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Old Feb 25th, 2011, 01:08 AM
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Mouse gapes at the priest. Was he talking to her? Men didn't talk to her. They weren't supposed to talk to her! Gulping, she simply nodded, and turned her glittering animal-like eyes on the nearest approaching goblin.

She whispered something curse-like under her breath and a shimmering wave of something moved away from her, undulating like the serpent that rested under her caressing hand.

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Old Feb 25th, 2011, 11:05 AM
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Andrezi turns to the woman next to him. Come there's more killing to be done this day! He then charges in the direction of the goblins.

OOC: Double move.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Feb 25th, 2011, 12:06 PM
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Findal follows the others, trying to decide if he should take the time to summon his eidolon again. He sides against it and calls the dire rat to his side.

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Old Feb 25th, 2011, 04:41 PM
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Initiative List, Round 7Andrezi (-3hp)
Goblin 3 (Down and stable)
Celestial Dire Rat
Goblin 2 (Down and bleeding)
Goblin 9 (Wielding whip and dogslicer, casting a spell)
Goblin 7 (Wielding torch and dogslicer)
Edi (-2hp)
Goblin 8 (Wielding torch and dogslicer)
Goblin 10 (Wielding horsechopper, riding goblin dog)
Goblin Dog
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
>Able (-1hp)
Abstalar Zantus
Mouse moves forward, ready to put a goblin to sleep. Andrezi charges forward, bloodthirsty for more goblins. Findal, with his celestial dire rat at his side, follows Andrezi north. One of the lead goblins, carrying a whip and dogslicer and singing loudly, alters her song, gesturing to cast a spell. The goblin near the whip-wielder runs forward to attack - and from between the buildings Mouse hits him with a hex. The goblin manages to stay on his feet and continues towards Andrezi. Gleefully, the goblin swings out with his torch, trying to burn the Varisian, but Andrezi easily avoids the blow. Edi stabs down at the goblin next to him with the creature's own dogslicer, killing it, before moving towards the new fight. The other torchbearing goblin moves towards Andrezi, also trying to burn the ranger. This one fares no better. Halton sees his chance, and runs for his life into the new temple. The mounted goblin spurs his goblin dog forward, barely missing the nobleman cowering before him - who Andrezi can now hear calling for help.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Feb 26th, 2011 at 12:41 AM.
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Old Feb 27th, 2011, 01:12 PM
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Initiative List, Round 8>Andrezi (-3hp)
Goblin 3 (Down and stable)
Celestial Dire Rat
Goblin 2 (Down and bleeding)
Goblin 9 (Wielding whip and dogslicer, casting a spell)
Goblin 7 (Wielding torch and dogslicer)
Edi (-2hp)
Goblin 8 (Wielding torch and dogslicer)
Goblin 10 (Wielding horsechopper, riding goblin dog)
Goblin Dog
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
Able (-1hp; Magic weapon; Judgment of Protection)
Abstalar Zantus
Able prepares for a fight, and moves purposefully towards the mounted goblin. Father Zantus looks to see who is most injured, then begins moving towards Andrezi.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Feb 27th, 2011, 01:58 PM
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As Edi moved towards the fighting, the adrenaline is wearing off enough for him to feel a sharp pain in his side from the cut he received earlier. Noting that the two others fighting on the front line appear to be injured as well, he adjusts his battle plan and moves as close as he can, slightly limping as he does so. Edi grasps his holy symbol in one hand, the other pressed against his cut, and channels the power of Pharasma once more.


Last edited by Ieiunitas; Mar 2nd, 2011 at 07:05 PM.
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Old Feb 27th, 2011, 11:16 PM
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Andrezi brings his blade down to hack off the goblin's head.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Feb 28th, 2011, 11:42 PM
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Mouse mutters like a madwoman to her little snake-friend, in a gibberish tongue, as she pushes her way past the shed and through the tables to the north, circling around to come at the two nearest goblins. Waving her snake entwined hand around as if swatting a fly she sent another hex of slumber toward the goblin who had not yet been touched by her magics.

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Old Feb 28th, 2011, 11:48 PM
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Findal continues north. Gesturing for his rat to find a target. If it does it is to find him and lead him to it.
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Old Mar 2nd, 2011, 01:58 AM
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Initiative List, Round 8Andrezi (-2hp)
Goblin 3 (Down and stable)
Celestial Dire Rat
Goblin 9 (Wielding whip and dogslicer, singing)
Goblin 7 (Down and bleeding)
Goblin 8 (Wielding torch and dogslicer; asleep)
Goblin 10 (Wielding horsechopper, riding goblin dog)
Goblin Dog
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
>Able (-6hp; Magic weapon; Judgment of Protection)
Abstalar Zantus
Andrezi brings his sword down, cutting at the point where the head meets the neck. While it doesn't decapitate the goblin, he is severely wounded. Findal's dire rat leads the halfling to the pair of goblins fighting Andrezi. The goblin warchanter casts her spell... Findal and Andrezi stay awake, but the dire rat falls asleep. She then moves forward and her singing gets even louder. Mouse moves forward, too, and with a gesture causes one of the other goblins to drop in slumber. The goblin Andrezi injured launches himself forward, cutting deep into the ranger's gut with his dogslicer. The exertion is more than his injuries permit, however, and the goblin drops to the ground bleeding. Andrezi himself does not remain so gravely wounded for long - Edi runs forward and releases a wave of positive energy, healing at least some of the ranger's wounds as well as the elven cleric's own. North, the goblin rider sees a more entertaining fight than the nobleman. He spurs his goblin dog towards Able, thrusting forward with his horsechopper while the dog itself bites. The blade misses; the teeth, sadly, do not. Able feels a burning sensation around the wound as the goblin dog bites into his thigh.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Mar 7th, 2011 at 01:07 AM.
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Old Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:11 PM
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With the burning in his side now washed away, Edi turns his attention to the other injured, preparing and casting a more focused healing spell. 'Hopefully there aren't many more goblins besides the ones here; this is the fastest I've gone through my supply of divine energy in some time.'

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Old Mar 2nd, 2011, 11:37 PM
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A vicious backhand swing knocks the thrust of the horsechopper clearly out of harm's way. The half-orc follows the blow with a short sidestep to his right into the path of the oncoming mounted warrior, hoping to stop its momentum by shoving his knee into the 'dog's' face. How such a beast could ever have gained the honourific of dog... The creature that bestowed it requires an examination of the mind. His cunning plan was not to be though as the goblin dog plants its 'paw' on the half-orc's knee, using it for leverage and bites a deep wound into his thigh. The teeth drag through the wound as it comes back to the earth causing Able to growl loudly through the burning pain.

The blue shimmering around the inquisitor changes subtly, staunching the flow of blood before even a small puddle forms in the dirt. The morningstar in his hand comes rushing down, narrowly missing the rider's head. Able grimaces.
"That was your second warning."

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Old Mar 3rd, 2011, 11:03 PM
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Andrezi follows through with his strike and with his back facing the goblin he stabs behind him with both hands on the pommel.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie
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Old Mar 4th, 2011, 12:44 AM
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Initiative List, Round 9???>Andrezi (-2hp)
Goblin 3 (Down and stable)
Celestial Dire Rat
Goblin 9 (Wielding whip and dogslicer, singing)
Goblin 7 (Down and bleeding)
Edi (Planning to move and cast CLW on Andrezi)
Goblin 8 (Wielding torch and dogslicer; asleep)
Goblin 10 (Wielding horsechopper, riding goblin dog)
Goblin Dog
Goblin 6 (Down and stable)
Able (Magic weapon; Judgment of Healing)
Abstalar Zantus
Able swings at the goblin rider, but misses. Meanwhile, his judgment turns to healing, relieving him of some of his injuries. Father Zantus sees the Inquisitor in distress, and moves to help him. His hands glow with a soft blue light as he runs, and he reaches out to touch the half orc, healing all of his wounds.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Mar 4th, 2011, 01:15 PM
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Findal calls for his minion to attack the still awake, waiting for the goblin to move out of the way before stepping over and driving a dagger into the slumbering monster's heart.

The rat dips behind one ally and darts back in to bite at the goblin but misses the mark.


Last edited by Saidande; Mar 4th, 2011 at 01:17 PM.
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