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Old Oct 23rd, 2024, 10:13 AM
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“Ekaitza Torrent"
right-aligned image

Race: Goliath (variant human stat block)
Class: Tempest Cleric
Clan: Living amongst the Stormreach Clan, ancestry is from Skyreach Clan
Mechanical Background: Acolyte

Appearance & Personality: Ekaitza is a tall and athletic Goliath with long white hair she wears in a braid. She has white eyes and blueish gray skin. She wears a perma sneer, she's not all that likeable but she's fierce AF. She is super charged with energy and ambition. Ekaitza has distinctive staircase birthmarks, starting on her right hip and going across and up her back to her left shoulder then twisting back to spiral up her neck and over her face to the top of her head. Many Goliaths believe their fate is written into their marks. Ekaitza is a believer - she believes it is her destiny to climb, to ascend, to rise up.

Written Background: Ekaitza’s grandparents and all her family were of Skyreach Clan. Some of her family’s young were too young to fight the dragon and immediately fled once the battle began. There was nothing to go back to at Skyreach but death, so they never turned back and fled to Stormreach. There they all settled, at Stormreach, they stayed and integrated. Like all Goliaths, Ekaitza is competitive - she hunts, she fishes, she trains for fighting, she does sports and games, and she wins enough that she can easily keep up with the others when it is her turn to list or retell all the times she bested or conquered or won. Ekaitza is also a true believer. She believes in herself and she believes in the Gods.

RP Sample: Ekaitza and the others watched the sky darken and felt the wind pick up. A beautiful, sunny day was quickly changing and it was obvious a storm was approaching. There was a consulting conversation, and all the other worshipping acolyte climbers wished her well in her final trial and turned back. Ekaitza, a true believer, did not turn back and go down as the wind picked up and the rumbling of thunder got closer. She believed the staircase pattern going up was her destiny. She was once asked how could she be so sure it was not stairs down, she scoffed at that and never thought about it again. She believed otherwise, it was something she felt she knew in her bones.

She reached the top of the ruins of Skyreach as the icy, slushy rainfall started. Instantly, the ground became treacherously slick. Her crampons kept her from sliding and slipping as she crossed toward the remains of the temple to Aurora. Here is where her ancestors prayed, here at the very top of one of the highest peaks. The view up here was a view of a world below - when it was clear enough to see. Now it was just gray, swirling mist and sleet, no sign of the sun, no sign of the stars but Ekaitza thought the view was still magnificent - a magnificent view of a storm. The beliefs of the Stormreach Clan had rubbed off. She was a believer in the God of Thunder, Thalor - Spirit of the Thunder. Ekaitza participated in the Thunder Drumming, in the Lightning Forge, and this here today was her Storm Trial.

Ekaitza unrolled a bundle of lightening rods from inside a tapestry of patiently woven goat hair of the symbol of the God of Thunder. She hung the snapping cloth on the wall of the temple, banging 4 pitons with small hooks into the rocks especially for the holy cloth. Then she took measuring steps in a spiral pattern all around a central point facing the holy cloth, and every five paces she would stake and hammer in a lightening rod. She did this until all the rods were set and then she knelt at the center of the spiral and started chanting the traditional prayers to her God as the storm picked up ferocity. As lightening started to split the sky and nearly blind her eyes she threw back her head and opened her arms wide and screamed to the sky, By the shimmering light of the Aether Winds, I am destined to stand upon this hallowed ground of my ancestors! My faith, unwavering as the celestial tempest, binds me to Thalor, the Eldritch Storm Lord! A humble priest of Storm and Fury, I am here to receive the sacred anointment, to be woven into the fabric of the eternal maelstrom, devoted to serve without ceasing in the realms of thunderous glory! She did, she really did mean every word. She felt safe in the storm, she felt one with the storm.

Lightening hit the rods. The lightening was white and bright and completely blinded her, the thunder deafened her, the heat from the all of the rods catching and spiraling the lightening energy around and around her smoldered her hair, her clothes, her skin blistered. She screamed again, a fantatic now on death's door, with blistered lips, shaking from the pain and croaked what might be her last words spoken, Joyfully blessed!! My loyalty is to Thalor forever and forever!! My faith in him is for all eternity! They were not her dying words. She lived and her sight came back and her hearing came back - a few days later she could stiffly shuffle around- and so she packed up and made her way back to her clan.

I would say she started to earn some local notoriety when she came back totally fried by the ceremony with the lightening rods after her pilgramidge to Skyreach no man’s land. She didn't exactly become a hero, but she was known as unique. It’s normal to do your Storm Trial over at Stormreach and take a little controlled lick of lightening. It’s not normal to go climb to the highest peak, put down the most lightening rods ever put down, and survive the biggest storm of the century. For sure, it was agreed, she was favored by Thalor himself.

“Prompt" A sample post as if posting in the game. Ekaitza was meditating and praying, as she did three times per day. There were recent scouts returning with reports of more destruction and death by the dragon, more reports of frings clans being rounded up and enslaved by Thalorgarax and his Frostfang Clan minions. Ekaitza mentally climbed the stairs across her back and up her neck and spiraling around her face. She mentally climbed them to find the way. When she reached the top of her stairs in her minds eye, she checked in with her desires. She desired to be Clan Chiefton. She would have to challenge the current Chief. In goliath culture, challenge was acceptable at any time. But, she did not have enough support to make her leadership go uncontested for long. In fact, she would be challenged immediately by all those loyal to the old chief. She assumed she would win the initial challenge of course, she believed. But, even a believer can get reality checked. She could not win 10 days and 10 nights of fresh, rested challengers, one after the other, and that would be what came at her. She overheard these precise plans. What she needed was support after the win. She needed respect. She needed to kill the dragon, get the respect, get the authority. Go out and kill it, come back and call for a contest with the Chief, win it, become the Chief. Stay the Chief. She believed that these desires that came to her mind as she climbed her stairs in deep prayer and meditation were Thalos himself guiding her to fulfil her destiny. She opened her eyes, satisfied that she new her purpose clearly now. She kissed her holy symbol and studied it held in the cup of both hands. Little tiny bolts of electricity flicked from fingertip to fingertip. Something that often happened ever since her experience at Skyreach after her Storm Trial all those years ago.

Link to Character Sheet: https://www.rpgcrossing.com/profiler/view.php?id=94977

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Last edited by cappucina; Oct 26th, 2024 at 09:39 PM.
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Old Oct 24th, 2024, 01:52 PM
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ApplicationName: Valka Skywarden
right-aligned image

Race: You have two options as seen below - White Dragonborn or Goliath. Goliaths in this setting are akin to taller, stronger humans. With that in mind, and to allow for more build variety, you can choose to use either the human, variant human, or goliath stat block. Dragonborns will be able to allocate their +2, +1 in any way they see fit.

Class: Monk

Clan: Descended from the Skyreach Clan

Mechanical Background: Guard (may change to custom backgrount with your permission?

Appearance & Personality: For her entire life Valka has lived in hiding in the Valleys at the foot of her ancestral home. A child born to the descendants of Aurora's priests, it was expected for her to follow in the footsteps of her family. Living along the foothills of Skycrest, hiding from the Fangs, left Valka angry, frustrated and determined to do whatever she could to help reclaim her grandparents home. She trained with a dedicated focus, turning away from the traditional priestly studies and embracing the ways of the protective warriors of other kinsmen determined to protect the surviving Skyreach Clan.

Tall and lithe, she bears the mark of the Guards in the form of a single, thick, black line tattooed down her chin. Valka is well muscled, and ruthless when it comes to taking down those she sees as "enemy". No Goliath or Dragonborn Fang member is safe when faced against her. Even when on the edge of death, she does not waver. Not ever. Dressed sensibly, Valka doesn't pay much mind to appearances and keeps her black hair up and out of the way when awake.

Written Background: With nearly the entire Skyreach Clan gone, the surviving people were forced to scatter into the wilderness of the Valleys below. Over time, survivors found one another and began anew; hidden in the wilds at the foothills and crags of the mountain range. Several of the priestly folk formed sects dedicated to healing and aiding the victims of the Thalorgarax and his reign. The sects themselves consisted of no more than a handful of individuals. These noble folk, although powerful, and capable were highly revered.

To protect them, an elite group of warriors were selected from among the surviving warriors, and trained in an art formerly looked down upon. In time, the esteem of these noble fighters grew. Their reputation as well.

It was to this Nameless group that Valka strove to become a part of. Turning away from the holy orders she was born into, Valka was determined to do more than simply pray for salvation. She would be instrumental in it! She trained hard for years, earning her own reputation for having an iron focus and will. Performing every duty with dignity and quiet pride, Valka Skywarden eventually earned the privilege of calling herself one of the Nameless, becoming renown among the others for the ruthlessly efficient manner in which she dispatched with those who crossed her path.

30 Minute (or less) RP Sample:

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DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
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Last edited by lydklein; Oct 28th, 2024 at 01:27 AM.
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 08:10 PM
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@Nasrith- Do you have any hard No's for monk subclasses?

P.S. Do female goliaths have hair in this setting?
DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
Taken the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by lydklein; Oct 26th, 2024 at 08:29 PM.
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by lydklein View Post
@Nasrith- Do you have any hard No's for monk subclasses?
As long as it's in the books, I'm calling it good for the one shot. What are you thinking?

Originally Posted by lydklein View Post
P.S. Do female goliaths have hair in this setting?
They do! Quite a lot of it in some instances.
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Nasrith View Post
As long as it's in the books, I'm calling it good for the one shot. What are you thinking?
I was debating Way of the Ascendant Dragon but am actually going to go Long Death instead.

Um...do you have any tips for sticking images onto here? I can't seem to use imgur the way that I used to in the past. It has been a long while since I've had to do that.
DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by lydklein
I was debating Way of the Ascendant Dragon but am actually going to go Long Death instead.
Color me intrigued.

I still use imgur personally, but I believe you can also upload an image to a post as an attachment. Less well-versed in how that works.
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 09:19 PM
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hmmm, ok
I cant seem to get into my album on imgur, but we'll see what can be done...
DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
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Old Oct 28th, 2024, 01:28 AM
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@Nasrith- App complete. It's been a while. Hope it delivers
DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
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Old Oct 28th, 2024, 10:03 AM
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It's never easy. It never gets easier. Thank you all for your amazing apps. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk over my decisions.

Now, without further ado, the two players who will be joining the hunt for the Frostreaper are:

Ekaitza Torrent, played by cappucina
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala, played by Kshnik

To our two newest heroes, please head over to the game forums, say hello to the rest of the crew, post your characters, and start working on your sheets.

To everyone else - thank you so much for applying. It's always an honor. And I'm sure I'll see you around the site in the future.
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Old Oct 28th, 2024, 09:29 PM
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Congratulations ! Great apps!
DM:The Night Blade; "Well-behaved women seldom make history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich ;
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