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Old May 9th, 2020, 11:37 AM
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The Crew

OOC: Post your current Traveller Character Description here.If you are looking for the area for character creation, go to the Conference Room and ask the Referee for a Creation Thread. This thread is for posting the current character sheet, current personal gear and personal wealth.

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GM of: Dark*Matter: The Hoffmann Institute (2007 HOF),
Traveller: The Third Imperium
New here? Try a New Player Solo Game for 13th age, CoC, DnD, FATE, Pathfinder, Traveller.

Last edited by savoylen; Oct 1st, 2024 at 12:38 AM.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 01:17 AM
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New Hope




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ID:	94523   Click image for larger version

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GM of: Dark*Matter: The Hoffmann Institute (2007 HOF),
Traveller: The Third Imperium
New here? Try a New Player Solo Game for 13th age, CoC, DnD, FATE, Pathfinder, Traveller.

Last edited by savoylen; Mar 2nd, 2024 at 02:09 PM.
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Old May 16th, 2020, 07:45 AM
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Allyne Duchamp (3559B5-0)

Name Allyne Duchamp
Homeworld Garda-Vilis
Species Human
Description Black hair, brown eyes, dark skin
Age 38
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
UPP 3559B5-0
Age 38
Strength 3
Dexterity 5
Endurance 5
Intellect 9
Education 11
Social 5
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
Engineering - Power 1 8 0

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 60

Current total 18

Athletics 0
Astrogation 1
Electronics 0
Electronics (computers) 1
Electronics (comms) 1
Electronics (sensors) 1
Engineering 0
Engineering (M-Drive) 2
Engineering (J-Drive) 2
Engineering (Power) 1
Gunner 0
Gun combat 0
Medic 1
Melee 0
Melee (blade) 1
Mechanic 2
Navigation 1
Persuade 1
Pilot 0
Pilot (spaceship) 1
Recon 1
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit 0


Character Background
Allyne had always been a busy child. Not brilliant, not gifted, but determined and busy. She was the third of Geoffrey and Milly Duchamp’s four children. Milly was a supervisor in the electronics assembly business situated five miles out of town and Geoffrey an mechanic in the automobile garage that served their suburb. It was a comfortable, if unspectacular upbringing.
Allyne would have been confined to the planet-bound life that was common in her extended family, earning a living by serving the local Garda-Vilis industry, had it not been for her incessant curiosity to understand what made things tick. This was noticed at an early age by the teachers of her modest, unambitious, school. They encouraged here by giving her free rein of the labs and design shop on the campus and watched as the curious little girl blossomed into an overall-wearing grease-smeared young lady ready to take her first steps into adulthood and responsibility.
Her continent on Garda-Vilis had been pacified some twenty years earlier after civil unrest that had been running on a low-boil for three generations. As part of the settlement, all her citizens were to serve a four year service in military or commercial endeavours before embarking on a career of their own. The only way to delay that, and take control of your life’s direction was to get acceptance in one of the local universities or military schools based off-planet
Allyne, while educationally competent, was no A student. Nevertheless, she had her heart set on deepening her education. Her application had gone in, with her cause pled elegantly by herself and supported by the recommendations of her teachers. So, it was one early summer’s morning her heart leapt as a letter dropped through her door – a letter that bore the university’s insignia …
… She was in! The young woman screamed with relief and joy, running from father to mother, brother to sister, waving the letter and jumping for joy. The proudest of families escorted their daughter in the grandest car the George had borrowed from the garage to the spaceport some four hours drive from their sleepy city. They waived the naïve undergraduate through security were she was swallowed by the crowds of youngster, thrilling with excitement at the path that was laid before them.
Allyne’s good nature, enthusiasm and emerging talent helped her blend in with the sons and daughters of families of the sort that she had only seen in movies … and here she was – one of them. In her second year, she shared lodgings with a group of like-minded engineers and between them they dreamed of flying the great capital ships of the fleet, commanding ranks of technicians skilled in cutting edge techniques in the most advanced of technology. Between them they would shape the future of space flight. They pledged to share their insights and opportunities and build careers that would lead them away from this backwater to the most glamorous sectors of the galaxy or into the teeth of pivotal battles for the sake of the empire. It was at this time that she met Lance Dieter the intelligent, glamorous young socialite who was destined for high things in the Navy. She waved him off at the end of her second year and dreamed of when she too would be wearing that officer cadet’s uniform.
So, when Allyne qualified with honours there was not surprise. She was one of the most talented in the class – partly because she was bright, but mostly because she worked so hard. There was only one thing for her to do now. Put her name down for officer training in the Naval corps. She would serve her national service as the first stepping-stone to her magnificent career.
But Allyne was soon the find that she could not shake her upbringing that readily. The recruiting captain who interviewed her at officer selection was from the capital – close enough to know what Allyne’s hometown met. He made it clear before he asked a question that he did not consider her officer material, so it was not surprise to the young graduate to receive the “with regret …” letter that encouraged her to consider the enlisted route. So as her classmates turned left into the officer candidate staterooms, Allyne turned right to bunk with her fellow enlisted men.
But the young lady was not set back for long. On the Warspite, an aging battleship of the fleet, She threw herself into the basic training, learning the essentials of life in the navy. It wasn’t long before her handiness was recognised and she promoted as Able Spacehand in the machine shop, where she was soon sought out as the magician who could fix just about everything.
As she matured into the hard-working, level-headed Spacehand, she found herself being called upon as part as off-ship missions. Her talent for improvisation meant she’d saved many an otherwise abortive mission by jury-rigging vital kit. It was just a mission where she met Nezz. The army doctor was accompanying the team retrieving prisoners from one of the anonymous conflicts that were sparking across the region. Allyne had been sent down to evaluate the environment and to identify if any booby-traps or bombs had been set to welcome the peacekeepers.
She found none, but she did find the young doctor cursing the kit that had been damaged in transit. The prisoners had been badly injured and the doctor wanted to induce a coma during transport, but his ventilator had been cracked and there were no replacements vital components. It was a simple task for Allyne. The two of them shared a companionable beer as they admired their respective abilities to repair man and machine and bonded over their shared struggle for recognition and respect from the military class.
Back on the Warspite, once again Allyne’s hard work and diligence paid off. The Lieutenant Lance Dieter, who was by now taking his stint heading engineering, took her under his wing again. He diverted her away from fixing every broken this-and-that that was sent down to their shop towards more advanced studies. Cloistered away into the officer’s dining rooms, she was initiated into the higher mathematics that allowed ships to navigate the galaxy.
And when it came to the next round of applications for commissions, he pushed her into applying again and coached her in her applications. No one, but Allyne, was surprised when the ensign’s band was delivered to her dorm. The enlisted men partied hard to see one of their raised up to the officer class. She gathered her belongings and took the trip bow-wards to the stateroom she was to share with a freshly enlisted officer trainee.
So, when the Warspite was assigned duty in the hot war, she was assigned to lead the engineering team responsible for damage repair to the ship’s engines. The heat of battle is a great teacher. They had taken a torpedo to the aft of the ship, which had torn a whole in its skin and rendered the jump drive inactive. The fleeing aggressors would have made it to safety behind the rebel lines were it not for Allyne’s team’s prompt action. They were able to rig a by-pass that took the dead cells out of the series that fuelled each jump, giving just enough juice to close with their quarry and neutralise it.
Commander Lance Dieter who saluted her and her team as he left the Waspite for the last time to pursue the next stage of his glittering career. Allyne meanwhile was left with a long layover while the ship was refitted. The enforced rest was made easier by the coincidence of meeting Kyrina Telia, the electronics undergraduate who has been part of her gang at university. Allyne had lost touch with her when Kyrina decided not to follow a career in the services, so it was a surprise to find her fried as a minor celebrity, entertaining the gathered sailors and marines in an officers bar. The two of them hung out for a month and it was the most pure fun Allyne had had since leaving university. Then, one party, Kyrina fell badly for a young police offices, Idrick Reinner. The two of them were in that first-love haze, unable to spend a minute apart – but Kyrina felt sorry for her friend and occasionally invited her to be an awkward gooseberry on their dates, or even worse to fix up a double date with one of her doubtful friends. But Idrick did not seem to mind. In fact he was fascinated by Allyne’s electronics insights and facility with computers. He asked for her help on some of the details of a case he was working on.
So, when the day came to launch the refitted Warspite, Allyne stood anxiously, waiting to see who would take command of the engineering team. She rolled her eyes as a boy eight years her junior stepped in, the fresh lieutenant’s pips still gleaming on his uniform. Lieutenant Henriech Colstein caught the look and things went downhill from there. Whether the man was insulted by Allyne’s initial reaction or was intimidated by her competence, the Lieutenant saw to it that her career would go no further. He gave her tasks well below her competence and station and saw to it that every mistake and problem that happened around her was blamed on her – both in front of the Warspite’s new captain and on her records.
As the current tour completed, Lieutenant Colstein’s promotion application was denied. He was in a foul mood and looking for someone to blame. With half a flask of whiskey in his belly, he berated Allyne, stabbing his finger at her official record. He made it clear that if she did not resign from the service now, then he would see to it that she received the final demerit that would see her lose benefits on mustering out and cut her adrift in the galaxy.
The engineer had no choice. She took her benefits at looked for a job – any job – that would get her away from the backwater they had ended up in. And she was lucky. At that time, Carolyn Dracard the aging captain of the Spirit of Hope was at the bar. The captain recognised a talented ship hand when she saw it, and ships like the Spirit of Hope always needed a good engineer on board to keep them operating well.
This new life for Allyne was a shot of vitality. She was thrown out of the regimented naval life and into the life of the freebooting trader. Carolyn nurtured her introduction into the world of real people … how to find your way around the sketchiest of space ports, while avoiding trouble. How to talk your way out of parasitic bandits, seeking to tax your profits away, and how to live with a ship without being navy-perfect all the time.
Allyne was taken with this life – the freedom and self-expression it allowed her. But just as she was blossoming into a second youth, the arthritis she had inherited from her mother begun to bite. He hands and knees began to swell, and movement was painful. There were drugs that could slow the effect, but just that, slow it. With each bout of the disease she found herself less and less physically able. Her mind was still sharp as a tack, and her knowledge of how to make just about anything work was admirable, but she was weaker and slower. Noticeably so.
Captain Dracard had been talking about it for over a year now, so it was no surprise when it actually happened. The Captain was retiring, taking her profits and settled down. But what was surprising was when she handed Allyne the codes and deeds to the Spirit of Hope. Sure, it came with a large mortgage outstanding, but it was a ship. A ship! Allyne had a ship of her own, with a belly big enough to earn a living, and the whole of the galaxy ahead of her. What would she do now?

Idrick Reinner PC
(Kyrina Telia – Idrick’s partner)
Nezz Arrouk PC (doctor)
Dominic Valojin PC (university friend)
Captain Lance Dieter (ally)
Lieutenant Henriech Colstein (rival)

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA
Blade 2 Melee 2D 2 NA -
Stunstick 8 Melee 2D 1 NA Stun

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth 10 - 6 +8 protection

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Mobile comm---
Electronics - computers toolkit---
Electronics - comms toolkit---
Engineering - sensors toolkit---
Mechincal toolkit---
Total Load [ ]

Augments TL Effect
Black Ops Chip with Mindscape enabled NI Jack 16 Access to Mindscape, Shadow Form 1
BIACS - Biological-Initiated Avatar Control System 13 Remote Ops (Sensors) 1 to control Cyborg based Avatar

Finances2,066 cr.
TAS membership
Mobile comm TL 13, Computer/1
24 shares in Far Trader Spirit of Hope
(Mortgage outstanding TBC)

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ID:	84619  

Last edited by savoylen; Oct 19th, 2024 at 01:23 PM.
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Old Jan 3rd, 2022, 08:29 PM
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Enokfuer - Vargr Broker

Enokfuer - Vargr Broker
Enokfuer (695D94-0)

Name Enokfuer
Homeworld Imazura in the Deneb Sector
Species Vargr
Description Standing at a mere 5’ in height, Enokfuer is not the most imposing specimen, but then that is all to the better for him. His fur is, or was a dark gray, but now is starting to get rather speckled with light grays and whites that its color is somewhat fading. He is a lithe and slender figure, having maintained his graceful movements in life, with agile, quick fingers and a toothy smile that is ready and able to appear to appease a worried customer. His brown eyes twinkle, and he tends to wear little adornment, sticking with well tailored clothes and a pair of reading glasses that sit well on his muzzle, a dull brassy color.
Age 46
Rad. Dose 0
right-aligned image

Physical Characteristics Stat

Dice Modifier Table
Ability 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14
DM -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2

Engineer(Life Support)1
Gun Combat(Energy)1
Pilot(space craft)1
Profession(Chef) 0
Profession(House Servant) 0
Vacc Suit0
- -

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 66
Current total: 15

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA
Stunner1210m3D.5100Stun, Zero G

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Diplo Vest 3 ---
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics(11))
Item WT Item WT
Cold Light Lantern.25Sonic Sweat and Stain Remover 1
Mobile Comm
Total Load [ 1.25 ]

Augments TL Effect
Black Ops Chip with Mindscape enabled NI Jack 16 Access to Mindscape, Shadow Form 1
BIACS - Biological-Initiated Avatar Control System 13 Remote Ops (Sensors) 1 to control Cyborg based Avatar

3 Contacts

Connections Story Effect
OrlaBeing a bit of an odd one out, the Vargr among the humans, Enokfuer ended up falling in a friendship with Orla and using his skills in numbers and work to help her get a better mindset for numbers. It was one of the things that helped him figure out that he was better off as a merchant/financier than a chef. In the process though, he did take the opportunity to test out his various chef concoctions on her, and also being the one to smooth out interactions in their adventures, fluffing the ego of whatever snobby human wealthy pup crossed their paths with a chip on their shoulder. Increase Steward by 1 to 1
AdIn order to keep up with the world beyond finance in a more real way than basic media consumption, Enokfuer took to hanging out around the port when off hours, speaking with all sorts in the surrounding bars, listening to conversations, happy to buy drinks and the like. It was during one of these port visits that he happened to meet the human Admegulasha as well as the reason her military ship was in port. That reason was Gunnery Sergeant Aggvan, retiring after a long and greasy service in the army, keeping the mechanics of various machinery running in the Imperium military machine. Over drinks and a meal that wasn't from a military kitchen, Enokfuer ended up coaxing Aggvan to teach him the ways of ships, and ended up picking a focus of the life systems on one, how people maintain some semblance of normalcy out amongst the stars, and with the help of the fellow Vargr, retired or not, and Ad, he was able to hash out the starts of understanding.Gain Engineer: Life Support 1



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Name:	Enokfuer_t.png
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Size:	94.4 KB
ID:	96101  

Last edited by savoylen; Oct 19th, 2024 at 01:25 PM. Reason: Adding Notation of Week of Study
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Old Sep 19th, 2023, 12:46 AM
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Carlin Reed

Name Carlin Reed
Homeworld Argaithe
Species Humaniti
Description Tall and lean, sculpted from a life of hard labour and bad luck.
Age 46
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
UPP 77BB77-0
Strength 7
Dexterity 7
Endurance 11
Intellect 11
Education 7
Social 7
Psi 0

DMs0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Skills 13/54Rank
Athletics 0
Athletics (Dex) 1
Athletics (End) 1
Electronics (Computers)1
Explosives 1
Gun Combat 0
Gun Combat (Slug) 1
Gunner 0
Gunner (Turret) 1
Melee⅛ weeks of study
Science (Archaeology)2
Science (Xenology)1
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit1


Character Background
Growing up on Argaithe, Carlin spent most of his free time helping his parents at the starport, and the rest dreaming of being somewhere else. By the time he was ready to strike out on his own, he had spent years dealing with long haulers of every stripe, and managing warehouse cargo of all kinds being transported along the Great Ilelish Main. What little free time he had was spent on the water, competing in races and revelling in the freedom of the sea.
The advertisement seemed so out of place, Carlin thought it was a joke at first. 'Research Assistant wanted to explore island ruins'. He took a chance, and when Barely qualifieda clam bake gone bad took out the better candidate he was hired to help with an archaeological dig on a remote Argaithean island, seeking to find answers about the Ancients. He and the professor got along famously, the old man teaching him useful field skills which he picked up quickly, particularly working in zero-g when they began transporting artifacts for study. All except for how to open a tomb with explosives, as a premature detonation put a damper on his enthusiasm for that. For now, at least.
As the professor's research projects turned to other sites, Carlin followed the old man to the stars and continued to work as his researcher. While exploring Aekfethoug, Carlin and the Professor smashed their way into a holy site believing it to hide important information within. Their hypothesis was right, and their research made great advances on the professor's project, but also earned them the enmity of a zealous Vargr devotee of the Church of the Chosen Ones.
Forced to move on to other leads with their new enemy harassing them at every turn, Carlin discovered that he quite enjoyed travelling among the stars. Previously such journeys had been about the destination, but with much longer trips ahead of him he was forced to learn to enjoy himself. During one such jump he spent time with one of the professor's colleagues and made a good impression on the woman as he helped her with research on her own project.
Continuing to work with the professor afforded Carlin plenty of practice in zero-g, handling delicate artifacts and exploring ruins on tiny moons. After years of research the professor was able to present his findings to glowing acclaim, which also earned Carlin recognition in the field. Unfortunately it also meant that their was little left for the man to do, and with no one else wanting to hire an 'unqualified' field researcher, Carlin decided to move on from the academic world.
Any number of opportunities were available on the job boards, but a 'Unique opportunity in law enforcement' caught Carlin's eye, and for the next few years he was undercover trying to break up a smuggling ring. Things went sideways when the smugglers arrived with a big crew, tipped off by their own informant, and Carlin and his team were forced to flee off-world, fighting for their lives the whole way.
Despite his past failures at undercover work, the higher-ups felt his previous career would lend itself to work in an artifact smuggling and counterfeiting operation. Carlin might have made it out intact had his old nemesis not been involved, recognizing him and blowing his cover. The attack that followed left him comatose and scarred, and by the time he recovered his body had wasted away.
Recovered from his wounds, Carlin got a cushy assignment establishing a department on a new colony world. Taking the job seriously he did his best to fully rehab from his injuries and time spent in hospital, all the while training a few deputies to take over for him. When he and his deputies stopped a new gang from establishing a foothold in the new settlement, they were all commended, and Carlin knew the deputies were ready to take over.

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D NA NA
Central Supply CatalogueHeavy Revolver 5 10 4D-3 2.5 3 mags, Cr456(Cr15) Removes Bulky Trait, Cr500Gyrostabiliser, Invisible UV laser dot, DM+1 to attacks within 50M, Cr200UV dot Laser Sight
Central Supply CatalogueSniper Rifle 8 500 3D 5 3 mags, Cr304(Cr10) Ignore Protection 5AP5, Allow accurate shots at extreme ranges (>100m)Scope, Any attempts to detect the source of the sound from the gun suffer DM-6.Silent

Name Protection TL Rad WT Traits
Field Catalogue. Discreet Operators Uniform (Protection +2 while not looking like armor), Combat Kit (Flak Jacket worn over the DOU providing Protection 4 and obviously armour).DOU w/Combat Kit +2/+6 10 - Mass 1 for purposes of Encumbrance4 Cr600
Field Catalogue. A fancy poncho/emergency shelter. Passively provides thermal protection and dispersion sufficient to provide DM+2 on all checks to resist harm from cold or hot conditions, and DM-2 to attempts to spot or target the user if used as camouflage.Thermal Regulation Cover - 10 - 1 Cr50
Core Rulebook, Protection +10. Provides life support for 6 hours.Vacc Suit +10 12 90 8 Vacc Suit 0, Cr20000

Character Notes
Enemy 'The Zealot' - Despite twenty-odd years of antagonism and attempted murder, Carlin still does not know the Vargr's name, only that he is a devotee of the Church of the Chosen Ones.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= STR+END+Athletics19)
Item WT Item WT
Core Rulebook - DM+2 to Science (Archaeology) checks, DM+1 to Science (history) checks related to archaeological finds.Archaeology Science Toolkit8Central Supply Catalogue - Multiple forms of Data, Portable Computer/1, Cr500Advanced Mobile Comm-
Total Load [ 9.5 combat load17.5 ]

Augments TL Effect

Custom Heavy Revolver - Cr1100 (Law Enforcement)
Archaeology Science Toolkit (Field Researcher)
TAS Membership
4 Ship Shares
3 Heavy Revolver Mags - Cr45
3 Sniper Rifle Mags - Cr30
Sniper Rifle - Cr700
DOU w/Combat Kit - Cr600
Thermal Regulation Cover - Cr50
Advanced Mobile Comm - Cr500
Vacc Suit (TL12) - CR20000

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Click image for larger version

Name:	Carlin_t.png
Views:	8
Size:	83.6 KB
ID:	102344  
Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter

Last edited by Starflier; Oct 30th, 2024 at 12:34 AM.
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Old Feb 12th, 2024, 07:45 PM
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Joe Halderman Character Sheet

Name Joe Halderman (Human)
Homeworld TBD Backwater Research Planet in SOlomani Empire
Species Human
Description A tall muscular man, Joe has a crisp military haircut, and dresses in simple clothes. His career in the military is very clear, and he has a number of scars from his service. He has a rugged look that speaks of a survivalist.
Age 42
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics 979774-0
Age 42
Strength 9
Dexterity 7
Intellect 7
Education 7
Social 4
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Athletics 0
Athletics (Endurance)1
Electronics 0
Electronics (Comms)1
Gun Combat0
Gun Combat (Stub Weapons)2
Heavy Weapons0
Melee 0
Pilot 0
Pilot (Starship)1
Recon 2
Vacc Suit0

Character Joe Haldermen

Character Background
Joe Haldermen was raised on a backwater planet within the Solomani Empire. His family was from Terra original, but he never had the chance to visit. Despite being a backwater planet it was a central research hub. He was raised among the grunts or workers who assisted the scientists in whatever research they were doing on the Ancients. This allowed Joe to learn quite a few useful skills for fieldwork, even if his ultimate track was to be a survivalist or soldier to forever only assist. Being around researchers as well as the stories of his homeland he had a fascination with learning about the fate of humanity's past, as well as new alien cultures and belief systems. He knew he couldn't stay here forever, since he would get forced into one track, and so he hoped he could find other means to expand his fortunes. Still he had learned from his family the necessity to have soldiers and physical experts on any venture. 
Once Joe turned 18 he attempted to escape this rugged death world by joining the Marine Academy but failed to get in. Luckily he had caught the eye of a local marine recruiter. It didn't take much to be convinced to join. Due to his tracking skills he was placed in a support recon squad. Unfortunately, his commanding officer RivalLieutenant Allen Moedius had never liked Joe, and constantly tormented him. Joe quickly grew to see the marines as another organization that he was not going to be able to get out of just being a grunt. Very disgruntled he was able to leave after his first tour. 
After spending a few months getting used to the asteroid belt he had been deployed in Joe decided to attempt to join the Army Recon School, but was declined. Growing more frustrated and not really sure where to turn, Jon joined the army this time placed in anther recon squad. His luck had turned, and his commander Captain Salman Singer was a good and honest man. They got along very well, and Joe was able to gain a promotion out of this, becoming a Corporal. During this time he started getting interested in expanding his survival knowledge to the void. He hoped working on this style of knowledge could move him into supporting more interesting elements such as army research or exploring new planets. 
Joe got deeper into his role as a forward operator. His career moved to handling explosions, and more stealth missions. Eventually he had proven himself to be promoted to leading his own specialized fire team, becoming a Lance Sergeant. During one long stay he became close with a navy pilot named Ally.Venessa Cortez and started dating despite having long windows away from each other during some deployments. At this point he was almost willing to remain a soldier since he was seeing many planets, even if it wasn't the cultural exploration he had grown up desiring. 
Joe's life was starting to gain a lot of stability. His time with Venessa allowed him to expand his knowledge, becoming crafty in comms in order to be able to speak between their ships. He also began to learn the basics of how to fly spaceships. It gave her joy to teach him. Joe was offered advanced training in recon due to his skills shown on the field. Yet that was not enough for a promotion, and Joe began to feel a sense of reaching his peak here. The war-torn planets he went too were feeling the same. He was starting to miss being around the scientific and exploring world.  
Joe and Venessa eventually got deployed too far from each other to maintain a successful relationship. This nearly destroyed him for they had been talking about how to begin a real life together. He picked up gambling as he was lonely and seeking out companionship. This loneliness started to effect his work. Despite being offered more advanced training he was not excelling. Perhaps as an attempt to provoke a sense of empowerment in the man, Command made him sergeant of a highly trained recon squad of specialists. This gave him some enjoyment, as he still found solace in the covert operations he was trained in, yet it was unable to fill the hole that Venessa had left behind. 
As Army Command started to realize that Joe was looking back to his former dreams, to really adventure within the stars, they began to think of ways to phase him out. Joe was placed in a security force for an important administrative officer. His skills excelled here, allowing him to remain discrete and catch potential stealth operatives with ease. It did give Joe a purpose for a while, which ultimately made him start thinking about his original hopes and dreams as a child. His commanding officer understood, and he was given an honorable promotion for his service alongside his retirement. After a long and successful 20 year career, he decided to enter into the Third Imperium. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he was certain his training was enough to find work. Ultimately though, he was searching for the right team to explore the universe

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA
Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
laser Pistol 11 30m 3D+3 1 100 Zero-G
Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Rocket Launcher 9 250m 5D+6 8 2 Blast 6, Scope, Smart
Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Gauss Rifle 12 600m 4D 4 80 Scope, AP 5, Auto 3

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Vacc Suit +8 10 60 12 -Vacc Suit 0

Character Notes
Ready to Start His Adventure outside the influence of the Solar Rim.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Total Load [ ]

Augments TL Effect
Subdemal Armor10Protection +1

7000 cr.

Survival: 1/8 weeks study.


(3000 crd TL 12 limit, if rolled again, can take another weapon or one level of Gun combat in the weapon gotten.)
Army Benefit Weapon: Gauss Rifle. 600m, 4D, KG4 Magazine 80, Mag cost cr40, AP5, Auto 3, Scope.
Army Benefit Weapon: laser Pistol TL 11, 30m, 3D+3, KG1, mag 100, Mag cost, cr1200, Zero-G.
Army Benefit Armor: Vacc Suit +8 RAD 60, KG 12, TL 10.
Army Benefit Weapon: Rocket Launcher, TL 9, 250m, 5D+6, KG8, Mag2, Mag cost Cr800. Blast 6, Scope, Smart.
Army Benefit EDU +1
Army Benefit Combat Implant Subdemal Armor +1
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Old Oct 19th, 2024, 01:15 AM
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Vex Sterling 4778A7-0 Character Sheet

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Name Vex Sterling
Homeworld Rishiin
Species Solomani Humani
Description Thin, wiry frame with calloused hands from years of hard work. Shoulder length dark black hair usually tied back with a few random bangs spilling into her face.
Age 34
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
UPP 4778A7-0
Age 34
Strength 4
Dexterity 7
Endurance 7
Intellect 8
Education 10
Social 7
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Admin 0
Astrogation 0
Carouse 1
Electronics 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Engineer 0
Engineer (J-Drive) 1
Engineer (Power Plant) 1
Explosives 1
Gun Combat 0
Mechanic 2
Pilot 0
Pilot (small spacecraft) 1
Profession (Spacer Crew) 2
Science 0
Stealth 1
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 0


Character Background - Young Adulthood
Vex Sterling grew up on a Class C scout base on Rishiin, where her father worked as a technical team leader on the orbital station, handling emergency ship repairs. Her fondest memories were his weekend surface visits, often spent exploring the underwater habitat known as Ocean Park. In contrast, her relationship with her mother, Zeta, was more strained due to Zeta's strict discipline and bureaucratic work in supply chain logistics. Vex's curiosity about ships led her to explore the starport endlessly, often sneaking into restricted areas to observe repair teams. These early experiences sparked her passion for technical work and a desire to avoid the regimented administrative life her mother led.
Character Background - Teenager to Adolescence
Vex had always been an idealist growing up and could not wait to go on some big adventure into the stars. She dreamed of discovering far-off systems with new worlds and phenomenon, maybe even species. Her path to the stars took a detour right from the start however. Though she had hoped to attend university, her application was rejected. The disappointment stung but it wasn't the end of the world. The scout service was her true goal and the skills assessment was far more in line with what she was capable of. Having passed the entrance qualifications for the scout training, she eagerly accepted an explorer assignment.
Character Background - Term 1 (Age 18-22)
Her service in the scouts had started well enough with her being placed with a task force sent to the fringes of friendly space. A rogue planet drifting without the security of a system had been discovered and her group had been sent to perform a detailed reconnaissance to hopefully classify the planet's profile and submit the findings to record. While the main vessel maintained a safe orbital distance to perform long range scans, a ground team was deployed to run tests on the surface and Vex piloted a smaller shuttle to run diagnostics in the higher spectrum of the planet's atmosphere. Vex vaguely remembers the specifics of that mission and can't even remember the faces of the crew she served with. They found her shuttle drifting with every system offline except for life support. Even the synthetic android that had been her copilot was offline, it's power core repurposed to act as a capacitor with the backup batteries. She was in the only stasis chamber on the small craft and after being resuscitated she had no recollection of anything that happened. For whatever reason, the entire incident had been redacted from records and Vex was drummed out of the service. She didn't ask any questions, she didn't even know what to ask if she could. All she has left from that time is the occasional nightmare or strange daydream.
Character Background - Term 2 (Age 23-26)
Following her departure from the scout service, Vex was disillusioned, disoriented and entirely unsure of her direction. She still had a highly marketable skillset from solid training and experience with spacecraft so she soon found herself employed on a privately owned and independent cargo vessel called the SS Atlas. One of many freight ships under a corporate fleet responsible for transporting goods and resources between a few key systems. It was a routine cycle of the same ports ranging from mining colonies, research stations and corporate controlled depots. Vex started out with grunt work on the Atlas, working the cargo holds and doing routine maintenance. She became used to working with the loading drones and tracking the manifests in the system logs and then a day came along when she started to notice discrepancies. Bill of ladings that she had reviewed thoroughly after loading were altered in subtle ways when they reached their destinations. It didn't seem like a big deal to her at first since there were no complaints being filed about it but it was happening so consistently that she began raising her own complaints. No one listened to her of course until a proactive researcher named AO noticed errors in a recent delivery to his facility. He was finding the same kind of resistance to his own investigations so she approached him to offer assistance. Together, they were able to root out a smuggling operation that was skimming a profit by altering manifests in the system and selling the stolen items off the books. After all was settled, the Captain recognized Vex with a promotion and gave her the choice of department. Naturally, she chose engineering to follow the footsteps of her father.
Character Background - Term 3 (Age 27-30)
Vex continued to serve reliably aboard the Atlas for several more years until the company replaced the Captain with a younger and more ambitious individual whose primary focus was increasing profits. Worker's found their pay and benefits to be the first target for cuts. Then safety protocols started to slip. Equipment that had once been reliable was replaced with poorly manufactured alternatives from cheaper sources. Once loyal crew including Vex found themselves overworked, underpaid and now forced to deal with unsafe conditions. The workers organized a slowdown out of protest. Vex was instrumental in this as even the slightest error in a diagnostic would take weeks of analysis. If a single drone malfunctioned the entire cargo bay would shut down as every single drone would be given full operational inspections by the letter of the manual. New management didn't like this one bit. Enforcer squads were brought on board as an intimidation tactic and it wasn't long before fighting broke out. Eventually it was discovered that the company was trying to cut it's losses through sabotage, planting explosives on the ship and planning to make up losses through insurance claims. Vex was one of the key individuals who were able to track down and disarm every single explosive before it could finish the job. In the end the workers won and the executives responsible were exposed and brought to justice.
Character Background - Term 4 (Age 31-34)
Things settled down quite a bit on the ship after that but Vex needed a change of scenery and so she transferred off ship to a starship construction facility for a better paying position. Not long after she settled in, a high stakes naval skirmish occurred not far away from their orbital shipyards. One of the surviving squadrons soon docked for emergency repairs and upgrades. Vex personally took charge of the repairs for the lead ship and befriended the pilot, Solaris. Following the repairs, the company was rewarded with a massive contract to build and supply new ships to the Navy. Life was good but Vex often found herself looking out at the stars through viewports just like when she was a kid. She was starting to feel the affects of age, moving a little slower and getting tired more easily. If she was going to ever have the life of adventure she had wanted growing up this would be her last chance.

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Stunstick 8 Melee 2D .5 NA Stun
Snub Pistol 8 5m 3D-3 - 6 Zero-G
Laser Carbine 9 150m 4D 4* 50 Zero-G
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth +8 10 - 3 NA

Character Notes
Ready to begin a new chapter in her story

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Mobile Comm TL8 - Electronics (Sensors) Toolkit 2*
Electronics (Computers) Toolkit 2* Mechanics Toolkit 12*
4 Mags Snub Pistol - 4 Mags Laser Carbine* -
Laser Carbine Power Pack* -   
Total Load [ 9.5 ]
* = only carried when necessary

Augments TL Effect

Connections Story
Ao (PC) Several years ago Ao and Vex teamed up to try and figure out why Ao's research station was not getting the full dump of supplies requested. The manifest had been altered and no one was giving any answers. Together they uncovered and rooted out a smuggling operation that was skimming goods for an underhanded profit.
Solaris (PC) Just a few years ago, Vex was running an engineering team on an orbital platform that designed and constructed large spacecraft. A naval battle occurred in their sector and the victorious Naval squadron soon docked for emergency repairs. Vex personally worked on the naval pilot Solaris' ship and even upgraded her on board computer systems.

90160 cr.
2 ship shares


Last edited by savoylen; Oct 19th, 2024 at 03:15 AM.
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Old Oct 19th, 2024, 01:20 AM
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Aseala O'ealyti 'AO' Eaneis E6BDD7-0

Name Aseala O'ealyti 'AO' Eaneis
Homeworld Tiawan
Species Aslan
Description Golden Eyes, Long Tan on White Fur, Rounded Ears
Age 34
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 34
Strength 14
Dexterity 6
Endurance 11
Intellect 13
Education 13
Social 7
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Admin 0
Advocate 2
Astrogation 2
Carouse 0
Drive 0
Diplomat 1
Electronics 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Explosives 0
Gunner 0
Investigation 0
Jack-of-all-Trades 1
Medic 2
Science 0
Science (Astronomy) 1
Science (Planetology) 2
Seafarer 0
Tactics 0
Tactics (Naval) 1


Character Background
Aseala was raised on Tiawan to scientist parents who encouraged a passion for knowledge and curiosity. His family had been exiled from Aslan space several generations back from some slight that none of the are willing to discuss. Being raised on an ocean world to parents who were working on developing ecological processes to better life on the rare landmasses, he traveled with them often and learned both scientific method and how to handle a seacraft.
Finding acceptance into the local university, Aseala focused his studies on chemistry, physics and interstellar cartography. He also made an effort to understand the myriad layers of Imperial bureaucracy in preparation for his intended future travelling the stars.
Seeking acceptance among his peers, he was pressured into taking down one of the more arrogant and privileged classmates, Lucian Panxilli. The prank, a simple 'chemicals under pressure in a drawer' thing went bad when the measurements proved more complex than initially believed and Lucian badly burned. While he avoided significant academic consequence due to lack of evidence of his involvement, Lucian knows and has harbored a relentless grudge.
After graduating, Aseala found a position in a research lab studying the effects of terraforming technologies on planetary development. As the new hire he was often made to handle paperwork and bookkeeping matters, which helped him hone his talents in the diplomatic and administrative arenas. During his stretch at the station he became aware of misappropriated supplies and doctored inventory manifests which he was able to trace back to a frequently docked freighter. Enlisting the aid of one of the ships crew, Vex Sterling, who was able to parse through information on the ships drone systems. Together, they uncovered a small but prolific smuggling group and put them out of business, earning them both some acclaim in their fields.
Transferring to a deep space survey station was an adjustment. Not having ground under your feet or ocean over his head for the first time, Aseala found many sleepless nights at his new assignment. During his shifts at the monitoring station he would pare through seemingly endless compilations of data about stellar bodies across the sector. Sensor readings, biological surveys, orbital shift charts. While he enjoyed learning new elements of the function of planetary bodies, the mundanity of it all wore on him.
Approached by a higher ranking member of the survey team, Aseala was conscripted into an 'off the books' project involving comparisons on various alien biologies and how they might be used to alter each other on a chromosomal level. He still has questions about how the specimens were so readily obtained for study.
Turning away from the stationary life of a researcher, Aseala joined the expeditionary forces as a courier to expand his understanding of ship functions and see a larger portion of the universe.
On one of his routes he came across an abandoned vessel and was able to power up and decrypt the computer systems on it. The caches of information specific of the vessels prior owners included valuable details on their species, which he turned over to Riekard Vorlis, a prominent xeno-biologist with ties to significant figures in the Imperium. They maintain a cordial relationship to this day.

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(5) NA NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
- - - - -

Character Notes
Ready to Start His Adventure outside the influence of the Solar Rim.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Medkit TL12 1Planetology Toolkit TL58
Light Intensifier Goggles TL9 0   
Total Load [ 9 ]

Augments TL Effect

21,750 cr.


Last edited by NoizePollution; Oct 30th, 2024 at 12:16 AM.
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Old Oct 19th, 2024, 11:02 AM
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Solange "Solaris" Venn 395926-0

Name Solange "Solaris" Venn
Homeworld Mora
Species Human
UPP 395926-0
Age 26
Rad. Dose 0
Solange "Solaris" Venn stands at 5'7", her athletic, lean frame built for agility and speed. Her fiery red hair falls past her shoulders, a striking contrast to her fair, freckled skin, while her intense blue-gray eyes always seem sharp, calculating, and just a little teasing. There's a playful confidence to her, a flirtatious spark that shines through in the easy smirk often playing at her lips. Her body language is fluid and self-assured, moving with the grace of someone who knows she's good—both in the cockpit and out of it.
Her ballistic cloth bodysuit, tailored to her figure, blends into the background with its lightweight, high-tech armor. Designed for protection without sacrificing mobility, it allows her to move effortlessly while offering subtle reinforcements beneath its fabric. The laser pistol at her side, sleek and deadly, is always ready, much like she is—never far from action or trouble.
Despite her cocky demeanor, Solange’s confidence isn’t just for show. She’s a natural pilot and a quick thinker, but her sharp tongue and flirty attitude often hide a deeper intensity—someone who’s had to prove herself time and again. She’s quick with a wisecrack, just as quick to charm, but always with an edge, making her both alluring and dangerous.

Physical Characteristics
Age 26
Strength 4 (-1)
Dexterity 10 (+1)
Endurance 5 (-1)
Intellect 10 (+1)
Education 7 (0)
Social 9 (+1)
Psi 0

Athletics 0
Astrogation 0
Carouse 0
Gun Combat 0
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Mechanic 0
Melee 0
Melee (blade) 1
Persuade 0
Pilot 0
Pilot (Spacecraft) 3
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 0


Character Background
Born on the prestigious world of Mora, Solange "Solaris" Venn grew up in the shadow of her mother, a respected admiral, and her father, a renowned pilot. From the moment she could walk, the sky called to her. While other children struggled to keep up with the rigorous demands of a military upbringing, Solaris thrived in areas where agility, intellect, and precision mattered most. Her hands were made for the controls of a ship, and by her teenage years, she was already outperforming seasoned pilots in simulators.
Though physically slight—never one for feats of brute strength—Solaris had something far more valuable: unmatched reflexes and a mind that saw solutions where others saw problems. She was quick on her feet, in both thought and action, and it didn’t take long for those around her to recognize her as a prodigy behind the controls of any craft. Solaris made up for her lack of physical endurance with sheer skill and speed. There was little she couldn’t maneuver her way out of.
Despite her Social charm—inherited, perhaps, from her father’s way with people—Solaris was no stranger to stepping on toes. Her confidence had a bite, and her flirtatiousness, while often playful, hid a deeper self-assurance. She knew she was good—better than most, and she wasn’t afraid to let others know it. This made her popular at parties, but also the subject of whispers. To her, it didn’t matter. She was here to fly, not to make friends.
Her intellectual sharpness extended into her studies when they interested her, but traditional education didn’t hold her attention long. Solaris didn’t need books to tell her what her instincts already knew. By the age of 16, she was preparing for military service, not because she had to, but because she was destined for it. Her flight skills, natural confidence, and the weight of her family’s legacy made anything less than excellence unthinkable. At 18, Solange "Solaris" Venn was cocky, brilliant, and reckless when she needs to be, she’s not just following in her family’s footsteps—she’s out to surpass them.
Solange "Solaris" Venn’s trajectory seemed inevitable: a prodigy destined for greatness, born to an admiral mother and a pilot father, with the sky and the stars practically calling her name from birth. When the time came to enter the Imperial Naval Academy, no one doubted that Solaris would soar through with flying colors. No one except Solaris herself.
The entrance exams were a formality. Her Intellect and sharp thinking should have been enough, but confidence doesn’t always account for hubris. Solaris failed spectacularly. It wasn’t a lack of skill—far from it—but her self-assured arrogance and rebellious streak collided head-on with the rigid structure of military life. Instructors found her fractious and dismissive of protocol, and her confrontational nature quickly earned her enemies in the Academy. She challenged authority too often, trusting in her instincts rather than following the established chain of command.
The final blow came when her greatest protector—her mother—died suddenly in an off-world skirmish. With her mother gone, Solaris no longer had a shield to deflect the political and personal fallout of her fiery temper. It was only a matter of time before her failure at the Academy became inevitable. The military doors that had once seemed wide open slammed shut. Solaris was expelled, a failure by all accounts.
For the first time in her life, her world—so assured, so destined for greatness—crumbled. Worse yet, the rift between her and her father deepened into estrangement. Once her greatest ally, her father withdrew after her mother’s death, devastated and bitter. Solaris, unable to deal with his grief or her own, chose to cut ties and leave Mora. She no longer fit the life that was laid out for her. She needed the unknown, the uncharted—somewhere her past couldn’t catch her.
With nothing left on Mora but memories of failure and strained relationships, Solange signed on with the Imperial Scout Service, determined to escape her past by diving headfirst into the unknown. Scouting offered her something the Navy could not: freedom. Here, out in the vastness of space, she didn’t need to answer to anyone but herself.
Assigned as a Surveyor, Solaris took to her training as if she’d been born for it. Survival skills came naturally to someone as sharp and quick as her. Whether navigating unfamiliar terrain or adapting to harsh environments, she excelled. Her mechanic training gave her the technical grounding she’d always lacked, while her piloting skill was sharpened by real-world experience—this time without the arrogance that had gotten her kicked out of the Academy. She also learned how to fire a gun competently, a necessary skill in the dangerous fringes of known space.
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. During one deep-space mission, something went wrong—terribly wrong. Solaris had been surveying the fringes of friendly space, but the next thing she knew, she was drifting, alone and unconscious, in her ship. When she came to, she had no recollection of what had happened. The entire experience was a black void in her memory. By the time a patrol found her vessel, Solaris was barely alive, and her ship was a wreck. The Imperial Scouts never figured out exactly what had happened to her, and neither did she.
After that, the Scout Service didn’t seem like the best place to be anymore. The unknown had taken her and spit her back out, scarred in ways she couldn’t quite define. She returned to the only thing she truly knew: flying.
When Solaris returned to the Imperial Navy, it wasn’t to ask for a second chance—it was to prove them wrong. They had written her off, branded her a failure, but Solaris wasn’t about to let her story end like that. She would prove to them—and to herself—that she was the best pilot they had ever seen.
Her return was met with skepticism, but this time Solaris kept her rebellious streak under wraps, at least long enough to get her foot back in the door. She passed her entry exams with flying colors—the same intellect and dexterity that had once gotten her in trouble were now focused with laser-like precision. She was assigned to Flight, where her raw talent as a pilot quickly became undeniable.
During her service, Solaris' ship was thrust into a notable military engagement—a battle that could have ended badly if not for her. Under fire, she executed evasive maneuvers and tactical decisions that saved not only her ship but several others. It wasn’t just skill—it was instinct. This earned her respect among her peers and solidified her position as one of the Navy’s top pilots. She honed her pilot proficiency to new level during this period, finally embodying the title she had long claimed for herself.
After the battle, Solaris' squadron docked at a non-military station hastily repurposed to support the Navy’s expanding operations. It was here she met Vex Sterling, a talented mechanic assigned to work on her fighter. While Solaris celebrated her recent triumph, boasting her skill and basking in the admiration of her peers, she noticed Vex's capable hands on her ship and struck up a connection. Impressed by his work, she allowed him to continue maintaining her fighter while offering him tips on piloting. This partnership not only helped Vex improve his piloting skills but also ensured her fighter remained in perfect condition, enabling her to continue proving herself as one of the Navy’s top pilots.
Her performance didn’t go unnoticed. Against all odds, and despite her past, Solaris was commissioned as an officer, becoming an Ensign in the Imperial Navy. The promotion wasn’t just about her flying skills—it was also about her ability to wield a blade when necessary. In close-quarters combat, Solaris trained in melee combat and became proficient with a blade, ensuring she was as dangerous on the ground as she was in the air.
But despite her victories and her new rank, Solaris’ motivations had changed. She wasn’t just trying to prove herself anymore; she was trying to build something beyond the shadows of her past. The brash arrogance of her youth was tempered by the harsh lessons of failure and survival. She now carried herself with a quieter, more focused determination—though that edge of confidence never left. She still believed she was the best, but now, she had the skill and the rank to back it up.
By the time Solange "Solaris" Venn left her Navy career behind, she had earned not just respect, but something far more valuable: self-assurance. She had proven to herself that she could overcome the worst of what life threw at her, from the depths of failure at the Naval Academy to the mysteries of her time lost in space. Every challenge had sharpened her further, every setback had pushed her forward.
She walked away from the Navy with a deeper understanding of the universe, and a refined intellect. More importantly, she walked away knowing that while the galaxy was vast and dangerous, there was no part of it she couldn’t navigate.
With her newfound skills, her pilot expertise finely honed, and the scars of her past both literal and figurative, Solaris was ready for whatever came next. She had no intention of staying idle. The stars called to her, and this time, there were no more strings tying her down—not to Mora, not to her family, and certainly not to the Navy. Now, Solaris was truly free.


Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Laser Pistol 11 30m 3D+3 2 100 Zero-G, Laser Sight
-- Laser Sight - 50m - - - DM+1 to attack
Stunstick 8 Melee 2D 1 - Stun

Name Protection TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth +8 10 - 5 -

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= 11)
Item TL Item WT
Breather Mask 10 Combines the filter and respirator into a single package, fit into the nose. -
Mobile Comm 10 Multiple forms of data, Computer/1 -
Light Intensifier Goggles 9 Combines with IR goggles into a single unit. -
Total Load [ 8 ]

Augments TL Effect

2250 cr.


Last edited by savoylen; Oct 19th, 2024 at 01:27 PM.
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