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Old Dec 29th, 2010, 12:41 AM
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15. Red Dog Smithy
Named for its owner’s affection for large red mastiffs, two to three of which can always be seen lounging about nearby, Red Dog Smithy is owned by a bald and powerfully muscled man named Das Korvut. Das’s temper is, perhaps, his true claim to fame — he has little patience for customers, and even less for everyone else. Sandpoint suffers his foul-mouthed attitude and frequent drunken midnight rants because he really does know his job. And as long as he’s busy hammering metal, he stays relatively calm and confined to his smithy. The local children have recently been circulating a somewhat cruel rhyme about Das that they’ve taken to chanting at hopsquares, a rhyme sure to come to an end once the smith hears it. “Here comes crazy-man Das Korvut, Mad as a cut snake in a wagon rut. See how his chops go bouncity-bounce? How many people has he trounced? One! Two! Three! Four...”
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 12:42 AM
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16. The Pillbug’s Pantry
Nestled at the base of a cliff and tucked between several old tenements, nothing but a painting of a pillbug perched on a mushroom indicates this building’s anything more than yet another home. The proprietor of this establishment is a short, rotund man named Aliver “Pillbug” Podiker, an accomplished herbalist, gardener, and secret poisoner. Although he’s of mixed Chelish/Varisian blood, the Sczarni (see area 43) have taken to treating him as a full-blooded Varisian. While his primary source of income is from legitimate sales of medicine and potions, he maintains a healthy side-business selling poison to Sczarni locals as well. Before he’ll even admit to being a poison merchant, though, a potential customer first has to ask him, “Have any happy pillbugs turned up lately?”
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 12:42 AM
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17. Bottled Solutions
This cluttered shop is filled with shelves upon shelves of bottles, bags, and other alchemical containers, some covered with dust and others so new that the pungent stink of their brewing still fills the air. Nisk Tander fancies himself a more gifted alchemist than he really is — items purchased from this shop have a chance of not working as intended, either being subdued, inert, or wildly unpredictable in their actual effects (such as a flask of alchemist’s fire bursting in a flash of light that acts as a daze spell in a five-foot-radius, or a vial of antitoxin functioning instead as a vial of acid). A trained eye may be good enough to determine if something purchased at Bottled Solutions is good or not, but Nisk doesn’t take kindly to people looking too closely at his wares before they buy.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 12:43 AM
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18. Cracktooth’s Tavern
A particular favorite of patrons of the Sandpoint Theater, Cracktooth’s Tavern is always full after the latest show at the nearby playhouse lets out. A large stage gives actors, singers, and anyone else the opportunity to show their stuff. Every night a crowd of would-be entertainers packs the taproom in the hopes of being discovered. Owner Jesk “Cracktooth” Berinni might look like a thug, but he’s actually quite well-read and possesses a scathing wit — nights when he takes the stage to deliver his observations on the political situations in Magnimar are quite popular.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 12:43 AM
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19. House of Blue Stones
This long stone building is primarily a single large chamber, the floor decorated with polished blue stones set within winding pathways of reed mats. This structure was built 10 years after Sandpoint was founded by a wandering monk named Enderaki Sorn — today, the monastery is tended by Enderaki’s daughter, Sabyl, her father having passed away seven years ago. A worshiper of Irori, the god of self-perfection and knowledge, Sabyl maintains a large collection of old books and scrolls in the basement chambers below. She opens both the meditation floor and her library to fellow worshipers, but others must convince her of their good intentions before she’ll let them in.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:27 AM
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20. Sandpoint Glassworks
One of the oldest industries in Sandpoint, the Glassworks has been owned by the Kaijitsu family from the town’s inception. The glassworking trade has been in the family for generations, and many of their techniques — perfected in distant Minkai — result in dazzling and impressive works that fetch top price among the nobles of Magnimar, Korvosa, and beyond.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 01:28 AM.
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:28 AM
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21. Sandpoint Savories
The smells issuing from this bakery fight against the salty tang of the sea every morning except on Sunday. Owned and operated by the Avertin family for the past two decades, Alma Avertin still hasn’t quite recovered from the brutal death of her son Casp five years ago under Chopper’s blade. Her twin daughters Arika and Aneka all but run the business these days.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 01:28 AM.
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:28 AM
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22. The Curious Goblin
The sign out in front of this shop shows a wide-eyed goblin reading a book nearly as tall as him. Inside, this bookshop is a testament to one man’s obsession with the printed word. Chask Haladan has maintained his love affair with books for nearly 70 years and shows no sign of giving it up any time soon. His store is surprisingly complete, and while almost all of his wares are far too pricy for any of the locals to shop here with any frequency, a nest egg gathered in his adventurous youth combined with a frugal lifestyle makes the success of his business secondary to his own satisfaction. Several locals, including Brodert Quink (area 8), Sabyl Sorn (area 19), and Ilsorai Gandethus (area 27) can often be found here, either chatting with Chask or sitting in one of several large chairs, reading.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:29 AM
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23. Sandpoint Theater
Brand-new cathedrals and ancient ruins aren’t the only incongruities Sandpoint boasts. This massive playhouse, financed entirely by its larger-than-life owner, Cyrdak Drokkus, features one of the most impressive theaters on this side of Varisia — it certainly competes with the playhouses of Magnimar, a fact that Cyrdak takes great pride in, since he was forced to flee that city for mysterious reasons he’s eager to hint at but reticent to expound upon (although they certainly involve another local of note — Jasper Korvaski). The Sandpoint Theater often showcases local talent, but it’s the three weekend shows that locals generally look forward to. Cyrdak uses his contacts in Magnimar to great extent, ensuring that the most exciting new productions in the big city are available here as well. Although Cyrdak enjoys flirting with all of Sandpoint’s young women, his romantic relationship with Jasper (area 40) is one of the town’s worst-kept secrets.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:29 AM
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24. Carpenter’s Guild
The vast majority of the buildings in Sandpoint were erected by members of the town’s large and eternally-busy Carpenter’s Guild. Currently overseen by Guildmaster Aesrick Battlehorn, a dwarf who left his homeland with a near heretical fondness for working with wood rather than stone, the Sandpoint Carpenter’s Guild has recently been accepting a growing number of projects in the outlying farmlands as well as work about town. The guild has been in a minor feud with the Sandpoint Shipyard (area 46) for years, one that most often flares up over which guild has claim to the best lumber from the mill.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 01:30 AM.
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:30 AM
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25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill
This long building was one of the first to be built when Sandpoint was founded. Owned by the industrious Scarnetti family, daily operation of the mill has recently been left more and more to a penny-pinching businessman named Banny Harker and his partner Ibor Thorn. Neighbors have been complaining that the two have been running their insidiously noisy logsplitter into the wee hours of the night as they rush to keep up with demand in the face of an increased availability of lumber from Magnimar, but Harker’s influence with the Scarnettis has so far kept any mandates against operating the logsplitter from coming to pass.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:30 AM
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26. General Store
Owned and operated by Ven Vinder and his familiy, Sandpoint’s oldest and best-stocked general store has a little bit of everything—farm equipment, weapons, tack, tools, furniture, food, and even homemade pies by Ven’s wife Solsta. Ven even keeps a shocking supply of alcohol in his basement, although a customer has to ask to see the “wine cellar” before Ven’ll admit to his special stock. Ven has a particular fondness for harsh bitter grog and rotgut imported from places as far as the orc city of Urglin. His true pride, though, is his daughters, whom he dotes upon. Lately, he’s been increasingly distracted by what he believes is a budding romance between his daughter Katrine and that no-good Harker from the lumber mill. Unfortunately, Ven’s obsession with Katrine’s nightlife has rendered him all but blind to the actions of his other daughter Shayliss, whose reputation as “easy” is growing by the month.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:31 AM
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27. Turandarok Academy
As families thronged to Sandpoint, the town founders quickly came to realize that they needed somewhere to handle the education of children, a place to house unfortunate orphans, and somewhere to busy older children to keep them from becoming delinquents. The answer was the Turandarok Academy. Part school, part orphanage, retired adventurer Ilsoari Gandethus volunteered to be the academy’s headmaster if he could have the basement of the two-story building to himself. The town agreed, and today, the rooms below the Academy are almost a museum of the strange things and trophies Ilsoari has collected over his years. He keeps these chambers locked, but the children who attend classes on the ground floor and the orphans who live on the upper floor have countless stories about what’s down there, ranging from a goblin farm to a nest of phantom spiders to the Sandpoint Devil itself. Although the contents are much less sinister (Ilsoari is all too happy to show off his collection of exotic weapons, strange maps, and monster trophies to anyone who asks nicely), the old wizard does nothing to dissuade the children’s tales.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 01:31 AM.
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:33 AM
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28. Madame Mvashti’s House
Although from outside this appears to be an ancient, decrepit manor house with several rooms, only one person lives in this old building—ancient and mysterious Niska Mvashti. Old even when Sandpoint was founded some 40 years ago, Madame Mvashti (as she prefers to be called) is a Varisian historian and seer, part of a long tradition of oracles in her family. As with many seers, the current age’s unexpected departures from established prophecies have left her with a lifelong sense of brooding worry. She performs most of her readings with cards or carved bones but seems only very rarely to enjoy casting her predictions.

Madame Mvashti had long complained that the yearly travels of her extended family hurt her bones, and when Sandpoint was founded, as part of the accord with the Sandpoint Mercantile League, the local Varisians demanded a large manor house be built for their respected elder. Once she passed away, the house was to revert to the town’s property, but Madame Mvashti has proven exceptionally tenacious and long-lived. She survives primarily on support and volunteer help from local Varisians, although she spits and curses at those she knows belong to the Sczarni. Druids from the hinterlands make weekly visits to her home, often helping her along on the long walks she still
enjoys in the nearby countryside.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Old Dec 29th, 2010, 01:33 AM
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29. Grocer’s Hall
This building’s facade is open to the air where it faces the market. During the day, bins and trays and tables here are heaped with produce brought in that morning from the outlying farms. Near the back of the store are tools, seeds, feed, tack, and other supplies useful for farming. The other half of this building is filled with living quarters, meeting halls, file rooms, and storage. Olmur Danvakus took up the post of guildmaster here after the previous guildmaster was murdered by Chopper.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 29th, 2010 at 01:33 AM.
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