Final Round
FINAL ROUND "So ... it's you lot?" says the harengon with a nod. It's difficult to tell what they think of this development, of the fact that only you, among all who arrived at this strange burrow of celestial visions, have been invited into this final stretch of the journey. "Nah, I'm glad you're here!" the harengon adds with a smile. "It's just, well ... this part of the journey always kind of gives me the chills, ya know?" "Here," it continues, handing out some large, lengthy, hollow knitted objects. "I mean, they might not fit your ears, but maybe you can wrap them around your head or your neck ... something to keep warm," he explains as he puts his pair--blue yarn with yellow star patterns crocheted into them--over his ears. "I don't think ... well, it isn't the temperature that gives me the chills." And it opens a large, imposing door before you. The door's hinges protest in a rusted, creaky voice as if they are used to swinging open only once a year. The Harengon steps through the door first. For the benefit of those unable to see in the dark, the creature lights a torch and looks back to your group, beckoning you to follow through a small, narrow stone passage. "It used to be, you know back in the days, that there might be a dwarf or two among those who entered, and they would always tell me that this passageway had a slight slant to it. I haven't seen that happen for years now. Dwarf heroes! They just don't make them like they used to!" the harengon sighs. By now you have moved about 60 feet. The atmosphere and decor is dungeon classic: dark and dank, broken chain bits and creepy-crawlies. You see now that the passageway has recesses on either side, and in each recess stands a life-size statue. Chiseled stone, of some sort. Some painted gaily, others seemingly shrouded in living shadows. "That's Colatine," the harengon explains as it points to the first statue, a small rat with its arms set before its body in a scheming expression. "Brilliant mind, dubious lineage. Creative speller, that rat." "And here's Toad," the harengon brings the torch's illumination across a figure whose eyes and tongue seem to move with the shadows. "The plaque says he is "ON HIATUS," but it looks like he's standing on a perfectly normal plinth to me?" "You doing okay? Ears aren't chilling?" the harengon checks before ushering you on to the next recess of two staues, one of a human holding a fan of knives in his hand and the other of a human biting into a pepper."Chairman Haga ... never knew what "Haga" meant, or if there was one or two of them, but to me, "Haga" always kind of smelled like a cozy place with cinnamon buns to me. One thing for sure, the dude was always taking knives and peppers from our kitchen. At least they were always returned nice and sharp...the knives,not the peppers. We never got the peppers back. But if you look, you can still see a few pepper plants trying to grow in the dungeon's floor cracks. Seeds were everywhere." The harengon moves on to the next statue, a cloaked figure ... or perhaps just a cloak? "Yeah, I never knew if someone was actually inside there or not. We rarely saw The Herald in the kitchens ... not sure if it even ate." The harengon motions you onward and looks up. "You bored? Stick with me, okay? We'll get to you and your challenges soon enough. But, listen, this is more than a rabbit going down memory lane, this is our heritage you know ... and if you win, then you'll be part of it. That crown you will wear ... it is more than a fancy accessory, you know. It gives you a role as part of the tradition, part of the evolution of the changes this game of ours has gone through. We got to understand it to know how we want to move it forward and ... well, we harengons are hoping you'll give the kitchen staff that raise we've been asking for. We never had the courage to ask this one," the harengon says, throwing the light across a statue of a robed skeletal figure with violently burning violet eyes. "The 'Honorable Chairman,'" it says with a shiver. "OK ... moving on. Here's The Teacher," the harengon points to a lanky, sallow figure set atop a playground slide descending past a guillotine. "That teacher," the harengon says with a smile, "they had us making all sorts of playground equipment that probably wouldn't pass inspection, if you know what I mean. But still, gotta admit, being asked to create a merry-go-round-of-dismemberment is a challenge of a lifetime!" "Ok ... and that brings us to this one ... The Invigilator ..." the harengon brings you to a block of marble, with several other harengons standing around it and studying a scheme of some sort. "We're just getting started, as you can see. The Invigilator had us focusing on some other things, small changes ... like this!" the harengon says leading you over to a dumb waiter shaft opposite The Invigilator's statue. "Look at this! Why didn't we think of this innovation earlier?" it asks with excitement, as it opens the dumbwaiter door, revealing a tray with chilled carrot-juice cocktails. "Brilliant, right?" The harengon downs all 5 cocktails, then looks around, realizing its faux pas. "Uhhh ... sorry! I'll send up for some more. Of course," the harengon adds, leaning closely to you and whispering, "sometimes we do have problems with gricks burrowing into the dumbwaiter shaft ... but hey, we track them down and ... well, they do wonders for our charcuterie boards!" "OK ... so that's the tour, now let's see what The Invigilator has to say, shall we?" The harengon turns to the uncut statue of marble. All the other harengons place their chisels, their hammers, their blueprints and all their other instruments on the floor as they join hands and begin to hum. They begin with a low chant in a soft tone which they gradually increase in volume. Someone's tummy rumbles and the chanting seems to go on a bit longer than would seem necessary. Suddenly, all lights are extinguished. A bright, green light flashes throughout the tunnel, crackling streaks of electricity chase it in a wake of golden glow that seems to pulsate on the walls and up the dumbwaiter shaft for several seconds. You realize the harengon who led you into the tunnel is now floating several feet above the ground, its fur standing up straight and its eyes unmoving and wide open. It begins speaking in a voice that causes the tunnel's stones to shake and yield small cracks on the surface. You have traveled far. You have done well. But now, you must do more. And even better. Bolts of energy release from the harengon's ears. The homemade earmuffs are destroyed, but damper the bolts which otherwise might have raced toward any of you with deadly force. An Adventure. Three thousand words--no more. A theme of your own invention. Ingredients must be ... Set Theory Shepard Tone Barbed Tentacles Hubris on a Horse The Sweet Smell of Corruption The Spear That Sings Their Song Bonus Ingredients include ... A Team of Yoked Silver Dassies A Prototype Coin A Leaky Ship Payback It ends as suddenly as it begins. The harengon hanging in the air goes limp and falls to the stone floor with a disturbing thump. All the pulsating energy and lights disappear. The other harengons light a torch, pick up their instruments, and huddle around your guide. If you were to now look past the huddle of concerned harengons, just behind them a few feet, you would note that the block of marble that is to be the monument to The Invigilator, you see it now holds a wooden shield, and from the back of the shield, a faint, magical glow emits from runes written in some ancient, inscrutable language. The last lines of the runes burn brighter than any others; most all of the text on the last line is a repeating symbol, whose meaning remains a mystery from the forgotten ages. There is absolute silence ... broke by a clangor from the dumbwaiter shaft. That sound seems to revive your guide. It stands up alert, its ears raised. "That would be a fresh round of carrot juice," it says cheerfully. "And the formal instructions." And, sure enough, it is. The harengons, relieved to see their friend revived, hand around generous pourings of chilled carrot juice for anyone who wishes to take one. And to each contender, the harengons hand a small sheet, along with a handshake and a chipper "Good luck!"
Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 12th, 2023 at 07:37 PM. |
The pleasure of tea is in the drinking, but the comfort of tea is in the holding. ThePrimeQueenOfBlood @ Discord. |
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
Normally I'd write a story snippet for fun, but I feel it important to instead write how thankful I am that the people I will be competing with are members of the community that I have had the pleasure to witness their creativity first-hand in many games. I am here on RPGX to not only improve my writing and explore ideas, but meet incredibly fun, imaginative folks. And each of you have forever altered my experience here, because I was so lucky to have a chance to play with each of you and get to know you.
jbear, you are an incredible writer. Your sense of humor continues to be something I strive to match in *** posts. Humor is incredibly hard to do, especially when it comes to slapstick. But you always made me laugh whenever an An'mal posted appeared, with how perfectly you described every little funny detail. And seeing your work as a GM, it is really no surprise that folks tell me that you are one heck of a GM. Never doubt your talent. HumbleAthena, you are one of my longest running GMs here for a system that I had no idea how to play but you helped me learn it nonetheless! You broke down the rules and made it all feel so easy, even when I felt my eyes cross looking at the book. I love Captain Myra with all my heart, and the crew you drew together. We wouldn't have any of that without you, and I'd game with you until I die. Never doubt yourself. rhaiber, you intimidated me the first time I met you from how incredibly talented you were as a writer. I admired you. I admired your character work. Your descriptions. Everything. And then to find out you felt the same about my work threw my off completely, I still aspire to be on your level. To approach ideas with wild, carefree abandon. To have fun without judgement. You are an inspiration. Never stop being you. Thank you to each of you for being a part of my life, for however long you've been here. It is certainly not been forgotten on my side of the world. My memories of you three are treasures that I will horde like a dragon in its lair. And hopefully, add more as the years come! Cheers to the Final Round! LET'S KICK SOME BUUTTTTTT!!
Status: Recovering from COVID | Pronouns: She/Her GMing Die Fabulous | Old Gods of Appalachia |
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 18th, 2023 at 01:04 AM. Reason: Removed Secret field; good luck! |
@Strangemmund: wow. That was super-sweet and way nicer than I deserve. Now the story snippet I was putting together seems silly and frivolous compared to that earnest expression of sincerity. *quickly stuffs a handful of unicorn figurines back into their satchel* Let's just say that I am forever amazed by the quality of your writing and have been both dreading and looking forward to going head-to-head with you.
@jbear & HumbleAthena: So ... Strange put me in a tough position. My usual narrative seems out of place, but writing individual words of praise for each of you would seem derivative now, like I was just copying what she did. But then again, not saying anything about how amazing you both are would feel like a deliberate snub ... Maybe I can just say something nice about everyone collectively? Here goes: I started this week by looking over everything the 3 of you have written for this competition so far ... and it sent me into a dark spiral of self-doubt and writer's block. All the ideas evaporated from my mind as I felt the crushing weight of imposter syndrome set in. I am truly honored to be counted among the company of such great writers and GMs - all three of you. But I also don't feel like I deserve to be here. Watching you all work in your own unique ways has been inspirational and educational. I can't wait to see what you put out this week, with full confidence that it will blow my work out of the water! Now how do I edit this craziness down to 3,000 words?
"He looked to the Kender for wisdom. If there was one thing she was good for, it was pearls of wisdom. Wisdom buried beneath twelve hours of stories about obscure relatives." -- Imveros Help Me Find a Home for These Characters
Status: Recovering from COVID | Pronouns: She/Her GMing Die Fabulous | Old Gods of Appalachia Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 18th, 2023 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Removed Secret field; good luck! |
The pleasure of tea is in the drinking, but the comfort of tea is in the holding. ThePrimeQueenOfBlood @ Discord. Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 18th, 2023 at 01:07 AM. Reason: Removed Secret field; good luck! |
"He looked to the Kender for wisdom. If there was one thing she was good for, it was pearls of wisdom. Wisdom buried beneath twelve hours of stories about obscure relatives." -- Imveros Help Me Find a Home for These Characters
Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 18th, 2023 at 01:08 AM. Reason: Removed Secret field; good luck! |
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