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Old Dec 8th, 2012, 06:50 AM
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The Pathfinder Project: Barbarian

The Pathfinder Project: Barbarians
Skills: The Pathfinder Barbarian gains Knowledge Nature, and the equivalent of Balance and Tumble through Acrobatics, and the equivalent of spot through perception.

A Pathfinder Barbarian is literate

Rage: Pathfinder rage is 2 rounds per level per day, +con +2 (bonus at first level). Fatigue lasts 2* number of rounds rage was used, instead of “end of encounter”. You don't get extra rage duration for temp constitution boosts
3.5 E rage lasts 3+newly improved con modifier rounds, with rage gains at 4th and every 4th level.

A rage chart for 2 Barbarians with 16 con at level 1:

Pathfinder --- 3.5E
1: 7 rounds, split as you like ---- 8 rounds, one encounter
2: 9 rounds, split as you like --- 8 rounds, one encounter
3: 11 rounds, split as you like --- 8 rounds, one encounter
4: 13 rounds, split as you like --- 16 rounds, 2 encounters
5: 15 rounds, split as you like --- 16 rounds, 2 encounters
You gain a +2 con item now
6: 18 rounds, split as you like --- 18 rounds, 2 encounters
7: 20 rounds, split as you like --- 18 rounds, 2 encounters
8: 22 rounds, split as you like --- 27 rounds, 3 encounters
9: 24 rounds, split as you like --- 27 rounds, 3 encounters
You gain a +4 con item now
10: 27 rounds, split as you like --- 30 rounds, 3 encounters
11: 29 rounds, split as you like --- 30 rounds, 3 encounters
12: 31 rounds, split as you like --- 40 rounds, 4 encounters
13: 33 rounds, split as you like --- 40 rounds, 4 encounters
14: 35 rounds, split as you like --- 40 rounds, 4 encounters
You gain a +6 con item now
15: 38 rounds, split as you like --- 44 rounds, 4 encounters
16: 40 rounds, split as you like --- 55 rounds, 5 encounters
17: 42 rounds, split as you like --- 55 rounds, 5 encounters
18: 44 rounds, split as you like --- 55 rounds, 5 encounters
19: 46 rounds, split as you like --- 55 rounds, 5 encounters
You gain a +2 inherent con bonus now
20: 49 rounds, split as you like --- 72 rounds, 6 encounters.

The pathfinder chart is advantageous if you have more encounters than your 3.5E rages per day, if the encounters are also short enough in duration. If you have fewer longer encounters per day, 3.5E helps you more at all levels above 7. Gameplay for a low level Pathfinder barbarian is more challenging; if you rage too early, you'll spend part of the combat fatigued, a concern that a 3.5E Barbarian doesn't have to worry about (once you've spent your rage, you're staying in it as long as you can). On the other hand, if you can accurately gauge encounter length, you probably want the Pathfinder version, especially at lower levels.

You need a larger tally box (up to 50) for the Pathfinder version, so remember to leave extra room on your notes page/back of your character sheet for RL play.

Favoured class bonuses:
If you take favoured classes in Barbarian, you can get an interesting bonus based on race.
Dwarves: +1 rage round per level
Elves: +5 speed per 5 levels of favoured Barbarian.
Gnomes: +1/2 level bonus to trap sense.
Half Elf: +1/4th level bonus to trap sense. I'm not sure why Half Elves get less than gnomes.
Half Orcs: +1 rage round per level.
Halflings: +1/2 level bonus to trap sense, or +1/3rd bonus of Surprise Accuracy Rage Power.
Humans: +1/2 level bonus to trap sense, or +1/3rd bonus to superstition rage power.

I'm not bothering with the weirder races, but you can look at them in the above link if you're interested.

The question is, are any of these better than +1 HP per level which you'd normally get for favoured class levels. If we assume you have 16-24 rounds of combat a day (4-6 combats lasting 4-6 rounds), once you're between 6-9, you've got enough rage. I'm not a fan of the trap sense bonus, since it's so incredibly specific, and you've got a weak reflex save anyways --- better to let your rogue eat those traps. I'd say probably stick with the bonus HP, though let me look at those rage powers, the major barbarian change.
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Old Dec 8th, 2012, 06:52 AM
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You get a rage power at all your even levels. Yep, you've got a lot of them. 10, as a matter of fact.. You can't take multiple totems. Middle level totems require level 6/10. I tried to tree relevent abilites, which is why alphabetical order is broken.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to click through these over and over again to see what they all do:
Totems: Remember, you only get one.

Beast Totem, Lesser: 2 claws as Primary Attacks, dealing 1d6+strength
Beast Totem: +1/4 rounded down natural armor bonus (4-8-12-16-20)
Beast Totem, Greater: Pounce. It's way better in 3.5E at level one as a Lion Totem (complete champion)

Chaos Totem, Lesser: +1 resistance bonus/deflection bonus against lawful creature per totem (IE, all 3 = +3)
Chaos totem: +4 escape artist, +25% fortification.
Chaos Totem, Greater: DR 1/2 level against Lawful while raging. Weapons are chaotic for overcoming DR. This is good in campaigns where you're not facing lawfully aligned opponents.

Dragon Totem: (6, requires animal fury + intimidating glare): Select colour: While raging, +1 perception, +1 versus paralysis and sleep, bonus increases per totem (IE, all 3 again)
Dragon Resilience (8): Energy Resistance equal to double DR plus 2 per dragon totem, based on colour, while raging. So Energy Resistance in the 8-16 range.
Dragon Wings (10): Fly becomes a class skill, standard action, gain wings while raging, fly speed equals move, average maneuverability, or spend 2 rounds of rage to gain the wings immediately. Each round flying counts as 2 rage rounds. You don't get enough ability to fly out of this

Fiend totem, lesser: Gore attack, primary or secondary (secondary take -5), 1d6 piercing damage small, 1d8 medium, +strength (+1/2 strength if secondary). Strictly better than Animal Fury.
Fiend Totem: Anyone that hits you with a melee, unarmed strike, or natural weapon takes 1d6 piercing damage. The damage returned is pretty low for level 6, and scales poorly.
Fiend Totem, greater: Good creature adjacent to raging barbarian are shaken and take 2d6 damage. Neutral characters are shaken, but no damage. Evil characters take no effect. In a campaign where good creatures are common, this effect is excellent.. In a standard fighting evil campaign, it is bad.

Hive Totem, lesser: (Level 4, Animal Fury) 1/2 damage from swarms, including spells that mimic swarms (summon swarm, insect plague). Also, since we realize this is a terribly weak bonus, +1 per 4 levels to CMD against bull rush, drag, and trip. Trip you actually care about, swarms you may never see, depending on DM preference.
Hive Totem Resilience: (Level 6): No damage from swarm, no secondary effects. +1 per 4 levels to CMD when grappling, +1 per 4 levels to Combat Manoeuvres, which again, is the part you actually care about.
Hive Totem Toxicity: Level 8: Animal fury damage increases by one die (1 pt, on average), and penalty is lowered to -2. Once per rage (damn), deal 1d3 con damage per round for up to 4 rounds, unless they make a save DC 10+1/2 level + con modifier.

Spirit Totem, Lesser: Slam adjacent foe with spirit energy as no action while raging once per round; attack uses max BAB + charisma, deals 1d4 negative energy + charisma. You've probably dumped charisma, and animal fury and lesser fiend totem both give better secondary attacks (Strength will be high enough that Strength-5 is probably better than Cha-0). Plus it's not clear you can add elemental rage damage to this attack.
Spirit Totem:20% miss chance...except adjacent enemies.
Spirit Totem, Greater :: Living creatures adjacent take 1d8 damage per round, and the spirit energy slam deals 1d6, to up to 15 feet away. Still lame.

World Serpent Totem: +1 insight bonus to AC against outsiders and aberrations, +1 for the latter two.
World Serpent Spirit: (Level 6): While raging, aligned -whateveryouwant- for overcoming DR. +1 resistance bonus to saving throws, for alignment spells, or spells from outsiders/aberrations, goes to +3 if you have the other totems.
World Serpent Totem Unity: (Level 8): Double fast movement speed, can't be knocked prone, and double the world serpent totem AC bonus against crit confirmations from outsiders/aberrations.
In a campaign focused on aberrations/outsiders, this totem is good. In any other campaign, it isn't.

Elemental Rage, Lesser (4, luckily doesn't count as a totem, since everyone wants tier 1 and 2): Swift action, once per rage, for 1 round, gain +1d6 elemental damage.
Elemental Rage (8), All attacks deal +1d6 elemental damage, and you can still use the swift (as long as it's for a different element) --- There is no reason not to go to Elemental Rage 2 on all your barbarians, unless you prestige class out too early.
Elemental Rage, Greater (12): This gives you the elemental burst ability, but you don't crit that often. Trap
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Old Dec 8th, 2012, 07:02 AM
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Animal Fury: Bite attack at -5, 1d4+1/2 strength (1d3 if small) as part of a full attack. Gives you a +2 bonus to grapple checks if you use it while grappling.
Auspiscious Mark: As a swift action, paying 2 rage rounds, you get a +1d6 bonus to a roll after seeing it...but only once per rage.
Powerful Blow: Once per rage, +1/4th level rounded down (minimum 1) damage bonus on a single attack per rage, uses your swift action.
Bleeding Blow (Level 8): Your powerful blows cause Bleed damage equal to your powerful blow number. Once per rage is the problem here; making several enemies bleed is good. Making the one big boss (a mage, perhaps) that you're going to use your powerful blow on take 2-5 points of bleed, when you have 4 people targetting them? If used in the opening round, this is worth 6-30 damage, which is pretty meh.
Crippling Blow (Level 8): You can forgo powerful blow damage (plus bleeding blow damage, if you have it) to deal 1/5th level (rounded down, min 2) penalty to Str/Dex. Fort save DC 10+1/2 level+Str modifier for 1/2. It's like the weaker, sadder, 8th level version of ray of enfeeblement, but it gives you an extra way to good enough.
Raging Climber: Gain Barbarian level to climb while raging
Bestial Climber (Level 6): Climb at land speed while Raging. By level 6, you can afford slippers of spider climbing. Trap
Raging Leaper: Gain Barbarian level to acrobatics while raging, plus you always have a running start.
Bestial Leaper (Level 6): You can take your standard action during a move action (IE, spring attack). This is right when you get your 2nd attack. You're supposed to be the heavy hitter. Giving up attacks is a trap
Raging Swimmer: Barb level to swim while raging
Bestial swimmer: Swim at land speed while raging The trap here is that you're burning rage rounds; you only really have spares from level 10 up, which is the point where a river is something you fly across, teleport across, or otherwise ignore.
Intimidating Glare: Intimidate as a move action. If you win, shaken for 1d4 rounds +1 per 5 you beat the check by. Effectiveness goes down immensely once you have full attack, so it's green for levels 2-5, then after. Though having a debuff on hand, even a meh one, is okay.
Terrifying Howl Level 8: Standard action, all shaken enemies within 30 feet, will save DC 10+1/2 barb level + strength or panicked for 1d4+1 rounds. Once you affect someone (even if they succeed save) they are immune for 24 hours.
This is kind of cool with AE fear stacking.
Boasting Taunt (Level 6): Intimidate check, if successful, shaken (-2 to attacks, saves, skills) until it attacks the barbarian. Mind-affecting, language dependent, not that it really needs those restrictions. Problem: Intimidate check is still a standard action, and the penalty is too small, even if you win. Anything you're worried about hitting a weaker target (IE, strong enemies) is going to have no trouble hitting the weaker target with a -2 penalty. Trap option.
Oh, I understand now. This secretly requires intimidating glare (intimidate as a move action) but doesn't list intimidating glare as a pre-requisite. That's silly
Body Bludgeon (Level 10): While raging, if you pin, smaller creature than you, use them as a bludgeoning weapon - tiny = 1d6, small =1d8, medium = 1d10, etcetera. 2 handed, so 1.5* strength. Pinned creature takes damage as well. It's funny, but not useful. (The average CR 10 mob has, what, 80-100 hp? You're dealing 1d8+10 on two attacks, so no more than 35 on an ideal round?). Or you could just whip out your +1 flaming greatsword and attack for 3d6+10 at a higher attack bonus, which hopefully you've afforded by LEVEL 10. Trap option
Brawler: Gained improved unarmed strike while raging.
Brawler, Greater: Gain two weapon fighting while raging
Clear Mind (level 8): Reroll failed will save; this is really good.
Come and Get me (Level 12): Hey, it's Robilar's Gambit. As a free action, leave yourself open to attacks; enemies gain a +4 attack/damage bonus on every attack, but each attack provokes an AoO, resolved before the enemy attacks. If you've got a way to negate the attack (like tripping, stunning, or killing them through substantial bonus damage) this is great. Watch out for ranged enemies (or get your DM to house rule “melee attack” in there).
Surprise Accuracy: Swift action, gain +1/4th level (rounded down) bonus on one attack. Halflings can add 1/3rd level to this, getting mini-true strike. Problem is once per rage, and problem is you don't have a way to trade attack for damage (power attack now is limited to 1/4th level)
Deadly Accuracy: Level 4. If you crit, on this 1 attack you make per rage (IE, once per several days) you get to double the accuracy bonus on your confirm roll. Trap.
Leather Accuracy: Level 16: If you crit with deadly accuracy, your crit range increases by 1. You never crit with deadly accuracy, unfortunately.
Sharpened Accuracy: Level 8: Surprise accuracy (once per rage, remember) ignores cover and concealment.
Superstition: +2 Morale bonus on saving throws against spells, +1 per 4 levels. Humans can add more, but the downside is you must resist all spells, even friendly ones. Resist your heal or desperately needed resist fire? How could I resist? Trap
Okay, if you're running a barbarian in a solo campaign with no cohort, it's fine.
Witch Hunter: Level 6: Gain 1/4th level+1 bonus to damage rolls against something with spells or spell-like abilities. Whooops, requires superstition
Spell Sunder: : Level 6, but requires witch hunter, so level 8. Once per rage, attempt to sunder spell, combat manoeuvre against DC 15+caster level...unless it's on a creature (like a buff, or something), it's CMD versus DC 5+caster level; ignoring miss chance by spells. If you win, suppress it for 1 round, if you win by 5-9, 2 rounds, and 10+, dispel it.
Just so we're clear, you're using your standard action to suppress a buff for 1 round.
Sunder Enchantment: Level 8, requires Spell level 10. Whenever you sunder a magical item (which you never do), the magic is suppressed for 1 round, plus 1 per 5 levels you exceed the CM check.
Ghost Rager: Level 6: Ghost touch all the weapons you want, and morale bonus to touch AC equal to the saving throw bonus of superstition. It'd be good, except you have to take superstition.
Disruptive: (Level 8): You increase the DC for casting defensively by +4, if you threaten. Increase only applies if you still have AoO's left. Problem; casters are just 5 foot stepping away. If you've got reach, this becomes a bit better. But it still takes Superstition
Eater of Magic: Level 10: Once per rage, you can reroll failed saving throw, and you gain temp hp if you succeed the second save, equal to caster level or CR. 5-20 temp HP per rage is meh, plus it requires you to have the previous terrible abilities.
Energy Resistance: Gain energy resistance 1/2 level to one element. Select multiple types if you want.
[/color=green]Energy Resistance, Greater[/color] Level 8: Once per rage, halve damage of element you resist with energy resistance, then apply energy resistance.
Energy Absorption: Level 12: You can absorb your preferred energy type, gaining 1/3rd damage as temp HP and taking no damage.
Energy Eruption: Level 16: Absorb damage. Breath it back out once per rage as a 60 ft line or 30 ft cone. Reflex DC 10+1/2 level+con modifier for half. Elemental damage is not heavily used at high level play, and creatures are often immune or resistant to their own energy types (Dragons)
Fearless Rage: Level 12: Immune to Shaken/Frightened while raging. Take clear mind instead.
Ferocious Mount: Your mount gets to rage if you want, you have to pay an extra rage per round. Quality depends on quality of mount, and you're a barbarian with no ability to supermount it up.
Ferocious Trample: Level 8:Your raging mount gets to trample; deals 1d8 medium, 2d6 large, +1.5 strength. Reflex save DC 10+1/2 level + mounts strength for half, and it provokes attacks of opportunity, so you'll never use it. Trap.
Spirit Steed: Level 6, Ferocious Mount: Mount gains DR/magic equal to 1/2 barbarian level, and natural weapons count as magic. As always, you've got no way to acquire a steed better than low CR horse you buy.
Ferocious Mount, Greater: Level 8: Mount gains rage power benefits.
Ferocious Trample, Greater: Level 12: Mount can trample it's own size, can overrun a creature that fails it's reflex save. You still provoke AoO's, so you're not using this. Trap
Flesh Wound: Level 10: Once per rage, fort save equal to attack damage (with armor check penalty as penalty) if succeeds, half damage from attack and it's all non-lethal. I'm not sure your fortitude save is high enough for you to care; base save +7, con +5, and item +3, say, you're at 1d20+15, so you have good odds on attacks in the 0-25 damage range and bad odds on the 25-30 this saves you ~12 hp per rage at level 10, if you're lucky? (Level 20: 12 base + 8 con + 5 item; 1d20+25; still meh).
Good for What Ails You: drink alcohol to get a new saving throw on blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or sickened, and it's suppressed for the rage.
I think there might be something hilarious in here about reusing once per rage rage powers in the same encounter; rage up, when you burn your important once per rage rage power, you drop out of rage, gaining fatigue, drink a drink, win a save (DC 0?) to suppress the fatigue, and bam, your once per rage rage power is back. If you can swing “drinking” into a move action (and I'm pretty sure Pathfinder has a trait for that) you can still attack and everything.
Ground Breaker: Level 6: Once per rage, as standard action, attack floor. It hits, and deals damage. If you overcome the floors hardness, all adjacent squares and that square become difficult terrain; creatures in make DC 15 reflex or be knocked prone (Barbarian ignores). If you get surrounded and have AoO generation, this is good, except the reflex save is a little weak. Otherwise, meh for the use of your standard action.
Ground Breaker, Greater: +5 feet radius; you can take it up to 3 times. Needs a +2 DC bonus, too.
Guarded Life: While below 0, 1 point per level becomes non-lethal, and you auto-stabilize. Pathfinder lets you die at -con, which gives you a slightly wider range where you care about this ability, but it's still a small, small window.
Guarded Life, Greater: Level 6: While below 0, 2 points per level become non-lethal.
Guarded Stance: As a move action, +1 dodge bonus to AC for con-modifier rounds. Conveniently, not once per rage, so as long as you can keep blowing move actions; increases to +2 at level 6, +3 at 12, and +4 at 18. Obviously better prior to level 6 full attacks. Also, melee attacks only.
Hurling, Lesser: At this point, I've been at this for 3 hours and am at H. FML.
As a full round action, with 1 hand pick up something two size categories smaller, or 2 hands, pick up one size category smaller, hurl with range increment 10. Inflicts damage as a falling object, +strength. Damage halved if not stone/metal, similar. Touch attack, reflex DC 10+1/2 level + strength modifier for half damage. Power attack as normal. They don't link to their falling damage based on size table, but I'm just going to guess that this probably sucks.
Hurling: Level 8: one size category larger, or ranged increment 20.
Hurling, Greater: Level 12: Two size categories larger or ranged increment 30.
Hurling Charge: Level 6: While charging and raging, throw a thrown weapon during the charge: +2 attack bonus, must be 10 feet in, and have 10 feet left. Free random thrown attack during a charge. Not bad?
Increased Damage Reduction: Level 8: +1 to your x/- damage reduction, select up to 3 times. Here's a hint; don't take it. If you want more DR, consider a greater chaos totem.
Reckless Abandon: Can take a -1 AC for +1 attack, +2/+3/+4/+5/+6 at 4/8/12/16/20. I'm not sure about this one; your attack is probably plenty high, and your AC is probably plenty low...but higher attack? Yeah...
Inspire Ferocity (Level 8): All willing allies within 30 feet can get the same reckless abandon, max charisma modifier (min 1). You've probably dumped charisma. So this is useless.
Internal Fortitude (Level 8): immune to sicken and nauseated. If your DM is a big fan of sicken/nauseate effects, might be slightly better, but they're not written in any more commonly in Pathfinder than in 3.5E
Knockback: Once per rage, bull rush in place of melee attack, not provoking AoO; damage equal to strength modifier, plus normal pushback, and barbarian doesn't have to move with target.
Knockdown: Once per rage, trip in place of melee attack, not provoking AoO; damage equal to strength modifier. Strictly better than Knockback.
Liquid Courage: +1/4th level on saves against mind-affecting (you also have to drink).
Low Light Vision: gain low light vision
Night Vision: Darkvision 60 while raging, requires low-light vision.
Mighty Swing: Level 12: Auto-confirm a critical once per rage. In terms of mechanics, this probably doesn't work out to that much damage. In terms of joy of play, it probably pays off a lot.
Moment of Clarity: Swift action, once per rage, to remove all rage effects (ie; you can make those restricted skill checks and etcetera). I'm not sure why you'd ever use this.
Perfect Clarity Ah, that's why. Requires moment of clarity. Roll twice for miss chance or disbelieving illusions, take the better result. Pairs in an incredibly complex way with murkey-eyed. (Roll twice, take worst, roll twice, take best?). Unless you deal with miss chance a lot, take Clear Mind instead.
No Escape: As an immediate action, once per rage, double move to withdrawing foe. Hilarious the first time you use it on the DM's escaping-to-come-back-3-scenes-later BBEG, and every time after that the DM plans for it.
Overbearing Advance: Inflict strength as hp damage when succeeding on an overrun.
Overbearing Onslaught: Level 6: May overrun multiple people per round, -2 penalty per.
Powerful Blow: Swift action, once per rage, +1 damage, +2/+3/+4/+5/+6 at 4/8/12/16/20. It's a bit of extra damage, but meh. Lots of these “no level required” rage powers are weak.
Scent: Gain scent while raging
Primal Scent: Barb 8, need Scent, 1/2 level to survival checks/perception checks to pinpoint creatures you cannot see; if successful, total concealment is turned to concealment. If you're dealing with invisible enemies, getting a glitterdust or a see invis or invisibility purge from a friendly caster is probably more effective...unless you took superstition.

Quick Reflexes: While raging, you can get one extra AoO per round.
Rolling Dodge: As move action not provoking, gain +1 dodge to AC against ranged attacks (increases at 6/12/18).
Reflexive Dodge:: Level 6: can gain rolling dodge bonus as a bonus to reflex saves, too.

Renewed Vigor: Level 4: Once per day, while raging, heal 1d8/4 levels + con modifier as a standard action.
Renewed Vitality: Level 4, but requires renewed vigor, so level 6. While raging, ignore 1 point of ability penalty/damage per 2 levels. Once per day, reroll saving throw against effect that delivered ability penalty/damage, if successful, remove the amount you can ignore.
Renewed Life: Level 6: but requires renewed vitality, so really level 8. While raging, ignore 1 negative level per 4 levels. Same once per day ability as renewed vitality.
Regenerative Vigor: Level 6, Renewed Vigor: After using renewed vigor, gain fast healing at 1/6th level (max 3), until rage ends.
Roaring Drunk: +1/4th level bonus on intimidate checks, also have to drink. This sucks.
Roused Anger: Can enter rage while fatigued; immune to fatigue during rage. But, exhausted for 10 minutes per round after --- a penalty so great that you can't really use it.
Smasher: while sundering unattended objects you can ignore hardness.

Swift Foot: 5 foot movement enhancement while raging, take up to 3 times.
[/color=red]Spring[/color]: Level 4: Once per rage, full round run to move 6 times move speed, or full round charge for 3 times move speed. You're probably moving plenty fast enough with your 40ft move speed.
Staggering Drunk.: +1/4th level dodge bonus against AoO's, also drink.
Strength Surge: Once per rage, as immediate action, add barbarian level to strength check or combat manoeuvre or CMD.
Unexpected Strike: Once per rage, make AoO when enemy moves into threatened area, even if they wouldn't normally. It's thicket of blades.

Last edited by CE2JRH; Dec 8th, 2012 at 07:09 AM.
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Old Dec 8th, 2012, 07:07 AM
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Oh, and we get Archetypes, too now. You have to take all of an archetype, but you can take more than one if they don't cross. Because looking at the Barbarian alone material from the core book is taking me 6 hours. Before I look at traits and feats. If dumpster diving and comparing options is a complaint you have about 3.5E, Pathfinder makes it worse (I don't consider it a serious issues; players that won't bother will generate the first set of options they like, and players that find it interesting/enjoyable will eek out another 4% power in another 6 hours, and each encounter gets another 1/4th of a CR to it.).
Armored Hulk:: Gain proficiency in heavy armor, trade fast movement for +1 boosts to overrun checks, reflex saves against trample, AC against charge, and attack and damage on charging opponents. Trade uncanny dodge for +5 ft movement in heavy armor
Trade trap sense for +1 AC against crit confirmations
Trade improved uncanny dodge for +5 ft movement in heavy armor.
Breaker: Trade fast movement for a bonus to sunder against unattended objects. Why does Paizo think sundering unattended objects is a challenge?
Trade trap sense for a bonus to using improvised weapons/broken weapons; +1/3rd level damage. But that's not going to make up for using them in the first place...
Brutal Pugilist: Trade uncanny dodge for: Half penalties to dex/combat manoeuvres while grappled, and AoO grappling enemies even if they have improved grapple/grab. If AoO hits, +2 bonus on the CMD check against the grapple
Trade Trapfinding for +1 insight bonus to one CMD or CMB; you get it 6 times, but have to choose different manoeuvres CMD/CMB each time.
Trade improved uncanny dodge for: no penalty to anything while grappling, and counts as one size large for determining if you can grapple or be grappled.
Unfortunately, none of these abilities actually improve your ability to win grapple checks (except the second one, by +1) and none of them improve your damage while in a grapple.
Drunken Brute:: Trade fast movement for: drink a potion as a move action not provoking AoO's, and while raging, drink alcohol each round to not expend your rage round that round, but when you're done, nauseated for 1 round per alcoholic drink, and internal fortitude negates it.
It's funny, it's not amazingly useful. Potions in battle are going to provide minimal effect and cost money, and after the first few levels you've got enough rage rounds.
Elemental Kin: Trade trap sense for: While raging, if you take energy damage equal to or over your level, gain a round of rage for the day. Each energy attack gives 1/3rd level rage rounds, max 6 at 18. Past level 6, you now have infinite rage rounds; rage, take 6 pts energy damage, gain 2 rage rounds. +1 rage round per round. This is great in heavy combat games with an ally capable of producing infinite energy damage (Reserve feats?), and cheap healing (wands). You're trading trap sense, which is meh anyways.
Hurler: Trade fast movement for +10 ft rage increment on anything thrown. Fine if you're going for the throwing tree.
Invulnerable Rager: Trade uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge for DR = 1/2 level. Trade trap sense for endure elements to one of hot or cold, +1/3rd level fire or cold resistance. I think this might be the best Barbarian “dime-sized” boost in the entire list.
Mounted fury: Trade fast movement for +10 ft movement to mount. Trade uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge for druids animal companion at level-4. While raging on mount, gains +2 to strength.
Now I understand all the mounted combat rage powers. I guess I'm supposed to read Archetypes first? I still think they're weaker of the options offered
Savage Barbarian: Trade trap sense for +1/3rd level dodge to AC and morale against fear...while wearing no armor. Trade damage reduction for +1 natural armor at 7th, +2/3/4/5 at 10/13/16/19.
Scarred Rager: Trade fast movement for 1/2 level on intimidate, or diplomacy, and +1 DC to fear effects. Trade uncanny dodge for 2nd save against nausea, sicken, fatigue, exhaust. Effects without save get halved duration. Trade trap sense for ignore 1/3rd level bleed damage, and ignore 1 bleed effect per round at 15th. Trade uncanny dodge for 2nd save against dazed, frightened, shaken, or stunned, or halved duration if no save.
Sea Reaver: Lose medium armor. Trade fast movement for holding breath 4* con rounds. Move through 1 ft deep stuff without extra move, ignore cover to AC for partial immersion.
Trade uncanny dodge to ignore weather concealment effects, and 1/2 penalty for weather effects on perception checks.
Trade trap sense for +1/3rd level to Acrobatics, Climb, Profession Sailor, Survival and Swim checks in aquatic terrain.
Trade improved uncanny dodge for immunity to slick surfaces (never need acrobatics again!)
Superstitious: Trade trap sense for +1/3rd level to initiative and +1/3rd level insight to AC during surprise rounds. Seriously, look at that initiative bonus. This competes with invulnerable ragers 2nd ability.
Trade damage reduction for 7th level low light vision, 10th level darkvision 60, 13th level scent, 16th level blindsense 30, 19th level blindsight 30. These ones come on a bit late for me to like them as much, but this is still a good set of trade offs. Also, doesn't actually require to take you the abomination of the superstition rage power.
Titan Mauler: Trade fast movement for +1 dodge ac melee only, +1 attack against larger creatures.
Trade uncanny dodge for wielding a 2handed weapon in 1 hand, as a 1hander, with -2 to attack. So:
Longsword + Shield: 1d20+X, 1d8+strength. 4.5 damage average
Greatsword + Shield: 1d20+X-2, 2d6+strength (not 1.5*). 7 damage average
You're trading 2 attack for 2.5 damage. That's power attack.
Trade trap sense for reducing penalty of oversized weapon by 1/3rd level (minimum 0). Errata says “The massive weapon class feature allows her to use oversized weapons with decreased penalty, but does not allow her to use two-handed weapons of that size in one hand.” -- so the 3rd level ability is incompatible with the 2nd level ability. Yay?
Trade improved uncanny dodge for , swift action, pick target; it loses 5 ft of reach in relation to you, +5 at 10/15/20.
Trade indomitable will for spending 2 rage rounds to get enlarge person, and exhaust instead of fatigue at the end of rage.
True Primitive:: Proficient with hide armor/bone armor, and weaker weapon list: battleaxe, blowgun, club, greatclub, handaxe, longspear, shortspear, sling, and spear. Illiteracy.
Trade fast movement for ranged favoured terrain for homeland (+2, +4/6/8/10 at 5/10/15/20)
Trade trap sense for fetishes; 3/8/13/18, attached to weapon, +1 damage. On hide armor, +1 morale to saving throws.
Urban Barbarian: Lose medium armor. Trade handle animal, knowledge nature, and survival for Diplomany, Knowledge Local, Knowledge Nobility, Linguistics, and Profession
Trade fast movement for +1/2 level to intimidate checks on crowds, and +1 attack/dodge while adjacent to 2+ enemies.
Controlled rage: Instead of normal rage, +4/6/8 to Str/Dex/Con, split as you choose, no bonus to will saves, no penalty to AC, and can still use int/dex/cha skills. “instead of making a normal rage she may apply a +4 morale bonus to her Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.”

It's unclear to me if you never get to normal rage, and only have the controlled rage, or if you get to choose. If you get to choose, this is good. If you lose out normal rage, this is bad.
Wild Rager: Rage: When killing a creature, will save DC 10+level+cha modified, or confuse yourself. New save each round, doesn't count to round usages, but can't use rage powers or end rage voluntarily. See the confusion spell. (With a cha of -2 and a wis of +2, you could run the following chart:

Level 1: Save +4 versus DC 9
Level 2: Save +4 versus DC 10
Level 3: Save +5 versus DC 11
Level 4: Save +6 versus DC 12 +1 cloak
Level 5: Save +6 versus DC 13
Level 6: Save +7 versus DC 14
Level 7: Save +8 versus DC 15 +2 wisdom
Level 8: Save +9 versus DC 16 +2 cloak
Level 9: Save +10 versus DC 17.
Nope, still not worth it.
Trade uncanny dodge for on full attack, extra attack at highest BAB, but -2 attack and -4 AC. Interesting. Extra attacks are great, the penalty is a bit big...
Trade improved uncanny dodge for: New saving throw against any mind affecting things following round. If second save succeeds, rages + confused as per confusion ability.

This is hilarious to play, but terrible for “randomly slaughtering party members”.
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Old Feb 11th, 2013, 01:20 AM
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Overall review of the Barbarian:

In relation to the 3.5E Barbarian, this Barbarian gets a slew of nickle and dime sized boosts (and a few quarters, here and there: invulnerable rager and the elemental damage tree come to mind). Some of the rage powers are excellent, others are worthless, and looking at them all took a lot of time. If system mastery is something your concerned about, Pathfinder makes it way, way worse for Barbarians.

Ultimately, your Barbarian is playing on the exact same tier as it was before: Somewhere in Tier4. These abilities add very little in the way of versatility, though a few do, if you choose for them (you can get basic flying, basic senses, some defensive or offensive buffs, some actual debuffs, an AE fear). Nothing drops you into "dodge an encounter" or "screw up a plot" range in the same way an unexpected couple of scrolls of teleport can. And almost all the new benefits can be mimicked in 3.5E, often by items.

If you pick all the dumbest rage powers, you're not any better at all. Especially with superstition, which is about the most counterproductive "power" I've ever seen. Overall, I think this is the perfect example of the way Pathfinder tries to achieve "balance"; by throwing a bunch of nickles and dimes at every class in a way that doesn't change them fundamentally and retains all of the flaws. But the nickles and dimes look good, that's for sure.

Meanwhile, however, is a change that really hurts Barbarians: power attack is limited to 1/4th level, which means you're getting a lot less power attack then you were before (though some extra damage at higher levels to "make" up for it.)

Last edited by CE2JRH; Feb 11th, 2013 at 01:24 AM.
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Old Feb 11th, 2013, 01:21 AM
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