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Old May 10th, 2023, 11:04 AM
Talissen70 Talissen70 is offline
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Thats my App complete also Togot
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Old May 10th, 2023, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Talissen70 View Post
@Ratchet. There would seem to be the potential for Rori to be familiar or have heard something of the Whitetails, maybe even know of Ossian himself. He would have been put forward to a wizard academy or the equivalent but lasted a very short time due to the social politics. I would be happy to explore this if agreeable.
Ossian is struggling to be a better man (Elf) but the adventuring lifestyle may grate with him initially.
@Talissen70 -
I always think it's fun to have character history connections as both a player and a DM. Assuming we're both in the game, of course.
We could discuss here or in a PM depending on @Togot's preference.
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Old May 10th, 2023, 03:47 PM
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Boyd is updated, and I believe should be complete. Let me know if there is anything I missed or anything more you need/want from me for Boyd.
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Old May 10th, 2023, 06:55 PM
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Kren Tholmas
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Name: Kren Tholmas
Race: Kalashtar
Class: Druid - Circle of the Stars
Background: Guild Artisan - Cartographers, surveyors, and chart-makers

Personality traits 2: I like to talk at length about my profession. I'm well known for my work, and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I'm always taken aback when people haven't heard of me.
Ideal: Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue his or her own livelihood. (Chaotic)
Bond: I owe my guild a great debt for forging me into the person I am today.
Flaw: I'm horribly jealous of anyone who can outshine my handiwork. Everywhere I go, I'm surrounded by rivals.

Backstory: The first thing that Kren ever saw, before his mother, before the midwives, before his father, he saw the stars, bright and beautiful shining on him in the night sky. He grew up in a small community of Kalashtar that had chosen to live within the Sharn, working and living together in a number of houses that they had joined together to make one large living space. After his chores, close to his bedtime, he would always sneak upstairs, sitting on his roof to look up into the sky and admire the bright shining orbs. Soon enough he started to draw what he saw in the sky, constellations, major stars, but he didn't know the meaning behind his drawings, not until the community gave him an astrology book for his 10th birthday. He considered this gift one of the greatest things anyone could have ever given him.

With the book in his hands, he would teach what he learned to the rest of his family. Even if they didn't want to hear about it, reciting page for page the knowledge that was known about the stars in the sky. As he learned, his skills in mapping the stars began to excel, enough that when people passed by they were interested in his work, and even offered to pay for them. It was then that he was discovered by a Cartographer known as Milan, a member of a guild of like minded thinkers and artists. He offered Kren a position within his company, to become a guild member and told him that if he was as good as he thought he was, he could make himself and his family a lot of money.

Intruiged, Kren and his family agreed to send him to work for Milan, with his teachings, Kren became a well skilled Cartographer himself, recreating the works of others and making them better, editing changes within the lands to keep their maps updated with current events, soon many travelers that came through Sharn would have a map made by Kren with his signature on them, that being a constellation that was prominent at the time when he made it.

But this wasn't the only thing going on in his life, secretly, without much of his parents knowing, he had a knack for understanding and communicating with animals, and on his travels would feel as if nature itself was guiding him to new trails, paths, tunnels, caves that had not been explored much before. At first he just felt that it was his gut feeling, that was until he had run into one of the midwives that had helped his mother give birth to him. Speaking to her, she revealed that she was a druid, a being that was in tune with nature and was granted special gifts from it. When he was born, the star that had fallen was taken as a sign by the druid, and so, without his family knowing, he had been given a blessing from her, to be granted gifts similar to hers, but his blessing had changed, becoming more about the sky than the earth. She knew little of this, so she explained that he had to learn this way on his own.

After meeting her, he took what she told him to heart, and now when he travels, he doesn't just to make new maps, he hopes to find some kind of meaning within the stars themselves.

RP Sample: What was Kren seeing before him! Someone with bright shining eyes called for help before him, and behind him, hiding themselves behind crates were strange creatures that he had never heard or seen of before! He tried his best to not keep looking at the creatures and focused on the man before him.

Sir, I'm not sure what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into but they don't look very friendly! he cried out to the man as he got himself close to the man and began to chant a few words in druidic language, pressing his right hand onto the ground, suddenly where he saw the creature, a bonfire appeared under it, not only possibly harming the creature, but starting the crates around it to start to burn. In that moment, he lifted himself up and ran to the man.

Come on, if you want help I need you to start moving!

Last edited by Sturm Brightblade; May 11th, 2023 at 04:47 PM.
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Old May 11th, 2023, 04:48 PM
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Alright, first draft is done!
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Old May 11th, 2023, 04:57 PM
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I was really thinking about a circle of the stars druid. Beings from the stars, etc, very thematic.
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Old May 11th, 2023, 07:44 PM
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Tweaked my application a little - added a character image, and fixed some formatting.
I've been learning more about formatting the past few days.
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Old May 15th, 2023, 03:44 PM
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alright applications are closed. since there were only nine applicants, i've decided to accept everyone. you can find the game here.
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Old May 21st, 2023, 03:56 PM
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Looks like this is still listed in games looking for players, fyi.
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 03:33 AM
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applications are now open
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 05:26 AM
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Hey there, potentially interested. How many slots are open for this and what classes are already covered amongst existing players?
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 05:29 AM
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I am looking for 3 level 2 characters. Allowed sources are core, tashas, xanathars, eberon, for stats you’ll be rolling 7 sets of 2d6+6 and dropping the lowest. Do not roll in this thread, until selected.

the current party consists of warforged fighter, half orc monk, high elf artificer, halfling cleric, and a wood elf ranger.
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 05:41 AM
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right-aligned image
Name: Tay d'Cannith

Race: Human

Class: Wizard (Bladesinger)

Background: Folk Hero

Personality Trait 1: I am steadfast in my own beliefs, even as it puts me at odds with my house

Personality Trait 2: I am easy to approach and quick to befriend, perhaps naively so at times

Ideal: I will always try to help those more needy than I, even if it puts me at risk

Bond: I am haunted by the death of a young woman who I was unable to save.

Flaw: The self-perceived guilt of my own failures causes me to self-sabotage at times of great stress.

Why have I turned my back on my own house to help the common people? Well, I haven't turned my back on them, not really. My own house has lost their way, and they have lost sight of what it truly means to be dragonmarked. I want to make a difference, not just in science and technological innovation, but a difference to the lives of my peers and those around me. And if that means I am outcast from my own house, well that is the price I choose to pay for my beliefs.

BackstoryTay d'Cannith was once a young scion, part of House Cannith who was earmarked by his own brilliance to do incredible things in the advancement of science and technology. The problem was that Tay himself had no interest in the scientific and technological curiosities of his peers. Instead, from a young age, Tay was strangely distant from the other members of his house. Keeping himself apart from both family and peers, Tay's life was struck by an emptiness and a loneliness he couldn't quite reconcile within himself. Whatever his purpose was, whatever his reason for being was meant to be, he was simply not fulfilling it. Marked by his own parent's cold, perfunctory attitudes towards him to his own shunning of others in the house, Tay kept to his own devices.

From an age he was able to, Tay took to the streets within Dura and Cliffside, spending time with the poorer folk and learning about them and their own cultures. This attitude and affectation frustrated the elder's within House d'Cannith, itself a powerful political force within the city of Sharn, and over time Tay's ostracisation from the great house deepened. Indeed, Tay's parents were deeply embarrassed from stories emanating from Dura about their son's activities and frivolities amongst the seedier taverns in the place. Tay, for his own part, felt more of a kinship with the poorer folk than he ever had amongst his own house. Yet, his own purpose in life had not been discovered, content as he was to simply drink and carouse his days, using his own family's money to do so.

Back in those days, Tay was possessed of a streak of selfishness that would later come to define who he was and who he ultimately wanted to be.

One thing that Tay was always careful to do was to keep his true identity a secret. Such a thing would only lead to unwanted problems given the areas and haunts he was known to frequent. And yet during his time there he struck up a deep and fast friendship with a group of individuals who were jokingly referred to as "The Hands of Dura." Called so because they quite often stuck their hands into places where they really really had no business going into. One of the Hands of Dura was a young woman called Clara, with her deep brown eyes and curly brown locks, Tay found himself falling for her over time as he got to know her, finding in her a kindred spirit whom he had so badly lacked in life. Of course, Tay divulged in Clara his true identity, that he was an estranged member of House Cannith. And yet this in itself made no difference to their ever growing relationship, and this in itself Tay was heartened to see.

And yet, on the day that Clara came to him, asking for his help, he rejected her. She had gotten into trouble, and she needed a fast loan of money to get herself out of the mess she had gotten into. Feeling disappointed and stung by what it was she was asking for, Tay denied her. The two had an argument and Clara stormed out of the tavern that they had been drinking in. That night, Tay had a change of heart. Feeling disappointed in himself and that he had reacted so badly to her request, and of his own selfishness that had led him down that path, he resolved to seek her out come the morning and lend her the money she needed.

Morning was too late though. Clara was found dead that night, face down in an alleyway. Her body had been defiled and ruined, past the point of healing or restoration magic being able to help her, no matter Tay's resources.

The guilt crushed Tay d'Cannith. That night he almost took his own life. And yet he did not. But what he did do that night was resolve to change. No longer would he allow himself to be led by his own selfishness and selfish desires. He would use the gifts he was given to help others. Clara's spirit would allow for nothing less. Finally turning his back on his own house, Tay renounced the name d'Cannith and resolved to walk the streets, helping others wherever he could.

RP Sample:This night, as he did all nights, Tay walked the streets of the self-styled City of Towers. Where he went, he did not truly know, and truthfully, he did not care. That was the way of things, ever since her death. To say he was directionless was a fallacy, Tay did have a direction. He just did not know the road that he would take to get there. The City of Towers, the city of the sleepless. Where those who did not have a place often fell through the cracks, forgotten and lost. Never to be seen again. Tay did not truly know whether he was one of those forgotten and lost. One of those who was also destined to fall through the cracks of a city that would swallow whole those who were unprepared or foolish.

Am I those things? Unprepared? Foolish?

Once perhaps it was fair to say that Tay, formerly Tay d'Cannith was all those things. But he was different now, and it had taken his own selfish vanity to grasp the full truth of those things. Tay still saw a flash of deep brown eyes, a tumble of curly brown hair, the face of a thousand dreams that had haunted him for so long now. Ever since the day he had turned his back on her and she had paid the ultimate price for his own foolishness.

A soft sigh, a puff of breath as it pierced the slight chill of the night air. Tay held out a trembling hand, and there, with it held forth, he summoned forth a flash of bright white light. The light took form and shape, it coalesced into the shape of a pretty young woman. A young woman who still held those sparkling brown eyes that had captivated him heart and soul. Reaching out with his right hand, Tay bowed his head as it passed through the illusory image. A form that he could never hold again. Not in this life.

"I'm sorry," Tay's whisper echoed around him, but she could not hear it. She would never hear anything again.

Another sound shattered Tay's reverie, and in a flicker, the image vanished.

"Help me."

It was the voice that drew him through the alleyway. Of course, Tay went forth towards the sound. There was nothing in him that would consider otherwise. Not since the day. The day that had changed everything. It manifested itself first as a strange, almost luminescent glow. It was only when he got closer that Tay saw the man.

"Help me."

Tay looked past the man. He saw the strange scene unfolding around him. Of people, trapped in place, restrained by what appeared to be glowing green webs. And behind them.....a strange, cylindrical object. What was this? Who were these people? Why were they trapped like this? Tay's instincts screamed at him to turn and run, but he did not.

He knew that she, she would not let him.

It was a bitter smile that crossed his face as he moved forwards to the man at the face of the alleyway.

"My friend," Tay began slowly as he scanned the area warily. "By the Sovereign Host, what has happened here? Who are you?"

It was then that he caught sight of the strange creature behind him, and Tay's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. His hands flared up with light as he called forth the magical energy that was his right to possess. The magic energy that was the final remaining legacy of the house he once considered himself part of.

Last edited by Vaynol; Feb 13th, 2024 at 04:59 PM.
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 04:59 PM
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And done. Hope that's ok!
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Old Feb 13th, 2024, 06:59 PM
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Looks fine to me, thank you for your interest
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