Estella Kang, Engineer/Gunner
![]() Estella Kang Age: 33 Home Planet: Mars Height:|5'10''|Weight:|160 lbs
Last edited by Xyza; Jul 14th, 2023 at 06:21 AM. |
Character Creation Last edited by Xyza; Feb 10th, 2023 at 12:53 AM. |
Background Early Years ![]() A young Estella's academic merit was unquestionable, earning her a scholarship to the orbiting Olympus University and the opportunity to study the type of Astro-Engineering that would lead to a life of spacefaring. A propensity for attending the ever popular Zero-G parties on campus prevented further academic achievement, but Estella's degree in Astro-Engineering with a specialty in M-Drive manipulation was still highly sought-after, particularly among the Martian military institutions seeking to bolster their fleet for anticipated conflicts with Earth. Promises from recruiters of a chance to explore the solar system, work with state-of-the-art technology, and even eventually command her own ship were enough to attract the young engineer, and she soon enrolled at the Ares Naval Academy on Mars. Transitioning from starry-eyed academia to physically-focused military life was a major jump - but for Estella it was liberating. The best times in university (other than the parties) had been the opportunities to actually operate a spaceship drive, feeling the precise machinery come to life all around...the worst had been being cooped up with nothing but books and theories. The Naval Academy was all action, all the time, whether it was getting basic training in combat or actually operating a ship as a crew. Estella had gone in to the academy as part of the prestigious officer track, in line to take a command position upon graduation. Things did not turn out straightforward, however. Estella's propensity for talking out of line with whatever was on her mind did not go over nearly as well in the disciplined military environment, earning the ire and disapproval of a number of officer instructors. The cherry on top was Estella's fervent enthusiasm about her new hobby - explosives. Though not directly in her field, there was an opportunity for elective studies, where she quickly became enamored. The sheer thrill of blowing things up, seeing and feeling beautifully designed engineering all coming together to engulf the area in a cleansing inferno...it was an irreplaceable feeling. However, upon an attempt to acquire the Navy certification for explosive handling, Estella's zeal backfired. In her mind, upping the ante of her demonstration to completely destroy the hull of a decommissioned ship not only displayed her skill, but exposed a crucial flaw in that model's design. In the minds of her instructors, this reckless action was the last straw. Only the petitions of a few sympathizers prevented complete expulsion and dishonorable discharge - but Estella was prevented from graduating the academy and removed entirely from the officer track. Soldier of the Stars ![]() She quickly began building a reputation among the fleet, both for her daring and technically complex maneuvers, and for her hot-headed impulsiveness. Many an officer burst a vein upon hearing about Estella's "experimental overclocking" and "strategic close-range bombardments", but for the most part the results spoke for themselves. Engaging in frequent skirmishes with rival militaries or pirate vessels, the Vulcan fared quite well with the help of its audacious 'gearhead'. Though throwing the ship into abnormal gravity one too many times made her unpopular among some of the crew, Estella found her home among other 'colorful' figures of a below-decks gambling circle on board. Developing her skills with advanced ship technology, and actually being rewarded for her efforts in rank, Estella re-enlisted for another term aboard the Vulcan. As tensions with Earthling forces, among others, rose with the belligerent Martian military, Estella and her crew found themselves in battle more and more frequently. She not only became a veteran of in-combat drive manipulation and mounted weapon operation, but from time to time engaged in direct combat as well. All of this continued to be a thrill for Estella, and she enjoyed just about every day on board, despite the regulations and reprimands. The Venus Incident The Vulcan's service tour came to a climax one day as the ship responded to a distress signal near Venus. They were able to rescue a stranded scientist, but soon found themselves in fierce combat with forces from Earth who reacted poorly to the supposed territorial infringement. Reinforcements from both sides arrived, igniting a full-fledged starship battle, by far the largest of Estella's military career. After a long fight, Martian forces took the upper hand...but amidst the chaos, the Vulcan was boarded by a third party. To this day, Estella is not clear on the exact details, but two things were clear: they were demanding the rescued scientist, and they (according to Science Lady herself) were very dangerous. While officers played the telephone game up and down the ranks to figure out what to do about the unexpected incursion, Estella took the situation by the horns. Temporarily disabling the safety of the ship's M-Drive, combined with the simultaneous (explosive) overload of its emergency boosters, was able to break the Vulcan free from the inertial disruptors of the forcibly docked vessel, while also suddenly putting everyone on board into Zero-G for a short time - enough to throw off the invaders. In the gunfight that followed, Estella provided (explosive) covering fire for Science Lady as she took out an impressive number of the intruders. As the ship spun and careened back toward the main fleet, the unknown attackers were forced to flee. Though the crew and captain were grateful for Estella's intervention, top military brass was less so. The Venus Incident was already a massive event, sending ripples through the chain of command, as Mars tried to figure out how close it was to beginning full-on war. Extensive investigations were already underway regarding the main conflict, the last thing anyone needed was stories about a rogue scientist and a naval vessel half-destroyed by the reckless actions of an engineer. Under court martial, Estella refused to back down, justifying her actions as necessary to save the ship and crew. She was met with doubt, especially considering her checkered past record and the lack of information available about the invaders. After unsuccessfully vouching for Estella's heroism, the Vulcan's captain was able to work out a settlement with the higher-ups - Estella could avoid punishment and even be honorably discharged with full benefits, as long as she took responsibility and stepped down from her role. By this point Estella was beyond sick of the investigatory proceedings, and of military structure as a whole, and thus gladly took her former captain's offer. It didn't matter to her who was officially responsible on military records, she was just happy to be free. Independent Life ![]() Being ex-military, Estella by default had an authoritative role in escort jobs, though as usual her attitude was hit-and-miss with those around. Some appreciated her forward thinking, while others were mortified at the risks she was willing to take while transporting expensive cargo. There was no lack of action, whether from combating pirates or just needing to go all out on a ship's speed to complete a job in time, but Estella did sometimes miss the higher-stakes ventures of the Navy. As a freelancer, she bounced from contract to contract, trying to seek out the most thrilling opportunities. Recently, she received a message from a former employer, claiming to have noticed and appreciated her previous work. They had recommended her to a contact at FUXI Technologies, and promised an exciting opportunity should she accept. Though Estella had some doubts about some of the vague aspects of this offer, she had been between contracts looking for something new, and this intrigued her enough to give it a try... Last edited by Xyza; Feb 10th, 2023 at 08:57 PM. |
![]() Ability Scores
![]() Skills & Training
![]() "This is what I say." 'This is how I think.' This is what I do. Last edited by Xyza; Feb 11th, 2023 at 09:04 AM. |
Character Progression Chapter 1: The Opportunity ✿ Gained 2 + 1 XP from the XP challenge and successful launch. ✿ Gained 1 XP from Defeating Ace. Total: 4 XP (+4) Jump Phase: Sol to Orcana ✿ Spent 1 EXP to upgrade Explosives from Rank 0 to Rank 1. ✿ Spent 2 EXP to upgrade J-Drive from Rank 1 to Rank 2. Total: 1 XP (-3) Mission: Orcana ✿ Gained 1 XP from exploring the planet. Total: 2 XP (+1) Crew Meeting ✿ Gained 1 XP from a successful first crew meeting to decide on destination and hierarchy. Total: 3 XP (+1) Jump Phase: Orcana to D!h-v'n ✿ Spent 1 EXP to upgrade Life Support from Rank 0 to Rank 1. ✿ Spent 2 EXP to upgrade Power from Rank 1 to Rank 2. Total: 0 XP (-3) D!h-v'n Station ✿ Gained 1 XP from first contact ✿ Gained 1 XP from discovering an interesting clue Total: 2 XP (+2) Last edited by Xyza; Sep 4th, 2023 at 07:38 AM. |
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