DnD5e 2024 Drow Can't Be Wrong - RPG Crossing
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 02:08 PM
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2024 Drow Can't Be Wrong

Game Name2024 Drow Can't Be Wrong
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeAction-adventure, Heroes holding back the darkness
FlavourSerious tone, player-driven story, alternate Greyhawk
Game Summary
About this game
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Ruleset = DnD 2024 / 50th Anniversary (only - no backwards compatible)

Posting frequency = 2 times per week
Number of player = 5
Starting level = 2nd
Alignments = Non-evil

Ability scores = by 27-point buy method

Classes = 2024 rules only
Sub-classes = 2024 rules only
Species = 2024 rules only

House rules = To examine a magic item and know what it does, an Identify spell is required.

Technology is failing (see below as to why). On an attack roll of 1, something of the attacker's breaks (often their weapon). On an attack roll of 20, something of the defender's breaks. Magic items are immune to this effect. There
can be other instances where a piece of
technology will fail, up to the GM's discretion,
usually for story reasons.

Characters will start with an extra 60 gold pieces and 1 common magic item.
(If you need assistance with knowing what items are available, then just ask.)

Application deadline = Nov 30th, 2024

Setting information
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Alternate Greyhawk

We will be using the Greyhawk map and several aspects of the setting for this game. That said, I do not know the history of the setting - just what's in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. And I shall largely be homebrewing the rest myself. A few things will change immediately.

The Duchy, County, and Principality of Ulek were clearly named by people who do not know how those titles work. So, in this game, they will be called (respectively) the Duchies of Ulek, Hergolt, and Inoseff. Likewise, the County and Duchy of Urnst will be named the Duchies of Marcera and Urnst.

Orcs are nomadic traders and mercenaries. The most widely used trade languages is Orcish.

Pantheon of Oerth

We will be using the Greyhawk list of gods. If you do not have that list and want to worship a god, then please let me know and I can list them.

One exception.

Eighty years ago, the god Rao fell from the heavens. Ironically, he landed on Veluna (worship of Rao was a state religion) and created a crater 65 miles long and 62 miles wide. Over time, this crater has filled with water and is now known as Lake Rao. The death of the god had disastrous effects of Veluna's economy, government, and people. Many remain devoted to the fallen god and established communities along the rim of the crater.

One out of every five children born in these rim communities is an Aasimar. The exact reason is unknown, but sages surmise that the dead god is radiating the last of his divine energy. Also, since the death of Rao, Greater God of Invention, technology is more prone to failure.
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The ripple effect of the death of Rao has been felt in all corners of Oerth. However, nowhere was the destruction more severe than the UnderDark beneath Veluna. The physical shockwaves collapsed caverns and tunnels for hundreds of miles. In the aftermath, the Drow (and other Underdark residents) who survived the event fled to the surface. Bissel and Veluna agreed to set aside land in the Lorridges for Drow refugees to live semi-autonomously.

Rock Creek is the largest settlement of surface-dwelling Drow. Our adventure starts here. Rock Creek is roughly 45% Drow, 40% Halfling, and 15% other species (mostly Human and Dwarf). Orc traders commonly visit the township.

If our first adventure goes well, then we can extend the game and do more.

Character Applications
Creativity is appreciated. Please provide the following information and anything additional you would like. DO NOT include a writing sample. Pictures are always appreciated. Please do not use AI generated images.


Intended subclass: (you can list it as unknown)

What drives them to adventure:
World View:


Character sheet (2nd level)

The first question I will ask those players who are accepted to the game is: Why do you adventures together? It will be up to you to figure that out.

Dare to be different!

Last edited by HexCursed; Nov 17th, 2024 at 12:46 AM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 02:49 PM
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Are Greyhawk Drows different than the Faerun counterparts? googled that.. but if there are any differences from the basic drows, which would they be? Can't help but imagine that getting your entire ecosystem nuked by a god might teach the Drow a bit of humility..

Is Rock Creek a generally evil settlement?
I'm back, baby!!!

Last edited by Remorazz; Nov 16th, 2024 at 03:53 PM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Remorazz View Post
Is Rock Creek a generally evil settlement?
Ah! Good question. Short answer: No.

Drow in this iteration are going to manifest mostly as "Lawful Neutral". A lot of that comes from having to work with their new and more powerful neighbors. They also developed a sense of community from having to work together in cooperative fashion to survive and build a new home. Their old system wasn't practical or tolerated by the surface folk, so they had to completely reorient themselves to their new reality.
Dare to be different!
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 04:55 PM
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mhmhmh... already have too many elves around as it is.. putting down a placeholder for a halfing sorcerer! (change of plans)
I'm back, baby!!!

Last edited by Remorazz; Nov 17th, 2024 at 09:05 AM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 10:16 PM
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Name: Nedylana Jyvlon
Pseudonyms: The Dark Huntress

Class: Ranger
Intended subclass: Gloom Stalker
Origin: Guide
Species: Drow
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality: Nedylana is a loner by nature; it comes with the territory of being a borderland ranger. However, she is not the typical brooding-figure-cloaked-in-darkness misanthrope commonly associated with the stereotype. Quite the opposite, as her memories of being so close to death and the feeling that she and her family have been given a second chance have provided her with a deep love for life. She loves people, though she sometimes struggles with feeling inadequate with them. She enjoys hearing stories about where people come from, what they've seen, and the different perspectives that come with them. To her, it feels like being paroled from Hell.

However, she always feels the call to return to nature for awhile. Perhaps it's the fact that she knew no sky until she was in her twenties. Perhaps it's the vast expanse of the surface world that both humbles and excites her. Perhaps she simply feels more comfortable by herself or in the company of wild creatures. Whatever it is, she always eventually seeks solitude in the wild lands, the harsher the better. In the open air with no walls, struggling to survive - nothing makes her feel more alive.

What drives them to adventure: Nedylana is fascinated and obsessed with how huge the surface world is! The caverns below Veluna are expansive, to be sure, but they are still enclosed. Even within the short amount of time Nedylana was in the Underdark, she had already walked along the entire perimeter of the caverns multiple times. The idea that she could spend the rest of her centuries-long life simply walking the earth and never finding an insurmountable wall is both exhilarating and mind-boggling to her. She may not see everything by the time she dies, but it won't be for lack of trying.

World View: Nedylana truly feels that she, and her family, were saved. She rejects the lifestyle and teachings of her former homeland, and has vowed to work every day to seek penance for the sins of her people. It's not so much a religious feeling, though she is convinced the gods were involved. For her, it's more like an awakening. She feels that every day since the fall of Rao is a gift, and she does not intend to squander it.

History: Nedylana was just a girl living in the Underdark beneath Veluna when Rao fell to earth. Her memories are vague, but terrifying. Her family was not close to the center of the drow city, as they were trackers, guides, scouts, and other such servants. Ironically, it was the lowest rungs of the ladder that managed to survive the earth collapsing upon everything they knew. Even luckier, her family was familiar with every tunnel, crevasse, and fissure from Veluna to Bissel, above and below the surface. They were able to work their way to the surface, leaving behind everything.

The literal collapse of drow society had a profound impact on Nedylana's parents. They became convinced that the gods had punished the drow for their divergence from the surface elves and their dedication to Lolth. They saw their flight to the surface as a sign that they were to return to the above world and begin penance for their transgressions. Viewing themselves as unworthy to live among the surface folk directly, but still desiring to serve them to appease the gods, they plied their craft as borderland guides and pathfinders, leading others to safety and watching over those they now saw as their responsibility...and their sentence.

Nedylana grew up in the foothills and mountains of Lorridges, learning survival in the harsh environment. The hills eventually claimed her father's life, but she continued to explore and grow her skills as a ranger and guide. She holds Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of Hunting, Archery, and Survival in Wild and Harsh Places, as her patron deity, though she honors him without praying. She believes she is not worthy to pray directly to the gods, and instead tries to honor them through her deeds and how she lives her life.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 20th, 2024 at 11:52 AM.
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Old Nov 17th, 2024, 12:08 AM
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Name: Amethyst Slate
Pseudonyms: Amie Slate

Class: Warlock
Intended subclass: Undecided
Origin: Merchant
Species: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Most tend to think of Merchants as friendly; a necessary trait for closing the sale. While Amie isn't unfriendly per se, she also doesn't go out of her way to be bubbly or gregarious. She prefers for things to be calm, structured... Almost as if she views all of life as a business transaction.

What drives them to adventure: An unhealthy(?) need for great wealth, and a willingness to travel/explore distant places to acquire it...

World View: Life is hard, but money can soften the edges... Life is lonely, but money can give you friends and warm your body in the dead of night... Life is beautiful, and money can paint that picture, or bring the exotic to your doorstep. There's so much opportunity out there to help people realize that with just a little coin, they can live a better life!

History: Amethyst was lucky. Usually traders were Orcs; Gruff, intimidating, and yet somehow she had managed to find a place amongst them. First as an Apprentice, and then as she grew more adept at the foundations of trading and relationships, a more 'physical' approach to loss prevention...

From as far back as she could remember, there had been something... An invisible force that talked to and protected her from harm. Her friend and confidant, her constant companion on the road, whatever the voice 'truly' was... She has learned to rely on his warnings, and jump at the suggestions and opportunities that it provides her.

Character Sheet (2nd level)

Since most traders are Orc, and Amie is a Merchant, would giving her the Orcish Language Proficiency be appropriate? Also I don't have my common magic item selected as of yet... Other than that, I think I am done if you'd like to review?
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; Nov 18th, 2024 at 12:11 PM. Reason: adding Character Sheet
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Old Nov 17th, 2024, 08:55 AM
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Name: Waldur Memti Dibbniss
Pseudonyms: Waldy, Wally, Dipsh*t, Holy-sh*t Bighead, Wuss, Your-Shortness
Species: Rock Gnome
Class: Thaumaturge Cleric
Intended subclass: Light domain
Origin: Scribe
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality: Hard worker, he'll either get easily distracted while starting a task or forget that the ret of the world exists while he hyper-focuses on the task at hand. He's generally good humored, always finding the silver lining. Aside from the fighting. Ew. Despite his adventurous life choice, Waldur hates the fighting, and blood spilling in general, in fact he starts to stammer when he thinks a fight might be about to break out (he’s usually fine during the fight though!).

What drives them to adventure: Gnomish insatiable curiosity for one.. Waldur was always fascinated with cartography since he was little and started understanding how map scales worked, incredulous on how the world actually was, and the adventuring life is a way to satiate that curiosity. Despite being technically part of the clergy of Boccob, Waldy appreciated more the inventiveness and the scholarly side of the church.

World View: Annoyingly optimist, even when inappropriate. There's no obstacle that can't be.. AAHH AN ARROW!!! ah, ok, it was a rotten carrot on the floor... anywhoo, there's no obstacle that can't be overcome with ingenuity and hard work! (Yeah, I know that some time you need muscle and money.. but how do you get either of those things? Correct! Ingenuity and hard work!). Yes, magic is great, but far too many spellcasters use it with not much thought behind it, often causing a great deal of consequence.

History: While originally from Furyondy, where his family enrolled him in the college of Boccob, he only moved to Veluna for his final years of study to complete the mandatory internship shadowing a mentor, Gobert Bunsbier, who had been the lead investigator of the crater and the Rao's death. In the meantime Bunsbier formalised a temple to the dead god (but sponsored by Boccob), supporting the community that formed at Rock Creek. After Eighty years, the investigation didn't turn up all that much (according to Bunsbier), yet they're both sure that there's a void since Rao's fall, and but are waryand curious to see through how it gets filled.
Now, after Waldur's graduation in Geography and Cartography (his final dissertation was in Lake Rao's formation and underlying surviving tunnels), he's finally free to roam this crazy world and discover its secrets.


CreditsImage was credited to Denis Dementev on Pinterest, but I modified it on photoshop to fit my schemes
I'm back, baby!!!

Last edited by Remorazz; Nov 21st, 2024 at 07:08 AM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 02:30 AM
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Yolanda M'qol
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Name: Yolanda M'qol
Pseudonyms: Yola

Class: Paladin
Intended subclass: Vengeance
Origin: Soldier
Species: Drow
Gender: Female

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Yola is surprisingly easy going, despite her cold demeanor. She gets along well with others. She finds comfort being apart of a company, it brings her a semblance of order. It gives her a longing of the past.
What drives them to adventure: She's driven by the sole goal of finding the killer that took her love and the family she once had. She also seeks comfort in a group, like adventurers perhaps. Mostly cause she longs to be in a unit once more.

World View: Law and order. Authority. Contracts. These are the constructs that form the necessity of civilization. It is the reason how her people have survived in the surface world. She abides the law. And will act upon it if deemed necessary.

History: Growing up in the Underdark, her childhood was as normal as any drow child would. Harsh, disciplined, and always adapting to the surroundings. Growing up, she was born to be a soldier Her mother was a warrior, her older siblings, sisters, followed her mother's footsteps. When she was old enough, she would follow along the House traditions too. It was an experience that was forever ingrained to her way of life. Her mentors taught her to use a blade and to strike at the most advantageous parts of the body. But then things change, her training did not prepare the chaos that reigned in the underground. And she along with many others settled to the surface.

There, she started going on, exploring the new world with a band of fellow soldiers. Sisters and brothers in arms. They trained and fought together like a family unit. Relationships bloomed to something more. Then one day, they were struck down. Every last one except for Yola was killed. She didn't know who. Didn't know why. But she vowed to hunt down whoever did this. She pleaded for power from any God that would listen. And one did. Vathris, hero-deity of anguish and revenge. She swore an oath to him. To hunt down whoever did this.

Character sheet https://www.rpgcrossing.com/profiler/view.php?id=95060

Last edited by Onward; Nov 18th, 2024 at 11:33 PM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 05:11 PM
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Vestra Caelthir, Wood Elf Monk - COMPLETED

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Name: Vestra Caelthir

Class: Monk
Intended subclass: Warrior of Shadow
Origin: Guide
Species: Wood Elf
Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Vestra is a vivid and multifaceted character, blending mischievous charm with sharp intellect and razor-edged humor. She loves irony and wields sarcasm with a dry, deadpan delivery that often leaves others laughing—or momentarily bewildered. Quick to smile, her playful energy fills the room during quiet moments or lighthearted banter. Yet beneath her frivolity lies a core of uncanny focus and intensity that emerges when facing real threats. In combat or dire situations, her playful demeanor vanishes, replaced by a steely resolve that is as unsettling as it is impressive. She thrives on challenges, delighting in pushing herself and her companions into the unknown, always with an irreverent quip ready.

A natural socialite, Vestra loves a lively party, savoring music, dance, and camaraderie long into the night. Despite her penchant for late hours, she makes time for quiet morning meditation, finding balance and clarity amidst her chaotic tendencies. Her feline grace is mirrored in her agile movements, lending her an effortless charm as she weaves between jesting and earnestness. She treasures her independence and freedom but remains loyal to her companions, finding joy in their shared adventures. Vestra’s love of life, her wisdom that often defies expectations, and her ability to find humor even in dire moments make her an engaging, magnetic force in any group. Her perceptiveness allows her to read situations and people with remarkable accuracy, often offering sharp, if unexpected, observations.

What drives them to adventure:
Vestra is driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for new experiences. From a young age, she felt the pull of the unknown, captivated by tales of distant lands and the mysteries that lay beyond her serene woodland home. The fall of the god Rao ignited her imagination and sense of purpose, propelling her to explore the altered landscapes of Veluna and the enigmatic Lake Rao. Each step of her journey is a quest for personal growth, fueled by her playful desire to challenge limits and a deeper yearning to uncover the truths that shape her world.

World View:
Vestra's worldview is shaped by her chaotic but pragmatic nature. She sees life as an intricate dance of randomness and opportunity, embracing its unpredictable twists with humor and adaptability. She believes in forging one’s path rather than being tethered to tradition or authority. Her experiences around Lake Rao have taught her the value of resilience and ingenuity, and she sees the interconnectedness of all beings—humans, elves, orcs, and even Drow refugees—as proof that cooperation is often more powerful than conflict. However, her alignment with chaos also lends her a streak of irreverence; she relishes defying expectations, poking at the rigid boundaries others impose on themselves.

Vestra grew up in a thriving wood elf commune deep within the forests of the Duchy of Marcera, surrounded by family and community. Her childhood was warm and joyous, filled with vibrant festivals, shared stories, and a deep connection to nature. She was especially close to her siblings, often leading them into harmless mischief or weaving imaginative tales of distant lands. By the time she turned 100, the call of adventure had already seized her heart. Unlike her kin, who found fulfillment within their tranquil home, Vestra was enamored with the horizon, determined to see the world beyond the trees.

Her wanderlust eventually led her to leave her family and community to travel the world. When word reached her of the god Rao falling from the heavens, she set off toward Veluna, captivated by the idea of witnessing such profound change and exploring the strange lands reshaped by divine catastrophe. Over the last eighty years, Vestra has made the regions surrounding Lake Rao and Rock Creek her home away from home. She works as a guide, navigating the crater-formed lake’s treacherous terrain and helping orc traders, Drow refugees, and other travelers find their way. Her keen perception and dry humor have earned her a reputation as both reliable and entertaining, even among the eclectic inhabitants of Rock Creek. While her playful personality often leads her to harmless pranks or fleeting flings, she maintains a strong connection to the land and its mysteries. Her curiosity has deepened into an ongoing journey of self-discovery as she searches for something greater to align with her wandering spirit.

Recently, Vestra has crossed paths with monks who follow the elusive Warrior of Shadow tradition. Their blend of disciplined combat and mystical philosophy fascinates her, aligning with her love of agility, subtlety, and introspection. Though she has not yet committed to their path, her encounters with them have sparked a growing interest. She now toys with the idea of joining their ranks, seeing their way of life as a potential avenue to balance her playful, chaotic nature with a deeper sense of purpose. For now, she remains on the fringes of this philosophy, soaking in its mysteries while continuing to seek adventure and revel in life’s endless possibilities.

Character sheet (2nd level)

Why do you adventures together?
Vestra thrives in a group setting, finding joy in shared adventures and the dynamic interplay of personalities. While fiercely independent, she recognizes the value of camaraderie and collaboration in overcoming challenges. Her playful energy and sharp humor often lighten tense moments, making her a natural morale booster. Vestra’s knack for perceiving hidden details and her knowledge of treacherous terrains, particularly around Lake Rao, make her an invaluable ally. She respects those who bring unique skills to the table, viewing the group as an ever-changing puzzle that she’s delighted to help solve.

Last edited by A7ice; Nov 21st, 2024 at 05:36 AM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 06:01 PM
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Name: Alton Clearspark
Nickname: Butter Knife

Class: Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1
Intended subclass: Fighter battlemaster
Origins: Guide
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Tries to be humble, patient, and generous. He attempts to provide hope, appreciate and serve others; always looking for ways to improve the lives of those he comes in contact. End of day reflections always show that he has failed in some way or another. He would prefer not to have to fight but was taught and has learned that for some violence is the only way.

What drives them to adventure: He is amazed with the variety of nature and wants to view as much of it as possible. Another area of interest is the difference in cultures even between villages less than a day’s ride.

World View: He has none. He has not seen the world yet. Only parts. Why are there differences between cultures and the land. Does the land drive the culture?

History: Alton had a large family and was one of the youngest. His childhood was a happy one. His family introduced all the children to the magic of nature. Each taking something different from it. All the kids were taught the basics of healing. A necessity when growing up in a small village leaving in a homestead while farming. When he came of age he had a choice: Stay and work on the farm or in their small village. Another option was to join the militia.

Alton choose the militia as it would allowed him to visit a larger portion of the province. While in service his athleticism allowed him to excel with weapons. His family upbringing gave him the skill set allowing him to assume the role of a medic. Alton was not the sharpest individual and his squad soon gave him the nickname 'Butter Knife'. Alton understood this was an insult, a play on his last name, along with a term of endearment and he didn't mind. He also knew it was true. Knowledge of things was not his strong suit. During this time he discovered his innate ability with another source of magic. He was not surprised as he had an older sibling and an aunt with similar gifts. After a few years he decided he had seen enough of the military life and left the service to explore the world. He took his nickname with him.

Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; Jan 12th, 2025 at 10:13 PM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 07:45 PM
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Name: Dolores Veneneux
Pseudonyms: Daughter of Kiaransali, Child of Vengeance

Class: Fighter 1/ Warlock 1
Intended subclass: Mother of Sorrows Warlock
Origin: Charlatan (Skilled)
Species: Aasimar
Gender: Female

Alignment: NG, feigns NE
Personality: Dolores' personality, or what she shows of it, depends on present company. She's expected to be cruel and vengeful, but she can't bring herself to meet that expectation fully. Instead, she adopts an air of cold and calculation. She hasn't quite found fully who she is outside those expectations, but she would like to try being brighter. Maybe cheerful? She might try cheerful.
Trait 1: I lie about almost everything, even when there's no reason to.
Trait 2: I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in useful at any given moment.
Ideal: Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people who really need it. (Good)
Bond: I've destroyed good people who didn't deserve it to save myself. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.
Flaw: I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.
What drives them to adventure: She needs to get away from the drow refugees, and hopefully make up for what she's done, but until then, she needs to keep her head down and her hood up.
World View: In quiet defiance of her heritage and upbringing, Dolores doesn't believe that might makes right. She's seen too many people rise and fall by their strength or weakness, whether they were right or not. It offends a sense of fairness in her, rather than entitlement, and she'd rather be good than otherwise because that feels better to her.

History: To the best of Dolores' understanding, Kiaransali had become... let's say annoyed that of all the deities in the land, she was among those least represented in terms of aasimar to enact her will on the world more directly, and surrounding herself with undead didn't facilitate such a thing. However many of her cultists clamored at the very musing of such a thing, and although they worshipped her for her power and how she chose to apply it, she believed there were few among them who wouldn't turn on her if they needed to. And so it was that Kiaransali chose Fachtnan, a third-generation member of the cult, to sire her first aasimar. He was arguably the weakest in the faith, whose thirst for vengeance was nominal, but also the least likely to betray her. Fachtnan was "employed" as often as need be, and then charged with raising young Dolores until she was ready. Her father shielded Dolores from her peers as much as he dared, but she was often in some degree of misery. He'd say, "It's time for your public face. You'll need to show some of your mother's influence, so hold on to your resentment of the life she's made you live. The choices you're not allowed to make." Dolores did as she was told.

As much as Kiaransali punishes the wrongs made against her, her own entitlement blinded her to the fact that her own daughter wished for someone to punish her. One day, that wish came true. As Dolores got older, her mother came to decide she was worthy of her attention, to show that she could demonstrate her purpose. She ordered the girl to apprentice in the training grounds, in the torture chambers, at the headsman's block. Every day was more and more miserable for Dolores, as she was made to partake in such grisly activities, until a presence came to her. The Mother of Sorrows. Whether the Mother came to tempt away a rival's tool or simply because it was her nature was unclear, but she promised her time would come to be free. In return, she was to spread the pain to those abusers who inspired it. And when Rao fell, collapsing huge swathes of the Underdark, what better chance would she have? In the disarray and chaos, it would be easy to become lost, and to return when odds were more in her favor.

Character sheet (2nd level): here
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 07:45 PM
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I'm working on my equipment loadout/weapon masteries, but otherwise done.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 09:02 PM
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@Remorazz: Regarding cleric domains and relevant gods, it seems to me that Light is the closest to Knowledge. The description of the subclass includes words and phrases like: revelation, enlightened, discerning vision, chasing away lies, truth, insight, pierce deception... All of those descriptors sound very knowledge-like to me.

Greyhawk has a few knowledge gods:
Boccob the Uncaring, archmage of the gods
Istus, Weaver of Our Fate, god of seers and advisors
Wee Jas, the Witch, goddess of spellcasters and advisers
And then there's Pelor, god of the sun, healers, and the compassionate

Rao isn't exactly in the business of granting prayers anymore since their demise.

@Dingbat: What is the Mother of Sorrows Warlock subclass?

Also, the traits / bond / flaw / ideal personality traits isn't really a thing in the 2024 version. It's fine that you included it, but it's not an official part of character origins.

Why does Dolores act NE? How do you suppose that people are likely to react to that?

Is Dolores an Aasimar or a Drow, or are you implying that she's kind of both?

@Warlocks: For those players interested in choosing the Warlock class, we'll talk about your character's patron and how your character relates to them. One thing that I typically require of warlocks is that their patron will ask them to do something specific (and not terribly difficult) for them once per level. Unless they perform the assigned task, the patron will not give the warlock more power. The character needs to prove their devotion and meet the terms of their pact first.

That means that the warlock cannot take another level of warlock until the task is done. The player has 2 choices: They can wait to level up until they have completed the task. Or, they can take a level in a different class.
Dare to be different!

Last edited by HexCursed; Nov 18th, 2024 at 09:04 PM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 10:09 PM
Revlar Revlar is offline
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Jaezrar Daevion'lyr
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Name: Jaezrar Daevion'lyr
Pseudonyms: Jae, Jaez

Class: Monk
Intended subclass: Way of the Shadow
Origin: Sailor
Species: Elf (Drow)
Gender: Male

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Calm and quiet, Jaezrar can fade into the background sometimes. However, he is not passive and even from the background, he can often effect change others cannot. Some enemies can only be taken in the quiet and dark. Somethings must be done, unspoken and untold. You don't have to be strong of personality to be strong.

What drives them to adventure: Self-improvement. The shattering of the Underdark has broken many bonds. Jaezrar finds himself beholden to no god or structure and so has freedom to life the way he wants. And wants to be more than he is. He is unsure where this journey will lead him, but he knows only challenge can help him advance.

World View: Roa's fall broken the world for those in the Underdark. The Drow were thrust upon the surface and everything has changed. Old allegiances are no more. Once bound to a rigid structure, all are free now to peruse their own goals. Some will go back to their old ways, many clamor to that which they have always known. They try to rebuild what was lost. Jaezrar would rather see something new built, see people free of the bondage they have always known. The world above is sometimes alarming and dangerous, wild and chaotic. But there is peace and freedom in equal amounts. There is change coming, no matter if they are ready for it or not.

History: Jaezrar was a lonely child, having lost both parents at young age. He had been born above ground, after the Fall of Roa. But it was still a harsh time of change for the drow. Many didn't know what to make of this new world and despaired. His parents had been murdered in the clamor for their money and possessions. A not uncommon story and one that would normally lead to a death sentence in the Underdark. Above ground, he managed to find a more peaceful group of refugees and settle down and grow once again. Despite being part of a growing community of drow born under the sky, his lack of parents still often left him alone and in solitude.

Use to solitude, it was only natural for him to seek a profession that lent to it. He became a sailor, first on the Lake of Roa and then venturing further out. Sailor, by and large, are a boisterious lot. But they also don't pry much and when he sought silence, no one bothered him. Still, even Jaezrar needed companionship and sailors were also free with this when sought out. He found a balance in this, both able to pursue his solitude when it suited him and still be a part of a social group.

However, despite having found balance, Jaezrar could not help but feel that there was more out there for him. He spent many nights practicing form and movements that he learned when he was young, incorporating the brawling style he learned from his time as a sailor, and forming something entirely new and unique. Feeling that he needed to journey out to find his limits, he left the sailing life. Now he spend his days, pushing himself and adventuring to find his limits. And his nights are giving to practicing an ever evolving style.

Character Sheet

Last edited by Revlar; Nov 24th, 2024 at 05:56 PM.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 03:34 AM
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I had a question about getting an extra language proficiency due to the merchant background? It doesnt seem 2024 accounts for extra languages like 2014 did... but since the major trading language is Orcish, would Amie be able to speak it as part of doing her job?

As for her Character advancement, I would choose that she remain at level 1 until able to advance as per your stipulations.

On to the question of her Patron, I marked her as undecided. I was originally leaning towards fiend just because I enjoy Dark One's Blessing, but didn't want to outright taint the app towards evil, and that's literally what the subclass states. As I was writing out her background a little more, I thought that Archfey also seemed like it could fit quite well. Being the tricky "offer them riches and what they want/monkey's paw" type deal...I'm not sure if you had a preference or impression that you might want me to take into consideration?
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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