My experience of pbp, is that it's slow.
But it's good And a lot of campaigns disappointingly barely last a few weeks before they show signs if fatigue. That feels like it's entirely case by case. As for tabletop, I miss it. I first got into it just before 3e was released, played a lot for a few years then very sporadically since. |
Games here mostly. Have one game on Discord/roll20 every other Tuesday night for the past 2 years. Level 6 now.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up. |
If I get chosen (and I'm paired with players I can tolerate) this will be my second serious game. The last one... Well, for me it only lasted a couple weeks.
By and large, I'm more accustomed to the comparatively faster pace of chat-style roleplay, like on Discord Last edited by Aisede; Aug 10th, 2024 at 11:20 PM. |
Been playing since 3.5E tabletop and on here since the same time frame. Took a hiatus a couple times over the years but always end up back here. No table top in RL at the moment. One PbP game where we utilize discord.
RPGX and PbP are notoriously bad for dropped games. A good and dedicated Dm can steal the show and make it worthwhile. Players need to discipline themselves and make the game some what of a priority. |
Discord pbp is definitely faster, for sure!
But, I tend to like the slower pace games, because it can fit in my schedule pretty nicely. But, I also think the slower paced games that go on for months or years tend to have more developed characters and tighter knit group |
Tabletop...ahh, I missed those days. First started with tabletop, stared with D&D basic, the red box back in 79'. Year later, went to AD&D 1e. Good old days, played every Sat between 1pm to 11pm. We played every week non stop until 85', then life came and said, ok, you are in the working world now. (which sucked, lol), we still played but not consistently. AD&D 2e came, we combo it with 1e since there wasn't much difference. Early 90's it became tougher, DM had both a job and college. Really don't know how he did, get up early, do homework, leave for school, come home, work, went to bed late to do some homework.
Anyway, I did a few tabletops but was never lasted long, a couple of months there, a few months here. Did online, it was play by e-mail, for your older folks that remember that. Mid to late 90's, played online only. In 2002, my first DM, who also was my cousin and best friend died suddenly from Crohn disease. We had done a lot together, and rped different games besides D&D, we also played Shadowrun, Marvel, and Star Trek. He was the one that got me into roleplaying, although he forced me into it, which I am glad he did. *chucklle* Well, it was part of me was gone, I lost all interest in roleplaying of any kind, video games, tabletop, etc. I had no desire of it anymore. Then in 2005, I had the itch again, I saw Neverwinter Nights in the store, it was very different then it was in the early 90's. At that time, you played it on American Online, which most folks called AOL. So, in 2005, I saw on the box that it was much improved, like a 100 times better graphics. So, I got back into it. Going through classes, I see it was 3e since a few classes I never heard of. Played online mostly, 3.5e came out. Later 4e came out, heard nothing but negative things about, so took awhile before I bought the PHBs. In 2013, I discovered this site, been here ever since. I say about 3 years later...I think, a coworker had the Pathfinder book with to look at during lunch. Only heard of it, so he showed me and I started playing it as well as the 5e that came out. Played with his buddies time to time, but our schedule rarely matched up. Last time I played tabletop was...2017. Now, I only play online, mostly here. Too difficult for me to play tabletop now. Oh, I do have the pathfinder 2e book, but I hate it, so still play all versions from D&D, AD&D, and Pathfinder. Only the AD&D 4e and Pathfinder 2e I won't play, the others I still find fun. Well, there's my story of tabletop and roleplaying. If I had to chose, it be tabletop, more fun, had the camaraderie, but on here is nice too, go at your own pace and no mess. *chuckle*
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." |
Forgot to mentioned, I played on discord, it was ok, but not really my thing, but wearing hearing aids from being hard of hearing, doesn't help. Played on roll20 for awhile, that fun too. About 5 years I think. One player, passed away suddenly, she was the DM's sister. Then health problem arose for another player and another gotten busy, etc, so it's been a few years since I played on that.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." |
On discord/roll20 we are really just doing discord; using real dice again. Only bring up roll20 to see placement of enemies and such if description doesn't work from the DM. I played back in the late 70's. I still have all my books, modules and figures. I am the oldest on the discord game. What I miss is the modules. Now it is a whole book for $40-50.
I like Pathfinders 2 starting abilities process and a few other odds and ends.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up. |
Never liked Roll20. The site just never agreed with me. And on Discord, it's all been freeform. Not neccesarily "play-by-post", just... Y'know, regular old roleplay. I feel like a distinction needs to be made for this crowd.
I've only been roleplaying since 2017. I think It was during my last year of high school. I got involved in a fandom, discovered fanfics, and then decided I wanted to write ever since. Before 2017, I hated writing and reading. It felt like a colossal waste of time when I could be gaming instead. Last edited by Aisede; Aug 12th, 2024 at 04:17 PM. |
For starters, I will get my secreted text out there today or tomorrow. I'm on vacation and nowhere near my PC, so I'm on a mobile device and my time is limited.
As far as gaming style goes, I hate Discord. It is too disjointed and comments get lost/buried under a flurry of other posts. I always feel like I have to say the same thing there 5 or 6 times before I'm heard. |
That said, when the game succeeds at avoiding those pitfalls, there are a lot of advantages to the format. I feel PbP is far easier on the schedule, since anyone can play whenever- let alone six or seven people being able to set aside that much time on the same day!no need to set aside half a day for a session. Plus, it allows people to look up rules (and, for people like me, for whom English is not a first language, how to properly spell some words) while roleplaying, which is a luxury traditional games lack. So when all is said and done, I prefer the PbP format, despite its flaws ![]() |
Last edited by krossingkhory; Aug 11th, 2024 at 10:28 AM. |
Last edited by EMIW; Aug 12th, 2024 at 10:58 AM. |
There's something special about extreme environments like tundras, or the arctic. A neat isolated area for you to experiment, without worrying too much about the influence of a wider world that may or may not be relevant.
What about you guys? What's your favorite environment, and why is it your favorite? |
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