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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 03:20 AM
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An Untimely Encounter


"Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon." -Street Proverb

Game NameAn Untimely Encounter

Game SystemShadowrun Fifth Edition

Game ThemeMeta racism and corporate intrigue beneath the streets of Seattle

FlavourHigh tech low lives struggling to make a life in the shadows

Plot Summary
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Ahh Seattle. A place of Scum and Villainy and the Corporate Drone. While Seattle has many things going for it that sum's the city up nicely, you think. No matter if you were born here or not, this is your home now. Unfortunately, the world and especially Seattle has been steeping on you particularly hard of late. Whenever you seem to be making a little bit of headway in life, something comes along and kicks you right between the legs and down into the gutters you go. "But that's okay." you say to your self. "If that's where the world wants me, I might as well dig a little deeper." For you can always go deeper in the shadows of Seattle, and you can profit just as much. It does not matter to you anymore. Either way, up or down. You'll figure out how to survive somehow.

But even here you run into a problem. In the shadowy world of a shadow runner, you needed a Fixer to thrive. Someone to get you jobs, contacts, and gear. But for some reason, no Fixer will work for you. Shur, you have a buddy here, a friend there, an acquaintance that will do anything when you pay them enough nuyen. Some of them you may even be able to trust with your life. Other's you feel the need to be armed when around them for your piece of mind. But they are not the one thing you need. It's been months and still your only doing the odd job here and there. You're even grabbing the occasional strait jobs when you can to make ends meet.

Then one morning after a hard day of struggling through the night, your comm chimes. You think to let it go, but you need this. Even if it's just your annoying friend from the StufferShack saying "Hi", you need to make yourself available to everyone and anyone. You pick up your commlink and hit acept....and then your world changes. This is it! The call you have been waiting for! The call you have been busting your butt off for the past few months to get. Your contact tells you about a fixer he knows that needs some additional security. Before he can even finish asking, "Are you in?" you say, "Yes!" and think 'Hell Yes!' You were in. Your foot was through the door. Even the annoying thought at the back of your mind saying, 'Who the hell does a run at twelve in the freaking afternoon?' does not smother your excited mood. With the weight of the world no longer pressing down on your shoulders, you straighten up and get busy. You have some gear to get, a contact or two to wake up and ask questions of. As you notice the clock readout on your commlink displaying 9:57 AM, you realize you have a little over a hour and a half to get ready, do some legwork, and get to the meet by 11:30 am. And still, that does not dampen your spirit. Your life looks brighter as you head into the shadowy world of ShadowRun!

The Game
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Relax and have a drink. You'll need it.
Looking for 4-6 Runners that can post 1-2 times a week. I prefer two posts a week, but I will not hold it against you if you can not keep to that schedule. Be prepared to have your character NPC'd though.

I will be using the Shadowrun Missions: Season 1 for this game. I'll be changing them from 3rd edition to 5th edition. So for me, the very first part of the game will be 50% me figuring out how to run a 5th edition Shadowrun game for the first time, and 50% figuring out if I did the change over to 5th edition correctly. Don't worry, the first run gets right to it and won't last that long. If we are lucky and the game continues long enough, we will run through all 14 game sessions of Season 1.
NOTE: If you have played these before, I don't mind if you put in an application. But if you do get into the game try not to use what you remember to influence it, thanks.

As to the survivability of your characters look at the title of the game. I like to let the dice roll where they may and if you die, you die! But with this being a High Tech game, if your fellow runners get your body to a Doc Wagon and pay enough nuyen, there is a chance you may survive. The highest body count I have had in a tabletop game is where five players made two characters each and at least two more during gameplay, and only 1 of the original characters survived. I believe the body count was a little over 20 dead characters by the end of that game. So, if you want to pull a Sam Verner and stand in front of an angry Dragon, be my guest. More then likely you'll become Wyrm food though.

Note: Shadowrun is a crunch-heavy game with a rich and engaging setting. Experience with the setting/system is not required, but please, be willing to learn the basics. I'll be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have about the setting or 5th edition but take into account that I first looked at the 5th edition rules myself on 10-13-2018, so I'm still learning it as well. Also, note that the matrix rules are particularly complex. I would suggest any beginners that apply to avoid the matrix specialist role.

Character creation
  • However you decide on the how & why of your character becoming one of the downtrodden, I would like this to be a central part of your character Background. I also would like your characters to have a Lifestyle no higher than "Low" to represent this fact.
  • For the most part, you will "not" know the other players in the group until you meet face to face.
  • You will start with no Fixer Contact! You heard me right. You will have no 'Fixer's' as a contact. Don't worry; if you don't screw up too badly, you'll get one right after finishing your first run.
  • We will be using the "Street Scum" rules from page 354 in the Core Rule Book for this game. Instead of using ABCDE for your priority stats, you pick one of the following: BCDEE or CCDDE.
  • I only own the Shadowrun 5th edition Core Rule Book. However, I have access to quite a few Shadowrun books on my Scribd account(though I have not read any of them yet) and if you want to use something from other books just give me the book title and page number, and I'll look it over and more than likely agree to allow it. However, if I don't have access to the book, it will not be allowed. No 3rd party or Homebrew either.
  • There is also a blanket restriction in place on all Naga/Pixie/Centaur/Etcmetasapient and Ghoul/Banshee/Goblin/Etcinfected characters.
  • I'd also like everyone to use Chummer 5A if possible. It will make runner generation and maintenance much easier for everyone involved. The link to the program can be found here. (Honestly, I found this program to be a life saver!)
Street Name/Real Name: If you want your real name to be a secret from the rest of the party, put it in secret text. (make sure to spell my name right, or I will not see it.)
Metatype(Sex): I am hoping for mostly core class Metahumans as I'm still new to the game system. As long as the characters are not metasapient or infected characters and I can reference the book they come from I might allow them. The Book and Page number will be needed.
Intended Role: Place your build concept here, if we get all the roles filled, great. If not, oh well.
Apearance: A picture with a short description of your runner.
Backstory: Are you a Corporate up and comer that fell on hard times? Have you always been one of the dregs of society? Or are you someone that fits in between those two extremes? Tell me how your character came to desire a career as a Shadow Runner and any troubles you may have had along the way. I WILL be adding parts of your background into the game at some point, so give me some meat to chew on.
Role Play Example: Tell me a story about your runner involving one of your contacts.
Other: The following will not affect your application.
  1. I would like you to flesh out your contacts a little bit. Nothing too big, just a few sentience's telling me a bit about them. Do they call you "Buddy-boy" or "Darling"? Do they have an accent? Is their speech occasionally slurred like they are on some drug or alcohol? Do they like you enough to invite you to a bar for a couple of drinks? Remember, these are people you know and run into now and then. Except for the ones that you know from a friend, of a friend, of a friend that knows the contact. But even then you should know some of their mannerisms. Also, a small pic wouldn't hurt anything either(and I'll be using it when they talk to you), but that will not be mandatory.
  2. In SECRET TEXT - vote for 3 other applications you'd most want to adventure with. If you get picked and I have trouble deciding for the rest of the group, I will be using your choice to help me make a decision. (Idea is based off and borrowed from Arachobia)
  3. How familiar are you with Shadowrun, both concerning the flavor and the mechanics of 5E? I'm just looking to get a baseline on how much people know before we get started.

Starting Karma: 25 (your skills are good, you have just had a bit 'a lot' of bad luck in life).
Note: For those that are using Chummer5a to create your character: Choose Sum-to-Ten and Standard rules, this will allow you to start with 25 starting karma, and you can then change the starting availability to Sum-to-Six to match the Street Scum rules.
Gear: Availability is limited to 10 or less and Device Ratings is no higher than 4.

About Your GM
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A DM hard at work
I have no DM examples for you to look at but here is an example of my writing style, here is what I consider my best Character concept so far, and though I have only been playing in one for a short while, this is how I write in a Shadowrun game.

I have been DMing games since I was handed a ratty old 1st edition D&D book when I was in Jr. high in the late 1980s. I have mostly played Dungeons and Dragons, but I have also played Palladium, Rifts(not to be confused with the MMO Rift), D20 Modern, Gamma World, Alternity, and many more, but those are the ones I remember the most. As a DM I consider myself to be of average quality, but that is in tabletop where I tend to stutter occasionally. I'll have to see if pbp will change my opinion

One thing I wish to point out is that I am not a professional writer by a long shot. I tend to take upwards of an hour to post a two-three paragraph post. Because of that, I will not demand of you to make a novel of any post you write. But, if you feel like it, Go For It! I also love making up characters and concepts for games and seeing how they play out.

I joined RPG Crossing back in 2005 but had to leave in 2007 due to my job not giving me enough time to post and leaving me exhausted at the end of the day. I came back several months ago after an 11-year absence and have been enjoying myself so far and hope to continue to do so for quite some time yet.

Posting Expectations
  • I will be posting in-game updates twice a week.
  • I'll be more available for the little stuff, so if you have OOC questions, need legwork answers, or need something clarified, I'll be here.
    • Special Note: You will occasionally need greater availability if you wish to play a matrix specialist. When the time comes to hack, I'd like to wrap it up promptly. That way we don't hold up the main story.

The Deadline is January 17th, and I will make a decision by January 19th.

Good Luck Everyone!

I would like to thank Imveros for helping me with ideas for my game and letting me borrow his game thread application to use as my own. Additional thanks go to Zevonian, Hextor, and Kerchunk.

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Sep 28th, 2020 at 09:36 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 03:21 AM
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Q: Why no Metasapient or Infected characters?
A: Because I am still new to the game system and don't want to jump into something I don't even know about yet. I know nothing about these races, and I figured if Imveros didn't want them in his game there must have been a reason.

Q: Why use the "Street Scum" character creation when there is "Street Level" character creation?
A: I have a Street Level generated character in another Shadowrun game, and the discussion came up that Street Level character creation favored Magic Users and Technomages. I agreed with their assessment after making that character and wished to have a more balanced approach to Street Level play. Imveros suggested Street Scum to me, and I have decided to use it.

Q: Are you aware that non-standard Character Generation will scare some people away?
A: I have been made aware of this and would hope any who feel hesitate to join my game to PM me with any questions they have.

Q: What year is it in the game?
A: 2073. The Sixth World Almanac ended in 2072, and I was going to use that, but I will be one hundred years old in 2073, so I went with that date instead

Q: Which books do you have access to on Scribd?
A: Assassin's Primer, Bullets and Bandages, Chrome Flesh, Coyotes, Data Trails, Forbidden Arcana, Rigger 5, Run & Gun, Run Faster, Stolen Souls, & Street Grimoire.

A finished sheet is not necessary until after selections have been made.

Character Applications
Player Character Metatype Role Status
Ericg1sEric Glass/Richard Lee RewardedHumanSupport magicComplete
RainyDayNinjaDoubleClick/Jimmy MulliganHumanDeckerComplete
WynamoinenMortar/Duranté WilliamsOrcmobile assault unitComplete
girlplayJailbait/Cassandra SussexHumanFaceComplete
RoekahsCinch/Alicia TillsleyHumanHealerComplete
MIniSchnauzerHosepipe/Jorge GoodemanHumanGunslinger AdeptComplete
UngainlyFoolStranger/Charles "Chuck" BergerOrcCombat DeckerComplete
Ghost6442Whisper/EbonyElfAdapt InfiltratorComplete
Sir SwindleMangey/shh!HumanRiggerComplete
WodineXōchipilli/Tlanextli TuxpanHumanFace/DeckerComplete
TafratinTele/Richard PendigastDwarfSpellcasterComplete
PopCultureBardRinelle/Tamwyn Oto'AlaietElfAspected ApprenticeComplete

Other books
Run FasterPage 91Hobgoblin MetahumanYes
Run FasterPage 145-159Qualitys (With exceptions that are mentioned here)Yes (No to 4 Qualitys)
Data Trails44-49QualitysYes

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Jan 18th, 2019 at 05:14 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 03:23 AM
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I was going to wait until the 1st of the year to post this, but I got everything done so figured I would start it 5 day's early

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 09:22 AM
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The application is nearly complete, but can you tell me if I omitted anything?

Street/runner Name: Richard Lee Rewarded.

Real name: Eric Glass.

Metatype: Human (male.)

Intended Role: Support magic (hermetic/alchemy).

Apearance: I, the player, am VERY bad at finding character art.
He is rather short, with dark skin, eyes, and hair. His ears and nose are rather small, and his facial features are very round. His fingers are short and round as well. His hair is short and wavy. He wears a motorcycle jacket and helmet.

Running style:
His personality is a mixture of curiosity, humility, and an attempt to assist others. Much of this is due to his being bound to a spirit who demands that he put his power in service to others rather than placing himself above them.
His magic works through writing (on wooden chips or index cards) magic runes which create a temporary charm. He can not create permanent magic items or cast spells directly.
He is able to temporarily summon spirits, but not bind them to long-term service.
He has not had enough experience running to know what type of jobs he prefers yet.

Childhood Background: He came from a low-level corporate family, but never received corporate citizenship himself. He probably could have filed for government citizenship, but never did. He was able to go to school for a few years as a child and learn a small amount of background material, but did not receive much training in practical skills. As he went through his teenage years, he became estranged from his family, and hasn't spoken to them for some time. He made a few minor friends in school, but has drifted apart from them as well. Part of it is that the corporate working drones don't really approve of runners. He saw running as a way out, and took it...not a way out of poverty, but a way out of the corporate drone life.
He does not have a romanticized view of running, nor is he addicted to the thrills. He simply sees it as not much less honest than selling out to the corporations.

Time in the university: Eric Glass spent a year and a half at a corporate university after winning an essay scholarship contest, but dropped out when it became obvious that they were unwilling to teach anything practical to low-level persons. The magical class was segregated based on level of corporate citizenship, and his level was taught academic theory so removed from magic that it could never really be USED except to obtain a teaching position. This was the final source of his estrangement from his family-they blame him for throwing away a chance at a better life, and he feels that they set him up to fail in a course of study that would never be useful. The fact that he had not really made any friends at the university made it easier for him to leave. He managed to buy used textbooks from graduating seniors in the upper class and learn enough to try summoning a mentor spirit.

Source of powers: A small man stands in front of a symbol in chalk on the ground, with candles burning at crucial points of the symbol.
"Hermes, appears and grant me the power of alchemy."
A figure wrapped in chains appears, with a vulture nibbling on it!
"Titan Promethius-but how..."
I am both-I grant fire and alchemy, knowledge and technology, to those who will share with others.'
"Then, you will grant me what I seek?"
'Knowledge must not be horded for personal gain. Share this and you will be richly rewarded.'
The candles suddenly go out, plunging the room into darkness as the scene ends...

It took a few months, but Eric Glass became Richard Lee Rewarded, leaving his old identity behind. He learned to use the power of the mentor sprit for alchemy and to bind spirits. He still needed to find someone to teach him magical formulas and provide him with talisima, however. Without any formulas, his knowledge of magic would be impotent and nearly useless. He could counter spells, but not create any magic of his own. Tracking down someone willing to teach magic off the books is difficult, but he was persistent enough to attract the attention of someone willing to teach him. It helped that he had a benevolent spirit guiding him, reducing how much harm he could do.

Role Play Example: The small man from the first scene has entered what appears to be an abandoned shop....
"I KNOW this is the lodge. May I enter?"
A second figure sits in a chair behind the counter.
'I'm sorry, but this shop is not currently open for business.'
"That's ok, I don't really need to buy or sell anything, just to study here."
'Understand that the knowledge you seek will come at a great cost.'
"I know I must pay more than mere money to learn."
'There is not much I can teach you, but I can provide you with a magic license from a previous student who looked like you, and a few magical formulas.'
"Do you mean I already know everything I need to use magic?"
'I mean that you are not likely to learn much from me, because my magic is a different tradition than yours.
"You can tell my magic tradition just by looking at me?"
'No, I have been watching you. I knew you would come here.]
"I suppose learning a few magic formulas will have to be enough for now."
'You have much less magical power than you think-only half as much as some. Remember that.
"You mean, don't seek out enemies, because they will be too strong for me?"
'I mean, don't try to learn too much magic, as your mind can only hold a few spells until you gain more power.'
The unreliable power grid in this slum barrow suddenly fails and everything is plunged into blackness...

Contact description:
The Street Shaman who maintains the lodge is a very unusual woman. Although her own power is spiritual, she deals mainly with hermetic magic formulas. Some say that the shamanic spirit she worships is actually the ghost of a great wizard. Some say that she finds it easier to deal with hermetic mages, because they are willing to pay credits for knowledge. Some say that she is running some sort of long con.
She appears to be between fifty and sixty years old, but is the type of person who would look that old at thirty, and look much the same at eighty or ninety. She refuses to reveal her real age.
Her eyes are blue and her hair is light yellow, turning white as she ages. Her facial features are very generic.
She seems to be a 'mundane normal' human, but it might be a complicated magical illusion.
There is no information about her background in ANY databases. She is known only by world of mouth, and never by her real name. It's unclear if even SHE knows here real name.
(One theory is that her last name is 'Null', so no computer database is able to hold information about her.)
The one thing clearly known about her is that she can be found by those who need her, but not by those who would seek to harm her.
(She moves her shop repeatedly around abandoned buildings to avoid the authorities.)

The final step in Richard Lee Reward's transformation into a shadow agent is to obtain a Fixer and Mr. Johnson. He doesn't quite know where to look for such persons, but his mentor spirit has assured him that they will come. The Street Shaman is unwilling to recommend anyone, because she has seen the dark side of the running life and does not want him dragged into it.

I have played Shadowrun, but I'm still trying to figure out the rules. Part of the problem is that the core rule book seems to be missing crucial rules, such as the fact that ranged weapons don't harm spirits.

Last edited by Ericg1s; Jan 13th, 2019 at 09:36 AM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 10:34 AM
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Expressing tentative interest. I've gone too long without a Shadowrun game. Probably tank / gun bunny type.

I will 100% admit that I am one of those people who are spooked by your unforgiving chargen rules. I have a sketch of a prime runner, and I'm frankly not sure the concept works (either mechanically or thematically) with the campaign you've got designed here. Maybe I can get it to work. Maybe I'll come up with another idea. Maybe I'll end up waiting for the next campaign to come along. I dunno, I need to ponder for a few days, I think.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 11:29 AM
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I'll probably put together a decker. How do you feel about other "Sum to Six" combinations, like maybe CCCEE? I'm assuming anything with an A is right out.

Also, any additional restrictions on gear availability or starting karma?

Last edited by RainyDayNinja; Dec 27th, 2018 at 12:48 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 12:42 PM
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Expressing my interest here! Thinking of going with an Adept/Rigger, also strongly considering Hobgoblin (Run & Gun) or a Human. A bit busy at the moment will have an application later.

Last edited by Marshmallow; Dec 27th, 2018 at 01:38 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 12:57 PM
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I'm definitely interested as I've been wanting to do a street-scum game for a long time now. It should be grittier than the standard setup. I prefer Face-archetype characters and will likely apply with one. One question first: how do you feel about a character who works in a brothel?
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Ericg1s View Post
The main contact for my character is just his fixer, who provides gear and licenses.
I wanted your characters to start with NO fixer contact as you will get them after the first run(most likely at any rate )
Originally Posted by Wynamoinen View Post
I will 100% admit that I am one of those people who are spooked by your unforgiving chargen rules.
Ya, I thought that might happen. I hope you're not too spooked though

Originally Posted by RainyDayNinja View Post
I'll probably put together a decker. How do you feel about other "Sum to Six" combinations, like maybe CCCEE? I'm assuming anything with an A is right out.

Also, any additional restrictions on gear availability or starting karma?
Honestly, Maybe it's because I'm still new to the game, but I didn't like "Sum to Six." As for the CCCEE priority stats, my usual response is "no" because I don't like going off the rails with a game system I'm trying to get a feel for, but that does not seem to bad a change. I'll spend some time looking at it and will get back to you.

And THANK YOU! I Knew I forgot something. Starting Karma will be 25(your skills are good, you have just had a bit 'a lot' of bad luck in life) and Gear Availability will be limited to 10 or less and Device Ratings will be no higher than 4. I'll add those to the thread.
Originally Posted by Marshmallow View Post
also strongly considering Hobgoblin (Run & Gun)
Having a bit of trouble finding the Hobgoblin metahuman in R&G. If you could scrounge up the page number that would be great, but if not, It will take me some time to flip through the book.
Originally Posted by girlplay View Post
One question first: how do you feel about a character who works in a brothel?
That is no problem and fits in with the whole "low lives struggling to make a life in the shadows." Just have to remember to keep it PG-13 or the site admins will kick the game to the curb

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Dec 28th, 2018 at 12:55 AM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 05:28 PM
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Page 91 for the Hobgoblins

EDIT: My bad, it's Run faster, not Run & Gun. I get those two confused.

Last edited by Marshmallow; Dec 27th, 2018 at 05:54 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 06:59 PM
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I have been looking for the right time to get into Shadowrun ... maybe its now. I fell in love with this setting a little backwards: First encounter was Dragonfall - which changed everything. Then I learned it was an RPG and my mind was blown... I need to just bite the bullet and learn the system.
Status: Shaking off the rust ...
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 06:59 PM
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CompleteStreet Name/Real Name: DoubleClick/Jimmy Mulligan
Metatype: Human (male)
Intended Role: Decker
Appearance: DoubleClick is a human with an average build, dark hair, and glasses. Despite being human, he has prosthetic tusks to make him look more like an ork.
right-aligned image

Backstory: DoubleClick was born and bred in the Redmond Barrens, among the mass of SINless non-citizens. He tinkered with electronics from an early age, and cobbled together his first cyberdeck from stolen components and cannibalized commlinks. It didn't take him long to get into trouble, picking fights in the nearest Stuffer Shack host and claiming it as his home turf. This caught the attention of the local Crimson Crush gang, and in exchange for not bashing his head in, he turned his skills to helping them out with their devices and tracking down rival script kiddies that tagged their turf with AR graffiti.

His parents died when he was just 13, killed in a turf war by an upstart gang, and he was left to care for his 5-year-old brother, Rupert. The two of them ended up being taken in by some friends of their parents, who let them sleep in the storeroom of their corner bodega. DoubleClick handles their matrix security and does hardware repair for them, while Rupert, who is still only 14 by now, sweeps floors and does odd jobs around the shop. He even managed to snag a legit cyberdeck when a newbie shadowrunner got fragged in Crimson territory. If a drekhead like that could earn enough money for a deck like this, imagine how far he could go! Not wanting to sleep on a moldy bedroll on the floor forever, DoubleClick started putting out feelers, looking for a chance to turn his decking skills into a real payday.
Role Play Example:
DoubleClick was relaxing on the Hotsim sand of an exotic beach, enjoying the local scenery, when a text message popped up in the bright, blue sky. Omae, it's Greenback. Need to borrow you for a sec. I'm at the shop.

With a sigh, DoubleClick switched to AR mode, then jacked out of the virtual beach. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the dingy light of the storeroom. His back ached from lying on his thin mat on the cement floor, and the smell of synthetic food and cleaning products. His little brother was still sleeping next to him, so he slipped out quietly.

This late at night, the shop was closed, and the owners were sleeping in the actual apartment upstairs. Through the barred glass door, he could see Greenback, wearing the red leathers of the Crimson Crush, leaning in the door frame smoking a cheap cigarette. The bell jingled as DoubleClick opened the door to let him in.

"What's happening?" he asked as they shared a handshake and a half-hug.

"Got a job for you. 250 nuyen if you can do it tonight. Had somebody reach ou to us about supplying some ammo. Want you to trace the guy's commlink, see if you can find a location."

He flung a commcode at DoubleClick in AR. "It's bound to be a burner metalink, and sitting in a dumpster, if not completely slagged by now."

"Maybe, maybe," Greenback said. "But we got somebody who says if we find it, he can do a reading on it. Astral stuff. Should get us some more info."

By the time he finished talking, DoubleClick had already found the icon based on the commcode. His avatar in AR took aim with a pistol, and a pair of bullet holes landed on the icon, indicating he'd successfully placed two marks. He took a second to reconfigure his deck (frag, he needed a better unit), then traced the icon. There was a fair amount of noise from the distance, and sure enough, it was clear on the other side of Redmond, near Touristville. He flung the address back to Greenback in AR, and he tucked it into his virtual pocket.

Greenback handed DoubleClick a credstick. "Nice work. Tell that brother of yours hi for me." DoubleClick nodded, then locked the door behind him, rebooted his deck, and went back to the beach.

Contacts: Greenback is a lieutenant in the Crimson Crush gang in Redmond. As the resident diplomat, he handles the gang's supply chain, and to an extent manages their own dealers. He has a fondness for gaudy analog watches.
Vote for 3 other applications you'd most want to adventure with:
How familiar are you with Shadowrun: Very. I've both played and GM'd before.

Last edited by RainyDayNinja; Jan 16th, 2019 at 09:27 PM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Marshmallow View Post
Page 91 for the Hobgoblins

EDIT: My bad, it's Run faster, not Run & Gun. I get those two confused.
No problem, and Yes, Hobgoblins will be allowed.

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 08:35 PM
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Should be more tusky and less pointy, but you get the idea
Street name: Mortar
Real name: Duranté Williams
Metatype: Orc

Intended Role: Metahuman mobile assault unit (Body- and strength- enhancing chrome, lots of armortank with a lots of ranks in Automaticsmachine gun and Control rig with some mediocre pilot and mechanic skillssome gun-drones)

Appearance: Mortar is on the short side for an orc. His family is of African-American descent (and have been heavily goblinized). He’s dark-complexioned and wears his hair in dreadlocks. He is build like a brick drekhouse, but generally has a friendly expression on his face. Most people assume he’s recently been hitting the deepweed. Often they’re correct.



Other stuff

On indefinite hiatus from the site.

Last edited by Wynamoinen; Jan 19th, 2019 at 10:10 AM.
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Old Dec 27th, 2018, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Silk View Post
That is no problem and fits in with the whole "low lives struggling to make a life in the shadows." Just have to remember to keep it PG-13 or the site admins will kick the game to the curb
Null sheen. I'll keep that in mind. The PG-13 restriction is part of the reason I was asking. But I'll do my best to keep to those guidelines. Innuendo and vagueness are close chummers of mine. Actually, I'm not quite sure if they are; it's difficult to tell what they're really thinking sometimes.

While still a work in progress, this is what I have so far:

My first draft is done. I might make a few revisions and rewrite a few things but she's basically complete.

I didn't use Chummer for the character sheet because my virus protection software always goes haywire when I visit those download sites. And I've had my computer infested with malware before when making 'legitimate' software downloads. So, I'm not so eager to go there again. I included some helpful extras to account for where my priorities, karma, and nuyen went.

left-aligned image
Street Name: Jailbait
Stage name: Kandy Kane
Real Name: Cassandra Sussex

Metatype (sex): Human (f)
Intended Role: Face

Appearance: Cassie is an exotic beauty with pale skin and captivating green eyes. Her slender frame makes her look taller than she really is, though she's just about average height for a Human. Her youth is readily apparent and she doesn't make any effort to hide it as it's one of the tools of her trade. Her sense of fashion varies widely, depending on the situation she expects to find herself in. She's pragmatic, even if what's appropriate means wearing a bikini, a T-shirt and skinny jeans, or ball gown. Her figure is fit and firm, though far from muscular or curvaceous. Perhaps she could have been a fashion model, given a very different upbringing.





Contacts details:
  • Bill Williams - Blackmarket fence. Connection: 3 Loyalty: 2. Bald and broad shouldered, Bill fancies himself a street tough with connections to various underground sellers around the Seattle area. Runs an auto-garage as a cover business. "Little girl" is the only thing that he ever calls Cassie, and finds her hilarious. He prefers business to be conducted straight up and simple. Any hint of trickery and he's likely just to call the whole deal off.
  • Hermes - Nightclub owner and trid producer. Connection: 3 Loyalty: 3. Charming Elven man who specialize in fulfilling his clients' darker fetishes. He's known "Kandy Kane" for a long time but always kept their relationship strictly professional. He runs 3 underground clubs in Tacoma, Redmond, and Sumner and dresses for success - always in finer outfits than he can really afford.
  • Sister Helen Eriksen. Swedish nun. Connection: 2 Loyalty 2. Runs a mission in Redmond for the poor. Also known to hide people who need to lay low for a while. Anti-capitalist activist who has particular hatred for the megacoporations. She tends to stay out of the business of the people that she helps and doesn't ask questions, like their names or about their circumstance.

Familiarity with Shadowrun: I've played and GM'd SR4 and SR5, starting when the 20th Anniversary book was released. I've taken about a year or so break from it most recently. The traditional runs started to lose their appeal, so it's nice to see something a little different. All my experience has been on this site, with a variety of GMs of varying skill and styles. My greatest wish is to find a game that stands the test of time and keeps up an active pace. I find Sixth World to be very compelling as a setting. If I ever write a novel (not much chance of that), I would be set in this world or something very much to it.

Last edited by girlplay; Jan 2nd, 2019 at 09:47 PM.
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