Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Final query: Would a Crusader/Rogue work?
Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry. |
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Well if you want me i am leaning toward a Raptoran Cleric5/Dread Necromancer5 becoming a Dread Necromancer/Skypledge at level 7 I will create a full character if you are interested ^_^ looks really fun to play
Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. |
Here's the breakdown I'm looking at so far. I'll stop at 10, in case I need to adjust, and keep it one step ahead
STR 17->+4 racial +1 level 4 -> 22 CON 13 -> +2 racial -> 15 DEX 15 -> -2 racial -> 13 INT 17 CHA 8 WIS 8 1 - Crusader 1//Goliath - Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5 Feat: Endurance 2 - Crusader 2//Wizard 1 Indomitable Soul, Scribe Scroll, Enhance Attribute 3 - Crusader 3//Wizard 2 Zealous Surge Feat: Dodge 4 - Crusader 4//Wizard 3 Steely Resolve 10 5 - Crusader 5//Wizard 4 Base: BAB +5 Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +4 Modified: BAB: +10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +3 Maneuver Pool: 6 (recovery 3) 7 Maneuvers known 2 Stances known Spell Pool: 12 (recovery 8) Spells Prepared: 4-L0 4-L1 3-L2 Then we'll be bringing in the Swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) Prestige Class :) And the next ability score increase will be Con +1 6 - Crusader 6//Wizard 5 Smite 1/day Feat: Mobility, Bonus Feat: Smiting Spell 7 - Crusader 7//Swiftblade 1 Spring Attack, Swift Surge +1/+0ft 8 - Crusader 8//Swiftblade 2 Steely Resolve 15, Blurred Alacrity 9 - Crusader 9//Swiftblade 3 Sudden Casting Feat: Steadfast Determination 10 - Crusader 10//Swiftblade 4 Arcane Reflexes, Swift surge +1/+10 ft, Die Hard Base: BAB +10/+5 Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +8 Modified: BAB: +16/+11 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +11 Maneuver Pool 13 (recovery 6) Maneuvers known 9 Stances known 3 Spell Pool 21 (refresh 14) Spells Known 4 Lv0, 5 Lv1, 4 Lv2, 3 Lv3, 1 Lv 4 Enhance Attribute (Ex) (From the SRD Wizard variants) Once per day, plus one additional time per five class levels, a transmuter using this variant can add a +2 enhancement bonus to any one of his ability scores. This bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to the transmuter's class level. Using this ability is a swift action. A transmuter using this variant permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar. Racial Traits: Goliath from Races of Stone Powerful Build - treated as one size category larger for opposed checks (ie: grapple, bull rush, trip), weapon sizes, and special abilities like 'swallow whole' Mountain Movement - Make standing jumps as if they were running jumps, no penalty on accelerated climbing Acclimated - do not take penalties for high altitudes +2 on Sense Motive checks Code:
To Hit: +11 Damage 2d6+7 AC 16 +1 Large Greatsword (3d6+1 damage, 19-20x2 Slashing) Mithral Breastplate (+5 armor, +5 max dex, -1 Armor Check Penalty, 15% spell failure, 30ft, considered Light) Spells Prepared: 0 - Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Acid Splash 1 - Shield, Nerveskitter, Enlarge Person, Magic Missile 2 - Bull's Strength, Heroics, Wraithstrike Stances Known: Martial Spirit (+2 HP per melee hit) Thicket of Blades (Any movement, including withdraw and 5' step, in threatened area provokes AoO) Maneuvers Known: 1 - Crusader's Strike, Charging Minotaur, Stone Bones, Douse the Flames 2 - Mountain Hammer, Tactical Strike 3 - Bonecrusher (+4d6 damage, DC 19 Fort save or have +10 to crit confirmation rolls) Last edited by Dirtfox; Jan 9th, 2009 at 06:26 PM. |
Right, here we go.
Swordsage 1 Swashbuckler 1 1 d10 Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Quick to Act +1, Adaptive Style Swordsage 2 Swashbuckler 2 2 d10 Grace +1, AC Bonus Swordsage 3 Rogue 1 3 d8 Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding Swordsage 4 Swashbuckler 3 4 d10 Insightful Strike, Insightful Strike Swordsage 5 Rogue 2 5 d8 Evasion, Quick to Act +2 Feats: L1: Extra Readied Manoeuver (?) L1 Human: EWP: Spiked Chain L3: Shadow Blade Code:
Manouevers known: L1: Shadow Blade Technique (SH) Clinging Shadow Strike (SH) Wind Stride (DW) Sapphire Nightmare Blade (DM) Counter Charge (SS) Mighty Throw (SS) L2: Cloak of Deception (SH) Drain Vitality (SH) Emerald Razor (DM) L3: Strength Draining Strike (SH) Stances: L1: Child of Shadow (SH) - concealment while moving 10' or more Flame's Blessing (DW) - fire resistance 5 L3: Assassin's Stance (SH) - +2d6 sneak attack damage STR 10 DEX 18 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 17 CHA 8 Saves: Base +4/+7/+4 (F/R/W) Modifiers +0/+5/+3 (additional +1 from Grace) BAB +5. +4 (DEX) from weapon finesse. +1 from weapon focus. +1 from weapon = +11 (spiked chain). AC 10 +4 (DEX) + 3 (INT) +2 (Tumble) + 6 (armour). = 25 Damage: 2d4 (spiked chain) + 3 (INT, swashbuckler) + 4 (DEX, when in Shadow Hand stance) + 3 (WIS, when using Shadow Hand strike) + 1 (weapon) + 1d6 sneak attack. total: 2d4+11 Initiative: +6 (+4 DEX, +2 Quick to Act) Code:
Gear: Spiked Chain +1 Att: +12 Dam: 2d4+11+3d6 (when sneak attacking using a Shadow Hand strike in Assassin's Stance) Mithral Breastplate+1 AC: +6 Max Dex: +5 Check penalty: -1 Potions: 2x Owl's Wisdom 2x Fox's Cunning 4x Cure Light Wounds 4x Shield of Faith +2 |
Javert's Build: 1 Crusader || Rogue Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon Fighting 2 Crusader || Rogue 3 Crusader || Rogue Weapon Finesse 4 Crusader || Rogue +1 dex 5 Crusader || Rogue Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 1, SP 96. 6 Crusader || Thief Acrobat Improved Feint 7 Crusader || Thief Acrobat 8 Crusader || Thief Acrobat +1 dex 9 Crusader || Thief Acrobat Decietful 10 Crusader || Thief Acrobat Fort 7, Ref 8, Will 3, SP +50(146). 11 Crusader || Mountebank 12 Crusader || Mountebank Weapon Focus; +1 int 13 Crusader || Mountebank 14 Crusader || Mountebank 15 Crusader || Mountebank Improved Toughness; Fort 9, Ref 12, Will 5, SP +40(186). 16 Crusader || Mountebank +1 int 17 Crusader || Mountebank 18 Crusader || Mountebank Iron Will; Fort 12, Ref 15, Will 6, SP +40(226). 19 Crusader || Mountebank 20 Crusader || Mountebank +1 str Level 5: Trap Finding, Sneak Attack +3d6, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge, Furious Counterstrike, steely resolve 10, Indomitable soul, zealous surge, Maneuvers Known 7, Stances Known 2, Level 10: Fast Acrobatics, kip up, steady stance, Agile Fighting +2/+3, Slow fall 30 ft, Acrobatic Charge, Defensive Roll 2/day, Skill Mastery, Improved Evasion, Smite 1/day, Steely Resolve 15, Die Hard, Maneuvers Known 9, Stances Known 3, Level 15: Tongue of the Devil, Sneak Attack +5d6, Alter Ego, Slide Slip 1/day, Steely Resolve 20, Mettle, Maneuvers Known 12, Stances Known 4, Level 20: Alter Ego x2, Sneak Attack +6d6, Slideslip 4/day, Slippery Mind, Sudden Escape, Steely Resolve 30, Smite 2/day, Str: 10 Dex: 16 Con: 10 Int: 16 Wis: 12 Cha 14 Level 5: 9k - +1 mithral chain shirt(2,250), 2 +1 punching daggers(4,604), Cloak of Resistance +1(1,000), 4 potions cure Light wounds(200). Level 10: 49k - +4 mithral chain shirt(17,250), 2 +1 punching daggers(1 frost, 1 flaming)(16,604), Cloak of Resistance +3(9,000), Headband of Persuasion(4,500), 4 potions cure light wounds & 1 cure serious wounds, 1 potion of invisibility(CL 6). Level 15: 200k - +5 mithral chain shirt(26,250), Cloak of Resistance +5(25,000), Headband of Persuasion(4,500), Amulet of Wordtwisting(6,000), Gloves of Dexterity+6(36,000), 2 +1 daggers(frost and flaming bursts) with 2 lesser energy crystals(acidic)(48), healing belt(.75), Ring of Protection +4(32,000), Ring of Force Shield, Decanter of Endless Water(9,000), Bag of Holding I(2,000). 2k left I'll post manuvers and personality/background tonight after work. Books: Complete Adventurer(Thief-acrobat) Complete Scoundrel(Mountebank) Magic Item Compendium(items)
Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry. Last edited by Zoycitenega; Jan 8th, 2009 at 11:37 AM. |
as for extra readied maneuver: no, we will not be modifying points available per level
it woud either be irrelevant or give you an extra maneuver that is level appropriate at the level gained. your choice. extra maneuver is a feat that exists already?nif so its irrelevant.
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
It exists already. I'll have a look for what to take instead. (Tome of Battle, p30)
henry dirtfox good work! we need one or two moe
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Hey Zoy - you might look into swapping out Crusader for Swordsage or Warblade. They allow access to schools that would give you maneuvers that mesh really well with rogue-types. I think that could really crazy it up even more for you. Crusader is, in general, healing/tanking/helping allies manuevers. Some of the other schools, tiger especially, are just crazy damage and there's even sneaky bits and movement enhancements as well.
you three figger out the details of whatever you want, and this is when you want to talk about any story themes you may want as well.
I'll have plenty of fighting obviously, but if you want to be a psart of the general story creation fine. themes, foes, places in eberron, etc. im open otherwise i'll just put it together for you.
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
How about a retrieval mission in the Mournlands? Someone/something went missing, and we're trying to find out what happened.
Ooh, Mournlands. Always a good start. A couple more motivations to throw into the mix... Those gnomes in house Zivis (sp?) are *very* particular about their records, so they might have the exact route a missing shipment would take... Or if something was smuggled in with the incorrect papers, we could be tracking back a smuggler's ring using the mournlands to try and shortcut patrols and tarrifs. Or there's always the highly suspect Morgrave University going after a Thing. Or - too bad there's no //Artificer so far - House Cannith could be going after lost patterns and forges in the Mournland.
And the Wayfinder's guild! Just going places and exploring. Or a forward group to mark and 'clear' a new overland road that dips through part of the Mournlands. |
I'm open to that. care to representa particular nation or guild? both / neither?
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
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