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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 06:16 PM
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... So I am pondering the idea of giving this a shot, but I just have to ask...

When is Level 8, not even 50% of the way through the game, High Level? Like, when I saw the ad for High Level I was expecting something at least level 14, if not higher.
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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 06:53 PM
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I would say 6/10 games start at level 1. 3-4/10 start at level 2/3. 1-2/10 is around 5. Very rare for a game to start higher. So yes this is a high level game.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Tempestfury View Post
... So I am pondering the idea of giving this a shot, but I just have to ask...

When is Level 8, not even 50% of the way through the game, High Level? Like, when I saw the ad for High Level I was expecting something at least level 14, if not higher.
It’s a matter of perspective, I suppose.

When almost all DnD 5e games, both official and homebrew, start at level 1 -or occasionally 2 and 3- and most of them end (prematurely) after a single or two level ups (or none at all), 8th level is much higher than anyone is likely to ever get to play.

I could be wrong of course, but I think that there hasn’t been a in contrast to Pathfinder 1e and DnD 3.5eDnD 5e game starting at 8th level or higher in the last 12 months or more.

Based on the above, I believe that Nasrith is correct to call the game a “high level” game, even if the characters aren’t level 10 or higher at the start of the adventure.
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Old Aug 5th, 2024, 11:34 PM
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I have4 to confirm. I also have yet to see any games in 5e that started 7th level or higher. 3.5 and pathfinder though, those games varies, starts between 1st and 16th levels,
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 07:13 AM
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HanyinName:Hanyin Ironspeaker

Race: Goliath
Class: Fighter (Rune Knight)
Clan: Stormwatchers
Mechanical Background: Clan crafter (SCaG)

Appearance & Personality: A mature individual, old enough that his parents lived through the calamity that was the arrival of the Frostreaper.
Hanyin was strong and sturdy of build, albeit not as strong and nimble as he was.
His features softened with his ageing, some of his earliest tattoos were beginning to fade, but the fire in his heart was still strong and blazing. His demeanor was steady, pragmatic and warm.
He'd found comfort within himself, no longer feeling the rash urgency of youth. Great satisfaction was taken from the items he'd forge, be it armour or a saucepan. They were forged with pride and a commitment to serve his adoptive Clan.

Written Background:
Hanyin's family had been of the Skyreach Clan, fortunate enough to have been elsewhere as the dragon attacked, but dishonored not to have died fighting it alongside their kin.
They did all that they could and fled the devastation they'd found, taking refuge amongst the Stormwatchers. Who had welcomed a small number of survivors, and those who had returned home to find nothing but rubble and corpses, dismembered or frozen in place.

It was to this new life than Hanyin was born.
Raised in the ways of the Stormwatchers but with the traditions and history of the Skyreach.
It was in the name of his family's history and tradition, that on the cusp on his manhood he was sent to study under the dwarves, much as his mother had and his grandfather had done.
Always the firstborn went to master craftsmanship under the greatest of craftsman.
The Dwarves were long lived, Hanyin studied under the same smith who'd instructed his mother, who'd trained alongside Hanyins grandfather. The families now intertwined in their history.
After 15 years under the mountains, his heart felt the call to return home. His apprenticeship not quite complete, and his craft still falling short of the artistry that was dwarven craftsmanship, Hanyin was still a very accomplished smith.

30 Minute (or less) RP Sample:
It had been less than a tenday since Hanyin had left the great halls of the Dwarves behind him, still mixed in his emotions. Disappointment and failure lingered, having left 5 years before his apprenticeship was complete, but comforted in knowing his heart, and having the blessing of his master.
Trekking through the rocky hillscape that marked the entrance to the windspire mountains, the whistle of the wind, that was so familiar in his youth, was again, audible.
In the distance Hanyin's eyes could see a storm rolling in, and it was time to find somewhere to shelter.
Squeezing himself through a crevice, Hanyin had found himself in a large cavern. One that had clearly been inhabited in years past.
The storm seemed endless, the whistling and chill whipping in through the same narrow crack that he'd entered through.

Despite over a decade mostly spent beneath the ground,
it was clear this was no ordinary storm, as day passed into night, and again into day. The storm was relentless and clearly the doing of the Frostreaper.
Time was only marked by the number of redundant torches that lay, amassed in a pile.

As the days passed, the goliath explored his surroundings, recognising the writing painted onto the walls, it was too crude to have been other goliaths, so giant? He'd assumed.
Hanyin had found an area where there was once a large fire, and a huge worked stone slab.
The dents and scorching were reminiscent of the anvils in the dwarven forge.
Closing his eyes and running his fingers across the stone anvil. In his mind he could feel the sweat, the heat and humidity of a forge, the sound of the fire roaring as someone stood on the bellows, and the unmistakable sound of metal pounding metal.

This felt special, far beyond the comfort it gave him, but almost like he was meant to be here.
Much as our minds convince us of our own cosmic destiny.

Hanyin began reading the writing upon the forge walls, some covered and obscured with soot.
However enough could be seen to understand, much of what he read felt simplistic after his years in a dwarven forge, but there were new things to learn here too.
Things that felt exciting, like the incorporation of runes, powerful runes, not just ones akin to a masters mark.

More days had past, and Hanyin had not noticed the end of the storm until it had already been two full days since. He was evermore eager to find his way back to his Clan, now the sky had cleared and incorporate the runes into his work.
His disappointment and sense of failure long forgotten as he squeezed himself back into the open, continuing his journey home.
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Last edited by Kweheri; Aug 6th, 2024 at 07:32 AM.
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 07:36 AM
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Hi there! I sort of got started on my application, but unfortunately have not been able to finish it yet. I'll put it up here so I can work on it a bit more later!

Also, a question about the application. I took the Clan Crafter background (because I think it would be interesting to play a craftsman for the tribes), but that background leans on a connection to dwarves. And I'm fairly certain there's not a lot of dwarves around. Would you be open to me altering that background a little? I was thinking of the following changes;
  • He is not especially respected among dwarves, but instead among other artisans of the Goliath tribes, who consider him a highly skilled craftsman who produced several works of art.
  • He does not know Dwarven, but instead knows Primordial (Terran in particular; I'm guessing he studied ancient designs and crafting methods).
  • Rather than proficiency in Insight, I was hoping to give him proficiency in another set of artisan's tools. Probably leatherworking, or jeweler's tools.

I feel those changes would help me emphasize the angle of this character being a renowned craftsman among his people, but if you'd rather I didn't change the background, I'd be happy to justify his friendship with the if you could tell me a little about their history, so I don't write anything that'll contradict the setting?dwarves instead !

Thank you !

right-aligned image
  • Name: Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart
  • Race: Goliath
  • Clan: Iceheart clan
  • Background: Clan Crafter

Born in the vast caverns of the Iceheart clan, Uthal grew up accustomed to the quiet and the dark. As a child he would be given toys of stone which, as the adults slaved away in the mines or nursed their exhaustion in solitude, were his best friends. This instilled an appreciation for good craftsmanship in the Goliath from an early age; after all, the best toys lasted longer, and bore more detail to elevate them above simple rocks.

As Uthal grew into adulthood, his appreciation for the arts led him to become a craftsman. Labouring in the mines- a duty all Icehearts must fulfill to dig up treasures for Thalorgarax- Uthal was always on the the lookout for the most choice materials. These he brought back to his cave, where he would smelt ores to fashion tools and weapons, or chisel slabs of stone into exquisite statuettes. Uthal's talent was evident in his work, and he quickly garnered a reputation as an esteemed craftsman among the Iceheart clan. Uthal accepted the praise of his kin with dignity, always caring more about the work than about the opinions of others, even when word of his skill reached other clans.

But the demands of Thalorgarax weighed heavily upon the craftsman. More and more of the clan's heirlooms, some of which had been crafted by Uthal himself, were demanded as tribute by the avaricious dragon. The loss of such priceless artefacts filled the Goliath with anger, a resentment which grew with each tribute. Then one day, when the Goliath returned from him work in the mine, he discovered that a particularly ancient suit of armour, used by many craftsmen as an example of what they should strive for in their work, had been surrendered to the collectors of the Frostfang tribe.

Unable to contain decades of frustration, Uthal declared then and there that he would no longer suffer the dragon's theft of their most sacred heirlooms. He swore an oath, vowing he would not rest until the dragon was slain, and that the dragon's scales and bones would serve as materials for the clan's new heirlooms. With those words he packed his belongings, and set out to hunt the beast and its lackeys.

Tall and lanky, Ulthas's chest and forearms are riddled with tiny scars and burn marks from his many hours at the forge. His features are sharp, with sparkling blue eyes underneath a deep brow, and a thin, hawkish nose. His skin is a very light grey, a stark contrasted to the dark grey, almost black lines running along his body.

Uthal prefers to wear fine clothing, never going against what is considered the traditional garb of his clan. When he must wear armour, he wears only those suits he himself crafted, claiming any smith unwilling to wear their own work is not to be trusted. Such armour also follows a traditional style, and often bears inscriptions in the runic script of giants, or the markings symbolizing creation and strength in the Primordial language.

Uthal is quiet, for a Goliath. He is sociable, but prefers a relaxed evening of conversation to the wilder, less restrained gatherings his kin seems to prefer. His chosen profession demands a meticulous mindset, rendering him unsuited to the competitive nature of Goliath society. For the only person Uthal seems to compete with is himself. No matter the endeavour, Uthal ever strives to be better than his last attempt; an inclination which sees him pore over details others would not concern themselves with.

Because he is quite serious, Uthal tends to socialize with older Goliaths, who have lost some of their inner fire to time. As Goliath society is quite unkind to whoever cannot provide for themselves, Uthal has grown accustomed to enjoying these friendships for only a short while. As such, the craftsman has come to appreciate the things which endure even more, such as ancient heirlooms, works of exquisite craftsmanship. These things, he claims, will outlive any of his kin, and it is those treasures which determine the culture of his clan. The loss of such artefacts greatly pains Uthal, and he considers it his personal mission to replace or retrieve whatever was taken by outsiders.

Uthal much enjoys knowing a little bit about everything. He has studied the traditions of his clan well, and over many years of working in the mines learned to recognize the tell-tale signs of nearby veins of ore- as well as the hollow sound revealing pockets of gas produced by tapping a seemingly innocuous wall. He enjoys the heat of the forge as much as the cool touch of stone, and takes pride in his knowledge of both. Uthal sees beauty in the natural world, ever looking for materials to fashion into lasting treasures for the clan, be they hide, stone or metal. Indeed, he will often get lost in thought, thinking about his next project- considering how the world around him can be shaped to best express the culture of his clan.

RP Sample

Ulthas hurried down the roughly hewn granite steps, reaching the vault-like chamber where he found his kin, huddled together. They regarded him with fear, mistaking his heavy footfalls in the dark for those of a Frostfang; only when they recognized his tall form did they sigh of relief, though worry remained writ large on their faces. Behind Ulthas, more Icehearts filed into the chamber, hoping the dark room would provide some sanctuary from Thalorgarax's collectors. A fool's hope; the dragonborn were nothing if not meticulous in their duties.

As if to emphasize their hopeless situation, the Goliaths could hear the sound of footsteps above them; shouted orders in Draconic, which those who could understand them flinched at. Ulthas did not understand the dragon's tongue, but it mattered not. The fear he saw on the faces of his clanmates was reflected in his own heart. The dragonborn were fierce fighters, but so were the Goliaths. No Iceheart would avoid a fight with a Frostfang, but the Frostfangs were backed by their draconic master. Any insult or injury done to the dragonborn would be repaid tenfold by Thalorgarax. The dragonborn knew the Goliaths would stay in line to avoid the dragon's wrath, and the Frostfangs had grown cruel by the lack of consequences for their actions.

'They'll be here soon,' Ulthas muttered. His words had been a mere whisper, but in the silent vault they carried far. 'We are trapped here,' the Goliath added. He looked around, at the faces of his kin. Many prepared themselves, whispering among themselves of taking a final stand against the Frostfangs. But Uthal's concern was not merely for the living. He looked around the vault, and while much had been taken in previous raids, some heirlooms remained. Galthok's hammer, a marvelous tool which had never broken, despite being used to shape metal on the forge for centuries. It was now only taken out of the vault for ceremonial purposes, but it served the Icehearts as it had done when their clan had been young. Eglah's nail, a pickaxe which had carved out many of the clan's tunnels, including this very room. Despite continuous use over many years, its tip had never dulled. Paavu's mantle; woven from the hides of white wolves, this cloak had kept warm the ancient elder and her children when they had found themselves lost on the mountain during a freezing night. Yet none were so valued as the suit of armour which stood in the center of the room. Despite the darkness Ulthas cast a loving gaze at the suit of iron and stone. He knew well the many runes inscribed along the plates; indeed, he himself had restored parts of the armour which had fallen to time. It bore the history of the clan, their culture. The loss of lives was common among the Windspire range- but to lose these artefacts to the dragon's hoard was an insult Ulthas couldn't bear.

'That wall,' he spoke, his eyes drawn to the back of the room. 'We are close to the new tunnels, no?' Not waiting for a response, he pulled Eglah's nail from the hands of one who had wanted to use the artefact as a weapon. Ulthas paid no mind to the Goliath's protests, and walked to the back of the vault. Placing his hand on the cold stone, he closed his eyes, and walked along the wall, tapping the stone with the pickaxe's edge. Bidding the others to be silent, Ulgath listened as he tapped the stone, until finally he found what he had hoped to hear.

'There,' he spoke. 'A weakness in the wall. Grab a tool, grab anything, and bring it down. We'll disappear into the new tunnels; the Frostfangs will not follow us there, for fear of losing their way.' There was a moment of stunned silence, but then one of the Goliaths picked up Galthok's hammer, and took up position at the wall. Ulthas nodded his gratitude at his clanmate, then the pair began to hammer at the wall. In mere moments more of his kin joined, while others cleared debris as it fell.

To his relief, Ulthas had been right- the stone was brittle in this place, allowing the Goliaths to dig a small opening leading into a dark, rough-hewn tunnel. 'Go!' he urged the others, taking a few steps back to take one last look at the vault and its treasures. He was the last to leave, casting a sorrowful look at the magnificent armour in the center of the vault. It was too heavy to carry, too important to leave behind. With bleeding heart, Ulthas tore his gaze away from the heirloom, and with one final strike against the ceiling, collapsed the newly opened passage into the mines. He knew the Frostfangs would find the vault, find the armour, and take it to their master as if it was nothing more than a shiny bauble for his collection.

One more insult the dragon would soon answer dearly for, Ulthas thought as he led his people down into the safety of the mines.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Aug 7th, 2024 at 11:01 AM.
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by AlphaZ
Are optional features in play? I was looking at Primal Knowledge for Barbarian.
As long as you can provide me an official source, I'm cool with it.

Originally Posted by krossingkhory
And I believe I am finished now! I added the 30 minute RP sample...and I could have easily written more here. But, I'll take any/all feedback!
Love it! I'll update your app status on the tracker.

Originally Posted by Kweheri
Hey, this looks sick.
Do you consider UA an official source?
As I'm looking at a Rune Knight archetype.
This already got answered, but just want to know I'm not ignoring you! Dig the app you put in.

Originally Posted by Tempestfury
... So I am pondering the idea of giving this a shot, but I just have to ask...

When is Level 8, not even 50% of the way through the game, High Level? Like, when I saw the ad for High Level I was expecting something at least level 14, if not higher.
Kshnik and Elanir answered this one pretty well, but I'll reiterate. 8th level is medium level for D&D as a whole, but for RPGX specifically, the vast majority of games run from levels 1-5. I certainly could have been more accurate with my language in that part of the advent. That being said, you're welcome to apply to this sort of mid-level, sort of high-level game.

Originally Posted by DemonSlayer
Hi there! I sort of got started on my application, but unfortunately have not been able to finish it yet. I'll put it up here so I can work on it a bit more later!
You've got time!

Originally Posted by DemonSlayer
Also, a question about the application. I took the Clan Crafter background (because I think it would be interesting to play a craftsman for the tribes), but that background leans on a connection to dwarves. And I'm fairly certain there's not a lot of dwarves around. Would you be open to me altering that background a little? I was thinking of the following changes;
  • He is not especially respected among dwarves, but instead among other artisans of the Goliath tribes, who consider him a highly skilled craftsman who produced several works of art.
  • He does not know Dwarven, but instead knows Primordial (Terran in particular; I'm guessing he studied ancient designs and crafting methods).
  • Rather than proficiency in Insight, I was hoping to give him proficiency in another set of artisan's tools. Probably leatherworking, or jeweler's tools.

I feel those changes would help me emphasize the angle of this character being a renowned craftsman among his people, but if you'd rather I didn't change the background, I'd be happy to justify his friendship with the dwarves instead !
I'm fine with all of the proposed changes. As an aside, 99.99% of goliaths have never even heard of a dwarf. The Windspire Clans are heavily insulated from the outside world. They might see an adventurer or traveler trying to cut through the pass on rare occasion, but those rare occasions have become even scarcer since Thalorgarax took over.
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Nasrith View Post
As an aside, 99.99% of goliaths have never even heard of a dwarf. The Windspire Clans are heavily insulated from the outside world. They might see an adventurer or traveler trying to cut through the pass on rare occasion, but those rare occasions have become even scarcer since Thalorgarax took over.
I assumed as much, thanks for confirming !
Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 07:12 PM
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Old Aug 6th, 2024, 11:49 PM
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I'm working up a character but had a question. What is the general attitude of the non-Frostfang clans towards white dragonborn? Are they shunned, scorned, feared, shown grudging respect, indifferent? Does it vary from clan to clan?
10-8: I've been out of town for a few days helping family prepare and evacuate from Milton and was out of communication. Sorry to be so flaky lately, but these storms have caused a lot of upheaval. I'll be home and catching up tonight.
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Old Aug 8th, 2024, 12:51 PM
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In the end, I couldn’t resist.

Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
Name: Ungalu Darkseer
Race: Variant human featuresGoliath
Class: I know, but rare isn’t the same as nonexistent, right?Wizard (School of Divination)
Clan: Iceheart
Mechanical Background: Hermit

from Ungalu’s perspectiveAppearance: Why do you stare, child? Have you never seen one who is as old as me? One whose skin has the sheen of the deep ice and wrinkles as great as chasms? I have been walking in the bowels of the Windspire Range since your mother and father were still unborn, not even a spark of desire in the loins of their parents. Know that I saw the Frostreaper when he arrived, though my eyes still had the color of the stormy sky back then. It was the crystals that turned them to gold, the light they give off and the things they have revealed to me. You think me sickly and weak, but I was as tall as the chieftain in my prime, my arms as thick as the columns of his hall. I see you wonder at my hair, long as the dragon’s tail and white as his breath. You think the sons of the Clans grow no hair, don’t you? Shows how much you know about the truth of things. I grow weary of your insolent eyes. Speak your question and be gone. And don’t forget about my payment. I prefer gold, if you have it. I love its glint, even in the dark. Look at the gold paint that marks my skin. Look at the diadem that rests upon my brow. Aren’t they marvelous? A gift from the chieftain’s daughter they are, my reward for revealing her future. I see your future too, but what will you sacrifice to learn what it holds?

from Charuk’s perspective, Ungalu’s apprenticePersonality: I have to warn you, seeker, always be respectful in the presence of the master, for he is quick to grow angry. Don’t expect the same from him, however. You may find him brash and offensive, but that’s simply his way. I think that he has lived so many years alone in the crystal burrows that he no longer knows how to properly deal with the ones who come to ask for his knowledge and advice. It is true, he knows many things, things that were and things that will be, but don’t think that he will reveal them to you for nothing. Flatter him and fill him with gold and he might consider it. Even then, don’t be surprised if he ignores you for hours before answering your question or if his response doesn’t make any sense. The magic of the crystals is mysterious and one must be patient with it and its wielder. But it never lies. Neither does the master. He might send you away, tell you something you never asked for or insult you for no apparent reason, but everything that comes out of his lips is true. Accept it for what it is and go. No amount of begging will make him change his mind and threats will only get you cursed or worse. How come I serve such a man? Who else can do what the master can? His words cut deeper than a warrior’s blade. They undo reality and shape the future. I would be a fool not to stay by his side as long as he will have me.

Written Background: As far as memory and song stretch back, the Clans’ history has always been written by warriors, men and women willing to fight to turn their will into truth. But Ungalu was always different. He was born different. He could have picked up the sword, the mace or the spear. He could have braved the deep snow and the slippery ice, the howling wind and the shaking earth. He could have fought the beasts living high up in the mountains and those of the Clans who would see him bow his head before their might. He didn’t. Instead, he listened to the earth. In the dark, silently, patiently. And one day, as he knew it would, the earth spoke to him. It guided him.

Traveling through the passages his Clan-brothers and -sisters had dug and traversed before him, through chasms the earth itself had shaped and holes he opened with pickaxe and sweat and even his own bare hands, he found the secret that was meant for him. He found the crystal barrows. There were pools of boiling water and a multitude of growing fungi, blind fish and crabs as white as freshly fallen snow. More importantly, he found the crystals, growing out of the flesh of the earth, as smooth as ice and glowing softly in the dark. Crystals of many shapes, of many colors, of many powers, the gifts of stone, ice and dark for the Iceheart Clan. For him and him alone, for only he was worthy.

As chieftains came and went, as children became warriors and the warriors fell to sword or treachery or natural hazard, Ungalu studied and experimented, harvesting the crystals, putting them to the test, borrowing their powers. When the Frostreaper arrived and brought destruction to the Skyreach Clan and slavery to the rest, Ungalu saw the great white in the shards of the crystals, broken and scattered as the children of the Clans were about to be. He didn’t cry out in rage, didn’t weep or curse the spirits that had failed to protect them. Instead, he made a promise: he would see the dragon fall. Not through shards or reflective surfaces or in the scalding steam of pools. He would see him fall with his own two eyes. He would bring about this fall with his own two hands.

His lips had spoken the prophecy. Now all he had to do was live long enough to see it fulfilled.


to be honest, it took me 37 minutes to write it30 Minute RP Sample: What was the moment you became a hero in the eyes of your clan?

"Wh- what did you say, Master?"

The apprentice, at sixteen years of age already taller than most members of the Iceheart Clan, stared down at Ungalu, whose bent back made him appear much shorter than he actually was. He wondered whether the elder Goliath had made a joke, though this had not once been the case in the three years that Charuk had been in the diviner’s service. The youth, trying to make the most of the soft glow of the crystals growing in the vast chamber, studied Ungalu’s face. The fire in his golden irises was unmistakable.

Not a joke then.

"Did you grow deaf in the endless silence of the crystal burrows, boy, or have the spotted mushrooms you secretly eat finally robbed you of your senses?", the wizard replied, his voice thick with annoyance. Charuk, cheeks burning with embarrassment, lowered his gaze, like a child berated for being naughty. He should have known better than trying to hide something from his master. He always found out. Always.

"N- no, Master. It’s just that I never thought…"

"You are not here to think", the old man interrupted, giving Charuk no chance to apologize. "You are here to serve me and I don’t enjoy having to repeat myself."

The youth kept his eyes lowered and the angry retort safely behind sealed lips. He remembered their agreement differently. Charuk had sworn to serve Ungalu unquestioningly and in return the Darkseer had promised to share with him the secrets of the crystals. It was strange how the one who claimed to make no mistakes didn’t seem to recall the second, and for the apprentice most important, part of the agreement. Still, this was not the right time to argue about such things. If he had learned something in the years he had spent next to the Darkseer, this was it.

"Yes, Master. I will gather all we need for the journey to Refuge."

Ungalu shook his head.

"You will gather everything - the crystals of power, the seeing shards, the powders, all my belongings. I will not be returning to the crystal burrows."

This time, the shock was so great that it stole Charuk’s voice. Still, the question was obvious in his eyes and for some reason Ungalu deigned to answer it.

"This place is now yours. Once I have addressed the chieftain and all members of the Iceheart Clan, you will return and spend the rest of your life here, learning, just as I have. You will be the new Darkseer."

Charuk’s eyes grew blurry with unshed tears. It was true what they said - the less one expects a gift, the greater it feels.

"But why now, Master? Do you deem me worthy?"

Ungalu chuckled. There was no kindness in the laughter, only irony.

"I do not, nor will you be worthy for many years to come. But I have no choice in the matter. What I have seen must be shouted across the Clans. Nothing will ever be the same afterwards."

Charuk ignored the bitterness in his mouth.

"What have you seen?"

This time, the wizard smiled in earnest, exhilaration making the golden lines that marked the skin of his face glow.

"I have seen the dragon fall. I have looked upon the faces of those who will slay the beast. I intend to find them, bring them together, shape them into a weapon."

The Darkseer’s eyes grew dark and luminous at the same time.

"I have to see my prophecy fulfilled."

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
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Old Aug 8th, 2024, 03:41 PM
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Just now saw this. I like the concept, but I still largely lack tabletop experience. How significant is the starting level of 8, precisely? Will that make our start easier or more difficult?
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Old Aug 8th, 2024, 05:13 PM
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Level 8 is pretty powerful and experienced for a player-character. Roleplaying-wise you’d be fine. Getting game stats for your character would be a bit of extra work: essentially you’d start with a level 1 character and then build them up through levels 2-8, adding abilities and features to them as you go. This also means that when you start the game at Level 8, you’d have a wide array of abilities to use— this is a fun way to play the game, but you might have trouble keeping track of everything.

You can find help with all of the above, and I don’t think you should feel discouraged from applying, but playing a level 8 character without prior tabletop experience will probably be a challenge.
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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 10:05 AM
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@Everyone, I just got back from a week long vacation and (surprise, surprise) I came down with something on the tail end of a whirlwind of travel. All that means is I'll be a little slower with my in-depth reads of the apps.

Tomorrow, I'll be announcing part 2 of the application process. It's super easy, promise.

Originally Posted by 1Skell
Class added.
Perfect. I'll update the list.

Originally Posted by PalladiaMors
I'm working up a character but had a question. What is the general attitude of the non-Frostfang clans towards white dragonborn? Are they shunned, scorned, feared, shown grudging respect, indifferent? Does it vary from clan to clan?
Great question. The vast majority of white dragonborn (see: anyone that's not a PC) are Frostfang clan members, and so opinions about them are largely the same as opinions about the Frostfang clan. Those opinions being feared and hated, of course.

Originally Posted by Elanir
In the end, I couldn’t resist.
Knew it

Originally Posted by Aisede
Just now saw this. I like the concept, but I still largely lack tabletop experience. How significant is the starting level of 8, precisely? Will that make our start easier or more difficult?
Originally Posted by Apidae22
You can find help with all of the above, and I don’t think you should feel discouraged from applying, but playing a level 8 character without prior tabletop experience will probably be a challenge.
Wanna know what's great about this community? I can leave for a week on vacation and peoples' questions about my game still get answered. What Apidae22 said.

See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!

Last edited by Nasrith; Aug 9th, 2024 at 10:14 AM.
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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 11:21 AM
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