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Old Feb 2nd, 2011, 05:35 PM
Keiran Keiran is offline
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It's clear that Halton's not going to get the chance to help out other townsfolk escape, with his own path being cut off by the goblin approaching him. He notices that the gnome has moved on top of the table, to the right and a bit behind himself, so he decides to move around the goblin, putting the little menace between himself and the gnome. After a deep breath, he does his best to menace the goblin, hoping to distract it from an attack coming in from behind.

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Old Feb 2nd, 2011, 06:50 PM
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Initiative List, Round 3Goblin 5 (-6hp)
Goblin 3
>Findal (+2 to attack goblin by Halton)
Narmellion (-7hp; Shield spell from Findal; fatigued)
Goblin 2
Edi (Planning to use create water as an aid another action)
Goblin 4 (Down and bleeding)
Drubner (-1hp - at 0!)
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
Goblin 1 (Down and stable)
The goblin farthest south begins to get up, but this distraction gives the two next to him a chance to strike. Andrezi hits true, causing a grievous injury... but Narmellion is not so adept. The troglodyte misses, and with the backswing slashes deep into his own gut! Bright red spills around his claws as the eidolon screeches in pain. Drubner draws a dagger and stabs at the goblin menacing Able's rear, but the attack misses. Able himself attempts to crush the goblin before him, but once again has more luck in causing destruction to inanimate objects. This does, however, send a platter of food into the air, and the goblin is distracted. He takes a moment to catch some of the falling venison, stuffing it into his mouth. Rowan, seeing an opportunity, attempts to hit the glutton with her aklys, but her aim is off. Andrezi has more luck, moving up to the goblin and cutting him across the back. The creature attempts to scream, spraying bits of chewed venison across the table. The goblin behind Able, meanwhile, changes his focus to the alchemist that attacked him. He gashes Drubner right across the abdomen, causing the half-orc to turn from green to grey.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Feb 2nd, 2011, 07:17 PM
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Noticing that one of the goblins near him had stopped bleeding Findal drops down and draws his dagger, moving closer to slay the thing for good.

Narmellion, seeing his current prey down, moves on to the next target. He swipes a claw at it but the creature is too agile and gets away.
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Old Feb 4th, 2011, 12:32 AM
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Initiative List, Round 3Goblin 5 (-6hp)
Goblin 3
Findal (+2 to attack goblin by Halton)
Narmellion (-7hp; Shield spell from Findal; fatigued)
Goblin 2
Edi (Planning to use create water as an aid another action)
>Halton (-1hp)
Goblin 4 (Down and bleeding)
Drubner (-1hp - at 0!)
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
Goblin 1 (Down and stable)
Findal draws a dagger and moves forward to kill an injured goblin; meanwhile, his injured Eidolon goes for one still up and fighting. The troglodyte's injuries are too distracting for him, however - Narmellion misses his target. The northernmost goblin turns his attentions on the cleric trying to distract him. The dogslicer strikes home, leaving a shallow gash on Halton's leg. Edi runs up onto the table and uses an orison to spray water at the goblin there, but the runt barely notices the splash.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Feb 4th, 2011, 05:48 PM
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Findal slams the dagger to the hilt in the goblin's eye.

"Die already" He says, with satisfaction as the waves of pain coming up his link with the outsider begin to build. He would have to send his friend home soon, leaving himself vulnerable.

"TO THE ABYSS WITH YOU!" Narmellion bellows, slashing at another goblin.

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Old Feb 5th, 2011, 09:26 PM
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Just after his attempt distracting the goblin, Edi notices Drubner's condition, but before he could take action the alchemist was beating a hasty retreat. It was probably for the best. With little else to do, he moves to aid against the closer of the two remaining goblins; the young priest should be able to hold his own until other help arrived.


Last edited by Ieiunitas; Feb 10th, 2011 at 10:35 PM.
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Old Feb 6th, 2011, 01:54 AM
Keiran Keiran is offline
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Well, Halton sure has gotten the goblin's attention, enough to get a cut for his efforts. He's not particularly fond of this so the half-elf decides to change his tactics. He lunges down at the green creature to grapple it, but his unfamiliarity with this way of doing things is evident; he almost trips himself in the process.

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Old Feb 6th, 2011, 05:09 AM
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Able glares at the goblin currently stuffing its gullet with the previously fine venison. He readjusts his grip on the deadly weapon in his hands and raises to the level of his head, arm extended while continuing to speak.

"From the bowels of the earth, the horde consumed everything in sight."

The morningstar came in swiftly, cracking the goblin under the jaw with tremendous force and knocking the creature flat on its back, its head lolling at an unnatural angle.

"The goodly races watched aghast, then drew blades and set out to stop it."
Outplay 2011 Second Place
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Old Feb 9th, 2011, 01:40 AM
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Initiative List, Round 4Goblin 5 (Down and stable)
Goblin 3
Findal (planning to coup de grace the goblin to his south)
Narmellion (-7hp; Shield spell from Findal; fatigued)
Goblin 2
Edi (planning to cast CLW on Drubner)
Halton (-4hp)
Goblin 4 (Down and bleeding)
Drubner (-1hp - at 0!)
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
Goblin 1 (Down and stable)
Halton lunges at the goblin before him, trying to grab hold, but instead receives a nasty cut on the arm for his efforts. Drubner decides discretion is the better part of valor; he staggers to the north in preparation of flight. Able finally hits home, his morningstar crashing into the skull of the goblin before him. It goes down in a heap on the table.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Feb 10th, 2011, 01:04 AM
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Mouse, despite her timid demeanour and diminutive frame has a rage in her that has risen to the surface with the appearance of the goblins and their vicious attack on the poor dog. Seeing that they were for the most part down, she turned her anger on the unconscious on beside her, drawing her tether club back she raised it in both hands and brought the weapon down on the skull of the little fiend beside her.

"Hurt a poor doggie, will you?!" she grunted.

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Old Feb 10th, 2011, 11:51 AM
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Andrezi spins around gracefully and brings his sword across the goblin's neck.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Feb 10th, 2011, 10:54 PM
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"The goblin horde fell quickly to the blades of the goodly races" Able continued to intone as he pivoted on the balls of his feet; turning right and forcing his morningstar into a vicious backswing. His cape flew out behind as he did so, hiding the well placed blow from the sight of most. Sharp iron spikes drove themselves through the goblin's right arm and into its chest, lifting it a few inches off the ground in the process.

"Woe unto those aided the goblin."

Outplay 2011 Second Place
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Old Feb 11th, 2011, 03:05 PM
Keiran Keiran is offline
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Halton staggers back, crying out as his rough attempt to tie up his goblin opponent results in another cut, this one more serious than the last. He looks up just in time to see Mouse finish off one of the others. He decides to resume his earlier tactic of distracting the goblin in front of him, though this time though he calls out, "I need help!" as he does acts in an aggressive manner.

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Old Feb 11th, 2011, 07:19 PM
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Initiative List, Round 5>Mouse
Goblin 3 (Down and bleeding)
Narmellion (-7hp; Shield spell from Findal; fatigued)
Goblin 2 (Mouse gets a +2 to attack on this one)
Edi (-2hp)
Halton (-4hp)
Goblin 4 (Down and bleeding)
Drubner (-1hp - at 0!)
Goblin 6 (Down and bleeding)
Goblin 1 (Down and bleeding)
Able (-1hp)
Rowan lays into the goblin next to her with her aklys, and blood sprays out of its skull. Andrezi brings his sword down, decapitating the goblin on the table. Its head rolls off and lands at the Varisian man's feet. On the other side of Able, the live goblin slashes forwards, leaving a slice in the inquisitor's left buttocks. Narmellion runs forward, slashing at the little runt. Meanwhile, Findal drives a dagger into a dying goblin's eye. The goblin in front of Halton swings his dogslicer, but the half-elf dodges the blow. Edi moves around to flank one of the surviving goblins, but it takes advantage of a momentary distraction and scores a slice along his side. Edi's attempts to further distract the goblin are mostly ineffective. Halton has better luck in this regard - calling for help, he still manages to feint towards the goblin, making it easier if Mouse strikes at it. Drubner staggers east, calling for Father Zantus. Able turns, and with righteous fury devastates his opponent. The last remaining goblin seems blissfully unaware that all his allies are down - he is still laughing like killing Halton is just a game.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Feb 11th, 2011 at 07:20 PM.
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Old Feb 12th, 2011, 05:46 PM
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Mouse blinked a little in shock at her own violence, and squeaked deep in her throat. Wiping a drop of blood from her cheek with her sleeve she stared at it a moment in fascination and then wheeled in a burst of motion and struck out again at the goblin Halton was attacking. Her distraction was telling, however, and her aim terrible.

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