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Old Nov 25th, 2024, 06:48 PM
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Last edited by 1Skell; Nov 30th, 2024 at 11:58 PM.
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Old Nov 27th, 2024, 03:21 PM
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2nd draft
left-aligned image
Name: Dolores Veneneux
Pseudonyms: Child of Vengeance, Face of the Faceless.

Class: Fighter 1/ Warlock 1
Intended subclass: Great Old One Warlock (Nyarlathotep)
Origin: Charlatan (Skilled)
Species: Aasimar
Gender: Female

Alignment: NG, feigns NE
Personality: Dolores' personality, or what she shows of it, depends on present company. She's expected to be cruel and vengeful, but she can't bring herself to meet that expectation fully. Instead, she adopts an air of cold and calculation. She hasn't quite found fully who she is outside those expectations, but she would like to try being brighter. Maybe cheerful? She might try cheerful.
Trait 1: I lie about almost everything, even when there's no reason to.
Trait 2: I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in useful at any given moment.
Ideal: Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people who really need it. (Good)
Bond: I've destroyed good people who didn't deserve it to save myself. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.
Flaw: I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.
What drives them to adventure: She needs to get away from the drow refugees, and hopefully make up for what she's done, but until then, she needs to keep her head down and her hood up.
World View: In quiet defiance of her heritage and upbringing, Dolores doesn't believe that might makes right. She's seen too many people rise and fall by their strength or weakness, whether they were right or not. It offends a sense of fairness in her, rather than entitlement, and she'd rather be good than otherwise because that feels better to her.

History: To the best of Dolores' understanding, Kiaransali had become... let's say annoyed that of all the deities in the land, she was among those least represented in terms of aasimar to enact her will on the world more directly, and surrounding herself with undead didn't facilitate such a thing. However many of her cultists clamored at the very musing of such a thing, and although they worshipped her for her power and how she chose to apply it, she believed there were few among them who wouldn't turn on her if they needed to. And so it was that Kiaransali chose Fachtnan, a third-generation member of the cult, to sire her first aasimar. He was arguably the weakest in the faith, whose thirst for vengeance was nominal, but also the least likely to betray her. Fachtnan was "employed" as often as need be, and then charged with raising young Dolores until she was ready. Her father shielded Dolores from her peers as much as he dared, but she was often in some degree of misery. He'd say, "It's time for your public face. You'll need to show some of your mother's influence, so hold on to your resentment of the life she's made you live. The choices you're not allowed to make." Dolores did as she was told.

As much as Kiaransali punishes the wrongs made against her, her own entitlement blinded her to the fact that her own daughter wished for someone to punish her. One day, that wish came true. As Dolores got older, her mother came to decide she was worthy of her attention, to show that she could demonstrate her purpose. She ordered the girl to apprentice in the training grounds, in the torture chambers, at the headsman's block. Every day was more and more miserable for Dolores, as she was made to partake in such grisly activities, until a presence came to her. Nyarlathotep, the Faceless One. A gaunt figure wrapped in a shadowy cloak but... seemingly mortal. His head and hands were, anyway. Sometimes they moved unnaturally, as if he were wearing a mask and gloves. He came to her with the Book of Azathoth; if she signed it, he would grant her both power and passage, to escape the calamity to come from the sky. Rao falling and collapsing much of the Underdark, what better chance would she have? In the disarray and chaos, it would be easy to become lost, and to return when odds were more in her favor. All she had to do was feed Azathoth. It didn't matter who, but she would feed him. She signed her name, and Nyarlathotep smiled inside his mask.

Character sheet (2nd level): here
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Old Nov 28th, 2024, 04:37 PM
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right-aligned image
Name: Tsarra Zylquinal
Pseudonyms: Tess
Class: ThaumaturgeCleric (2)
Deity: not sure how this works, if she don't get granted spells that ok, she be a cleric w/o spells Rao
Intended subclass: Life Domain
Deity: WeeJas took interestRao
Origin: Sage
Species: Aasimar
Gender: Female
Alignment: LG

Personality: Despite her appearance, Tess has a quiet personality. She leads thru example, relying on her reasoning and abilities to help all attain serenity and peace. However, she also understands that not all things can be settled thru words and meditation and sometimes violence or physical responses are the only way left, when this happens she will not hesitate especially against undead for at those times peace must often be won by strength of arms, and she does not fear to use her martial abilities as well as her intellectual abilities to bring about the ends she seek.

"There is no emotion, there is peace"
"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge"
"There is no passion, there is serenity"
"There is no chaos, there is harmony"
"There is no death, there is Rao"

What drives them to adventure: Keeping alive the knowledge and will of Rao since his passing. Sure his memory is strong near the lake, but she wants to travel far and wide displaying his symbol, spreading hope under his name and aiding others in self reflection to attain peace and serenity.

World View: There is a cosmic balance, life and death are all but a part of the great cycle. Through meditation and enlightenment one may begin to understand some of the basics. For Rao may have died and Wee Jas has taken interest in the young sage and has been granting her spellsno longer answers prayers, it is true that part of him lives on in the new born celestial infused individuals. To the faithful, it is a way the greater god is slowly reincarnating and one day may return. This is why it is so important to not let his memory and ideals fall into history and legend.

History: Having been born on the outskirts of Lake Rao, Tess was brought up by the clergy and became one of the few sages of Rao before being trained by the Rao monks who focus as a warriors of the open hand who taught her the basics of meditation and simple weaponry. Belief in a dead god is challenging and only the truly devout remain even when the god does not answer the payers. Having spent her youth in and out of the temples and shrines of Rao, it is time to venture fourth and find a group of adventures too travel the ream so she can aid them and spread the knowledge and wisdom of Rao and keep the memories alive.

Character sheet LINK

Last edited by kaylara; Nov 30th, 2024 at 01:52 PM.
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Old Nov 28th, 2024, 05:17 PM
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@ kaylara

Of course HexCursed has the final saying by I am guessing your character might not work as per her statement:

"Rao isn't exactly in the business of granting prayers anymore since their demise."
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Old Nov 28th, 2024, 05:33 PM
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Ahh thanks, yea thats ok. A cleric w/o spells works for me too makes RP good .. she would need to focus on martial, perhaps end up going paladin or remaining faithful as a cleric w/o spells... just not sure its ok to play such as it may not work with things later or something I dont know

Perhaps only certain Aasimir (those infused with the last bit of his essence) are able to be cleric and cast spells even though there not granted? (in her case, perhaps its a matter of self meditation that grants it) I dont know...

In past editions there was a feat called "
You can name a dead god as your patron deity and still receive your cleric spells normally. In addition, you can call upon the universal remnant of your deity's power once per day to gain a +1 luck bonus on any single die roll. You can also be raised or resurrected normally.

You can take this feat only once. Choosing this feat changes your patron from your previous deity to the dead or forgotten deity of your choice, and you take no penalties for making this change. If you later choose a different patron deity, you lose the benefit of this feat, but your new patron may grant you spells just as he or she would for any other cleric.

Dead or fallen deities cannot grant cleric spells, so clerics who choose such patrons do not normally receive spells.
Servant of the Fallen" you could take to be able to cast spells from a dead god. Oh perhaps the ruling might be their spells are granted by another deity that shared similar interest or is working to take over his portfolio and pick up old followers. Hence the question and how it may or may not work. I'd be willing to use the feat even if DM created and makes it function however they want.

But in the end if it wont work/fit thats good too, I can flip things around

Last edited by kaylara; Nov 28th, 2024 at 05:55 PM.
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Old Nov 28th, 2024, 09:24 PM
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@kaylara - Maybe Tsarra will be the Goldmoon of this world, bringing Rao worship back to the land.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 11:38 AM
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Kaylara: That sounds like a character that I would play. But, as the others stated, Rao is a dead god and does not answer prayers or grant spells, etc. Those who still pay homage to Rao do it out of reverence akin to ancestor worship. They know that the god is no more but honor its memory.

If I may be so bold, maybe Tsarra could be something like a Fighter who calls themself a cleric and holds themself to the tenets of the faith, prays, carries on in the god's name, etc. If you want to be a cleric without spells then that's fine by me, but it puts the character at a distinct disadvantage.
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 01:30 PM
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Ah ok, wasnt sure if the feat was an option to homebrew.. no problem... Is it possible to bring a dead god back in this world?

Thinking perhaps go Cleric/Paladin or Monk of Rao? not sure how paladins get spells in your world, same as cleric? im assuming features like channel still work? and ability to use items like scrolls since they would be on spell list technically... or are the abilities channeling etc powered by the god and not powered by planar or divine energies like in the phb?

The idea would be.. a priestess(cleric - protector)of Rao who is forced to focus on martial skills due to his death and no spells, thus joined the knighthood or ministry of monks devoted to him?

Ok new idea, a wizard who is an acolyte of Rao.. born, raised with teachings and lore, she scribes in his name wanting to spread the knowledge and perhaps one day aid in his revival?

updated app to reflect, should be good i think

Last edited by kaylara; Nov 29th, 2024 at 03:50 PM.
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 06:37 PM
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by HexCursed View Post
Why not hope?
lol well when the DM subtly implies to be a fighter instead of a cleric... i tend to take a hint cleric bad idea lol

If a deity resurrection is possible(may not know how) in the realm (has there ever been a god die and be reborn ever, like Mystra in FR or something?), or the feat made homebrew for campaign, then yea she could be like Goldmoon... was going off your last message was all and dm recommendation

the original idea was being Aasimir and having a bit of him that created her (at least that her belief), there would be an attachment beyond comprehension, etc ...

Question, will channel energy still work? is it just spells cant gain? If other abilities work, then I can go cleric and still heal a bit etc and not be useless to the party but if it turns out nothing works but skills and meele attacks then it would hinder more than help the party and it be best to be a wizard/scribe thats a faithful instead i think

Last edited by kaylara; Nov 29th, 2024 at 07:15 PM.
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 08:27 PM
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Here's the running list as much for my interest as well as helping out yer DMship. If I got anything wrong, just copy and paste/overwrite with corrections. - D

Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 29th, 2024 at 11:53 PM.
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 10:54 PM
JaymiiZ JaymiiZ is offline
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Thauden Silver Strings


Silver Strings, The Shadow Minstrel

Bard / Rogue

Intended Subclass:
• Bard: college of Glamor
• Rogue: Thief (if I get that far)




Chaotic Neutral

Thauden is a charming and silver-tongued halfling with a knack for knowing exactly what to say to get what he wants. He has a quick wit, a sharper tongue, and an uncanny ability to read people’s emotions and motives. Despite his criminal tendencies, Thauden loves the thrill of storytelling and entertaining, blending truth and lies into captivating tales. He is pragmatic, often weighing loyalty against personal gain, but has a soft spot for underdogs and those who remind him of his own struggles.

What drives them to adventure:
Thauden craves freedom, wealth, and influence. He sees adventuring as the perfect way to accumulate power while feeding his love for storytelling. Secretly, he also seeks redemption, though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, including himself.

World View:
The world is a stage, and Thauden believes it’s his role to play the cunning trickster. He sees rules and laws as obstacles to bypass, not boundaries to respect, and admires those clever enough to bend them. He views life as a series of opportunities to exploit, but deep down, he dreams of leaving behind a legacy that transcends his criminal origins.

Thauden was born in the slums of the Free City of Greyhawk, a place teeming with opportunity for those bold (or foolish) enough to take it. Orphaned at a young age, Thauden survived by running messages for the local thieves’ guild and entertaining patrons in the city’s seediest taverns with his lute and sharp humor.

His talents caught the attention of a high-ranking guild member who took him under their wing, teaching him the art of manipulation, stealth, and assassination. Thauden quickly rose in the ranks, using his charm and musical talents to infiltrate noble courts and private gatherings, gathering secrets and eliminating targets as needed.

However, Thauden’s life of crime began to wear on him. He found himself drawn to the stories of adventurers who pursued glory and redemption, and he started to dream of something more than back-alley deals and shadowy contracts. Now, Thauden walks the line between his past life as a criminal and his burgeoning identity as a cunning bard, adventuring to forge a new path while keeping one foot in the shadows.

Thauden is a dashing halfling with slick, dark brown hair, mischievous green eyes, and a perpetual smirk. His attire is a mix of practicality and flair: a black leather vest, a burgundy scarf, and a belt lined with daggers. His lute, worn but well-maintained, is slung across his back.

• Weapons:
• Rapier
• Dagger (concealed in his boot)
• Armor: Studded Leather
• Gear:
• Thieves’ tools
• Disguise kit
• A silver pendant from his mentor (who he ultimately betrayed).

Personality Traits:
• “There’s no lock I can’t pick and no heart I can’t sway.”
• “Life’s too short not to take a risk—especially if there’s gold on the other side.”
*Posted by the Honorable JaymiiZ*
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 11:53 PM
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Old Nov 30th, 2024, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by kaylara View Post
lol well when the DM subtly implies to be a fighter instead of a cleric... i tend to take a hint cleric bad idea lol

If a deity resurrection is possible(may not know how) in the realm (has there ever been a god die and be reborn ever, like Mystra in FR or something?), or the feat made homebrew for campaign, then yea she could be like Goldmoon... was going off your last message was all and dm recommendation

the original idea was being Aasimir and having a bit of him that created her (at least that her belief), there would be an attachment beyond comprehension, etc ...

Question, will channel energy still work? is it just spells cant gain? If other abilities work, then I can go cleric and still heal a bit etc and not be useless to the party but if it turns out nothing works but skills and meele attacks then it would hinder more than help the party and it be best to be a wizard/scribe thats a faithful instead i think
I had a thought about this. What if another knowledge god was substituting for Rao? Or in other words, your character might be praying to Rao but the granted features, spells, etc. are actually coming from... say... Boccob, Wee Jas, or Vecna.

As far as the question of whether or not a god has died and come back, I don't think your character would know that.

@Everyone: The deadline for applications is quickly upon us. I'll give it a few more hours as there are a couple of last-minute applications but I'll cut it off at noon Pacific Time.
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Last edited by HexCursed; Nov 30th, 2024 at 04:11 PM.
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Old Nov 30th, 2024, 01:54 PM
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Sounds good went with cleric with sage background with Wee Jas taking interest in the young priestess thus start granting her spells
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