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Old Jul 27th, 2011, 12:30 AM
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Able was both surprised and pleased to hear the goblin's fate. It was certainly a better one than he could have honestly thought this town would provide. Truth be told, the half-orc had expected a watchman on Dugmink on all times if the reactions of the two locals he was starting to know were indicative of the town as a whole. Well, that or there was simply not enough manpower for professional guards to watch a single goblin at all times without locking him up. Able hoped it was the former.

Stepping through the entrance of the inn, Able grins widely at the sight of Dugmink in fresh clothes. The gesture makes his short tusks far more prominent. Taking a seat next to the 'blind' woman, he habitually pulled out his pipe before realizing he was out of tobacco. He would have to find a merchant to purchase more before he, inevitably, made his way to another settlement.

Kala's words broke him from his train of thought. "By definition, all mysteries are unsolved. That is why they are mysteries. I understand your frustration though. However, would have, could have, should have, did not. By not rushing, forgive the term, blindly, we have managed to arm ourselves with information that we could not have garnered otherwise."
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Old Jul 27th, 2011, 04:05 AM
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Besides Andrezi says to Kala after Able's statement. Tracks still aren't old. We may be able to find our way yet.

To Dugmink: Well at least they got rid of the smell. He says jokingly. How've things been since we last saw you?

To Ameiko: Please Ameiko help her with what you can. For me.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Jul 31st, 2011, 01:45 AM
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Mikki"Oh, yes, a few of them," answers Alma. "A couple coming into the festival grounds, right before Father Zantus was about to speak. When I saw them, I ran. You wouldn't think an old lady my age could run that quickly. A good thing you and those others were on hand and quick witted!"
Everyone Else"Father Tobyn?" says Ameiko, getting some bread and seasonal fruits for a meal. "Let's see... he was a kind man. A little strict, but not too much. My mother's funeral was one of the last he presided over before the Late Unpleasantness. Other than being the head priest at the old temple, and adopting Nualia, I don't recall much that made him stand out. Was there something in particular you wanted to know?"

The conversation is interrupted by a call from the stairs. "My hero!" The nobleman caught in the fight yesterday comes down the stairs, heading towards Able. "I'm sure you remember me, good sir? I am Aldern Foxglove. I must thank you again for rescuing me from that goblin, yesterday." He bows to the half orc, then gives a lesser one to the rest of you standing nearby. "Hello to the rest of you, as well. Saviors of the town! Sandpoint is lucky to have you around." He pauses to ask Ameiko for some wine, and she gives him a wry look for his interruption before getting the drink. Foxglove doesn't notice the look, or perhaps ignores it, but thanks the innkeeper and turns back to you all.

"I was planning to make a foray into the forests south of town later this afternoon, to hunt some boar. Perhaps the heroes would care to accompany me? I would love to get to know you all better. And the protection would be nice as well." the nobleman says, taking a sip.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Jul 31st, 2011 at 01:45 AM.
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Old Aug 3rd, 2011, 10:50 PM
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Able listened attentively as Ameiko spoke, carefully noting the new information. Notably, he he now knew the name of Father Tobyn's daughter and that she was adopted. That was interesting information. The fact that nobody had mentioned a grave for Nualia was also interesting, but it could have simply been not mentioned for sake that nobody had thought it noteworthy.

He cringed with slight embarrassment as Aldern Foxglove showered him with praise. The half-orc was not used to that kind of attention. Hatred, disappointment, mockery, and neutrality were things he was used to. This was new. He felt a certain amount of pride in it. "I suppose it would be wise to have protection out in the wilds. Those who attacked the town could very well be lurking in the undergrowth."
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Old Aug 8th, 2011, 11:46 AM
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Mikki smile sproudly, even though she had hidden under a cart fro most of the goblin raid. yeah, but did'ja see any o'em escapin' af'er we put the 'urt to 'em? Whuch way dey wen' fer 'xample?
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Old Aug 15th, 2011, 06:15 PM
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Dugmink busies himself with the cleaning that he'd been told to do. He'd already told these people what he knew, and he didn't want to annoy the new bosspeople by not doing what they said.
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Old Aug 23rd, 2011, 02:31 AM
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Yes I reckon I'll go to. Lots o' danger out there. Andrezi says.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Aug 28th, 2011, 08:26 PM
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Findal and Narmellion are the last to accompany the group, Narmellion smiling his toothy smile.
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