Remaining operator of the Two Knights Brewery. Gaven's faith in Abadar was sorely shaken by his brother's murder at Chopper's hands.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:07 AM. |
Gorvi is the dung-sweeper of the town of Sandpoint, and one of the community's few half-orc citizens. He's paid well for his work, and has even been able to hire over two dozen individuals to assist him in gathering garbage and overseeing Junker’s Edge. Despite this, Gorvi chooses to live in a home that is both small and in need of repair. Gorvi is often at odds with the mayor - she is often trying to limit his drinking and carousing, and he is sure he won't be run out of town for it, as his services are too valuable.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 05:00 PM. |
Gressel Tenniwar
Frontman for the local Sczarni leader Jubrayl. Gressel is usually thought by outsiders, and a few locals, to own the Fatman's Feedbag.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:17 AM. |
Hannah Velerin
A local herbalist, Hannah also often serves as a midwife. She is the most outspoken opponent of Gorvi's practice of dumping trash off the edge of a local cliff.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:22 AM. |
Hayliss Korvaski
Sister to Jasper Korvaski, Hayliss runs the Sandpoint Boutique. She has a strong dislike for the Scarnetti family, as they make things difficult for her brother.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:15 AM. |
Ibor Thorn
One of the two men who run the Scarnetti's lumber mill in Sandpoint.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 05:40 PM. |
Ilsoari Gandethus
When the town of Sandpoint founded the Turandurok Academy, a retired adventurer named Ilsoari Gandethus volunteered to be the school and orphanage's headmaster on the condition that he could use the basement of the building for his own use. In this space, which he keeps locked from the children of the Academy, he holds a large collection of exotic weapons, strange maps and monster trophies gather during his adventuring days. He is quite open with his arcane museum to anyone who asks, but he allows the orphans and students of the Academy to spin their outrageous rumors of the true nature of his basement lair, seeming to get some level of amusement from their wildly imaginative theories.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:16 AM. |
Jargie Quinn
Jargie Quinn is a gregarious one-legged man, and the owner of The Hagfish. His affection toward Norah is well known, as is his skill at the popular game of yarning; the man's favorite starting point for his tall tales is the ever-changing story of how he lost his leg.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:17 AM. |
Jasper Korvaski
Jasper is a paladin of Abadar, and runs the daily business of the Sandpoint Mercantile League. He is the brother of Hayliss Korvaski, and the lover of Cyrdak Drokkus. The latter has become fairly common knowledge, despite Jasper's efforts to keep it private.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:13 AM. |
Jervis Stoot
In 4687 AR, when Jervis Stoot made clear his intentions to build a home on the island just north of the Old Light, locals in Sandpoint paid him no mind. Jervis had already garnered something of a reputation as an eccentric for his one-man crusade to carve depictions of birds on every deserving building in town. Stoot never made a carving without securing permission, but his incredible skill made it a given that if Stoot picked your building as the site of his latest project, you seized the opportunity. Sporting a Stoot soon grew to be something of a bragging point, and Jervis eventually extended his talent to include ship figureheads and even carriages. Those who asked or tried to pay him for his skill were rebuffed, Stoot telling them, "There ain't no birds in that wood for me t'set free," and going on his way. Stoot often wandering the streets for days before noticing a hidden bird in a fencepost, lintel, steeple, or doorframe and securing permission to "release" it with his trusty carving knives. Stoot's excuse for wanting to move to the isle seemed innocent enough—the place was a haven for local birdlife, and his claim of "Wantin' ta be with th' birds" seemed to make sense. So much, in fact, that the guild of carpenters (with whom Stoot had maintained a friendly competition for several years) volunteered to build a staircase, free of charge, along the southern cliff face so that Stoot could come and go from his new home with ease. For fifteen years, Stoot lived on the island. His trips into town grew less and less frequent, making it something of an event when he chose a building to host a new Stoot. In 4702 AR, amid the terrible time that would come to be known as "the late unpleasantness", the town's local serial killer, called Chopper took the life of the sheriff, Casp Avertin, in a dark alley. When the town guard found the sheriff dead with another victim several minutes later, they were able to follow the bloody trail left by the killer. A trail that led straight to the stairs of Stoot's Rock. At first, the town guard refused to believe the implications, and feared that Chopper had come to claim poor Jervis Stoot as his 26th victim. Yet what the guards found in the modest home atop the isle, and in the larger complex of rooms that had been carved into the bedrock below, left no room for doubt. Jervis Stoot and Chopper were the same, and the eyes and tongues of all 25 victims were found in a horrific altar to a birdlike demon whose name none dared speak aloud. Stoot himself was found dead at the base of the altar, having plucked his own eyes and tongue loose for a final offering. The guards collapsed the entrance to the chambers, burned Stoot's house, tore down the stairs, and did their best to forget. Stoot himself was burned on the beach in a pyre, his ashes then blessed and then scattered in an attempt to stave off an unholy return of his evil spirit from beyond the grave. And in the months to follow, Sandpoint did its best to forget the terror, although even today, children who remember the dark times only six years ago sometimes wake with nightmare visions of Chopper hiding under their beds.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:19 AM. |
Jesk “Cracktooth” Berinni
Jesk "Cracktooth" Berinni is the owner and operator of Cracktooth's Tavern. For all intents and purposes, Jesk appears to be a typical human thug, he nonetheless possesses a keen wit and insight, despite his physical appearance that might suggest otherwise. Jesk is quite well read and his commentaries on the political occurrences in Magnimar are very popular.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:20 AM. |
Jubrayl Vhiski
Jubrayl Vhiski is the leader of the Sczarni in Sandpoint. Part businessman and part criminal Jubrayl covertly owns the Fatman’s Feedbag, and has designs on Sandpoint's brothel business. Despite his coordination of a gang of nearly two dozen, Jubrayl has managed to evade capture by Belor Hemlock despite strong suspicions on the sheriff's part.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:20 AM. |
Katrine Vinder
Older daughter of Ven Vinder. Rumor has it that Katrine has been seeing Banny Harker against her father's wishes.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 05:42 PM. |
Kaye Tesarani
Madame of the Pixie's Kitten, the local brothel. Kaye tries to keep an air of class to the place. It's a known secret that she's having a relationship with Sheriff Belor Hemlock - which makes a strong deterrent against a takeover by Sandpoint's criminal element.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 30th, 2010 at 03:19 AM. |
Kendra Deverin
Kendra Deverin has served as Sandpoint's mayor since 4702 AR. Lawmaker, judge, and general peacemaker, she has proven to be both an adept diplomat and stern hand when need be, both skills honed during her youth in Magnimar. With a personal—some say sisterly—style of governing, most of Sandpoint's citizens hold deep respect for their fiery-haired mayor.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 04:21 AM. |
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