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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 05:17 PM
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The Cilsie Guidebook

The Cilsie GuidebookGreetings friends! This thread is for the sharing and management of general information about Cilsie, its surrounds, and its inhabitants. The DM will also be using it for tracking purposes as events unfold.


Maps & Geography


Cilsie is a small village in the very north of the known world. For miles and miles around there exists nothing but pine forests, permafrost arid lands and snowy mountain ranges with glaciers occupying their tops. It is a place where families of fishers and hunters live, people who have learned to make the best of the tough terrain.

The small village is surrounded by two small rivers on the west and east side, which join up to form a big river to the south. To the north, mountains rise and so the settlement is well protected by natural borders. Some 70 souls call Hogstad home, mostly fishers, hunters, and people of specific professions, like blacksmiths, cooks and carpenters. Some of these people are skilled with a blade or bow, but defending themselves against big threats was never the reason they chose to live here.

The buildings are made from the wood of the pine forests that spread the north of the empire, and are small so that the heat stays efficiently inside. Dirty, wet tarps and planks are placed in front of the entrances and on parts of the walkways, that are dug up between thick snow and ice, which covers the ground.


Hunter's Refuge
This lodge offers the only form of recreation in the small, isolated village. Owned and run by a human man in his 50s named Bardur. The lodge itself is a long house with a hearth in the middle and several spots with tables, benches, and even just animal furs on the floor, where people can sit and enjoy a warm meal and mead. The food is good here, but the mead unfortunately only acceptable.

Cilsie doesn't have many visitors, but the Hunter's Refuge has one room for them nonetheless. It has 3 bunk beds and a fireplace. Finally, at the very back of the long room is a big table where the locals have councils from time to time, when a big decision needs to be taken.

Lorgen's Protective Gear
Lorgen is a dwarf with long red hair, red braided beard and a weather-worn skin. He is a self-taught blacksmith, who set up a shop to help the locals on their hunting skirmishes. He specializes in protective gear, tools and adventuring gear.

Qeyla the Alchemist
Qeyla is a female elf with short blonde hair, skin in the shade of pink and carries burn marks on her hands, a result of many years of brewing. She is the local alchemist and her shop is open for locals and passengers alike.

Frost Shrine of Alsard
There is no temple in Cilsie, just a single shrine in the center of the village. It is dedicated to the god of winter and snow, Alsard. The shrine is small and made of a single stone slab. There are icicles hanging from its edges at all times, and the symbol of Alsard, a snowflake amid a storm, is carved on its surface. During the day, one can see many locals coming and going from the shrine, praying to their god to keep them safe in the harsh conditions they live in.
Praying to Alsard on this shrine from time to time is highly recommended.

Important NPCsSome people are going to be the important NPCs in this story... and there may be more added here as the story progresses.

left-aligned image
Darnel Whiteborn
Male human, Neutral Good
Personality: Sincere, Slow Talker, Laid Back
Darnel is 90 years old and has lived all his life here. He knows the land around the village like no one else, and although he won't travel anywhere anymore, he can be a source of information. The rest of the village has him in high regard and will listen to his advice for matters of survival and scouting.

left-aligned image
Ragi Olovalur
Male elf, Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Traditional, Proud, Pushing
Ragi hails from the elven land to the east, Nol'Corelthe. He has been a visitor ambassador in Cilsie for 2 months, as he came to build a relationship between the elves and the remote areas of the human empire. He is at the council table because he pushed himself in it, thinking that his experience as a long-living elf is priceless. The locals don't really like him because of his pushy attitude and proud elven heritage, which he brings forward as often as he can.

left-aligned image
Ingirid Cnutt
Female half-elf, Lawful Good
Personality: Calm, Soothing, Religious
Ingirid is a 145 year-old woman and the local healer. She, as a follower of Alsard, tends to the shrine and the wounded. She is well respected and will often be seen counseling locals about their troubles, even if these troubles don't have to be related to physical healing.

House RulesHypothermia:
Since the adventure plays amid extreme temperatures, hypothermia is a real threat. For every hour the PCs are out in the open, they need to succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, having advantage on it if near a heat source or if they wear protective clothing like furs. Failing means a point of exhaustion.

Formula: An item to duplicate, or demonstrated familiarity with an item is enough to provide the required formula.

Tools: Access to the relevant tools is required. I say access... because borrowing them is always an option. You can always attempt to craft without proficiency in them, but the DM will set a DC, and we'll negotiate which ability check is most relevant.

Time Taken: 5GP value of item per day.

Cost: Half of value of item in materials, or some clever collecting of relevant materials IC (eg buying and negotiating for them, finding them, upcycling etc).

Collaboration: For each additional person helping to craft something, the time taken is divided by the number of workers. The helpers do not need to have the applicable tool proficiency, but need to be able to explain IC how they can assist! This could be carrying materials, emotional support, keeping watch over simple processes, mundane supportive tasks, and other handy things any un-trained assistant might be able to do.
UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Feb 28th, 2024 at 06:11 PM.
Old Feb 26th, 2024, 05:18 PM
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DM TrackersThis is where the DM stores and tracks vital information and stats that may or may not effect the game... hehe.

M check starting = 50.
Day 7 council meeting = 63.
Day 9 ice troll = 66.

Food = 1.

Timber = 1.

Don't be scared by any 0's above, they aren't to be taken literally hehe.
UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Oct 19th, 2024 at 07:25 AM.
Old Mar 8th, 2024, 12:15 AM
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Cilsie doesn't have a port, but a small pier with one single ship docked on it. The people use it once or twice per year to sail down the river and onto a distant sea to hunt for whales. This provides them with a lot of the sustenance during the winter months. There are of course many small boats at the pier too, used by local fisherfolks.
UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Mar 8th, 2024 at 12:15 AM.
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