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Old Jan 9th, 2024, 07:20 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Letting the reigns drop as the cart came to a halt, Adelaide took a look around at the men that had emerged. Some in front, some behind, it was a tidy little ambush for preying on the usual travelling merchants. Then again, she and hers were not merchants, nor easy prey.

”See I was about to make a similar request,” she said as she rose to stand up at the front of the cart. ”This is my road, so if you throw down your weapons I might let you leave.”

Dice Perception:
1d20+1 (11)+1 Total = 12


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Jan 10th, 2024, 09:34 AM
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Kerwin Powell
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”This is my road, so if you throw down your weapons I might let you leave.”

That wasn't going to get them out of this bloodless, Kerwin thought as an idea popped into his head. He usually did his best thinking when under extreme duress. He cast a simple spell upon himself that he hoped wouldn't make Aaric leap out of the cart in fright.

It was a simple enough disguise selfillusion, certainly more involved than a basic prestidigitation but still simple. If he pulled it off, no one would stick around to verify its veracity.

"Stop this!" he hollered as he clambered down from the back of the cart. "I'll have no more blood spilled on my account!" He began walking toward the lead bandit, his face swollen and riddled with oozing boils and his ears drooped and were half missing. His hair was patchy and looked as if he had mange. Kerwin dragged a leg through the dirt and kept on hand pressed close to his body. His speech was broken and mangled as if speaking through a mouth with no lips...for in his illusion he had none.

"This disease has cost too many lives as it is." He reached down and pulled ten gold pieces out of his pack and with a red, swollen, pus filled hand extended the coins to the highwaymen. "Its all I can spare but its yours if you leave us in peace."

As he continued to walk toward the man, he coughed and spit up a phlegm ball onto the ground in the man's direction.

This trick had once worked on a mob of unhappy peasants when a pile of wood chips he had changed into silver to pay for a night's lodging and food had turned back into wood. He was supposed to have left before the sun rose that day but had had a bit too much wine the night before and been outed before he could make his escape. Maybe it would work again.



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Last edited by tomplum; Jan 10th, 2024 at 09:44 AM.
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Old Jan 19th, 2024, 01:47 PM
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GallindanGallindan waited in the woods, straining to see and hear from his concealed vantage point. He tensed and gripped his glaive tightly when he saw Adelaide (predictably) rise to challenge the brigands. But he relaxed a little when a figure that had to be Kerwin came into view. Oh, that's very clever! It's hard to get a feel for what the opponents are doing from this distance, but he does his best to look for any increasing signs of danger.

OOC:I apparently need to spread reputation more, but that's a genius idea, tomplum!
Dice perception from G:
1d20+4 (16)+4 Total = 20

Dice Perception from C:
1d20 17

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Old Jan 19th, 2024, 09:07 PM
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Oren watches the proceedings from the trees nearby, along with the less capable-in-combat ladies, and Gallindan. When Kerwin pulls off his ruse, the warlock can't help but chuckle. "It's a damn good idea," he whispers to the others, appreciating the wizard's style.
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Old Jan 21st, 2024, 06:07 PM
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On the Road
As the wagon pulled up, Adelaide made her initial demands, which were not well received. The bandits were preparing to take a more aggressive approach, when Kerwin hopped out of the back, disguised as a disease-infested leper. Kerwin happened to be well versed in scams of his own, and knew how to deal with those of ill repute. The men jumped back, taken off guard and filled with fear.

"Woaha now... you need to find yourself a Priest, and fast, before you get everyone sick! No, don't get close, just... go!" With the leader waving his men off, the roadway was quickly cleared to allow the wagon to pass through. As they did Adelaide noticed the reinforcements that were to be called in from the rear were also waved off with a whistle in code from the leader. The way was clear for them to proceed, without further incident. The pair thought they could hear Aaric laughing from his hiding spot under the wagon, muffled as much as he could.

In the woodsThe rest of the travelers watched as Kerwin worked his deception to perfection, getting the thugs to back off. Further, off the beaten trail, Gallindan noticed a cottage that the bandits might be using as a safe house. There was smoke coming from the chimney, indicating that there were more members of this group busy doing things besides just watching the road.

OODMOk, well played. If you are content to leave things be, we will move on. If you want to try and stop the thugs from bothering other travelers, that is an option as well.
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Old Jan 26th, 2024, 12:35 AM
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Oren sees the brigands begin to disperse and quickly he and the others join back up with the waggoneers. When it becomes apparent there's also a small brigand village very close, and knowing that two paladins would very likely not like to leave things be, he concocts a ruse of his own. "Only hope it comes off as well as Kerwin's," he says to himself.

Striding forward Oren hails the man who he pegged as the leader of the brigands and shouts, "Brother! You forgot..." As he's speaking, he points back to Kerwin, who is still in grotesque form. "You forgot to ask how he got that way. I'll tell you. There's a powerful wizard newly come to this land, and he's laid a terrible curse upon us all! Anyone who robs another will eventually find themselves in that state. It's called the Bandits' Curse. Spread the word," Oren begins coughing violently, as though falling ill himself, and struggles to finish his sentence. "Save yourselves before it's too late!"


Last edited by mountainbound; Jan 26th, 2024 at 12:39 AM.
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Old Jan 29th, 2024, 10:30 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Seemingly robbed of her chance at dispensing justice, Adelaide sat back down in a tiny huff and waited for the illusory leper to get back on the cart. When Kerwin and the others were secure she snapped the reins and drove the cart slowly down the road past barricades meant to stall traffic and make easy prey, all of it setting her blood to boiling. She continued on until the bandits were well out of sight before pulling over to the side of the road.

”Well, what now?” she asked, looking back over her shoulder.


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Feb 3rd, 2024, 02:10 AM
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GallindanAs the crisis resolved, the eladrin struggled to contain his righteous anger. Winter. Winter. Those watching him saw his skin pale for a loooong moment. He knew that he should burn down this cottage and drag these miscreants to the nearest village in chains. But he also knew that their real mission was more important, and combat here would put all of that in jeopardy. Seasons served their purpose. Patience was needed. He breathed deeply, and color slowly returned to his features. In a strained voice, he added, "Indeed. We should move on quickly. If we linger here, I will regret my actions."
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Old Feb 3rd, 2024, 10:12 AM
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Kerwin Powell Having just avoided a fight, Kerwin was perplexed to see some in the group still itching for a fight. Not that leaving ruffians to waylay the next traveler on the road was noble, but they had their own mission to fulfill and they should leave the local patrols to do their own tasks.

"I'm sure between Oren's parting words and the routine patrols that march the road, they'll be shuttered of their banditry before too long. Let's keep our eyes on our own tasks, shall we? What would become of our charge if we are left dead in some highwayman's shack?"



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Old Feb 4th, 2024, 03:18 PM
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The thugs were indeed intent on 'saving themselves before it was too late'. One could only laugh as they scrambled to get out of the way, and warn the others of the news they had just received. It was possible that they would leave their life of crime behind, but it was also just as likely that they would band together and try to hunt down whatever wizard was out cursing bandits. Either way, the party had little time or desire to hang around and find out. It was all some of them could do to restrain themselves from dishing out some executive action.

The next few days passed without major incident, traveling down the well-worn route that those from Oakcrest were so familiar with. Eventually, Verdant Haven was on the horizon. As the town was approached after several days of travel, a sight of bustling activity and vibrant life was met by the party. Surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers, a sense of tranquility was exuded by the town. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flora, and the distant murmur of traders, craftsmen, and the general hum of commerce was carried through the gentle breeze.

The entrance to the town was marked by a sturdy wooden arch adorned with ivy and blossoms, welcoming travelers to Verdant Haven. A weathered sign indicated that the gateway to the Trade Winds Thoroughfare had been reached, the renowned trade route that stretched far beyond the horizon.

Upon entering the town, the travelers found themselves in Harvest Plaza, a bustling marketplace at the heart of Verdant Haven. The square was alive with the vibrant colors of stalls and the lively chatter of merchants haggling over goods. The bounty of farmers was displayed—bushels of ripe fruits, bundles of fresh vegetables, and fragrant herbs—all under the shade of colorful awnings. To one side of the plaza stood The Green Bough Inn, a two-story building with ivy climbing its exterior. The inn's windows were open to capture the gentle breeze, and the scent of a hearty stew wafted from within. Rest, refreshment, and tales of the road were enjoyed by travelers and locals alike. On the other was the Sylvan Sip Tavern, its outdoor seating area shaded by the branches of ancient trees. Laughter and merriment spilled from the open doors, and the clinking of mugs accompanied the joyous ambiance. Refreshing drinks were enjoyed by locals and passing travelers alike.

A small local militia sent patrols to walk around the square and monitor traffic along the Trade Winds Thoroughfare, making travel as safe as possible for the region. Their presence was the reason bandits would often seek places to operate on the smaller roads that led to the trade hubs, rather than in the cities themselves or along the thoroughfare near cities.

Aaric noticed a patrol passing by and commented, "We could notify them of the thugs we ran into, though I suspect they will say they were outside of their jurisdiction. In any case, we can rest up well here tonight, and get any other supplies you think we might need."

Verdant Haven was by far the largest town so far that Isabella or Daybreak had ever been to. Isabella was filled with wonder and amazement, looking at all the people, shops, and stands. She couldn't contain her excitement at the thought of purchasing some traveling clothes that reflected the latest fashion. Daybreak was the opposite though, and was not at ease around so many people.

OODMNothing too special here going on. It is likely that Kerwin has been to this place before in his travels. Aaric seems to know it well. The others may or may not have passed through here in their previous travels to Oakcrest.

If you have any shopping, or supplies you would like to purchase for the road, this would be a good place to do it before we move on.
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Old Feb 4th, 2024, 11:41 PM
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Oren eyes up the militia and shakes his head at Aaric's suggestion. "I suggest we not draw attention to ourselves, unless anyone feels the thugs still need dealing with." Catching a whiff of something on the wind, he says to no one and everyone: "That stew smells delicious..."
OOCNo pressing shopping needs for me. Also have been doing a pitiful job keeping track of money so not sure I can afford much.
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Old Feb 5th, 2024, 08:22 AM
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Kerwin Powell Instinctively wiping his brow when Oren declined to speak with the militia about the bandits they had passed, Kerwin muttered, "Definitely leave them out of this..." It was mostly a misunderstanding when the booking sergeant had thought Kerwin had poisoned a client with a noxious potion when the reality was the man was told 'not to drink it all at once' but probably should have been told to 'only drink a little each day'. Misunderstanding. Not wanting to spend any time in a cell nor get his cart impounded, Kerwin might have enchanted the sergeant's mind with a friends cantrip to enable his escape from custody. The man would surely remember that.

Yes, let's just be on our way."



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Old Feb 7th, 2024, 05:31 PM
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GallindanGallindan was unfamiliar with this town. He had avoided most settlements since arriving on this plane. It was much bigger and busier than the few towns he had visited. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. His steed, however, was much more sure. The fey elk practically radiated discomfort, whether it was from the cobbled streets or the obstructed sight-lines, or whatever else made the town unlike the woods. Gallindan agreed with Kerwin. "Agreed. We don't need to draw more attention to ourselves than we already have by bringing Celebangolad here. We should restock on supplies and move on. Although we probably have time for a meal." This last was aimed at Oren, who seemed tired of road rations and interested in a hot meal.

OOC:I'm pretty sure it's not correct, but my character sheet says 15 gp. So I'm not buying much lol.
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Old Feb 7th, 2024, 11:07 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Since last passing through the town in spring, Verdant Haven was certainly looking better than the muddy, brown place Adelaide had seen earlier this year. While she could sympathize with the reasons that some of the others had for wanting to move on quickly, she desperately wanted to spend the night here.

”Perhaps you should, Aaric,” she said as he looked around from the top of her war horse, watching the patrol head down the street, before turning back to the others. Adelaide had little desire to try explaining to such men why such a well-armed group as theirs had simply left bandits on the road to prey on travellers, still wrestling with the implications of that decision. She pointed to the Green Bough Inn, ”Come, let’s get a meal and some rooms. Just imagine: warm, dry beds without tree roots or rocks digging into your back. No spiderwebs in your hair when you wake up, or bugs in your mouth; real luxurious living.”

Adelaide didn’t mind the outdoors, a good thing in a paladin pledged to an order devoted to protecting the natural world, but there were some things that civilization got right and cozy beds were one of them. She angled her steed towards the inn in question before anyone had even responded, hoping to lead by example, ”Maybe they’ll have some entertainment; a singer or a juggler, maybe even a travelling bard.”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter

Last edited by Starflier; Feb 7th, 2024 at 11:08 PM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2024, 10:20 PM
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GallindanAdelaide's words stirred something in the eldarin. He had been in winter for so long, he had almost forgotten how to celebrate the other seasons. A smile crossed his face. "Adelaide is right! It's been a difficult journey to get here. Let's take advantage of this safe haven. One night in a real bed might even make us faster for the next legs of our journey. And surely we can buy portable food that's more enjoyable than dried rations. We have a wagon to store what we want to take with us. Let's start with some of that stew and see what happens next."

OOC:It's going to take some doing to change the way I've been playing this character, but that's what needs to happen! Thanks for the kick in the pants, Starflier.
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