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Old May 30th, 2011, 07:28 PM
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Dugmink edges over to the cliffside and looks down. "Er... me curious. If longshanks took body from graveyard and come here, then how they get down? Me not think climbing down cliff while hauling body be so easy..."
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Old May 30th, 2011, 09:37 PM
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They could've lowered the body wit' ropes, or, Mikki looks up, trying to make the most frightening face possible at the zombie, or used black magic! In an instant, she turned her attention back to the cliff. I could prob'ly make it down there-- def'ly wit' a rope, but I ain't so sure 'bout the rest o' you lot.
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Old Jun 1st, 2011, 01:30 AM
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Dugmink's right. I highly doubt they went there. Unless someone can detect magic to check if they caste a spell of flight or something of that nature in this area, that is. I've heard of such things being possible. It just doesn't seem like it. Andrezi paces back and forth observing the tracks more.
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Old Jun 1st, 2011, 02:42 PM
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"Then perhaps we should reconsider," Kala agreed. "A door by... 'Brodart's place' was mentioned?"
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Old Jun 1st, 2011, 11:43 PM
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The half-orc shook his head as the troglodyte-like creature responded, slowly at first and then slightly quicker as this group of people continued their train of thought. The Gaudtra were obvious places to hide, provided one first had never had whiskers on their chin and secondly, was trying to scare one's parents. Such was his experience with the civilized races.

"It makes no sense to go there. These buildings are on the other side of town from the cemetery and the new church. Not to mention their inaccessibility. Our mysterious Varisians would also have to carry the body, likely in a large bag, right past the area where our own battle took place. Since I did not see any such sight, it stands to reason that they did not do so. They may have taken a longer route you might say. They may have, but that increases the chances that they would be caught. I find it far more likely that they dug up the body and then simply dropped quietly over the edge of the embankment to the bridge out of town and simply left by that route."

He pauses for a moment to puff quietly on his pipe.

"Could they flown? Its possible, but if they have ready access to spells or magical items that grant flight, then why use the goblins? Better to wait for the cover of night, steal in like the thieves they are, and then fly away. Invisibility carries the same problems, although it is easier to procure."

"No. If one truly wants to determine the real reason for the goblin's raid, then one must determine why the late Father's body was chosen for theft and who would want it away from hallowed ground."
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Old Jun 3rd, 2011, 01:53 AM
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More likely Chelaxians(OOC: think I spelled that right) than Varisians.... Andrezi says half to himself.
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Old Jun 3rd, 2011, 03:22 AM
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"I doubt it, but it is not impossible," Kala said, in response to Andrezi. Then to Able, "If they intended to rob the corpse and dump the body, why lift it out of the grave at all? Why not leave it there?" She frowned. "Are we certain the tracks led here?" she asked.

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Old Jun 3rd, 2011, 06:07 PM
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OOCAlmost... except that they cut to the south of the building next to the cathedral, and the the trail was lost in the general traffic. So the tracks give an impression of going west or southwest, but you aren't sure where. Also, I think there may have been some mixup in the makeup - most of the tracks were still goblins. There were definitely human (or at least humanoid) tracks along with those, but they used goblin labor. In short, this cliff is only one possible destination. In the update where you went to the cliffs, I said that you had searched along the western edge and found no tracks, and this was the furthest point north that you had got to. It is possible that it could be along the cliffs farther north, but the tracks don't indicate this (though it could be a ruse).

The only thing you know for certain from the tracks is that it is likely the bodysnatchers went west or southwest, and the group was mostly goblins, with at least one humanoid in the mix. The cliffs are the edge of town before the sea in those directions, until it drops down to the harbor. The only thing you know for certain from your explorations of the cliff is that you found no evidence between Junker's Edge and the south edge of the cliffs that the bodysnatchers had gone near them.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't correct your characters coming to the wrong conclusions with OOC information, but I think it might be a case of misreading here, so there it is.
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Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Jun 3rd, 2011 at 06:18 PM.
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Old Jun 3rd, 2011, 06:16 PM
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Mebbe we shoul' jus' wan'er off into da wil's an' start killin' gobbos what til 'ey speak up.
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Old Jun 6th, 2011, 12:10 AM
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Able took a slow, deep breath, looking Kala directly in the eye as he replied to her. "I did not say they simply dumped the body. Murderers dump bodies. Graverobbers keep them. What needs to be determined is why."

"The goblin tracks occur over here, but the goblins were all over the place with little rhyme or reason other than to cause havoc. The tracks of our Varisians, however are not as far as I can tell. As I mentioned previously, I highly doubt they came this way when the far easier escape is over the bridge on the east side of town. Frankly, were just blowing smoke over here."

A gout of pungent smoke is exhaled through his nose at that moment as if to punctuate the statement. The half-orc then shifted his attention to the halfling with the apparent speech impediment.

"We could simply begin a mass genocide, but the time is better spent on more constructive and... moral matters" he says, shaking his head side to side in a slow rhythm.

"Who was the late Father? Does he have surviving family? Enemies? His grave was targeted and it is important to know the reason why."
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Old Jun 6th, 2011, 04:03 AM
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Looking Kala in the eye was a little strange, since she still wore her white linen blindfold. She nodded in agreement to Able's words, however. "I was under the impression that the Varisian's tracks led here. Do we head to the bridge to pick up the trail, or assume it has gone cold and enquire with the Father about the late Father instead?"
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Old Jun 9th, 2011, 03:25 AM
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HaltonIt's a strange thing for a druid to be so welcome in town, but that's exactly what happens today. People remember your efforts in the battle against the goblins, and you receive smiles and hellos from many of the townsfolk. It's almost disconcerting as you go about your day.
Those at Junker's Edge"Ask me about what, now?" comes a voice, and turning to look reveals Abstalar Zantus walking towards you. "I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I came to ask you a question myself. As the dedication ceremony was interrupted yesterday, we will be rededicating the cathedral today. It won't be the festivity it was yesterday, but the presence of our new heroes would lighten some of the somberness. Would you mind?"
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
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Old Jun 9th, 2011, 12:14 PM
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It would be an honor so long as we're done here. The danger has not passed Father Zantus. Andrezi openly clutches the symbol of Desna hanging from his wrist.
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Old Jun 9th, 2011, 07:03 PM
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I wonder if there'll be food?
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Old Jun 11th, 2011, 11:43 AM
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As a somewhat reclusive farmer, it's indeed unusual for Halton to be greeted so openly by townsfolk. He nods and returns the greetings rather stoically, embarrassed more than anything else. He winces and groans quietly after making a poor choice in the way he moves as he walks. He might have been able to heal himself with a bit of divine blessing but the half-elf is still feeling a bit raw from the injuries suffered the day before.

Last edited by Keiran; Jun 11th, 2011 at 11:46 AM.
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