Idea: Unseen Seer + Master Thrower
Check for Wizard Substitution levels later. Check for free lunch for the wizard PRC's. Check for other rogue substitution levels. Check skill tricks. Last feat? Advanced Learnings? Definitely Hunter's Eye. Strongheart Halfling: Requirements: Dex 15 (Rapid Shot, TWF), Dex 17 (Improved TWF), Dex 19 (Greater TWF), Unseen Seer and Master Thrower skill tricks. Books used: Core, Unearthed Arcana (flaws, fractional BAB), Complete Warrior (Master Thrower), Complete Mage (unseen seer), Races of the Wild ( Substitution) and FRCS (Strongheart Halfling). Uses only 2 prestige classes, finishes them both. Rogue 1 --- HD6, BAB0.75, Saves 0/2/0, Skills 8. Halfling Substitution Level (2d6 ranged sneak attack) – Level 1 Feat: Point Blank Shot. Halfling Feat: Precise Shot. Flaw 1 Noncombattant, Flaw 1 Feat: Weapon Focus (dagger), Flaw 2 Murkeyed, Flaw 2 feat: Rapid Shot Wizard 1 --- HD4, BAB1.25, Saves 0/2/2, Skills 2. Martial Wizard Substitituion: Two Weapon Fighting, Domain Wizard from UA option, otherwise consider specializations. Wizard 2 --- HD4, BAB1.75, Saves 0/2/3, Skills 2. Practised Caster Wizard 3 --- HD4, BAB 2.25, saves 1/3/3, Skills 2. --- Attribute Wizard 4 --- HD4, BAB 2.75, saves 1/3/4, skills 2. Unseen 1 --- Craft magical arms and armour Unseen 2 --- Advanced Learning Unseen 3 --- Attribute Thrower 1 –- Master Thrower Trick Palm Throw, Craft Wondrous Item (comes on a bit late; consider switching arms and armor) Thrower 2 –- Thrower 3 –- Master Thrower Trick Ranged Trip Thrower 4 –- Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Attribute Thrower 5 –- Master Thrower Trick Weak Spot. Unseen 4 –- an now craft spell storing weapons without a CL boost. (CL12, casting as 8th level wizard) Unseen 5 --- Advanced Learning, Greater Two Weapon Fighting Unseen 6 --- Attribute Unseen 7 --- Unseen 8 --- Feat, Advanced Learning Unseen 9 --- Unseen 10--- Total HD: 14d4+5d8+6. = 35+6+22.5 = 63.5 . (lower than d6, higher than d4) Total BAB (Fractional): 15.25 Total Saves: 5/10/12 Total Skills: 4*2, + 10*4 + 5*6 + 1st level 8 (=32) = 8+40+30+32 = 110 (higher than 4x, lower than 6x) Total Casting: Wizard 14, CL 18. Level 1: Two throws at total attack bonus -2 Level 2: Three throws at total attack bonus -4 Level 6: Ranged Sneak Attack increases to +3d6 Level 9: Six throws at total attack bonus -4, two throws at total attack bonus -9 Level 11: Trip spam. Level 12: Six throws at total attack bonus -4, four throws at total attack bonus -9 Level 13: Most Throws are Ranged touch attacks. Level 15: Six throws at total attack bonus -4, four throws at total attack bonus -9, four throws at total attack bonus -14 From levels 1-8, you are a typical wizard/rogue/unseen seer, with the advantage of having an almost on par sneak attack die progression on your ranged attacks, and a similar number of them to a typical rogue thanks to the merging of rapid shot and TWFing; unfortunately at a lower attack bonus. Level 9 increases your number of throws to 8, again, at lower attack bonuses, and level 11 lets each throw also count as a trip attempt (or half of your throws, depending on DM interpretation). You'll lack size modifiers to be a trip star, but the sheer number of attempts will help, and it comes cheap. At 13, your throws become touch attacks, making it likely to hit --- you'll never be getting your strength bonus to damage, but don't invest in strength. The damage part is going to come from charging up spellstoring daggers with whatever you like. With 14 attacks at level 15, you probably want somewhere in the range of 28-42 spell storing daggers: Even a +1 spell storing dagger costs 8302gp, but making it yourself and "utilizing" the DMG rules about class and race specific restrictions for a further 40% cost reduction lets you craft them for a mere 2822gp --- making ten of them (28220gp) well within WBL at 10th level (~50%) and 42 of them (~120000gp) totally affordable by level 15 or 16 or so (and earlier, depending on what % of WBL you'll dedicate to weapons). Hastes, Celerities, and Belt of Battle will either help you blow your payload faster, or make you want to consider running with an even larger number of daggers. If your DM allows spellstoring on ammunition, you can increase your number of attacks and do this even cheaper using Halfling Skip Stones from Races of the Wild, though they require an exotic weapon proficiency, and won't increase your number of spells dropped.
Sarosian Signature. Just here for a bit looking for a review of this one shot. October 2018 Last edited by CE2JRH; Mar 9th, 2014 at 04:02 PM. |
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