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Old Nov 10th, 2024, 10:15 AM
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Begon Ugo"
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Neverwinter… Neverwinter. Begon stared at the burning portal, now silent, the flames gone. He knew where his future lay and it was not far from his home. Mount Hotenow. How many times had he stared up at that peak… now he would return. He was too tired to be annoyed about the coming journey. What would they run into that would be more dangerous than what they were leaving behind in these ice caves.

"We walk long time? Maybe boat?" Begon said as he fell back against a wall and slid down to the ground. "Why not magic? Maybe Nokomis turn us into birds?"

Begon walked among the ruins left behind by the giant's retreat, kicking his foot through the various coins and other discarded trash. There was nothing of value. Begon looked to his companions, already beginning to feel the rise of impatience.

The fight was elsewhere… it was not here

"We leave soon… now. We not find more rings here."

OocLevel 13: 150HP: At 13th level, you can roll two additional weapon damage dice when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

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Old Nov 11th, 2024, 09:47 PM
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The Rift
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Raackma looked at the portal of fire and was tempted to rush in to save his son. Olma was a good soul, saved by the Father Sergeant himself. He didn't deserve to die in this way.

"No rings here indeed. And we would be fools to go through there. We need to let them think we have lost interest." Raackma turned to the long way out of the rift. "The map will do well enough. If they have killed Olma, then Kelemvor will have a lot of sorting to do."

Raackma pulled his polar bear cloak around his shoulders, then started to lead his friends out of the glacial rift of this frost giant jarl.

I'm coming for you Snurre. You and your giants will die.

Raackma realized he missed Coin. She would have slaked his vengeance. He needed his shining Coin.

Whp are you fooling, old man. Coin would kill Tiamat herself to save her son. Raackma chuckled to himself, then pulled his scarf tight on his face. He trudged into the passage.

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OOC What the Colonel thinks not the father.
PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Nov 11th, 2024 at 09:49 PM.
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Old Nov 12th, 2024, 02:07 PM
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Ozgur Sitsk
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After all of the killing, all the pain, and all the unremitting cold, it was hard not to feel a bit of a letdown in the jarl's chambers. The slayers had spilled an ocean of blood in this frozen hell, but the leaders yet lived and the giants' plot continued. Ozgur took a deep breath and held it while he listened to Begon and Raackma. Finally, he let it out, willing the exhalation to calm him. It worked, a little.

The bard was glad that his friends saw little need to plunge headlong into the recently-revealed inferno. All were exhausted, even if Begon might never admit it. But even the towering Half-orc had had his fill. "No rings here," he concluded rather glumly.

"No rings indeed," replied the unflappable Raackma. Ever the tactician, he laid out a sound course of action. "We need to let them think we have lost interest," the old Colonel observed. That was sound thinking. Raackma held up the map they'd been lucky enough to find. "This will do well enough...Kelemvor will have a lot of sorting to do," he concluded grimly.

"We'll find your lad, Colonel." Oz wished he had as much confidence as he tried to project. "We will do well to find our own way into the fire giants' realm. And the gods know we've found enough coin and treasure here to purchase what aid we need. It's past time to go. We have plans to make, and more blood to shed ere we're finished."

As they prepared to go, Ozgur gathered as much of the coins and gems as he could, adding to their ample pile. He urged the others to do so as well. "The merchants of Waterdeep and Neverwinter'll move heaven and Earth for this haul, let's make the giants pay for their own demise."


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Old Nov 13th, 2024, 12:26 PM
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The firelight glinting in their eyes
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Nokomis was satisfied for the moment. The ice cavern was emptied out, balance had been restored, and the dead had been disposed of in a respectful manner. The latter was more of importance to her living friends. Whether they admitted it or not, they needed the ceremony to bring closure. It was less of an effect on her, the rot of the body was just the natural course of events - though it would stink, the whole cavern already reeked of giant filth.

As she rested with the others, she realized she could see shimmering in the corner of her eyes, she could visualize what it would be like to be a great wyrm gliding through the skies and how the chemicals would mix in her distended esophagus to create fire or ice, she felt the waves of attraction all things emanated and knew without realizing it, that she could achieve greater feats of power. She could see how one would open a slit in the shimmering fields to step from this world to another; how she could channel the power of dragons; how to convert the drawing effect of objects into a pushing effect.

The fire giants would be a danger to the team, but the team would be a danger to them as well. If they could keep their balance. If they could stop from acting rashly and allow logic and patience to dictate. None of these were a given, but she was hopeful.

She leaned back against her spear, which was wedged against the floor and wall, and dozed gently - alert only to someone calling her name. It was a long day. It was a hard day. Yet they had won victorious.


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Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist!
Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed!

Last edited by Jennifer; Nov 29th, 2024 at 12:58 PM.
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 12:45 AM
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Ulster Muladuum

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FInally the fight had ended, and only the corpses remained. Stark evidence of the foolish that dared to face the wrath of their brotherhood, knowing what they were capable of. He sat down on one of the stairs of the giants inner sanctum as the rest went too and fro, visibly tired from the near constant battle. The near pointless death. They knew of their fate. They had their choice. And yet, they ran willingly to the slaughter all the same. His resolve to wipe them out for Nazgul hadn't wavered, but his heart, he wondered at the pointless brutality of it. To die for nothing.

It seemed pointless. Against the will of Shandalir.

His disgust only grew when they made their grisly discovery. It nearly turned his stomach to see such wanton distruction of life. So many innocents, like Nazgul, snuffed out for no reason. He felt....he felt a surge of sadness, as if his goddess was shaken by such destruction of life. If there had been any wavering of their mission, the gruesome sight had only strengthen it such that even the Spine of the World would break against it's resolve. He saw the faces of his comrades. The pain of Raackma crying out in hope that his lost kin wasn't among the ones mindlessly slain. "There can be no quarter now.", he said quietly, but with the weight of dense stone, as if from the root of the world. "There can be no mercy."

"They all must die."

The rest eventually left to explore. Some for treasure. Some for ways to escape this place of death. But not him. There was something owed to those that wouldn't leave this place. To those that they were too late to say. They were owed that much. He wasn't versed in the burial rituals of the various races of Faerum. He didn't know the sacred worlds for the various Gods that they may have followed, if they even did at all. He knew they couldn't be buried, even if that was their way. Instead he improvised, holding a cloth over his mouth and nose to cover the stench. He gave words of caring, of peace. To ask their forgiveness for not saving them in time, and for the lives they had led before their violent end. At the end, he cast cantrips of sacred flame, setting the bodies on fire. He loathed to do so, but the sooner their corpses were freed from this bond to such a cold, desolate place, the sooner they could be at peace.

As he finished casting the sacred flames against the poor souls, he heard the rest of the group chatting, their words thoughtful, their tone focused and driven. A map had been found, and he knew of the Mountain shown. It was one he was decently acquainted with. "Hopetow...", he said cooly. "At least they make it easy to find them.". He looked at the rest, and a thought reached his head. "The sooner we leave this place, the better, but my question is how? Do we have anyone that can cast a spell that creates a portal or gate, like how we arrive? I'ts a very long, cold walk otherwise."

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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 04:50 PM
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Exploring the interior

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The battle was done – this network of ice caverns were strangely quiet. As the giantslayers explored the space their feet and gear could be heard echoing two caverns away. If they stopped moving there was a percussive drop-drop of meltwater from the ceilings which only froze again in small mounds on the floor.

Away from the scenes of battle and massacre, it was clear these caves were the palatial residence of a marshal tribe. Piles of furs made for warm and yielding beds, while tables that were higher than the tallest of the ‘slayers showed signs of abandoned food and spilt drinks.

The odd barrel of half-consumed ale remained, as well as sacks of pulses and root vegetables, which must have been transported here from far away. But that was it. Every they found scattering of low-value coins, and gems – but the coffers that held them discarded. The story was clear – with the ‘slayers attack the Jarl’s tribe had fled, most likely to their fiery cousins.

There were two exceptional areas – to the northwest the bedding a furniture was smaller – still large, but not giant sized. And it was intact – no one had looted the space. One the table was a coiled scroll, which after careful examination turned out to be a treaty between the Jarl and the Lord of Oni. It was an attempt to seal a new alliance in the violence against humankind. It offered 25,000gp plus any spoils of war.
There was also metal box. A strange thing made of plates of platinum, electrum and silver. Those plates slid under fingers, but the box remained resolutely closed.

But it was perhaps the caves to the northeast that disappointed most. Standing in the entrance cave to this complex the ‘slayers first saw what had happened. One of those stopper boulders had been rolled aside and a trail of dropped low value treasure led from the cavern beyond and up the tunnel to the area outside.

Following the trail into the northeastern cavern the educated nose could tell what this was. The dragons’ lair. The ‘slayers recalled the cowardly giant pleading with them and offering the share the dragons’ spoils. It seemed that some the giants had escaped their attention and had made off with the treasure while they were battling deep inside the glacier. The place had been empied.

OK – I’ve revealed the whole of the map for this floor – and covered the main new areas you find.

I’m going to move to a more open role play mode for the next little while (until we get set up for the Fire Giants). Here I am pausing while you are still in the glacier.

You can either head back out to the rift in the glacier outside or you can follow the tunnel in the South East (which you will find to be an alternative way out of the glacier).

If you want to try to track down the giants and the dragons’ treasure they’ve headed to the rift area.


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Old Nov 28th, 2024, 10:46 AM
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Begon Ugo"
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The floor of the giant's main chamber was littered with discarded trash and bodies but sprinkled amongst the refuse Begon saw the tell-tale glitter of coins and jewels. There were some silver coins here, right at his feet, and then just a little further away, there was a small sapphire necklace. The orc was not interested in such pedestrian loot but as he walked towards the necklace, he saw that further down the tunnel… there were more coins.

Like a trail of crumbs…

Begon paused, his brow creased in thought as his simple mind worked overtime as he looked back along the sparkling trail. "This a trail," the barbarian announced with finality as he pointed down at the coins. It was clear that the giant's were running for their lives but the greedy bastards couldn't just run… they had to bring their treasure with them.

A hint of a smile began to grow from the corner of Begon's bloody face as he turned to his companions.

"They know way out… they slow. We catch them, kill them, and get treasure!"

OocLevel 13: 150HP: At 13th level, you can roll two additional weapon damage dice when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

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Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.

Last edited by Begon Ugo; Nov 28th, 2024 at 10:53 AM.
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Old Dec 1st, 2024, 07:46 AM
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Ozgur Sitsk
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Ozgur picked up the clever box. Turning it in his hands, he
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1d20+7 (15)+7 Total = 22
looked at it carefully, trying to figure out how to manpulate the precious metal plates in a way that would cause it to reveal its contents. While he fumbled with the thing, Begon was talking.

"They know way out… they slow. We catch them, kill them, and get treasure!" Maybe he was numb to everything, maybe the cold was sapping his higher faculties, but Oz thought that Begon's idea made some sense. The slayers really needed to head back to civilization and resupply, but they'd come this far, hadn't they?

"Begon, I think you're right," the bard conceded. "Seems foolish to just let them go without at least a little effort on our part. Let's see if we can find 'em." It definitely seemed like the cold was getting to Ozgur.


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Old Dec 8th, 2024, 11:29 AM
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The Rift
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Raackma lsighed and a pained look came over his face. "Yes, yes. Run them all down." THe Colonel was without expression, and if his companions didn't know Raackma so well they would have felt a cold shiver run down their spines. Raackma stared right through everything, his body was there, but only the Terrible remained.

Oz had seen the dark look before.

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OOC What the Colonel thinks not the father.
PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper
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Old Dec 8th, 2024, 04:58 PM
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tracking for treasure

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Whether it was a desire to wreak revenge for the dead, or the promise of treasure that should be theirs, the Slayers began to follow the trail of gold. It led back through their familiar path of destruction.

Up the long tunnel that led to the rift, that crack in the glacier, they passed the fallen bodies of giants that lay frozen solid in the moment their life had ebbed. Already their hair and beards sparkled with the crystals of ice that had settled in them. The rock mounds that were once living flesh took some climbing.

Through the cavern with the ooze that had engulfed Begon and the icy toads that surrounded it, the escapees path was clear, coins dropped in a hurry said this way as they ducked down corridor, back into the caverns, then finally out again at the ledge, where they could see the broken bodies of those white drakes down below in the rift floor.

Still the fallen jewel’s showed their way – through the crevasse and out of the glacier itself.

The old hunk of ice towered behind them as the wind cut through their bodies again. The every swirling blizzards that dogged this land. The slayers had to mind their eyes from daggered ice that was flung in the wind at them.

But a band of giants was hard to hide. It seemed out here they had bound their treasure more firmly, and the lost gold was no longer there. However the tread of those leviathans was hard to miss. And a band of what looked like five of them, pressing into the clouds could easily be traced. They had the scent of their prey.

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It only took a days hike for the Slayers to close with their quarry. With aerial and careful reconnaissance they tracked the desperate band, huddled in a narrow crevasse, with skins stretched against wind and ice even their kind did not tolerate. They had sacks that were swelling and bulging. The treasure surely.

It was a hopeless end for the giants. Five against the Slayers who had dispatched five times as many these past week. Huddled in their shelter they had no idea how short their allotted time was.




Setting you up for montage posts. Please feel free to post defeating the giants, taking what treasure you like and trekking to the southern foothills of the spine of world starting to travel towards the Sword Coast.

As many or as few posts as you like.


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Old Dec 17th, 2024, 02:15 PM
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Ozgur Sitsk
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There was a story Oz heard when he was young; it must have been from Meraun, but he'd been too young to remember. In fact, just about the only thing he could recall from the story was an odd refrain, "Follow the yellow brick road". The treasure-strewn trail brought that line back to the bard's mind for the first time in Gods knew how many years. The trail they followed wasn't paved in bricks, wasn't paved at all, but was impossible to miss, regardless.

And even without the treasure, the silhouettes of five Frost Giants highlighted against the horizon would be impossible to hide. Relentlessly, the slayers pursued their unaware prey. The end, when it came, was anticlimactic. The few remaining giants were in a wretched state, hungry and freezing, and barely put up a fight. Indeed, it seemed to Oz like they almost welcomed their demise, glad to find whatever warmth a giant's hell brought.

"This is quite a haul," Ozgur said to his friends, the dragon's wealth spread all before them. "The small valuables will fit nicely enough in this box." The long-haired bard patted the clever box that he'd finally managed to open. "The rest of this stuff, we'll need to lug out of here, but damn, it's worth it." The trove was worthy of a prince, if not a king. "And now I think we need to get back, sell this stuff, and re-equip." Oz looked from face to face, all weary, all half-frozen, all hurting. "Agreed?" he asked.


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Old Dec 20th, 2024, 02:44 PM
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Begon Ugo"
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The giant's died. They died quickly and violently, Begon letting out his remaining rage and anger, his disappointment and the growing anxiety that threatened to consume him as he pondered on what trials loomed in the future. The giant's died because they had to. It had nothing to do with treasure, but now that they had been cut down, Begon's eyes did fall upon the dragon's hoard the frost giants had been concealing.

The coins were just that… coins. Heavy and noisy, the orc was not interested in them. If the rest of the group had ideas about what needed to be purchased, fine. He did not want them.

But there was something in the hoard that interested Begon greatly, a silver statute of a bear with piercing eyes. The barbarian picked up the statute, turning it over reverently in his hands as he inspected the finer details. His heart thumped with anticipation as he looked towards his more magically inclined companions.

"This statute make magic bear? Yes? I rub statute and bear come out?"

Begon's face clearly showed that he desperately wanted the statute to be magical. He held it out for his friends to examine.

OocLevel 13: 150HP: At 13th level, you can roll two additional weapon damage dice when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

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Old Jan 16th, 2025, 05:17 PM
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travelling to the Sword Coast
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Standing atop the Spine of the World, the Giantslayers surveyed the view. To the north, the glacier terrain they had left behind, a trail of frost giant corpses frozen in their home. Glancing the west, the sun was setting over the Ten Towns. The Slayers recalled how, in the day of the War of the Book, that whole land was doomed to eternal darkness by the evil goddess Auril. Ozgur knew the sagas, the songs of those great heroes, of the extraordinary finds they made. If only he could remember their names.

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But this was no time reminisce – every day that passed, those giants in their fiery halls were draining the good people of Neverwinter to who knows where. Good people that included the Colonel Raackma’s son. They kept their pace, carefully roped together as they descended the mount. Below them the land was green and forest – and the warmth returned to their bones as the ground began to level.

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Mirabar. The town was blessed relief. Warmth, food that hadn’t been dried, and a soft bed. The Slayers fended off questions about their travails. It was unusual to see such heroes here, but their business was their business.

But this stay was tinted with sadness. As they loaded the mules and carts with the treasures they’d hauled down from the mountains, Chutakki was quiet. The Blackford Road was not for him. He had business in Lurkwood - too pressing. With promises he would catch them up at Hotenow, the lizardfolk was gone.

The Blackford road took them along the northern reached of Neverwinter Wood. All the time they marched the smoke rose distantly to their left – the shadowing form of Mount Hotenow lost in the haze. Not now. Not yet. They had to resupply before taking off that den. The final challenge?

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So it was that the hugged the west of the forest along the coast. A light smell of sulphur would sometimes hang over them until driven off by morning the sea air. Until finally, over the rolling hills the walls of Neverwinter rose. The city was laid out like a map in front of them. As ever, the palaces of the Lord Neverember dominated.

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Old Jan 24th, 2025, 11:38 AM
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Ozgur Sitsk
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"I never thought Neverwinter would feel warm," Ozgur observed. He rubbed his arms briskly, remembering the soul-searing cold of the Frost Giant realm. "But this is most welcome." The bard looked around, eyeing his comrades. He already missed Chutakki, and looked forward to the scout's return.

"The way I see it," he continued mildly, "We need information about those damned giants and what we might find in there, and we need gear that'll keep the skin from scorching off our backs. If we can find anything else helpful, so much the better. Is there anything else we'll need? Some of you probably know the city better than I do, is there anyone or anything we particularly should visit? Any merchant who might give us a favorable price on all this lot?"


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Old Jan 28th, 2025, 08:48 AM
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Begon Ugo"
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Begon Ugo was not a merchant and so the group's long awaited arrival back into civilized lands, into the grand city of Neverwinter, was not an occasion for celebration. Truth be told, the orc felt no kinship with the urban folk. The claustrophobic density of flesh, the stink of sewage and sickness, it all combined to make Begon feel an instant longing for the crisp air of the frozen tundra or the shade of the evergreen forest.

Still Neverwinter was a destination of necessity and not one of choice and so Begon would make do as best he could in the alien environment. Upon arrival, Berith centered the group on two tasks, "We need information about those damned giants and what we might find in there, and we need gear that'll keep the skin from scorching off our backs."

Begon spun the newly found ring that sat on his gnarled finger. Even now it felt like a melting piece of ice sat on his finger. Cool… not painfully cold. He knew this ring would protect him from the fire that the others feared. The orc wondered whether or not more protection would be needed besides the ring.

"We go to book place," Begon said as he nodded his head in certainty. "A city this big… lots of books. You read books…. know everything like wizard."

Of course, Begon could not read worth a lick, the attempt to do so guaranteed to give him fits and a splitting pain in the head. "Maybe we get better weapons? Use dragon scales for armor? How much time we have?"

OocWe should upgrade equipment if we can. Didn't Raackma have dragon scales? Lets use them.

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