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Old Jul 30th, 2024, 12:17 PM
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Name: Palu Icepiercer
Race: White Dragonborn
Class: Cleric (Light)
Clan: Crystalline Keepers
Mechanical Background: Acolyte

1. I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example.
2. I've spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world.
Ideal: Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful)
Bond: I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.
Flaw: I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.

Written Background: 18 years ago, Thalorgarax came to Crystal Waters. They didn't know it was him, initially. He came in disguise, transformed into a handsome male Goliath, tall and strong. Lirael's chief priestess in the village fell in love with him, by his design. He came and went, as he moved between the other clans, but she felt that he always returned to her. She became pregnant, and gave birth to a daughter that she named Palu - a daughter covered in pure white scales, and a face of a young animal, nose and mouth beginning their projection into a snout, already full of tiny, razor sharp teeth. It was at this time that the Winter's Herald finally revealed his true self. Now that she had borne him a child, she and the village would be under his thrall - Goliaths would be more than willing to fight to the death, but he knew she would not risk the life of her child. He told her that Palu belonged to him, and that in time he would take her to Frostfang to join his warriors. But to keep them loyal he would visit once a year to check on his daughter's progress. She grew well, happily eating meat caught by the village's hunters. But on his fifth visit, the priestess led him to the catacombs dug into the stone of the mountain, and showed him Palu's tomb. She had died, she explained, after a brief illness. He sniffed - she was in there, he knew, he could smell her faintly. In anger he flew out of the caves and destroyed the closest thing the village had to a temple, a swipe of his tail bringing wood and stone raining down.
After he had flown away, the priestess ran back to the tomb - she pulled aside the stone revealing packed ice, and beyond that was Palu, hiding quietly in her own tomb, the ice dulling her scent.
Several more times in her life she had to hide as Thalorgarax returned to the village, but he never discovered her, and no more dragon-children were born there. Palu was raised by her mother in the worship of Lirael, and became enamoured of the idea of the beautiful goddess of light and reflection. She was discouraged from taking part in the rituals that would fully mark her as a member of the clan, though, her mother concerned that with her scales and dense, Draconic body the Mirror Walk would end in tragedy, and given who her father was that any Vision Quest would reveal aspects of Palu that nobody would want revealed. However, not too long ago, Palu took matters into her own hands...

30 Minute (or less) RP Sample: To be written - What was the moment you became a hero in the eyes of your clan?

No longer would she stay hidden among the stone cottages of the village, or lurking in the tombs. No more watching as her friends in the Crystalline Keepers pledged themselves to Lirael, taking the Mirror Walk across the frozen lake to prove their faith. Wasn't she faithful? Wasn't she loyal to the Lady of the Lake? So she was not Goliath, at least not fully, did that a make a difference? She was tired of being told no. Well, not this time. At first light she sneaked from the rooms she shared with her mother, those attached to the temple, reserved for the use of the Chief Priestess of Lirael. Quietly she made her way down to the lake. It was so beautiful, the gentle glow of sunrise turning the frozen water into a sea of gold. It had been frozen for barely a day, but would remain frozen now for several months. Mirror Walks were usually held at least a few days from the first freeze, but the earlier your walk the greater your faith. And Palu had a point to prove.

Now at the edge of the lake her determination fled to the edges of her intention, and uncertainty set in. Was this foolishness? Perhaps her mother was right, that undertaking a Mirror Walk would not be possible for her - Goliaths were large and heavy too, but she was scale-clad, and all but the strongest in the village struggled to lift her. But then, wasn't this a test of faith? If she was beloved by Lirael, the Lady wouldn't let her fall. Probably...

"Palu? Palu! What are you doing? Stop!" Her mother's voice called out behind her. She was standing in the doorway of the temple, gripping the edge of the doorframe. No, Palu would not be told no any longer. She began to walk forward, slowly at first, then picking up speed until she was walking almost at a normal pace. She was doing it! She would cross the Lake, proving her faith to Lirael, then her mother would have to stop coddling her, stop treating her like a child.


A Lake echoed as the ice cracked in a web of lightning around Palu's clawed feet. She stopped suddenly. Alright, more slowly now. It was a test of faith, but also of personal insight, and she knew she had been going too fast. She tentatively put one more foot forward, down, down, let it rest on the ice... there. All good.

And then ice gave way beneath her, and the clear water took her down into its frigid depths. Her muscles clenched in the cold, and she grasped for the edge of the broken ice, but it fled from her, seeming to fly upwards as she sank keeper, and the light seemed so very far away.

At the edge of the Lake a crowd had gathered, drawn by the shouting of Palu's mother. There was silence now, after a pained shout of "Palu!" from the Chief Priestess as the Dragonborn went through the ice like a spear. The Priestesss tried to run out onto the ice, following her daughter, but was held until she stopped lashing out. Those present spoke nothing, but bowed their heads. Lirael had taken another to her bosom.

The Priestess sobbed, and the others felt ice in their hearts. Palu had been born of the Winter's Herald, but she was one of them, had been one of them.

Just as they began to turn away, the ice barely ten feet from the edge of the Lake burst open, scattering shards as far as the waiting mourners, and a white-scaled claw gripped the frozen floor. Palu pulled herself from the water, dripping wet and shivering, but she managed to stammer out "I saw her, I saw her... Lirael, she, she said I had to go to him, to my father, and, and... destroy him..." Her eyes glowed with the light of the dawn, the sun's light on the ice, and they knew that something important had occurred here. Palu was changed, she radiated a power she had never known or shown before. And in her heart she felt something else new - a purpose. A destiny.

(Maybe 35 mins?)
DM: Heroes of Augera
World Anvil: Torosevia

Last edited by EMIW; Aug 19th, 2024 at 06:36 AM.
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Old Jul 30th, 2024, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by EMIW View Post
Basically the approach I was thinking of taking with my Crystalline Keeper Cleric! I think with the Dragonborn your options are either that they've run away from Frostfang to turn against Thalorgarax, or the dragon just doesn't know about them.
Now I'm imagining Thalorgarax facing a party entirely of dragonborn and questioning many of his late night decisions over the last 60 years.

Originally Posted by krossingkhory
Well, I've got something there. Not sure how I feel about it; I'm a bit stuck there at the end. I know we are 8th level, so leaving it right there with "He got all the training" just doesn't seem to be a good end to his background. Perhaps I'll end it by tying into the 30 minute RP sample?
I am totally okay with that!

Originally Posted by Kshnik
App complete. Just reread what I wrote for the 30 minute section. A lot of grammar and other errors. Will fix them tomorrow night
Looks good! No sweat on the grammar errors, etc. I won't be doing an in-depth read for a bit.

Originally Posted by Kshnik
48 minutes.. Started at 10pm. Wanted to write more.
Also this made me chuckle. Good job with this.
See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!
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Old Jul 30th, 2024, 09:29 PM
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Morena Moor
Race: Human/Goliath
Clan: Icehearts
Class: Great Old One Warlock
Theme: Telepathic, Telekinetic, Strange
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Background: Fey-lost (sorta)

Personality Trait:
Some people think im crazy, but... "i know something yoooou doon't"
Personality Trait:
I'm haunted by laughter that only I can hear, though I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me.,, right?
Self-Awareness: I'm not real, neither are you. We are all just made up characters for some cosmic game. Life is just a roll of the dice.
I find magic in all its forms to be compelling. The more magical a place, the more I am drawn to it.
I talk to spirits that no one else can see. Actually I cant see them either but they must be here, why else would I talk to them.
I'm a kleptomaniac who covets shiny, sparkling treasure.

Last edited by JohnStone; Aug 1st, 2024 at 12:04 AM.
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Old Jul 31st, 2024, 02:53 PM
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Name: Broken (Was formerly Kalazmir)

Race: Dragonborn (White)

Class: Paladin (Vengence)/Warlock (Hexblade)

Clan: Iceheart

Mechanical Background: Rune Carver


Personality: When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
I learned one of my ancestors was a lauded rune carver whose story was lost to time. I seek to rekindle that legacy.
Ideal: Freedom - Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
Bond: I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them.
Flaw: My pride will probably lead to my destruction
Written Background: Kalazmir was a rising star in Thalorgarax's service. As one of the great dragon's many halfbreed children, he was given a leg up among The Frostfang Warriors, but his strength and prowess as a warrior saw him become the youngest officer in Warrior history. However, he was not without his detractors, including a few among his siblings, such as his second in command Golrer.
Kalazmir and his platoon were sent out on a fairly minor mission to quell some resistance in the Iceheart clan to the required tribute for Thalorgarax. The tribute was rounded up in short order and the situation was wrapped up with very little bloodshead and no deaths. Soon, his platoon was ready to head out, except some were missing. Golrer and his men wanted blood and loot for themselves, not just the dragon's tribute and so some of them decided to set up an inpromptu gladiator pit and were forcing some of the clansmen to fight for their amusement. Meanwhile, other warriors were pilaging a nearby shrine to Umbrus, Spirit of Darkness. Kalazmir tried to put a stop to all of this, saying that it did nothing to further Thalorgarax's glory, but Golrer just called him nieve and revealed that this whole mission had simply been a test by the dragon, a test that had found him lacking in the extreame. Then, his men turned on Kalazmir and savagely beat him almost to death, culminating in Golrer throwing his unconcious body over the edge of the Frozen Falls to what would surely be his death below.
However, that was not to be the case. Battered and broken, Kalazmir awoke in blackened tunnels behind the falls. For what felt like weeks, he dragged himself through the twisting labrinth drinking from whatever mineral laden puddles he could find and eating anything that came into his reach. After a while he began hearing voices whispering just on the edge of hearing, and thought himself either poisoned or simply going mad. However, eventually the voices coalesced into those of three men, one slow and strong, one cold and biting and the third light and breathy, barely more than a whisper even after it had focused. The first two were of a mind to kill Kalamzir though the third was of a different bent.

30 Minute (or less) RP Sample: Remember when I said momentum is important and I wanted to encourage it? Instead of requiring a word limit, I want to use a suggested time limit for posts. Show me what kind of post you can come up with in 30 minutes or less. Yes, you can cheat. Yes, I won't actually enforce this. No, I probably won't even follow this myself every single time. I ask for this in the spirit of keeping the game moving and with the hope that you don't get bogged down trying to write awesome posts, and then end up with nothing at all. Prompt below.

What was the moment you became a hero in the eyes of your clan?

Please write this as you would any other game post.

Last edited by kanly; Aug 2nd, 2024 at 07:05 PM.
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Old Jul 31st, 2024, 08:44 PM
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As much as I'd like to play this one, I don't think it's the right time for me.


Last edited by AlphaZ; Aug 15th, 2024 at 03:13 PM.
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Old Aug 1st, 2024, 02:31 PM
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Character Concept
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Name: Camilla of the Iceheart Clan, nicknamed "Chimera"
Race: Goliath (Variant Human)
Class: Barbarian 5 (Berserker) / Fighter 3 (Champion)
Clan: Iceheart
Mechanical Background: Folk Hero

Tall and strong even for a goliath woman, Chimera has shockingly bright red hair that is often kept in a loose ponytail and a freckled complexion. She is attractive in her own way, with a stone-faced expression and intense green eyes that show she is not a woman to be trifled with. She has a wide back and strong arms which easily hold a massive halberd in her hands and is adorned in scale mail. When she speaks, her voice is feminine but rough, with a definite edge to it.

Nicknamed Chimera for her temper and her tongue, Camilla has had a burning hatred of Thalorgarax for years after her beloved Hadrim was sacrificed to him. She is as strong and as stubborn as a mule, and although she often has problems with authority she still knows when to toe the line and when to push it. She is a fierce and aggressive warrior, and has in the past seemingly fought without fear despite the circumstances. She is desperate for freedom and will do whatever it takes to earn it from that scaled bastard Thalorgarax. Although strong willed and often lacking sympathy for her fellow warriors, Chimera feels overly protective of those who cannot fight for themselves and absolutely despises bullies. Her fiery personality combined with her short temper has often made her put her foot in her mouth, but none can deny when that temper is directed at their foes that she is a formidable warrior.

Written Background:
Born under the tyranny of Thalorgarax, Camilla has had little happiness in her life. Her parents tried to stand against the Frostfang Warriors during times of rebellion but with disastrous results. Her mother was ravished by the Frostfangs and later murdered when done with their amusements, and her father was left crippled and broken. Camilla tended to her father from her earliest memories, but eventually he too was sacrificed to Thalorgarax as he was more of a burden upon the Iceheart Clan than a benefit. Camilla does not blame them as it is about survival, but that was the start of her burning hatred towards the Frostfangs and Thalorgarax. Raised in the ice caves and trained in the ways of smithing, Camilla joined the underground resistance against Thalogarax but was more support at this time, helping craft arms and armor and smuggling much needed supplies to those on the front lines. It was during this time she fell in love with Hadrim. Hadrim was a young freedom fighter of the Iceheart Clan who knew Camilla from birth, but the two went several years without seeing each other due to the resistance. It was during a resupply when the two rekindled their friendship which quickly blossomed into a deep and intense love. For the first time in her life, Camilla was happy.

Tragedy struck a few moons later. While transporting weapons to the resistance, Camilla arrived just in time to see Hadrim and several others captured by the Frostfangs and be taken off to be fed to Thalogarax. When the group began discussing a rescue mission, Camilla stubbornly inserted herself in. When the attempt began, Camilla immediately made a name for herself as a ferocious warrior, her fire hot temper and natural talents making her a force to be reckoned with. The rescue mission failed and Hadrim was ultimately fed to Thalogarax, which has since only made Camilla's hatred for the Frostfangs and Thalogarax as red hot as the sun. She is now a full fledged member of the resistance, dubbed "Chimera" for her fiery hair and temper, and longs for the day when they will all be free from Thalogarax's icy grip.

30 Minute (or less) RP Sample: Remember when I said momentum is important and I wanted to encourage it? Instead of requiring a word limit, I want to use a suggested time limit for posts. Show me what kind of post you can come up with in 30 minutes or less. Yes, you can cheat. Yes, I won't actually enforce this. No, I probably won't even follow this myself every single time. I ask for this in the spirit of keeping the game moving and with the hope that you don't get bogged down trying to write awesome posts, and then end up with nothing at all. Prompt below.

What was the moment you became a hero in the eyes of your clan?

Please write this as you would any other game post.

Application Part 2: Very informal. About a week before the deadline, I will offer a review and some questions about your application. I will also privately ask which other characters in the applicant pool you would like to play with. I have found so far that when I give other players the opportunity to pick their fellower adventurers, group cohesion goes up.
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.

Last edited by Grouchy; Aug 5th, 2024 at 11:36 AM.
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Old Aug 1st, 2024, 08:03 PM
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I need to withdraw. The character just isn't vibing right with me. Sorry.
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Old Aug 1st, 2024, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Red Leper View Post
I need to withdraw. The character just isn't vibing right with me. Sorry.
No worries - sometimes it happens. Good luck in/on your other games!

JohnStone, kanly, AlphaZ, and Grouchy - added all your apps to the table.

@Everyone, I'll be traveling through next Friday. I'll be available to answer questions, but... less so. The weekend I get back, I'll do an in-depth read through of everyone, give some feedback, and ask which other characters you would like to play with.
See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!
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Old Aug 1st, 2024, 09:48 PM
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Thanks Nasrith.
QQ - are optional features in play? I was looking at additional barbarian skillPrimal Knowledge for Barbarian.

Last edited by AlphaZ; Aug 2nd, 2024 at 05:48 PM.
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Old Aug 2nd, 2024, 02:27 PM
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And I believe I am finished now! I added the 30 minute RP sample...and I could have easily written more here. But, I'll take any/all feedback!

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Old Aug 2nd, 2024, 07:46 PM
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Name: Crystax Glaicierroot
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Druid
Subclass: Land
Background: Hermit
Clan: Crystalline Keeper

A rarity Forsure, but Thalorgarax sired many of kin as he walked the land dressed in humanoid cloths moving from town to town. With his persuasive magic, he bed many women. Giving wells of off spring in every location he visited. Crystax is said to be one of the first. One of the original children to the Frostreaper.

Her years of upbringing were solely by her mother, their coven and tribe. Crystalline keepers, medicine women and naturalpaths by trade. Instruments of nature devout to upholding the old magic.

Now, In the reign of Thalorgarax she stays secluded and desperately attempts to mend her less fortunate clan mates. Times are tough in the tundra, and she must trade her services for sustenance and supplies. Huntsman, fisherman and travellers keep her busy enough, for the cruel payment of Thalorgarax is spread widely and in fair portion.

As so few of her coven are left, crystax has taken up the mantle of guardian for her people. As eldest among them, comes not only experience and wisdom, but power. With her skills she’s best suited to do anything, if there was anything to do at all. Fuelled by the cold fire of hatred, she burns brightly for the task at hand.

A Timid loner she has become, Salty with age and crusted from torment. She’s a little crude and short tempered but Flickers of kindness and hospitality peer through. An aura of overall devotion to goodness prevails. A hatred for the plague among the land is easily seen on her demeanor.

An Old slender looking female dragonborn with Scales as white as the driven snow. Long thin horns rear backwards from her scalp. She’s well aged, but surprisingly well groomed for a long lived creature such as herself. She adorns blue and white cloth, wrapped with tassles and Strings.

Role play example:
“I was here when your master swept across the tundra. I watched as he killed our people one by one, ten by ten and hundreds by hundreds. You would do well to remember who you are speaking to Dorjax. For it was this old Wyrm who put you back together after your fall from the glacier. This crypt of a shaman who raised the gates so you and your warriors could take shelter after the battle of Mondike pass. Before you were a Frostfang, you were a Keeper, and you would do well to remember it! You will leave our walls now, we mean you no harm. You will report no findings and you will forget you came here today Dorjax. You will respect the old ways. Now be gone marauder! “

The monstrous Goliath Dorjax, whose hide armor was soaked in crimson, paused if only for a moment. His steel axe still resting on his shoulder, glinting in the mid day sun. His legion behind him, rattling with anticipation.

“Is has been a life time since I was Crystalline, old one. You forget your place. You forget who rules, and it will cost you.”

The massive axe swings, destined to deliver death. A cleave so mighty it would but split a mountain, But it fails to meet its destination. Instead, the brute Dorjax stands motionless, entangled in organic growth from beneath the rock hard and frozen ground. Every limb intertwined and succumbed to paralysis. The vines tighten, twisting tighter with every struggle. Constricting the bones and body in agonizing defeat.

“I told you to leave Dorjax. I am no warrior, but I will defend those who cannot. This will not kill you alone, but I fear the nights cold will promise otherwise. May Selune have mercy on your soul”

Last edited by Jrod; Aug 3rd, 2024 at 12:52 PM.
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Old Aug 4th, 2024, 04:44 PM
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Hey, this looks sick.
Do you consider UA an official source?
As I'm looking at a Rune Knight archetype.
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Old Aug 4th, 2024, 05:14 PM
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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Kweheri View Post
Hey, this looks sick.
Do you consider UA an official source?
As I'm looking at a Rune Knight archetype.
It's in Tasha's.
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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by AlphaZ View Post
It's in Tasha's.

Awesome. Thanks!
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