There are a surprising number of AP campaigns which start PCs off in compromising positions. It is a great way to dive straight into the action!
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Alright. I've officially finished reading book 1, so we can get underway asap. I'm going to throw a cursory eye over everyone's sheets tonight but I trust they're in good order. Then, if I'm not dead to the world after updating my other games, I'll get us started. I have a few take aways I think it's important to be clear about regarding the adventure:
-Not all adversaries are there to be defeated. I don't mean this in a deus ex way, in that challenges are designed for you to fail them. I mean that there are potential enemies and encounters that you're exposed to but that you cannot overcome at level 1, so be sensible when you go picking fights or exploring. I'm not going to spell out explicitly which characters will hand you your lunch, but I will try to imply it heavily. - Don't neglect social interactions. Not every interaction is solved by a check; sometimes you can get what you want just by being nice or clever. However, I'll call for Sense Motive checks when the book directly calls for opposed rolls. You may still want to make Sense Motive checks on your own from time to time. - I'm going to roll "passive" perception checks whenever the book tells me you guys get a chance to notice something. I'll make a note in the post of [Passive]. A green obviously indicates success and will be accompanied by what you notice. A red indicates a passive failure and gives you the opportunity to make a Perception check as a Standard action. You can still make Perception checks on your own if you like, but this should eliminate a lot of unnecessary rolls. Edit (because I've had this happen in other games): - Even with group initiative, action economy will be followed as closely as PbP allows when in combat, including AoO and Immediate actions. If you have at-will abilities that are not constant, requiring some sort of an action (even just a free action) to activate, I will not assume you are using them unless explicitly stated otherwise in previous posts. The examples that stick out to me are Shifter's Claws or the skinwalker and kitsune abilities to change form. If you don't have it explicitly noted in your posts that you have your Shifters Claws out before combat begins, or you're in a shifted form (the racial entry spells out what your natural form is), I'll consider you unarmed or armed with whatever weapon is listed on your character sheet as Equipped. - Except in special, specific circumstances, characters begin combat with the first weapon listed on their sheet as Equipped drawn and ready. This does not apply to weapons and abilities that require an action to activate, like Shifter's Claws or the kitsune bite attack,
Last edited by Icereach; Nov 7th, 2021 at 08:19 PM. |
I laughed.
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Inb4 someone mentions the hokey pokey
Avast ye' squibs, up an att'em. Yer new captain awaits!
I had to use some deductive reasoning on a few of those sheets, but I think they're all square. As a fun aside, I was doing research to write you guys your very own sea shanty relevant to your characters, but I got so taken with the one I linked in the game thread that I just used it instead.
Huzzah! Great intro post, looking forward to the journey.
Right on cheerio pip pip and all that!
Shave his belly with a rusty razor....
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
Gettim' drunk n' tell 'im later!
I must say it is strange to see Brad Pitt's face staring out from the game thread.
![]() Edit: That is an excellent sea shanty too. So keen to dive into this!
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. Last edited by pianoman90; Nov 9th, 2021 at 11:42 PM. |
Let me go ahead and apologize for any formatting, continuity errors, or murky language. I was posting from my phone and having to review after the fact. Make sure to yell at me if anything is unclear.
I did my rolls on the phone and it hung on the save. After a few minutes I hit save again, and it loaded but with the deleted rolls tag. By all means use the first rolls generated
Tendy forty. I saw the first rolls before you reposted, and I can verify that's what you had.
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