Chapter 2: Local Heroes
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
This morning Findal and Narmellion come down fully armed and armored. Findal is wearing light armor and Narmellion has his shield strapped to his back. The Eidolon looks none the worse for wear after his injuries the day before and Findal is recovering nicely.
"A meal for me and my companion please" Findal says as Narmellion lifts him up to place him on a chair. He has to stand to be at table level but he is use to such things and quickly makes himself comfortable, leaning against the table with his legs crossed, looking over the note. |
As the morning sun starts coming through the window into the inn room, Dugmink rolls out of the small nest of blankets he had made in one corner of the floor, and comes to his feet in a wary crouch. Looking around the room through narrowed eyes, he slowly relaxes as he remembers what had happened the previous afternoon and evening. Looking at Andrezei, he gives the ranger a long calculating look before he speaks. "So... uh... me been noticing that all the longsha... er... peoples here not be liking me much. Maybe it help if me dress in short people clothes? But me not know much bout short people clothing, so..."
He seems unaware of the fact that he is also completely unwashed and quite unpleasant smelling, though after a full night in an enclosed space, that fact would be almost unbearably obvious to anyone else in the room.
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A bath wouldn't hurt either. Let's get to that then. Andrezi smiles before realizing that he's talking to a goblin. Then his face moves towards a grimace, but not completely. I'll go see if Ameko can round up some of her brother's old clothes from when he was little, and we can get someone to get you some bath water. He pauses and smells his own armpit. Come to think of it a bath wouldn't hurt either of us. I'll arrange for two tubs to be brought in. He leaves the room to do just that.
After returning. You know I think we should check towards the cliffs. I think they might have headed there after the grave.
"All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle." - Fortune cookie http://rilibast.mybrute.com |
Squinting against the sunlight, Mikki rolls out of bed. He head hurts something fierce. Stumbling across the room, she brushes her teeth with a bit of stale water and a finger, then makes her way downstairs. The usually talkative halfling is very quiet, as if every spoken word pains her. Food-- I need food...and an ale and clamato juice.
Kala made her way down from the pleasantly furnished quarters she had been given. She would have preferred to chase down those who had desecrated the grave and brought the goblin attack upon the city immediately, but she had been forced to acknowledge the trail had been lost. When Andrezi suggested that the tracks may have continued on towards the cliffs, she perked up at once.
As those who are going to the cliffs pass through town, they are greeted warmly by several townsfolk. Gratitude is plentiful from many of the populace.
Junker's Edge, though, is quieter - most people have no reason to come this way. An unkempt man, one of Gorvi's boys, is the only person here - he doesn't notice you at first, as he is busy dumping a wheelbarrow full of refuse over the cliffside. There is clangs, clatters, and more than a few squishing sounds as the garbage falls on the larger pile at the base. The man catches sight of you as he turns around, and starts, barely catching himself as he steps back towards the edge. "Wha-oh! Didn't hear ya come up! What are ya doing here on Junker's Edge?" he asks.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
"'Looking for trouble'," Kala quipped, with an impish grin across her features to take away any fear-inspiring implications that her words might have. "Actually... we were looking for a group of folks. Maybe newcomers and probably Varisian men, they might be or have been staying around these parts, or maybe come through after the festival. Maybe you saw them?" She held up a silver piece in her free hand, allowing it to glint in the sun.
Last edited by Darkshard; May 11th, 2011 at 07:15 AM. |
Narmellion carries Findal near the front of the group, the halfling leaning back against the top of the shield strapped to his companions back. Narmellion still wears the formal robe of a priest of Iomedae and smiles at those who greet them. He tries hard not to expose his fangs, as they will throw people off.
The man reaches out carefully, but as soon as the silver is in his hand he snatches it back. Giving a grin that shows more than a few missing teeth, he says, "Ain't nobody come to Junker's Edge except Gorvi's boys, when we dump the garbage." He points a grubby finger north. "Nobody wants to go out to Chopper's Isle. And those looking to go to the Old Light, there," he points to the immense structure a short distance away, "go to the door by Brodert's place."
Of course, the group had passed by that door on the way through town, following the cliffs along the town's edge north, and found nothing. The cliffs continued north past Junker's Edge, too, but this point was even with the graveyard - and as the tracks hadn't gone north at all, it seems your trail had run dry. Either the person or persons who had robbed the grave never reached the cliffs, or they did and you simply missed it.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Kala looked thoughtfully at the pair of trackers. "Could the tracks have been leading to the Old Light? Or Chopper's Isle?"
Heavy footsteps pad their way calmly up the dirt road behind the assembled group. The half-orc wore the same clothes that he had worn at the festival, the same light brown cloak, same worn pants inexpertly mended from the damage the previous day, same sun-bleached grey shirt now stained with small blood splatters missed in a vigorous scrubbing. His pipe was clutched lightly in his right hand, smoke curling up and vanishing in the light sea breeze.
"An auspicious name for an isle."
Outplay 2011 Second Place Last edited by Elfman6; May 17th, 2011 at 11:39 PM. Reason: awful grammatical structure |
"I wouldn't go out there, was I you," says the trash man. "Only thing there is the remains of Chopper's old house. No place for a decent person to visit." So saying, he trundles back southeast along the path, pushing his cart.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Am I missin' some'in', Mikki asks, who da nine hecks is this choppa?
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