Help! Solo Games FAQ - RPG Crossing
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Old Jun 27th, 2020, 09:28 AM
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Aethera Aethera is offline
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Help! Solo Games FAQ

In this forum, solo adventures or games are run between a Game Master and player. All games are run in private threads, so the forum will never seem cluttered.

Before you can request a game, you need a GM and a player. The solo games are not run by RPG Crossing's staff, but by site members for other members. To create a game you should have the members in place.
  • If you are new to this site and want to participate in a tutorial solo game, please go to the New Player Solo Games forum and apply based on which game system you would like to use. There are separate threads for each system we have GMs ready to run.
  • If you are looking for someone to play with in a member-to-member Solo game, please see our Players Seeking Games forum and look for someone interested in participating in a Solo game, or perhaps post interest in such a game. There is also our Miscellaneous Ads forum if your request doesn't fit anywhere else.
To request to GM a solo game...

Please note several things:
  • You are not able to create threads - only post in them. All threads are private, visible only to the staff, the GM, and the player.
  • There is now an archive section for solo games. This means that by popular demand the solo games will no longer get deleted but stored in this new archive area for future reading and possibly reinstating should the player and GM desire.
  • Games that sit idle for about a month will be archived. PM any of the Solo Game forum mods if you would like your game reinstated (in the Solo Games forum, scroll down to the bottom right corner for a list).
  • Solo Games are played under PG-13 Rules, just as the other games on site are.
For questions, please send a private message to a current admin or moderator.

Happy gaming!

Note: New members still wearing that Yellow name cannot request a game yet. Please shed that new member status by making a few posts, you can find more information in the New Members forum.

Last Updated: 2020-06-27 by Aethera

I will update this post with any questions I get asked, so everyone can benefit from the answers. ~A

Last edited by Aethera; Jun 27th, 2020 at 06:38 PM.
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