Game Thread Prologue: Comrades, We Have a Problem - RPG Crossing
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Old May 29th, 2021, 11:58 PM
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Prologue: Comrades, We Have a Problem

An Otherwise Ordinary Meeting

It was an otherwise ordinary meeting.

The minutes were read and approved.

Dorfin Shieldstone objected to the guild's official crest of two ferrets chasing one another's tails.

"Why ferrets and why two?" he said, as he had said for each of the past 23 monthly meetings, perhaps thinking that by bringing up this critique without cessation that someone might eventually see his point.

"Overruled!" said the presiding guild member, Orwin Bramblewood.

"But you haven't even ..."

"Overruled! I said."

And so the meeting was about to end, when Senior Guild Member Class IV Narlal Yrilty stood to speak.

There was a collective gasp. As all guild members knew, Senior Guild Member Class IV Narlal Yrilty rarely spoke. And when she did, it was most often to her tools.
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Artist: NaleBunny 99

"Brothers, sisters, comrades of Guild 499 ... we have a problem. For many years, our guild has shared the city with three other guilds. As guilds go ... they aren't bad guilds, just not great ones. Well, today I must say, one of them has gone bad. I have been told—though I didn't, couldn't believe it at first—that Guild 372 has been recruiting members in our neighborhoods!"

Another collective gasp arose. When Yrilty spoke, she pulled a punch. Really? A rival guild recruiting on another's territory?! This was unprecedented.

Yrilty continued to give details of what she learned and how she learned it. Unfortunately, it could not be denied. In effect, Guild 372 had declared war.

Presiding guild member Orwin Bramblewood sunk in his seat. The poor halfing felt dogged by the authority of his office when he had to make simple decisions, such as appointing the committee to decide what meats and salads would be prepared for the annual "Welcome New Guild Members!" buffet—this was beyond him.

"Does ... does ... anyone ... have ... suggestions?" Bramblewood managed to sputter.

And then you rose ...

"Yes, yes," Bramblewood says, "the chair recognizes Brother Amari ... this is in regard to the shocking news just shared with us, is it not Brotehr Amari? There will be time to discuss the Harvest Festival Membership Drive at next month's meeting. Not that we do not think the work you do on that is unimportant, not at all, not at all ... it's just we must concentrate on this most unfortunate development. So, Brother Amari?"

Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 13th, 2021 at 11:35 PM.
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Old Jun 13th, 2021, 10:58 PM
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”Maybe if I moved that spring over here, and increased the tension by twenty-percent…” Amari mused to himself. As normal for the scattered brain elf, he was sketching on a piece of scrap parchment. The tinkerer knew that nothing in this meeting was going to pertain to him, or his beloved harvest festival, so after about a minute his mind began to wonder in a hundred different directions.

”Yes, that looks as if it could work. Those pesky rats will no longer eat my parchment!” Amari gave an almost sinister chuckle that drew more than one glance from his neighbors. Completely oblivious to the conversation at hand, (” that Guild 372 has been recruiting members in our neighborhoods!”) especial the sudden gasps, the feykin pulled out several trinkets and parts and began to assemble them. It was clear that the young inventor was trying to create a spring loaded guillotine like device triggered by a pressure plate that was loaded with a treat for the rats. He had almost had the ‘trap’ set, when it misfired (” Does ... does ... anyone ... have ... suggestions?”) and snapped painfully down on to his dexterous fingers, causing the man to jump from his seat in pain.

"Yes, yes," Bramblewood says, "the chair recognizes Brother Amari ..."

Amari’s stunned expression fluttered to each of the members seated about the room. Luckily for Amari, his expression of surprise, confusion and pain fit quite well the news that was just given, whatever it was. ”Well, isn't it obvious….we should devise a plan to resolve the issue; of course!” the Artificer gave his default answer to any problem. ”I would be glad to make this my top priority! I would just need the minutes from the meeting; you know I work better if I have it in writing, and I will set off on the task at hand immediately!”

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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Jun 16th, 2021 at 08:43 PM.
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Old Jun 13th, 2021, 11:56 PM
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The Minutes from the Meeting are in Real Time

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Guild Hall 499 During the Voting Interval

"The minutes from the meeting, Brother Amari, are ongoing in real time," came the quick and rather haughty reply from Brother Barton, the guild scribe and unclassified oppossum-humanoid.

That "unclassified" part is a bit of a sore point with Barton, who has written countless letters to the scribes Volo and Xanathar and even the more dubious Professor Unearth Ed. R. Cainya begging them to officially classify his race into the codex of recognized creatures. But for some reason, none of them had. Perhaps the cruel rumors that Barton was nothing more than a middle-aged clerk with a smelly fur costume were correct after all; or perhaps there simply weren't enough of the creatures to be classified, and Barton simply wasn't remarkable enough to be "legendary" or even "extremely rare." He was, for the most part, simply "pedantic and annoying"--and there wasn't any demand for those sort of creatures.

But, to his credit, Barton was a good scribe. And his observation was entirely accurate. The meeting was ongoing, live. Here and now. And the meeting wouldn't have its official minutes read out until it had ended. But for now, it had just begun.

"Well, yes," said Chairperson Bramblewood. "Let's hear the ideas!"

His words opened up a torrent of response. Before Amari had spoken, the other guild members were reluctant to rise and share their thoughts because they were afraid their ideas might be adopted and that they might be drafted into implementing them. But now that Amari had volunteered to carry out the mission—any mission—without even knowing what the mission was...well, now the guild brothers and sisters were free to float their most outrageous, beautiful and impractical schemes. If you ask a guild hall full of artificers to prepared to listen.

Which is what everyone did. For an hour. Then two. Then five then seven.

At the end of all the presentations, most ridiculous, some less so, Barton the scribe looked to Chairperson Bramblewood to direct the guild's next step. So did all the other eyes in the guild hall.

Poor Bramblewood. It is hard to snooze when dozens of eyes are upon you. And that is precisely what Bramblewood had been doing. In fact, it would later be realized, Bramblewood had been snoozing for the past 3 to 4 hours.

Talk about a scandal.

"Excuse me, Chairperson Bramblewood," Barton called loudly across the hall. "Which plan is being adopted?"

"Ummm, yes, yes. Well, so many good ones," replied Bramblewood trying to sit up in his chair and failing to convince anyone that he hadn't been napping. He knew it. All the brothers and sisters of the guild knew it. He knew they knew it. Awkward. "Well, this is an important decision. So...I will ask my three esteemed colleagues on the executive committee to each summarize and present a short argument for the plan they most heartily endorse, and then—because any of the three finalist plans will be solid—the guild members may vote from among those three and even include one more if Brother Amari wishes to advance any of the other plans that were presented."

Several gasps came from across the guild hall. This response from Chairperson Bramblewood was—how to say it—surprisingly good coming from someone who had irresponsibly abdicated their responsibilities for the past several hours. Or maybe not? Perhaps Chairperson Bramblewood should snooze more often during important meetings? (Had he done so, the guild might have avoided that entire fiasco that had come from Bramblewood's insistence that the guild buy up stock in the old windmill and turn it into a zappo-zappo magic generator many reputations lost on that venture.)

Brother Barton picked up his quill as Chairperson Bramblewood looked to his executive committee and called them up for their presentations.

"Brother Shieldstone, why don't you go first?" Bramblewood says with a smile and nod to the dwarf seated at his right.

"Hmmm. Don't mind if I do. And I'll make it short and solid ... just in case anyone is feeling drowsy". It's possible that Shieldstone said this with a smile under his beard. But, with his beard and with his general disposition, it's hard to tell.


There was a smattering of applause as he sat down. Mostly from other dwarves in the guild, but also from several members who always favored direct action.

"Thank you, Brother Shieldstone. Sister Rolpfer? Would you be ready to present?" Briarwood said, turning to the tortle on his left who was already rising to speak.


"Hmmm, I don't remember that plan being presented in quite that manner, but it seems your variation of it has met with widespread approval across the hall," says Chairperson Bramblewood. Ok. "Let's hear from our esteemed Brother Wertz, "he says nodding to the human sitting across from him. The elderly gentleman slowly rises, clears his throat and begins speaking with a muffled voice. The guild members lean in to hear him, it is clear from the silence across the room that Brother Wertz is universally respected among the rank and file.


And suddenly Brother Wertz was finished.

"So, just a report then, Brother Wertz?" Bramblewood sought to clarify.

"Oh, that is only the first step. But essential," answered Wertz.

"Well, okay," said Bramblewood, who clearly had been sleeping when the idea was originally presented some 2 hours ago.

"So...there we have it, our three ideas. Unless of course, Brother Amari wants to add in his own? If he does, we will hear him out and then adjourn for one hour before voting begins. If he does not, then we adjourn now and will gather again in one hour to commence voting."

And Bramblewood looks at Brother Amari to see what it will be...

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Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 14th, 2021 at 01:08 AM.
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Old Jun 15th, 2021, 10:46 PM
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Amari listen carefully for about three-quarters of an hour, and then again the young inventor again fell pray to his short attention span. After a long day of ideas and arguments, the elf was ready to just be done with the meeting.

Upon being called upon, Amari stood once again ”I have nothing further to add, aside from to say that I would like to second Brother Wertz’s suggested plan of actions. It seems the most reasonable!” With his piece said, the young man sat back down, pulling a snack from his pocket his pocket; completely forgetting he has been scolded a dozen or more times for snacking during the meeting.

Looking about the room, Amari asked the question he was sure everyone else was thinking "Is that all, can we go now?"

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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Jun 15th, 2021 at 10:47 PM.
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Old Jun 16th, 2021, 11:03 PM
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'Ficer Like a Dwarf!

Could they go now? Well, on most nights, yes.

And, perhaps, if Brother Wertz and Brother Amari had struck a better chord with their fellow brothers and sisters, then maybe the guild could have voted to adjourn and come back the next day with a more reasonable and well-thought plan.

But the crowd wanted to vote. And, in the end, the vote wasn't even close.

One might think that artificers are generally a group inclined to the "hey, let's plan this out and make sure everything is in place and wound up properly before we go marching in" or "let's do it...but do it clever-like" approach to things. And, generally, they are. At least the artificers of Guild 499 are certainly that way. Call them the nerds of the adventuring world, if you like ... but just because they tend to shy from direct confrontation doesn't mean they can't rise to the occasion. All they need, apparently, is a dwarf with bloodlust and a cask of beer.

"Come on, Pipkno! You know we don't have time for Brother Wertz' sneaky double-agent approach. Are you a gnome, or are you a gnome! Are you a brother, or are you a brother! Do you have honor or do you have honor?" says Shieldstone as he pours the gnome a stein about as tall as...well, a gnome. And Pipkno is buying it. Pipko! The only artificer more mild-mannered and easy-going than Brother Wertz. Apparently Shieldstone's blunt and direct approach did the job. Because, boy is Pipkno loaded for bear—any bear will do.

"It's time to act!" He shouts in slurs. "Guild 372 must be brought down!"

Brother Wertz looks on, head in his hands, horrified at the blood lust that has been unleashed.

Brother Barton feels it, too. The possum-person had hoped that perhaps a few gold coins might have been slipped his way to ensure a "fair" count ... but, no, no amount of gold coins could tip the balance.

Even Sister Rolfper realizes it's a lost cause. She casts her vote, and leaves with one or two like-minded artificers: "I'm washing my claws of this," she announces as she pulls her head into her shell and closes the guild door behind her. "I don't want to know what we are going to do. But I'll be here to pick up the pieces, I guess."

When the final vote is announced, there is a roar from the crowd—and not just dwarvish voices. The Brothers and Sisters of Guild 499 have spoken.
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Even Bramblewood...

And—wait, what's this?!—Bramblewood—mild-mannered milquetoast Bramblewood—is in on the action. He is standing on the top of the committee table, a short sword in either hand, sleeves rolled up to reveal some rather unwise tattoos of his more youthful days.

"Strike hard! Strike soon! Strike ..." he pauses trying to think how to finish up his cheer, not having done the blood and guts speech much in his past... "Strike stupendously!" he finishes. It isn't a great speech, but for this crowd, it will do.

"Amari! Amari! Amari!" they chant. They pick up their new hero, place him on their shoulders, and carry him through the streets, navigating winding alleys, past the tanneries and beyond the chairmakers' lane, right up to the confectionery shop, the very edge of Guild 499 territory.

"There you are, brother!" Shieldstone says approvingly. "And let me say, on behalf of all of us, but also on the other half which is me ... I approve that an elf is the one to carry out this mission. Go forth and destroy!"

Here, at the edge of enemy territory, nobody will give too loud of cheer...but they do encouragingly prod Amari forward. Gentle pushes. Firm pushes. Hearty pushes. All in the direction of Guildhall 372, two blocks to the south, and one block east.

They don't seem like they will move until they have seen Amari head that way.

"I was there! I was there when we sent them off!" each brother and sister seems to want to be able to say for years and years to come.


Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 16th, 2021 at 11:14 PM.
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Old Jun 18th, 2021, 10:53 PM
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”Whoa! Whoa what….what are you doing?!” Amari blurted as the others scooped him up. ”I am not ready to go now…I need my….oh Onatar are you not listening?” he continued, along with many other curses and expletives that flowed from his mouth over the course of what felt like an eternity.

”Great! Look what you have done, now what am I supposed to do with out my stuff…” Amari began, and as if the question was expected, his pack with weapons and all flew over the heads of the front few rows to land at his feet. ”There ya go. Any more excuses?” a voice Amari did not recognize over the din replied.

”No I suppose not” the elf mumbled to himself before turning trot down the streets. The tinker went a block south then a block to the east, stopping on that corner to give himself a moment to think. ”It was obvious that the guild would be swarming around the territory border, excited to see what might happen. It’ll take some time before they get bored and return to the hall.”

While thinking things through, Amari noticed some lose stones on the ground, and gathered a few he felt to be the correct size. With the items in place, he pulled out his scroll case, and removed the cover. Methodically the artificer compared the opening of the tube with the rocks, until he found one that fit exactly. Pulling out the tiny drills from his thieves’ tools, Amari began to drill several holes into the rock, which he then filled with his magical energy; causing the rock to Using Magical Tinkering to cause the rock to shed light.glow. Once satisfied with the stone, he slid it snugly into the end of the scroll case and snapped the I just created a flashlight for a character with darkvision. Who knows why!! ^_^lid back in place.

Done tinkering with his news invention, the light tube, Amari decided to scout out the area around guildhall 372 and see what kind of security they have about the building.

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Old Jun 19th, 2021, 11:50 PM
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Ladies and Gentlemen, if you look just up ahead you will see ... the remains of Guild Hall 372

Who knows what a rock-glow might prove useful for?

Certainly, you could toss it into a rat hole and expose rats hiding there.

Or, you could toss it into a lake and watch the illumination sink to the bottom. It would be beautiful and the carp at the depths could make of it what they will.

But who really expected that creating a rock-glow would lead to these effects? And perhaps these effects were not connected to the glow-rock, but they came right after it first, really, the burden on a great scientific mind would be to prove that they are not connected.
And here's what happened ...

Just as Amari placed the glow-rock in the tube and sealed it, these things occurred at almost the same time.

Guild Hall 372 erupted with a great explosion, its limestone foundation, its wood timbering, its stone brims all spewed into the sky and landed like mortar around the streets. There were screams of pain from what had been dark crevices along the narrow pathway, but now exposed by the light of the flames and incendiary flashes. A half-orc screamed in pain as fragments of rock tore into him and then collapsed, his body slumped against the alleyway. A dwarf cowered in fear nearby, trying valiantly but ineffectually to cover the half-orc's larger body with his own dwarvish proportions. Inexplicably, the debris fell around Amari, honoring your first Dex crit rollwho managed to dodge the larger pieces and emerge entirely unscathed, and certainly unharmed by the smoldering piece of parchment that had been taken in the updrafts and lazily fell to the ground before him...a map of a guild hall. This happened immediately around Amari.

At the same time, just ahead of Amari, Guild Hall 372 continued to simultaneously erupt and collapse. The rocks and materials that did not fly skyward, fell into themselves collapsing with a sudden finality that surely surprised the spirits of these steadfast materials. As a particularly large oaken crossbeam discarded itself from the roof, it gouged a gaping hole in the guild hall floor room and exposed a stairway, a cellar perhaps, that had Honoring your 19 perception rollbeen covered by a secret door. Amari would recognize this as the guild hall's inner sanctum, a hiding spot that every guild had (and some had several) for their most secretive inventions-in-progress, or their gold, or their most illicit experimental projects. This all happened a mere 50 to 100 feet in front of Amari.

At the same time, just behind Amari, the unmistakable sound of crossbow bolts went off. The bolts flew true and fast, but the target—Amari—had at the same moment already began ducking the first chunk of debris coming his way, and so by mere chance, Honoring your second Crit roll on Dexhe also ducked the bolts. Instead, two of the bolts twirled harmlessly to the ground after being deflected by the debris as it fell to the ground, and one bolt continued its course past Amari and into the thigh of the dwarf cowering in the alleyway. The dwarf cries out in pain, and now both the half-orc and the dwarf begin to comfort one another as debris continues to rain. This happened immediately behind and in front of Amari.

Other things happened at the same time ... though they certainly were not caused by the tubular glow-rock...were they? But they are significant, so some small part of Amari's brain registers them. Some of his guild brothers and sisters are, it seems, up above on a nearby roof watching. And some figures are valiantly rushing toward Guild Hall 372, perhaps to rescue items? Perhaps to loot them. Amari could watch and see, if more bolts don't come his way and if debris does not eventually find him. Or he could race toward the hall himself and beat the figures to whatever location within it he chooses. Or, he could create another glow-rock tube...because doing that seemed to set so many things in motion. Or maybe not, but it would be difficult to prove otherwise.

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Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 20th, 2021 at 12:53 AM.
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Old Jun 21st, 2021, 10:19 AM
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”Holy crap! I am awesome; Crap I’m going to kill myself!” were the first two thoughts to cross Amari’s mind as the guild hall before him exploded. ”the world seems to have become a resident of the plane of chaos; because everything was being very chaotic…Heh…heh....good one Amari; your so very witty.”

Frozen in place for maybe a second too long, the elven craftsman finally was able to comprehend that crossbow bolts had very nearly hit him. Divided between going to help the injured people on the streets, getting out of sight of the attempted assassin and completing his mission; the obvious answer became well; obvious. Two of the three objects could be achieved by dashing forward into the hall’s inner sanctum.

So that is just what the tinkerer member of guild 499 did, drawing his longsword in one hand, he dashed forward down into what he hoped to be the bowels of guild 372’s inner sanctum.

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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Jun 21st, 2021 at 10:40 AM.
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Old Jun 21st, 2021, 10:54 PM
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To the hall!

Brother! Amari hears the cry of the abandoned half-orc as he races past the wounded and toward the ruins. He has only gone 20, perhaps 30, feet when he hears another cry, two of them in fact, and each preceded by the unmistakable click and sppfff of the release and flight of a crossbow bolt.

Then there were no more screams.
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Then there were no more screams

But there are footsteps. There are several in the distance, but approaching rapidly from the right. There are some further directly behind. And there is one pair—which by the sound of it is wearing reinforced wooden heels—coming up directly behind Amari.

The elf dashes around some rubble, avoids a pockmark of debris in the pathway, and leaps over what appears to be a solid chunk of roofing dislodged on the ground and starting to catch fire from the sparks that lazily drift downward.

Thunk! It seems Amari's pursuer is not so lucky, and the brave artificer estimates he has gained at least 20 feet in distance (and the opportunity to hear several curses hurled at him from someone whose footsteps now sound out thump, draggggggg ... thump, draggggggg ... thump, draggggggg instead of the rapid pursuing thump-thump-thump-thump of before.

As he approaches the entrance to the guild hall (what had been the entrance at least) Amari can also hear at least two figures moving to him from another alley off to the right.

Quickly surveying the structure, he sees most of it in ruins. The entrance to the chamber is about 20 feet before him; there is also a stairway that leads to what is the only intact section of the second floor; and one interior wall stands off to the left, obscuring parts of the guild hall that might or might not be extant.

Thump, dragggggg ... the sound brings him back to the dangers behind him. Amari estimates he has anywhere from 10-30 seconds before either of the groups have caught up to him.

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Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 21st, 2021 at 10:56 PM.
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Old Jun 23rd, 2021, 11:53 PM
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”Well this is not good, is it?” Amari thought to himself, as he continued to try and dodge on remaining debris that was crumbling down upon him. ”I better turn and face this guys eventually. I guess I should bring out pester, it’s a shame too! I just figured out to condense him down!” the artificer decided as he continued to dash forward.

Finally after scrambling over many piles of debris and other random obstacles, the Elven champion of guild 499 made it to the mouth of the stairs leading deeper into the ruin guild hall. Bring his shield to bare, the inventor shoved his hand deep into his pocket, bring out a small oblong capsule; and with his thumb he compressed a plunger on the top before tossing the capsule towards the ground.


The capsule exploded into a small, almost comical like puff of gray smoke, and which dissolved to reveal a small-ish mechanical badgeroid creature. ”Ah yes, did you join your nap, Pester? Amari asked his steel companion before scanning the direction he ran from to see if he could locate the incoming threat.


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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Jun 23rd, 2021 at 11:55 PM.
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Old Jun 25th, 2021, 12:41 AM
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Guild 372. Renovations might be in order.

Orvin Rosehill had hunted many game. And all those hunts, all those seasons, all those trophies—all of that experience had given him a sense of when he was moving in for the kill. And as he leaped over the rubble and gained on Amari he knew—he was moving in for the kill.

But here's one thing about hunting. Usually when a deer or a boar or even a giant bear is cornered in the woods ... it doesn't think to pop out some metallic badger with dangerous blades and kitchen gadgets attached to its back. No, Orvin hadn't seen that before. Darn these artificers! He knew when he took the job that there could be some surprises, but nobody had warned him about this.

Spooked by Pester's sudden experience, Orwin leaped behind some rubble and waited. it was clear his prey was aiming to go down into the cellar, so Orwin could simply shoot now or shoot later when the prey emerged, presumably burdened with whatever plunder he had came for. And, best of all, Orwin could hear from the footsteps behind him that soon he would be joined by his two companions who had finished taking care of that dwarf and or (or half-orc, who knows? who cares?) who had been hiding in the alleyway.

But unfortuntely, Orwin realized, there were other footsteps, off to his right. Three other figures emerged running down the pathway and they, too, jumped behind a pile of rubble and waited—two of them aiming bows at Orwin's prey, and one of them at Orwin.

It was a three-way stand-off.

And everyone was waiting for the elf (or maybe that badger) to make the next move.
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Old Jun 26th, 2021, 10:51 PM
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Watching everything unfold around him, Amari quickly realized that he was out numbered. There was a chance, slim as it may be, that Amari could hold his own in this three way fight; but that was not a chance he was willing to take. ”Lets go Pester” Amari mumbled before he turned to run down the stairs at his feet.

”If they follow, hopefully I can find a place a little narrower so that I can use their numbers against them!”


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Old Jun 27th, 2021, 11:18 AM
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In the Guild 372 CellarWho knows the effects of creating a glow-rock stick? Surely, when Amari stopped and made this little invention—a mere distraction, really—did he know how useful it would become? Or did creating the stick make it useful? These are weighty questions, cause, effect, fate and the solipsism of flashlight-narratives...all worthy of being the center of a guild symposium. And artificers, being the type they are, just go all fan-boy and fan-girl about symposiums with abstract questions. Really, Armani should make a note of this as a headline lecture for next year's Fall Harvest Festival. (It certainly beats Pipkno's idea to have mechanical gourd derby battles...or, actually, does it?)

Somehow though if you are a betting person, you might feel inclined to bet that Armani won't remember any of this. After all, he's busy running downstairs into pitch darkness, leaving behind his pursuers locked into some crossbow-showdown standstill.

Except, of course, it isn't pitch darkness is it?

But what would you call this? The glow-rock stick doesn't saturate the entire room with light, rather it illuminates section-by-section. Isolated spotlights appear in full illumination as Amari sweeps the focus of the stick across the room.

And here's what he sees as he moves the spotlight around him, clockwise.

Spotlight 1 (directly in front of him, noonish on a clock direction): Banners, pennants, scarves, blankets...all sorts of accessories all in Guild 372's colors of scarlet and orange (yeah, not only are they nerds—I mean, artificers, so come on—but these particular nerds have no fashion sense).

Spotlight 2: (about 1-3 o'clock on a clock direction): Wine and beer casks (empty or full, who knows, all depends if you think artificers who wear scarlet and orange scarves party hardy or hardly party)

Spotlight 3: (about 4-5 o'clock on a clock direction): Mops, brooms, dusters and dust bins (I mean, this is a basement, where else would you keep your cleaning supplies?)

Spotlight 4: (about 6-7 o'clock on clock direction): Chains, shackles and holding cells (I mean, this is a basement, where else would you keep your prison supplies?)

Spotlight 5: (about 8-9 o'clock on clock direction) Old trophies and plaques (Actually, this is the most surprising thing so far, was there ever a time when Guild 372 actually won the City-wide Guild Bowl?)
right-aligned image

Spotlight 6: (about 9:30 on the clock direction) Pester

Spotlight 7: (about 10-12 on the clock direction) Old cogs, broken levers, mishaped nuts and bolts, broken springs and other salvaged materials that could be reused for new creations (Actually, this is the least surprising thing to find so far, every guild has to have a junk parts pile.)

Wait ... wasn't Pester still on the stairway behind Armani?

If Armani looks behind him, he will realize he is.

So how does that work? What does that mean?

Last edited by bananabadger; Jun 27th, 2021 at 11:21 AM.
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Old Jun 29th, 2021, 10:21 PM
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”What are you doing there Pester?” Amari asked, fully expecting an answer that would never come. The Elf knew that his invention could not talk, but it could at least react, but this ‘Pester’ didn’t even do that! What gives?

”Why are you ignoring me? Come now, this is not my fault, I was coming just to investigate!” The elf continued as he examined the junk heap for any interesting bits or pieces to salvage. Choosing a few choice pieces, he quickly grabs them up and slips them into the appropriate storage place. With a glance back at ‘Pester’, the tinker frowned, that was until a mechanical paw was set on his shoulder.

”Gahh!” escaped his lips in a all too high pitched screech as Amari jumped and then spun to face Pester. ”Don’t sneak up on me like that Pester, I was talking to Pes….” Then finally the dilemma dawned on Amari.

……..There was two Pesters.

”Shucks! I thought a mechanical badger was going to be super unique! I thought I was original. Hey wait….this is, that’s not another badger; that’s you. Exactly… Amari explained to his mechanical companion. Then the possibilities started to flow through his mind. ”I finished Pester and revealed him, what; two weeks ago? It took me five months to make him, I’m not the best, but no one is good enough to make one in two weeks. That means…someone was in my room!” The artificer fumed at the realization of his infringed privacy. It was one thing to know someone was stealing guild secrets, but another to know someone was stealing his secrets. This was going too far! ”Well, I need to see if there is anymore to explore around here.” Amari thought to himself as he began to shine his rock tube around. "Oh, right. This would go faster if I switched to my dark vision. the young elf thought to himself as he stowed his 'glowtube' away.

Amari then set off to searching the room he was in more in-depth. Was there any more exits? Any secret doors? Anything of true value? Taking his time, Amari made sure to open ever container, sift through ever pile and more importantly to give the Pest’a’poster a good once over to see how exact of a copy it was.


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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Jun 29th, 2021 at 10:23 PM.
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Old Jun 29th, 2021, 10:39 PM
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A Pester here, a Pester there, here a Pester, there a Pester, everywhere a P-P-Pester
right-aligned image

It wasn't quite the same Pester, Amari now realized.

The Pester in the basement still had a few loose sprockets and springs. And it was—in Amari's purely unbiased opinion—just made a bit more shoddily. In short, it was a knock-off.

As Amari studied the Pester, he heard the unmistakable sounds of crossbow bolts being exchanged and an even more unmistakable sound of a force cannon erupting. Rubble crashed to the ground.

With a battle raging above, Amari realized he could search all day, but eventually the conflict would spill down to him. Or something else could happen?

He had to prioritize.

Where would he look, and how intensely would he look?

OOC for searching
You've decided to search. Bravo!

Amari can do a quick search on two sections each turn, or he can do an intense search on one section. (You will have different DCs depending on what you choose and, of course, whether there is something in that section to find—the sections are the "spotlight" illuminations in the previous post.)'s what I need from you.
1) Name which section(s) you are searching
2) Give me an investigation roll with your skill modifier (1 for each section searched)

This can move fairly quickly, so if I see you make a post, I'll respond once I see it; no need to go every-other day on roll-result post.

Good luck!

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