I am going to play a Tiefling, Zen Archer Monk, with the Ship's Surgeon trait. because, why not?
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Works for me. I'm assuming Unchained? Just in general, don't feel the need to stick to the trait fluff like glue. Just hit the highlights if you write a backstory.
Also I could probably find you the stats for Mongrelmen, if you like....
Can't do Zen archery in unchained. I'll stick with the standard monk, zen archer archetype. It's been a class I've been wanting to play for a long while.
And, I am thinking it might work for ship to ship combat, sniping, and even piratey boarding stuff... more chances of medium range combat on ships and islands, perhaps less chances of dungeon crawls and small rooms.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Hello! Looking forward to swashing a buckle or two with you all. Yo ho and all that!
Open character creation is awesome too! I better go find that player's guide and start poring through. ![]()
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Well I'll be a baker's dozen. I had no idea. But I mean, yeah, all the shooty shooty stuff feels like a really good idea in this one. Don't forget we're running the elephant, so no point blank shot tax for precise shot. You can take Weapon Focus (Bows) as a bonus feat instead if you want the +1.
Last edited by Icereach; Nov 3rd, 2021 at 11:06 AM. |
Oh hey, welcome PM! I like having all you good people with me.
I've whipped up a Lizardfolk Sea Reaver Barbarian that was exiled from his tribe and forced to adapt to more 'civilized' races to survive (skill point burned into Linguistics for common). However there are a lot of fun pirate themed archetypes out there, so if someone else would rather play into more of the main melee role, feel free, I'll make another character.
All us good people have in common is that you asked us to be here, so it must be you who is the good one Icereach.
![]() I am looking at an angry goblin swashbuckler to start with. He will mostly be in melee, but won't be too keen on the 'getting hit' side of the equation. Your barbarian would be a great shield for the little guy! Icereach - what is starting gold going to look like? And with the Feat Tax, if the class provides some of the removed feats for free, can we take another feat in their place, or will we just lose that class bonus?
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. Last edited by pianoman90; Nov 2nd, 2021 at 11:54 PM. |
With a zen archer, barbarian, and swashbuckler in a 4 person group, we might be over indexing a bit, but it would be a crime not to have a swashbuckler in a pirate game. I'll make something that can stand in melee but bring some magic for us as well... Skald.. Warpriest... Oracle... Shaman... Cleric... so many options
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Pm, bro, you're going to love this. The money situation is... That you're broke as hell. You got rolled when the press gang caught up with you.
Generally speaking, yeah. If elephant in the room removes a feat, I'll replace it with something else. Let me know what you need. Can zen archers zen arch while raging? I've never thought about it before, and I don't really see much of a benefit to do so, but I also don't see any reason why not. It just seems so... Antithetical.
Last edited by Icereach; Nov 3rd, 2021 at 12:32 AM. |
That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes though ![]() |
Uh-oh... There goes any thoughts of early firearms. I didn't read the player's guide closely enough, but press-ganged means we really won't start with anything outside of a starting outfit and any items that the campaign traits provide, right?
Swashbucklers go hard into the Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus feats early. I want to go down the Inspired Blade route, so my Weapon Finesse and focus is specific to Rapiers. Can I get a replacement feat for Weapon Finesse, and widen the Weapon Focus to one-handed weapons? Hybrid magic is in my longer term plans too. Magus/Swashbuckler is a fun little combo, but it is pretty offensively-driven and not too utility-based.
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. Last edited by pianoman90; Nov 3rd, 2021 at 01:20 AM. |
Correct, but I wouldn't rob you of your starter gun entirely if you really wanted to go the gunslinger route. You wouldn't have it for a while, sure, but in fairness you shouldn't really need it for a while.
I'll think on something to replace Weapon Finesse. I'm initially leaning towards Dodge. What are you looking for in finesse 1h weapons that aren't covered in blades, light? I feel like it's estoc and if so, consider it added to the group.
Dodge is perfect for my little goblin. I don't need any other finesse 1h weapons, but the inspired blade is built upon and includes weapon focus (rapier) which is in the 1h weapon category instead of light. The Estoc is an absolutely awesome weapon! It makes me want to rethink the character, but I will stick with rapier for now.
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
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