27 point buy: 10 STR, 17 DEX, 15 CON, 14 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA then elf racial bonus +2 to DEX, high elf racial bonus +1 to INT; lvl. 4 ASI +1 to DEX, +1 to CON; lvl. 6 ASI +2 to DEX
Custom Soldier Background - Position of Privilege feature, proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Investigation, proficiency in Dwarven language and land vehicles
500 gp + 10 gp from background
-400 gp Breastplate
-100 gp Potion of Healing x2
+37.5 gp selling Chainmail for half price
Gunnar Lund was an atypical Halfling. Most of his race were light and agile but Gunnar was more strong than dextrous and was always a stout man, even when compared to others of his clan. There were many rumors about whether his heritage was mixed with some other race that was considered more strong than smart (including a few surrounding his mother) but these were all baseless ramblings of the ignorant; and rude.
When he was old enough to escape the gossip of the small town he had grown up in he voyaged and found he had a knack for fighting which he decided to turn into a career. The local lord was always hiring militia and, while he received quite a few odd looks as he applied for the infantry, he was accepted and learned even more about being an efficient fighter.
Gunnar served the lord for almost a decade before retiring; his halfling nature was simply bored. He had learned a lot from his time with the infantry but it had become too routine and despite how much he enjoyed belonging to a group who only teased him as a friend instead of an oddity, it was time to move on.
The ex-soldier traveled for a bit. Helping folks out here and there before deciding that he needn't put the skills he had learned to rest. He continued doing freelance work as an adventurer till he found the Crossing Companions and quickly signed on as an agent of their guild. He was less concerned with the pay and more interested in the chance to overcome new challenges and explore different situations. The Crossing Companions was not an organization to disappoint those drives he had.
One time the Halfling found himself delivering a package across a derelict rope bridge across an icy crevasse. Another time he had to help eradicate a fledgling Rat King in the city sewers nearby (His companions wanted to use the small man as bait but Gunnar won an arm wrestling competition and the Half-Orc had to do it instead).
Whatever comes up next does not matter to Gunnar Lund. As long as he gets to adventure, utilize his impressive strength, and enjoy the life he has been given he will be content with whatever life (or Batrick, the Goblin cook for the barracks) throws at him.
1. Gunnar used to be embarrassed by his strength before moving out of his town but has come to embrace it, even revel in it.
- Engage in a competition of strength with Gunnar to immediately draw his interest. 2. Gunnar was once the subject of bullying due to being different.
- Being a rude bully will not attract positive attention from the Halfling. 3. Gunnar heard a funny joke once...but can't recall what it was.
- Tell Gunnar a joke and he will try his best to reply; but will probably mess it up. Will the new version be as funny? Not likely, but he'll chuckle at it anyway.
Options chosen are standard except: Race
Swapped +2 Dex for +2 Strength Background (Soldier)
Swapped Intimidate for Acrobatics
Swapped Vehicle Proficiency for Language (Dwarvish)
When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll,ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.Re-roll 1's
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.Re-roll 1' and 2's
Improved Critical
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20Threat on 19-20
Well, need to improve the stat block a lot before the deadline obviously but this should give you a solid idea of what I'm going for.
Description: Brother Reedcrest has been called a priest with the eyes of a thief, which is fitting because his hands move like a thief as well. Both are Quick and Precise, which works fine with the Crossing Companions Adventurer's Guild. It's not exactly a secret that he's not particularly good at giving sermons and performing ceremonies. Where he shines as a Priest is in Action as those quick hands as a Healer. Often ditching the traditional flowing robes for light armor, Brother Reedcrest is a Cleric of Eldath and a self-described "Attempted-Pacifist" - and a Battle Medic while we go waist deep in mud and elbows deep in entrails if that's what it takes.
Bio: It's not uncommon for people that join the Clergy to take new names to signify the start of their new lives in service to the Gods. With Brother Reedcrest, that's more literial then most. Not even the other clergy truly understand how deep this goes with Brother Reedcrest. Born Davner Swifthollow, he rejected the peaceful village life for what seemed to be the more exciting life of an adventurer. Except the group quickly fell on financial troubles and turned to banditry, robbing travellers on the roads of their possessions. As time went, the group became more violent.
The cold, ugly truth is that Davner and his friends actually murdered the Real Brother Reedcrest soon after his ordination. Davner was just the one that replaced him to completely the stealing of his identity as part of a plan to steal a bigger score from the church. The learning of the ceremonies, the prayers, the words of the Vow of Peace and the Healing Arts - all of it he was originally learning just to sell the act and get the other clergy to let their gaurd down. The Real Brother Reedcrest who was a much better Priest was buried in an unmarked grave in the woods along the road to Oakenbrick.
But then something happened that may have been the Goddess Eldath bestowing a minor miracle. The Fake Brother Reedcrest got so used to selling fake piety that somehow his mask of faith became genuine. The Real Brother Reedcrest was a better Priest, but couldn't stand the sight of blood. The Fake Brother Reedcrest may not be able to delivor a decent sermon with his words but those quick, precise hands can be put to excellent use with the Healing Arts. And he has the mental fortitude to bring those arts to the grittiest, most dangerous of places. It's gotten to the point the Fake Brother Reedcrest can cast some divine magics like the Real Brother Reedcrest could if not as far along. Whether it's because the Goddess approves of his change in path or it's some sort of cosmic mistake he doesn't know, but he has a feeling that one day he'll find out.
Why?: The Fake Brother Reedcrest is, deep down, seeking a little redemption. He's ultimately just going where he thinks his healing skills could be put to the best use and he can usually be found at temples when not with the Crossing Companions. He's trying to follow a Vow of Peace, and will do his best to resolve conflicts peacefully if possible and will refuse to do any direct action to harm another living thing save for direct self-defense. He doesn't always succeed, but he does always try. On the flip side though he's an unflinching battlefield medic, said to sometimes to be able to patch someone up faster then a dagger can stab them. Adventurers are in high need of his skills, simple as that.
- You're a Priest? Why don't you dress like one?
- So where does a Priest learn to Pick Locks?
- Do the Coin Trick again!
Special Mechanics of Note:
*Disciple of Life - Leveled healing spells heal an additional 2 + Spell Level HP as a bonus.
*Fast Hands - The Rogue's Cunning Action has been expanded and can be used to Use an Object as well, including Healing Kits and using Potions on Others.
Dice HP Levels 2 thru 6:
(4, 4, 5, 7, 3)+10
Total = 33
Quod Confutat Veritas, Ut Destruatur
Poetice Vivere, Aut Mori Stultitiam - Nullius In Verba
=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!
Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; May 29th, 2024 at 10:43 PM.