Chapter 1: Festival and Fire
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Mouse (as the town-folk called her) entered the town through the north gate, leading her trusty aging mule, 'Daisy' by a halter. Daisy, in turn, was hauling a cart loaded with turnips and geese for delivery to the White Deer tavern. As usual, the shy girl had avoided looking at the gate guard and her mumbled responses had earned her a shake of the head and a fatherly, 'Speak up, girl. No one likes a mumbler.'
An hour later, she stood beside an empty cart, torn between her natural inclination to be shy and leave town again before the festival and the inevitable curiosity of a young woman to see the excitement. Her indecision lasted long enough to take the choice out of her hand, and with the arrival of the mayor, she found herself drawn to the back of the crowd to listen. Her mouth splits in a grin at the words of Cyrdrak Drokkus, and her hand rose to her mouth to cover the smile. Father always said that only forward, loose girls would smile when men were about. She blushed and lowered her face. When the party commenced, all thought of leaving town evaporated. Father was dead, and she thrilled a little at the idea that her life was her own to choose, now. Still, she was one who had no idea how to have a good time. Whatever she did, it would feel like sin. She gradually drifted to the edge of the square to observe, her foot unconsciously tapping to the sounds of rising music. |
When the ceremony starts, Halton can be found in the back half of the crowd. By no means the life of the party or center of attention, the half-elf nonetheless has decided to take part today in the day's events. It's a great time to strengthen bonds with those he's met, and maybe make new connections as well. Up until this point, he was busy checking with some of the farmers present, the conditions of their families and livestock. Some conversations were easy, usually the ones with those to whom he had given good advice, or a helping hand. With others, it's plain to see their guardedness, or occasionally outright disdain for the half-breed.
Back in the present, he listens intently to Sheriff Hemlock's short memorial speech and offers a silent prayer to Erastil for the continued prosperity and safety of the town, and then claps and cheers at the celebration pronouncement! At times like this, it's easy to forget about his past trials and just enjoy the moment. Halton is ready to take part in whatever festive events are in store. |
"It is said that the most insignificant of events can lead to the destruction of empires."
The gray-skinned half-orc shifts his weight on the sturdy bench, turning to face more clearly the man who had engaged him in idle conversation. His lips pull back into an amused smile, further revealing the small tusks that jutted from his bottom jaw. Reaching up with his right hand, he holds his chin thoughtfully and regards the wiry older gentlemen. It was a rather random comment. "Yessir, the flapping of the wings of the Swallowtails released today will do it. Start the downfall of evil men and inglorious bastards." The bearded man smiles widely at the half-orc as he nods his head at his own assertions. Bits of what Able assumed was the man's breakfast drop from his salt & pepper beard with the movements. "It is an interesting theory" Able replied, his smooth baritone voice carrying quite clearly in the crisp morning air. He is not sure how, but the man smiles even wider at the acknowledgment. "It seems to me that tracing such a momentous event to such a source would be a fool's errand though. I imagine that only the gods would have the time and resources for such a task. I imagine that Desna in particular already knows the results of the flight of her children." He chuckles softly as the man's smile is replaced by a more pensive expression and pats the man on the shoulder good-naturedly. "I did not intend to dissuade you from your line of thought my friend for it is a good thought. I merely find the discussion of philosophy in the midst of a day set aside for joyous celebration to be at odds." Able stands, hoisting his traveling pack over his shoulder as does so. "If you'll excuse me, I believe I smell some roasting sausages that simply demand to be sampled." The half-orc nods his head and turns; immediately bumping into dark-haired waif of a girl. The sheer bulk of his compact frame nearly knocks her over. Able's eyes widen in surprise. "My apologies young lady. I did not see you there. Are you alright?"
Outplay 2011 Second Place |
"I'm not sure about this" The halfling said as he walked with his companion towards the crowd. The last time they had done this they had almost started a lynch mob. Not that his companion could be hung until dead, he would simply vanish and return the next day. But the halfling might be strung up too just for being close.
"Fear not. I have brought something to aid in making peace" The creature said, holding a small bundle. It had taken half of their remaining gold but it would supposedly keep the townsfolk from Ire. The troglodyte like creature unfurled the cloth and shrugged it on, a simple white robe emblazoned with a single symbol. The holy symbol of Iomedae, the goddess of Paladins and justice. It curled up behind his tail but a special seam had been sewed into the cloth that allowed it to trail the ground properly. He picked up the halfling and walked towards the crowd, lifting the little one to his shoulders. "Smile little one. This is a festival" It said as they reached the crowd. As they started moving though people got clear of them, wary of the pro-ported stench of a troglodyte. Then they blinked and looked closer, sniffing cautiously. The outsider smiled at them and his eyes glowed blue. Findal smiled and waved at people from its shoulders and the rune emblazoned on both their foreheads shone in the sun. A symbol not too unlike that of Iomedae's holy symbol, that of a longsword. The blade of the sword ended just above the bridge of Findal's nose, giving his face an even more hawkish look to it. The symbol shone brightly on the scaled hide of the outsider, matching his robe. "See. It is working" The Eidolon said in halfling, hoping that none of the gathered crowd near them spoke it. |
Shortly before the festival begins, Edi eyes his ceremonial garb. Much as he disliked large crowds, it was a religious festival, and since he had no work at the moment he would be expected to attend. 'If I'm going to have to be there anyway, I may as well dress the part.' he decides reluctantly, holding in a sigh. Edi dons the black and silver cloak, and after some consideration removes his dagger from the cloth's folds before hurrying out the door to join the festivities.
Edi stands at the edge of the crowd, just close enough to hear clearly from the podium. At the sheriff's short proclamation, he bows his head, mentally sending a prayer to Pharasma for those who perished in the fire; '...may their souls be judged fairly.' he concludes. Looking up, Edi catches the tail end of Cyrdak's speech, though the mood of the crowd tells him that he likely missed nothing of great importance. Finally the festival was underway. The excitement of the crowd was quite clear, and despite Edi's desire to be anywhere else he tries his best to make small talk. Unfortunately, his lack of practice is quite evident. In the midst of his third botched attempt, he notices a disturbance at the other end of the crowd, and cuts himself off mid-sentence to see what's happening. He could just barely make out the figure in white making it's way through the crowd. 'Perhaps something interesting will happen after all.' |
Stumbling back, she raised her hands defensively and asked "What? I mean pardon me?" One of her hands drifted to the tightly laced bodice of her peasant dress seeking the tiny snake nestled there. The other hand crawled spider like towards the pouch at her waist where the witch-herbs she'd gathered the night before lay hid. Though it was a quick way to a burning to show magics of the sort she'd discovered in a village of this size, the reaction was instinctive. She had a terror and anger in her that was animal-like in its instinctiveness. Last edited by The Firkraag; Jan 4th, 2011 at 01:03 AM. |
Able's expression moves from surprise to concern in a blink of his soft brown eyes. It had been many years since he had seen that particular reaction from a person he hadn't purposefully scared. How very disconcerting. Very slowly he raises his hands, palms facing towards the girl; mirroring the defensive gesture she had initially assumed.
"Calm yourself girl. There is no danger here, only a fool orc who did not watch where he stepped. No reason to feel fear on this fine day of celebration." The words are spoken evenly and without a hint of negativity. "My name is Able and I apologize humbly for my indiscretions. Are you going to be alright girl?"
Outplay 2011 Second Place |
Mouse blinked and fluttered like a wounded bird, but she seemed to relax a little. In a small voice she responded, "Oh. I mean, I am sorry. I did not mean ... it wasn't ... you don't need to apologise."
She was mortified. Fear of men was a natural result of the over-protective upbringing she'd had, but she had not meant to insult the man for his birth. She had, but she instantly regretted it. "I am Mouse, I mean my name is Rowan," she stammered, flushing. "Pleased to meet you, Able." The girl was not pretty and her manner made her even more awkward. Her waist-length hair was done up in the most severe of buns and hidden under a bonnet, and her dark eyes glittered with ill-suppressed suspicion and intensity. For all that, she was a gentle soul at heart and didn't mean disrespect. |
"Edeee Eschum..." a slightly churlish voice slurred behind the elven cleric, "Back of the crowd, dressed in silver and black..."
The speaker, a gray half-orc dressed in yellow and brown smirked as he leaned against a nearby wall. Half a flask of cheap whiskey dangled from his fingers carelessly, but he definitely did not look as drunk as he sounded. It was more of a bad act really, but one that Silas seemed to enjoy. "Ya know... You could carry around a scythe and an empty sack if you wanted to look more like grim death." |
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
"That is what we are here to figure out" The halfling says, smiling the outsider offers a clawed hand for a shake as a scuffle breaks out nearby.
"Oh dear. I think you have worse problems to think about than me" He says, pointing to the old farmer. Narmellion says some things unintelligible to those who do not speak celestial and Findal grimaces. "If you need my friend can help you deal with the problem" He offers. |
His heart set on some good food from a nearby stall, Halton frowns as he turns toward the sounds of a disagreement. He makes his way over to the farmer and young man, eventually having to push through the gathering crowd. The half-elf makes sure that his holy symbol is discreetly visible, then says in a firm voice, "What seems to be the issue here?"
Mouse, being the sheltered flower-in-the-attic that she was didn't recognise the problem at first. She shied away from the violence, though the sight of two men battling brought a bitter tang of fear and anger to her mouth. She froze like a startled deer, poised for action - whether flight or violence even she couldn't tell.
His attention distracted from the figure in white, Edi turns to the drunken half-orc. It was certainly not the first time he had heard that comment, and he doubted it would be the last. "Ah, I knew I forgot something when I was dressing." Edi replies, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "Though I'm not sure you're the best person to be making jokes on such matters. I don't think I've seen you yet in clothes that aren't stained."
As he's speaking, Edi repositions himself so that he can talk to Drubner while still observing the figure, who now seemed to be talking to Hemlock. There seemed to be something on it's shoulder as well. As an afterthought, and a poor excuse to change the subject, he gestures to the whiskey and adds "I take it the drinks are cheap today?" |
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