DnD5e Fire in the sky over Eberon - RPG Crossing
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Old May 1st, 2023, 04:41 AM
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Fire in the sky over Eberon

Game NameFire in the sky over Eberon
Game SystemDnD 5e
Themerepeling an alien invasion
Flavourfantasy meets sci fi, horror,
Plot SummaryYou move through the city street shrouded in darkness. The sounds of panicked screams echo through the alleyways. You draw your weapon and turn a corner to see a grizzly scene. A strange metal object the size of a large barrel rests in the center of a small crater in the middle of the road. The bodies of civilians are spread all around it, all facing away from the crater, frozen as they tried to escape the strange glowing green webbing that now covers them. You approach the scene cautiously as your mind tries to make sense of what you are seeing. Then, you hear a voice.

“Help me.”

You turn to see a man, a soldier, standing alone at the mouth of a side alley. “Help me,” he says again. His voice is slow and strained as if he is struggling to speak. It sounds off. He holds a spear in his hand. You start to approach him but then notice something. His eyes are glowing with a blue light. Then you see something else. Standing behind him peeking out from behind a crate is a creature you’ve never seen nor heard described before. It is the size of a goblin with pink skin. Its body is so thin it looks emaciated, but its head is twice the size of a human’s. It has no mouth, but two large yellow eyes stare at you. Again, the man speaks. “Help me.”

Welcome to fire in the skies over Eberon where we find out if might and magic can stop the advanced technology of alien invaders. This will be a homebrew game based in Eberon. I am looking for 2 level 3 characters. Allowed sources are core, tashas, xanathars, eberon, for stats you’ll be rolling 7 sets of 2d6+6 and dropping the lowest. Do not roll in this thread, until selected. For gear you have your starting gear due to background and class as well as 400 gold to spend how you wish.

I am reopening this thread to find replacements for those who have dropped out during the first mission. the current party consists of warforged fighter, half orc monk, high elf artificer, halfling cleric, and a human warlock, and a tiefling wizard..

the story so farIn the first mission, our heroes were sent to find and retrieve a fallen star by the eccentric artificer Doctavian. On their way, they wound the red dragon Blaze badly wounded and on the verge of death. our heroes chose to save the dragon's life and in gratitude, the dragon told them the star was not a star but a ship that spit green fire at him. He also told them that they may pass through his territory safely. Our heroes found the crashed ship and fought strange creatures with powerful weapons. The heroes defeated the hostile aliens and completed their mission without casualties.

A month later, Dactavian called the heroes back to investigate a sighting of another vessel over a village. The heroes arrived at the village only to find no sign of any of the villagers. While investigating they were attacked by what appeared to be zombies. After a brief battle, they snuck through the streets to find a strange device in the town square with several dead villagers covered in mysterious green webbing and more of the aliens, along with a new foe. After a hard fight, the heroes searched the rest of the town to find more than half the villagers unaccounted for.

A month later, the city of Sharn where our heroes call home was attacked by a massive battleship that sent drop ships down to deploy ground forces. Our heroes fought to protect the civilians against insectoids who spawned their young from the corpses of their victims. one civilian morphed into a giant monstrosity that attacked the party, but they managed to put it down.

Now our heroes are awaiting orders from Doctavian to learn what the citie's rulers plan on doing in response to this assault. You will be joining them at the start of the next mission.

What to expect
Theater of the mind
Level up through experience
Challenging combat
homebrew enemies and items
If your character dies, you will be able to roll up a replacement of the same level

Personality traits 2:
RP Sample: write your characters reaction to the above scene


I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time

Last edited by Togot; Oct 31st, 2024 at 03:52 AM.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 04:45 AM
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reserved for questions

Would we be able to hold actions to replicate overwatch?

Are there firearms in this world?
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time

Last edited by Togot; May 5th, 2023 at 01:16 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 09:49 AM
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I loved this game back in the day. Would we be able to hold actions to replicate overwatch?
Name: Sirius
Race: human(variant)
Class: fighter(battlemaster)
Background: solider(city guard)
Personality traits 2:
I can stare down a hell hound without flinching. I’m haunted by memories of war. I can’t get the images of violence out of my mind.
Ideal: my city is all that matters
Bond:Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.
Flaw:I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.
RP Sample: write your characters reaction to the above scene

Last edited by delpinator; May 1st, 2023 at 09:52 AM.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 03:52 PM
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Name: Boyd
Race: Human (Feat: Aberrant DragonmarkVariant)
Class: Blood of Vol - Death DomainCleric
Background: House Vadalis - Role: InvestigationHouse Agent
Personality traits 2: I never forget an insult against me or my house. I'm critical of monarchies and limits on the houses.
Ideal: Discovery. I want to learn all I can, both for my house and for my own curiosity. (Any)
Bond: My house must evolve, and I'll lead the evolution.
Flaw: My secret could get me expelled from my house.

Backstory: Boyd was raised in a House Vadalis enclave in Breeland known as the Hearth where he served as house staff for the many Mage breeders working there on various projects. However, unbeknown to him he was also the subject of one of those projects himself. The Known as the Feral Heartgroup responsible for those projects used forbidden magics to unleash nature's full potential and breed living weapons, without regard for morality. One of their projects was to artificially induce dragonmarks in individuals without them. The lure of the power that could be had by a single house having an unlimited supply of Dragonmarked individuals at their disposal was incredible. However, the projects success rate was abysmally low and those that did develop a mark would invariably be aberrants which would then have to be destroyed. Boyd was one of the many failures without a trace of Dragonmark ability either regular or aberrant, and so like the other rejects, he was simply relegated to the role of manual labor at the Hearth and probably would have lived out his days there if it hadn't been for the last war and the Day of Mourning.
In the last war all the nations wanted Vadalis bred mounts, and so there was an unprecedented need for animal handlers and drovers. That meant that just about anyone who was non-essential was sent out to help the delivery teams, including Boyd. When the Mourning struck, Boyd was helping to deliver a pair of magebreed Hammertails to Boyd never even knew which side it was who was buying the animals.a unit on the edge of Cyre. Suddenly, dead grey clouds that somehow burned with blinding white light began rolling over the countryside, destroying everything that they touched. Boyd, along with everyone else who was able, ran for his life, but the clouds were just to relentless to escape. As the Mourning inevitably closed in on him, Boyd felt a searing pain begin burning in his chest before bursting forth in a fountain of energy that simply obliterated anything near him. Mercifully, the pain was enough that he blacked out, assuming that he would awaken only in the dull grey landscape of Dolurrh.
However, when he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see the brilliant green of fresh pastures stretching out before him as far as the eye could see. Boyd leapt up in astonishment at being alive, but as he turned around, he was greeted by something even more astonishing, a roiling cloud of the same dead grey mist that he had seen earlier, though this time there was no burning light blazing forth from it. He was startled from his revelry by an unexpected voice just behind his left shoulder saying, "I was quite surprised to see you stumble out of there an hour ago with your Divinity Within on display for all with eyes to see." Boyd whipped around and standing where moments earlier he had seen nothing but endless fields, he now saw an elderly man in the black and red vestments of a priest of some kind and the blank white eyes of a blind man. The man smiled and pointed to Boyd's chest where a weird symbol that almost looked like a but not any that he was familiar withdragonmark glimmered. "Many would have called you an aberration and slew you when you collapsed on the grass here, but I... I saw potential." And that was how Boyd met Josephus, Seeker of the Blood of Vol and his new Mentor.

RP Sample: Boyd surveyed the scene before him, thinking to himself, What a waste. Who knew what potential divinity these people could have unlocked within themselves if they had simply lived for a few more years? True, the likely answer was none, but that was always the exciting thing about potential, it could surprise you. Now about the only potential that these bodies held was for feeding worms and making sure that the cemeteries were some of the best fertilized fields in all of Eberron.
Unexpectedly, he heard a voice, and turned to see a soldier standing alone at the mouth of a side alley. "Help me" the man repeated over and over and over in a slow, strained voice. Normally, Boyd would have sadly dismissed him as one whose An injury that he unfortunately did not possess the power to heal.mind had been broken by the tragic event. But then he noticed the blue glow of the man’s eyes and was intrigued. Was this some new form of the Divinity Within presenting itself for Boyd’s wonderment? However, before he could even call out, Boyd noticed the small, emaciated humanoid hunkered down behind a crate watching the scene unfold. Perhaps it was a simple observer, not unlike Boyd himself, trying best to determine how to help, but that was not the impression the young priest was left with. No, this felt much more like a trap, just waiting to be sprung, with the glowing eyed man as the bait.
Raising a hand to the broach of red glass and brass secured at his shoulder, Boyd mutters not so much a prayer as an affirmation of his beliefs. "May the Divinity Within me serve as a beacon to light the way for the same spark that is within you." He pauses a moment as he feels the power flow from himself toward the other man, then he calls out. "Hold on, I’ll return with help!" He didn’t know if his blessing would help the man or not, but at the moment it was the best that he could do.


Last edited by kanly; May 10th, 2023 at 03:59 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 09:44 PM
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Moderator NoteJust so you're all aware, the reason we ask people not to roll dice in ad threads is because the GM doesn't have the right privileges to make sure there's no funny business going on. Rolling in the dice testing thread has the same issue. Ideally you want to have a thread where the GM has that permission (in a forum of theirs) for 100% clarity all around. Since Togot is a CS, once the forum is created, a dice thread in that forum would suffice.

I'm not ratting on anyone; I simply saw kanly's rolls in the dice testing thread and recognized the roll seven times, drop the lowest. I can even verify there hasn't been funny business I've witnessed. Just wanted to make sure everyone has the full picture.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 10:05 PM
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Yep, without Togot having a die rolling thread, that was the best I could do. I would be happy to re-roll if Togot likes once they provide a thread to do so. Frankly though, if I was going to cheat, i probably would have given myself better rolls.

Last edited by kanly; May 1st, 2023 at 10:05 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2023, 11:22 PM
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I'd prefer people not roll until they are selected

Last edited by Togot; May 1st, 2023 at 11:23 PM.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 03:26 AM
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Okay, I only rolled because you listed instructions about how to do it in the opening post of the recruitment thread without any mention You did say not to do it here, but not not to do it at all! not to do it, and having basic statistics often helps me to visualize a character. However, I am happy to ignore the rolls and re-do them if I happen to be one of those who are accepted.

Last edited by kanly; May 2nd, 2023 at 03:28 AM.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 01:13 PM
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You had me at Sectoids. Working on a submission.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 02:23 PM
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Quick question - are there firearms in this world? I'm leaning toward an Artificer.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 03:20 PM
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yes early fire arms exist
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 03:25 PM
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Name: Cruum
Race: Half-orc (custom lineage)
Class: Monk (1st lvl rogue dip)
Background: Urchin
Trait: I eat like a pig and have bad manners.
Trait: I don't like to bathe.
Ideal: The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things.
Bond: My city is my home, and I'll fight to defend it.
Flaw: It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else.

BackstoryThe day Cruum was born was a beautiful day. The sun shined, the birds chirped, and the sound of laughter permeated the small town. Everything was as it should be. That was, perhaps, the happiest day of Cruum's life.

Everything went downhill from there. His mother caught a nasty disease months after her pregnancy and passed before Cruum began forming many memories. His father drowned the pain in ale, and one night a drunken argument turned into a fight and Cruum woke up the next day as an orphan.

But Cruum was a crafty boy. He figured out how to survive on the streets. He'd seen the orphanages and wanted no part of that life. Nobody was going to tell him when to get up or when to go to sleep. Nobody was going to force him to eat oatmeal or vegetables. Cruum made his way in the world with nimble fingers and quick wits.

The local crime lord was continually grooming the street kids for new employees. One night he watched as Crum fended off three thugs with nothing but his bare fists. The crime lord was impressed, but when Cruum turned down his offer of employment, the man couldn't understand.

"I can make you rich! You bust a few heads for me, I'll give you protection, I'll give you family. You'll never want again."

"Do I look like I need protection? Do I look like I need a family? I say I'm doing just fine. I don't need nobody tellin me what to do. I gots me and that's all I need."

Cruum made an enemy that day. But he didn't mind, it was good practice. The thugs that came after him were never fast enough to do any real harm, and Cruum enjoyed taking a few criminals out here and there. He'd flop the unconscious bodies onto a cart and wheel them down to the nearest guard house, then slip away into the night.

RP SampleThey got away this time. Khazolini had been sending smarter thugs after Cruum, but he just thought of it as advanced training. This last bunch had landed a few hits, and one of them had actually drawn blood, but in the end, the thugs were the ones running. Cruum wiped the blood from his arm and smiled. When would Khaz learn?

He looked up at the night sky and his smile slipped. It had been starry just a few moments ago before the thugs attacked. Perhaps a storm was rolling in? Cruum left the street and ducked into a side alley in order to find protection from the rain he assumed was coming. But when he entered the alley, he stopped dead. People were frozen mid-step. It looked like they had been running away from something and time had stopped. In addition, they were all glowing faintly. Cruum stepped closer and realized a fine mesh of some sort covered them and was emitting the eerie light.

Magic had never been his strong suit, but he figured that was what he was seeing now. He dared not touch it. What if it trapped him as well? He stepped back to study the pitiful creatures and only then noticed the crater behind them. They had been running from that. A barrel sat in the middle of the crater as if it had been dropped from the clouds. Could people store spells in barrels now? Crum stepped back even further and turned to leave.

"Help me."

Off to the side, a soldier struggled to stand upright. His shoulders slumped like he hadn't slept in weeks, and his arms hung at odd angles. It looked as if a child had put together the armor and was unsure where the legs and arms were supposed to go. Cruum started towards the soldier but slowed his roll when he noticed the eyes. Human eyes didn't glow blue. Nor did elf or dwarf.

"What's wrong with you, man? Are you ... What's that behind you?"

A small pink creature hid behind the man. Its head was the size of a watermelon, but strangely it has no facial features other than its large yellow eyes. These eyes followed Cruum as he deliberated.

"Hey! What are you doing back there? Did you see what happened?"

The creature ducked behind a crate and Cruum sighed. "Gonna have to do it the hard way." He picked up a loose rock and threw it behind the crate to make a diversion, then quickly ducked out of sight and ran around the building. A few grunts and groans later, Cruum crouched on top of the building looking down at the... thing. Its bulbous head wagged left and right searching for where his quarry might have gone.

Cruum pulled half a loaf of sourdough out of his bag and settled in to wait. The newlywed couple who had been eating it was too caught up in smooching earlier this afternoon when Cruum passed by to notice that it was gone. He tore off a chunk and popped it in his mouth, making sure to eat quietly. Who knows how well that creature down there could hear. Cruum would observe and bide his time patiently. He had nowhere else to go.

Last edited by leftyyy88; May 2nd, 2023 at 05:27 PM.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 05:43 PM
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Will be a few days to complete a full app:

Race: Halfling (Mark of Hospitality)
Class: Life Cleric (Most likely will multiclass but not sure into what).

Need to find a picture before I can come up with character personality/background.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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Old May 3rd, 2023, 05:20 AM
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Hmmm, would this party be helped by a ranger - someone with a longbow for some ranged firepower? I might even look into some way to make the arrows magical for better power.

I'm thinking of an over-sensitive wood elf (again), just because we can have brilliant In Character arguments/bonding with Cruum heheh.
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Old May 3rd, 2023, 01:49 PM
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a ranged ranger certainly wouldn't hurt
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