information. If you need a quick link back to the rules for the minigame, they're here. Let me know if you want to go for any of the fish you can see, or if you want to recast somewhere else and try again.

Incidentally, since Goop is not currently fishing, she can help Langtree reel in her line if need be.


Rahat, Khrysa & Merris
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Rahat moves to investigate the berries, which appear to form in small clusters of three. In total, there are about a basket's worth, and they have a deep purple hue, which is usually a good sign that they're safe for consumption. The stems of the plant have tiny little barbs that appear to be used to ward off predators.

That being said, they are relatively unfamiliar to her, and she does not know the name. Nor does the berry appear to be featured in the tiny field manual that comes with her herbalism kit, and they grow only in sparse patches, so they're likely not very common.

A brief smell and a taste test confirm they are relatively sweet, but they have an oddly calming aftertaste that seems to promote relaxation. They're probably safe to consume in small quantities, but they likely have an additional effect if eaten in large quantities.

Meanwhile, Merris takes a closer look at the area, activating his ability to view magical auras. The whole of the forest permeates a very faint magical effect, but one that is more akin to latent, natural magic rather than a force left here by some spell. From what he can tell, the strange creature embedded into the earth does not appear to be exuding any magic either.

As he considers where such a thing might've come from, he does recall that the border of the Great Forest--his place of birth--is only just over the mountains from where they are, so this creature might've wandered here from that point, but given that it has lain here long enough for the earth to settle around it, it's difficult to say how long ago that might've been.

Storyteller Notes---------
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Old Feb 12th, 2024, 05:28 PM
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Rahat - Twinspring GroveRahat listened to the other two talk as she investigated the berries. They looked safe enough, but she kept in mind the wisdom of her foraging mentor that looks could be deceiving. Another useful bit of wisdom: almost anything is toxic in large enough quantities and safe in small enough quantities. She carefully broke the skin off a berry with her teeth and squirted a bit of the juice into her mouth, holding it there for seven counts before swallowing. The taste was sweet and soothing in a way that reminded her of the first time she smelled lavender. Her lips tingled slightly as she consulted her field guide again.

A thought occurred to her, outlandish enough that she almost dismissed it outright. "You two may be onto something," she said. "These berries are soothing, and I think that if someone ate enough of them they might even put them to sleep, or at least into torpor. If this creature consumed them by the bushel..." For a creature that size, it would have to have been quite a lot of berries indeed, and its metabolism would have to be exceedingly slow for it to stay under so long, but it was a potential explanation. She looked around at how many berry bushes surrounded them. "Perhaps there used to be more of these berries here."
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Old Feb 19th, 2024, 12:36 AM
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What an odd mystery... certainly not the sort of thing they'd come out this way in search of. Then again, Merris hadn't really come out here with ANY specific expectations, so he supposed anything would have been at least something of a surprise. But finding a long-slumbering, possibly cursed golem-like creature with only scant clues as to the cause was definitely not what he'd have guessed first if put on the spot.

"These berries are soothing, and I think that if someone ate enough of them they might even put them to sleep, or at least into torpor. If this creature consumed them by the bushel..." Rahat's discovery was promising, though it seemed unlikely berries alone would have put out such a large creature for such a long time. Unless it had a VERY slow metabolism... or else...

"... this entire area is saturated in magic." Merris was back to rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "NATURAL magic, no surprise there. If these berries are potent enough in large quantities to put a creature like this to sleep, it's possible the lingering magic of the forest enhanced the effect somehow. If that's the case, no telling how long before the effect wears off, if at all. Maybe we should do something..."

"I heard a bard's ballad about that before...does that mean one of us needs to kiss it?" Merris stopped rubbing his chin, slowly turning toward Khrysa as his expression bounced from amused to intrigued.

"Well no, that's... I mean... I don't... THINK so... right?" Merris glanced back over to Rahat, curious what her take was on all this.
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