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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 04:01 PM
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Understood. Still, a challenge is experience. Even if I fall flat on my face, I will gain a better understanding of the game and its mechanics.

The Charlatan
Name: Blekking
Race: White Dragonborn
Class: Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline- Cold)
Clan: Frostfang Clan (Formerly)

Mechanical Background: Charlatan

Appearance & Personality: Blekking is a slender white dragonborn of fair complexion and slight build. Cold blue eyes regard all around him with critical scrutiny, and perhaps some mild amusement. Standing a proud 6"1', the dragonborn regularly garbs himself in the armor traditionally worn by his clan, with a dagger stored on either hip, and a disposition so casual it may as well be a weapon in itself.

Ideals: The world requires change, and I am the dragonborn to bring it about. Whether that change is good or bad is for me to decide.

Bonds: I find it easy to make friends, and am eager to do so. The more, the merrier ~

Flaws: I may be just a bit arrogant, and at times overexaggerate my abilities.

Written Background: Nobody quite knows where Blekking came from, but the Fangs have their suspicions: perhaps he is the wayward son of þrek and Søt? They claim their son had gone into the ice and snow, but a lie would be preferable to the shameful truth of it. It's possible he was, instead, an orphaned egg, hatched odd, and ostracized by his peers and caretakers. In another story, he simply appeared from the South, as if manifesting from the Windspire itself, armed with a toothy grin and an outstretched hand. Whatever the origin, the truth is that he is, if nothing else, a traitor to his kin; after many months- years, even -of ascending the social ladder, he eventually arrived at the position of assistant. Blekking was not just any assistant, but one of the many assistants tending to the Frostreaper himself. A prestigious position, all would agree.

Blekking had served the Frostreaper well, at times anticipating the dragon's needs before a single word was spoken. He was valuable, efficient, and always served with a smile.

Then came the poisoning.

Successful or not, there was little doubt as to who had committed the action: Blekking had been seen discreetly interacting with one of the Frostreaper's soon-to-be sacrifices. A goliath of no description, except for a demeanor slightly less fearful than others soon to meet their demise. Little had been thought of the interaction before it the next feeding, during which Blekking's treason was revealed. As fate would have it, the dragonborn was nowhere to be found when Fangs stormed his chambers, nor had any traces of him been found in all of Skyreach. The only person who appeared to have any idea of his whereabouts informed the Fangs that he had departed shortly before the feeding, vanishing back into the cold from whence he came.

RP sample (7 minutes):
"A hero, you say?" the dragonborn hums, shifting his weight to one leg and raising a claw to his chin. His eyes are distant as he responds, the corners of his muzzle turning up just a bit. "Wh'ell, if I were to say... It may be the time I participated in a particularly brutal skirmish against the Frostwalkers. Bloody business, viscera everywhere." He waves a hand dismissively, his tone and expression shifting towards disinterest. "Anyways, there was a troublesome warrior on the field, going by the name of... Ah, I can't really remember, but he was a beast of a man, even for a goliath. Took out a good dozen Fangs before he went down, and went down he did. In a dozen bloody chunks. You see, whilst my comrades were... Occupying him... I had positioned myself behind him. They had restrained the man- Just barely -But just barely was enough for me to land a clean shot on him with a Ray of Frost. The man had no idea what was coming, and when he did wisen up- and promptly decapitate my two kindly compatriots - it was much too late for the man. I'd say his blood turned to ice before he hit the ground, but I know that not to be true... Ah, but this is such a macabre topic. My days amongst the Fangs are long over, and whilst I may recall my time amongst them with some fondness, relations have... Bittered." A dark look comes across the dragonborn's face, which is quickly replaced by a humored smile. His eyes find yours again, and he crosses his arms. "I trust the story was, at the least, entertaining?"

Last edited by Aisede; Aug 10th, 2024 at 01:58 PM.
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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 07:04 PM
Kshnik Kshnik is offline
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Originally Posted by Aisede View Post

Just now saw this. I like the concept, but I still largely lack tabletop experience. How significant is the starting level of 8, precisely? Will that make our start easier or more difficult?
I write out the possible actions I can take in a fight. Especially for Medium to high level characters.
Example for my application here is what I have my character capable of doing.

Melee Attack, Melee Attack
Cantrip Booming-Blade, Melee attack
Cantrip Thorn Whip
Spell (have a list of spells (aoe, single target, heal, etc))
Other (channels, etc)

Same for Bonus Action:
Healing word
Boots - Teleport 15 feet
Defensive Shield: 6 temp hit points 0:3/long
Telekinetic Shove: str save dc 14, 5 feet

Absorb Element (take acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage)
Stone Endurance (take damage) reduce by 1d12+1
Radiant Weapon (hit by melee weapon) blind opponent con save dc 14, 0:4/long
Repulsion Shield (hit by melee weapon) push 15 no save, 0:4/long
Feather Fall

And ETC (movement, object interaction). Also in each of my posts I track current effects.

If you have a list of what you can do it makes each turn much easier.

Edit: This also helps writing out my characters history, background and etc.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; Aug 9th, 2024 at 07:09 PM.
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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 07:58 PM
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. . . I'll need somebody to tell me what's reasonable for a lv8 sorcerer to have @_@.
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Old Aug 9th, 2024, 09:48 PM
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Tabral Kask
right-aligned image

Name: Tabral Kask
Race: Goliath (human variant stats)
Class: War Domain Cleric
Clan: Crystalline Keepers
Mechanical Background: Fisher

Appearance: Tabral stands at 7'3 with a thin, but well muscled and wiry frame. He has the face of an individual moments from simply giving up, with sunken eyes, that are an eerily glowing blue, a constant frown on his brows, and down-turned mouth making his dour looks all the more severe with his greying beard. Grey shoulder-length hair frames his face, that he keeps well maintained.

Despite the life he's had, and all the strife he's been through, Tabral remains an idealistic individual. He believes the Clans will eventually be free from the tyrannical rule of Thalorgarax, that it is only a matter of time, and he hopes it's sooner rather than later. Many of his clan call him naive for this line of thinking, that a dragon should suddenly disappear when it has been around for six grueling decades. But he remains hopeful, if a little optimistic.

Perhaps one reason he clings to his idealistic view is because of his sheer stubbornness. Once Tabral gets an idea, ideology, or thought in his mind, it is almost impossible to dissuade him from it. Especially the ones that have long since stayed in his head. He is as stubborn as they come, and then some. Set in his ways, and refusing to expand whatever bubble he's set for himself. The joke the Spirits played on him by making him their cleric has forced that bubble to expand, despite how much he hates it. He refuses to acknowledge them, and the powers they've granted him, rationalizing the powers as mere sorcery.

He is also a compassionate and selfless individual. His stubbornness won't stop him from going out of his way to help those in need if he has the means, and sometimes even if he doesn't. It was that very careless attitude that got the attention of the Spirits, and he curses his compassion for making his life more complicated than it needed to be.

Living a life of self indulgence before the Spirits burned it all away. The cravings still exist, and he still indulges himself. Mostly in drink and in gambling. A coping mechanism that began after the death of his two sons at the hands of the Frostfang Warriors. He drowned the pain with drink, and spent whatever money he had gambling and paying off debts--or sometimes not paying them off so the collectors could beat him within an inch of his life.

BackgroundTabral was born to a family of fishers, and ever since he could think for himself, he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. To go out into the lake by himself, without any supervision, and fish. A simple life and a simple dream for a young man like himself. But it was tradition, and he was content with that. His father taught him the trade, supervising and training him, teaching him little tricks to have a better catch.

Tabral was a quick study, by the time he was fifteen, he was out in the waters by himself, hauling in a wide catch every evening, and giving a portion of the fish to the collectors that waited by the docks. He wasn't a violent young man, but he would fight against them when they thought to take most of his catch, and he would get a black eye or a bruised rib for his efforts. Oft times returning home with no catch at all.

It had happened several times before his father stepped in. He wasn't seen again after that.

A hatred grew in his heart for the tyrannical dragon ruling over them, and his cruel enforcers that languished in the other tribes' misfortune. He despised them, but he was also hopeful a time would come when they would finally be driven away. He didn't know how, but he often daydreamed, while fishing, of smashing their ranks and sending the dragon fleeing, as if he were some hero from a folktale.

He was eventually married several years later, and had two strong boys. A pair of strong and riley twins that drove his wife mad. They could both see the two would turn into powerful warriors, and Tabral dedicated his time in training them to fight and defend themselves, instead of following in his footsteps. He figured if his boys were good at fighting, their clan would be the better for it. He trained them, until the clan warriors saw their potential and took over, turning them into a fierce pair.

By the time they were in their mid twenties, the warriors of the clan decided they would no longer let the Frostfang Warriors walk all over them, thus when the collectors came, the warriors slaughtered them. Tensions rose between the clans, and Tabral was urging for peace, but the warriors nor his own sons had patience for his efforts, keeping up with their constant raids and minor skirmishes.

Things took a turn when his sons came up with an insane plan to destroy the Frostfang with a night-time raid. They waited until the sun had set and took two dozen warriors with them, and invaded the Frostfang territory. Tabral had only learned of this mad and desperate plan the next day, and although he wanted to go after them, was stopped by the clan leaders.

A week later, Hearing wailing and shouting, Tabral awoke that morning to a crowd surrounding a cart. He approached and there, he saw the heads of the two dozen warriors, and among them the heads of his sons.

His life shattered at that moment. And he was dragged away, screaming at the gods and spirits for their cruelty.

30 min RP
Five men men and women was all they could spare. His wife begged him not to go, pleading with him, cursing him and insulting his family for his stubborn nature. But he had to go. What choice did he have? Some part of Yolonda knew that, it was why there was no fierce bite in her words. He was doing this not only for them, but for his sons. Answering a wrong that needed righting, or he would go insane.

Too long he'd been in the drinks. The moment the plan had come up near the docks, he was already on board, and had packed a month's worth of strong ale for the trek. He'd finished half in the first three nights, before the others hid the spirits from him. That only made him more miserable. But now, they were standing in front of a force almost two dozen strong, facing their demise. The deaths of their sons and daughters needed answering, and perhaps their blood would be enough a sacrifice to the gods to finally get off their asses and do something about the dragon.

"They send their best against us," Nesrila said, standing from a crouch. She wore heavy hide armour and had a grim look on her face. "Standing there, waiting because they know we'll walk to our deaths."

"And it will have more courage than they'll see in a hundred years," Rodell said, his voice like gravel. He was wearing the same, his head bald and clean shaven, marked with the tattoos of a future elder.

"We will make the cowards bleed," Tabral said, "five of us will be a match for their numbers. Let us show them the true meaning of vengeance. And let us show our cowardly gods the meaning of courage." He roared, putting the pain of seeing his son's heads into his war cry as he ran towards the enemy. Not at all caring if his companions were following him or not.

They raised their shields and held their swords towards him. Raising his own, he crashed into the enemy and used his hammer to swat away and parry their attacks. Then he began swinging. He felt the crunch of bones. Tabral had little experience in warfare and fighting, save for what little Rodell taught him on the way to their deaths. At that moment, however, he felt his body moving on its own, acting on instinct.

Elements fell before him. He parried and swung, smashing his enemy's face into a bloody mess. He swung again after blocking with his shield, sending another toppling with a dented helmet. The others fought fiercely beside him, dropping bodies with their wild swings.

Two of their five fell, arrows piercing their bodies. But they kept fighting, and Tabral kept pushing into them. Swinging madly and dropping bodies around him. He felt something change in him. His eyes changed from their normal brown into a glowing ice blue, and his hammer began to drip with ice.

With every following strike, a toll was sounded over his enemy, before they shattered as if he were hitting warriors of ice. As he fought, he heard a deep, low laugh in his ear and he answered that laugh with a roar of pure rage. More bodies were shattered, and by the end of it, it was only him, Rodell, and Nesrila, standing over a field of broken bodies.

Sublimated waves of ice wafted from him like steam. He realized they were staring at him, and when he turned to look at them, he found himself, instead, within a strange, white, snowy field with a sheer black sky. Directly in front of him was an icy throne, upon it was a figure, strong and massive, holding an equally massive icy blade.

"You would show us our cowardice, then, mortal?" The figure spoke.

Tabral snarled. "I would. You and the others have shown your true selves when the dragon came. Cowering in fear, hiding away and leaving us as the dragon's playthings."

The Spirit was silent for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. "You are indeed spirited. Fine then. Show us our cowardice." He leaned forward, baring his teeth in a mad grin. "Defeat the Frostreaper, Thalorgarax. Present his head, mortal, and you will have showed us your courage. But if you cannot bear this task, then know your soul will be mine to do with as I please. And I can imagine a few things I can do to the little man who slaughtered my worshippers."

Before he could respond, he was back on the field of battle. The other two were looking standing right in front of him with concerned looks on their faces, shaking him. He felt power flowing through him, and realized just how much of an idiot he really was.

Last edited by Torack; Aug 9th, 2024 at 09:52 PM.
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 10:06 AM
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Part 2
Announcing Phase 2 of the Application Process

Everyone that has completed their apps, thank you so much for applying! Everyone that hasn't finished their apps, this is your 1 week warning to get them done before applications officially close.

The next step of the application process is a simple one. I want you to look through all of the applicants and in secret text, tell me the 5 other characters you would most like to play with, whether the application is complete or not. My experience is that this drastically improves group cohesion. These decisions can be based on anything you want - writing style, past player experience, dope character concepts, class. Heck, you could even I wouldn't necessarily recommend this system, thoughflip a coin. These decisions, in turn, factor into my decision of who I take.

1 week left. Get excited!

Originally Posted by Ermine
Palu's RP sample is complete!
Looks good! Updated the app block.

Originally Posted by Kshnik View Post
I write out the possible actions I can take in a fight. Especially for Medium to high level characters


If you have a list of what you can do it makes each turn much easier.
Nothing gets me going like a good PbP stat/action block. I've got a preferred one for for everyone accepted into the game.

@Torack, app looks good! Added you to the app block in the first post.

See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!

Last edited by Nasrith; Aug 10th, 2024 at 10:42 AM.
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 11:50 AM
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Last edited by Aisede; Aug 10th, 2024 at 01:24 PM.
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 12:18 PM
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 01:46 PM
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 02:04 PM
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Does the Skyreach Clan still technically exist, or were they completely displaced by the dragon and his Fangs?
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 03:30 PM
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 03:50 PM
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Last edited by Torack; Aug 10th, 2024 at 03:51 PM.
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Aisede View Post
Does the Skyreach Clan still technically exist, or were they completely displaced by the dragon and his Fangs?
The Skyreach clan is gone-gone. You might see a descendant or two of the Skyreach Clan integrated into other clans, but that's about it. Barring any PCs, that is.

@Everyone, I didn't ask for it, but I'm very much appreciating people also explaining why they are picking the people they are. It helps.
See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 05:24 PM
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Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 08:32 PM
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Old Aug 10th, 2024, 08:46 PM
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