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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 12:06 AM
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Tiny Beasts - 5e Adventures for Animals

Game NameTiny Beasts - 5e Adventures for Animals
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemePersonal development, growth, friendships, small folks going places
FlavourLight-hearted, comedy, cute!
Plot Summary

Tiny Beasts

What about us small animals?
Isn't it about time someone told our stories, and adventures?
Who cares about challenge ratings... we're awesome!

Note: Applications closed and invites sent!

The TeamWanted! Small critters and beasts to head out and explore a marvelous mythical world! Yes, to start off you will play cute, adorable little animals with limited abilities and ahem... low stats, woohoo! Consider it level 0. Fun huh! To start off the game will be far more about RP and problem-solving than meh-kanics anyway.

Over time (actually pretty quickly) your tiny beast will get strongerer and betterer. In fact, if you stick with us, you will become a fully fledged anthropomorphic thingo (arakocra, kenku, harengon, lizardfolk, minotaur, tabaxi, tortle, ratfolk, grung, hadozee etc). Keep in mind what "proper" 5e race you'd like to play after a little evolution and experience-gaining!

Why?Well... I love animals, and would love to see an adventure set in a 5e world which brings some tiny beasts to life. Small deeds and actions which have a profound impact on the lives of others, or even nobody at all. Something fun, cute, comedic, and hopefully dripping with "story". I enjoy games heavy on domestic drama and relationship building, rather than combat... so... you've been warned. Okay, that doesn't mean combat won't happen hehe.

This is a chance to develop a character from hopefully a fun, "weak" origin, and transition into something powerful.

How Will It Work?To start we won't need to worry about stats or any of that jazz, we've got you sorted. All you need to do within the story is to describe what you want to do, and make some rolls without modifiers when you get the urge. The application of modifiers and determining of results will be taken care of for you. The DM will also be tracking hit points etc. You'll get clues along the way as to how injured you are hehe. This means you can focus on writing and being awesome! Once the characters have started to evolve and move towards an anthropomorphic state, we'll deal with sheets, stats, and all the usual stuff at that time. After that the play will be more like proper 5e pbp-style, but very beast-centric.

All the characters will speak a common language "Beast", so they can communicate with each other, and other beast NPCs.

The BeginningHowever or other, you've ended up in a cage in Himelli's Pet Shop, somewhere near Alaron just off the Sword Coast. We're not sticking exclusively to Forgotten Realms lore... but its a good starting point and I like the maps. All the PCs will start off in the Pet Shop, and know each other (thanks to close quarters confinement). You won't be there long though! Will you all get adopted? Escape? Sold off in a deceased estate sale? Guess we'll see!

Application ProcessChoosing players for games is painful... because almost always not everyone makes it. It is the most unappealing part of the process! But... it has to be done.

To apply, please reply with:
  • Race. Choose a race!

    Birdie Special ability: You can fly!

    Bunny Special ability: You're sneaky and can dig holes!

    Lizard Special ability: Your bite hurts, and you can change color and hide well!

    Calf Special ability: When you headbut things, or charge, it hurts… them more than you!

    Cat Special ability: You smell things, and have nice claws!

    Turtle Special ability: Great armor there, and you can breathe water when you want!

    Mouse Special ability: Darkvision!

    Frog Special ability: You can jump well, and breathe water too!

    Monkey Special ability: You can throw poop at things!

  • Name. Choose a name for your animal!

  • Description. Please describe your animal. Are they a parrot of many colours? Or a big orange toad? Are they in impeccable pedigree condition? Or a bit rough around the edges? Please go into detail and make your PC really unique!

  • Personality. This isn't an evil undead campaign, so keep that in mind. What's quirky about your animal? How do they react to strangers, bipeds and humans, the prospect of food and all that sort of stuff? To be successful, I'll be looking hard at characters with really fun and developed personalities. Get wild! Actually, are you wild, or domesticated? What are your manners like? How do you see and interact with other animals?

  • Background. We'd love some depth here, a few paragraphs if that's okay. Consider things like... how did you end up in a Pet Shop? Are you native to Alaron, or an introduced species? Were you bred in captivity, or captured at some point and put into servitude? What were your previous "owners" like? How did you come to be (arguably) smarter than most other small beasts?

  • Writing Sample. Please write or link to something you've written that you're proud of! This game will best suit players who can write longer posts, go with the flow, and make even simple things feel fun and real. In return, I'll try to do the same.

  • Why Do You Want To Play? Tell us why you'd like to be a part of this!

Decisions?How will we be choosing players? I'm going to be completely honest here...
  • The quality of your application above! This game best suits folks who are creative and can write long and interesting posts. Show us that you can really get into the head of an animal!

  • Your RPXP / Post ratio. I know this isn't always indicative of reality, however I've found that players with good ratios tend to last longer and provide more input. If your ratio isn't like you think it should be, that's fine, just show us in your application that you're perfect for this story!

  • Previous experience. If I've played / DM'd with you before, I can't pretend to ignore that as a consideration.

  • New Member? Are you new to this site? If you can demonstrate that you're going to stick around and reliably contribute, you're very welcome to apply!

What Happens After The Applications?Before we start playing, we'll establish inter-character relationships. You'll be asked for your IC opinion on the other characters. A close friend? Someone you're anxious about? Someone you can't trust quite yet? Someone you really adore? Stuff like that. Nutting this out will form a closer team and more background for everyone to play with.

Your DMJust so everyone is aware, at times my post rate is effected by RL events. I ask that you are patient with me as there may be odd occasions that over a week will pass without an update. Please don't worry! I will always let you know, and you can always keep on with the RP while you wait. In return, if you need some time out along the way, I'm totally flexible with that. The aim is 1-2 posts per week as a guide, let's see how it goes.

Number CrunchingProposed rough post rate is 1-2 posts per week.

Applications close as soon as we have 4 - 6 great applications, but not before Monday 18th November (Australia-time).

Last edited by 97mg; Nov 20th, 2024 at 11:44 PM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 01:08 AM
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One Day In Alaron
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"I'm just sooo excited! It's my Birthday! And guess what? Can you guess? Yes! Father said he'd take me to my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Himelli's Pet Shop! Okay, Himelli's not my favorite, she'd kind of an old cow... but the Pets! Hang on, why am I even talking to you? You can read my thoughts! All inanimate imaginary friends can read your thoughts, didn't you know?"

Young Illy, was of course having this sunrise conversation with her other favorite thing. A wicker doll by the name of Shelly, and little did she know that through it's eyes, a whole host of strange individuals (that's you) were watching her every move. Oh yes, Shelly surely was magic, because in some far away land, a bunch of writers and gamers were witnessing her early morning burst of enthusiasm first-hand.

They wondered perhaps, what Young Illy might discover in the Pet Shop this particular day. Perhaps some of them even contemplated... well... something so odd as being there, as yes, a pet! Or, an animal at least. A prospective pet? It wasn't like Himelli's standards were particularly high. She had all kinds of customers after all. Some bought much-loved friends for life. Others, well they didn't have quite as much luck. Just ask Floody the Duck who was sold a few weeks ago. Actually, you can't ask Floody the Duck, because... nope... no need to explain. Use your imagination!

Anyway, it was like everything in Young Illy's world was on a knife's edge right now. There could be almost any kind of animal, shape and size in stock!

Little did she know that the truth... was up to... you.

It was about then that the town's Great Bell™ started ringing. No, this wasn't a religious holiday. Nor did the entire population ring it for every citizen's birthday. Out there in the streets... something else was going on...

Last edited by 97mg; Nov 14th, 2024 at 05:02 AM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 09:29 AM
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I might want to watch or play in this.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 04:02 PM
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Race: Birdie/Owl

Name: Silentwing the Horned Owl

Description: Silentwing is largely dark brown, with speckling of dark burnt orange throughout his plumage and around his eyes. The underside of his wings are white, banded with solid brown stripes front and back. There is a small white patch on his chest, usually hidden when his wings are folded. His claws are large and strong. Although he is a deadly predator, he is also thick with down and soft. His horned feathers; for which he is known; are tall, mixed with both browns and oranges. No matter how dangerous he may be, on the outside he certainly seems quite soft and full of autumn colorings

Personality: Silentwing is a predator. There is no getting around it, and he doesn’t feel bad about it. Most animals accept that their place in nature is circular and death is just a part of life. He doesn’t necessarily enjoy his place in the circle, but he accepts it.
However…he kinda likes his prey. They might seem kind of dumb. And they were. But they were also curious and playful. Other owls were so serious and quiet. Mice and rabbits were easy to catch, but they were more interesting too. Even if they were scared of them, he liked to watch them and listen to their chattering. He ate when he needed to, but he also had a small community he watched over, like friends even if they didn’t know it. And when he could, take those animals which were threats to his friends. He is an owl, a predator, and to some, a silent protector

Background: Horned are quite common in all the forests of the land. In that respect, Silentwing isn’t unique. However, his parentage is something special. His father was a wizard’s familiar, and much smarter than any of the other animals in the forest. His mother was a simple, but beautiful, horned owl. It’s no surprise his father fancied her, but their liaison was short and sweet. Since his mother was a normal owl, he wasn’t tied to a wizard or confined to a extraplanar space. But there was still a small amount of magic that permeated him.
It didn’t take him long to realize he was smarted than other animals. The gap only got wider the more he grew. He was fond of his mother and his small community all the same though. He knew that no matter how smart he was, he still had limitations. He had settled himself into the role of protector of his community and fostered the relationships he could, even if the others were somewhat shallow to him. It was a good life as far as he was concerned.
A group of humans came through the woods, hunting down and capturing animals of the forest. They avoided the larger ones, but took the smaller ones with impunity. They were capturing, not killing, for some reason he couldn’t fathom. He community was captured and decimated by these crude creatures. They wielded weapons and nets like he had never seen before, he didn’t understand what these things were exactly. He couldn’t understand them. Although he knew these creatures were larger than him and more dangerous, Silentwing had to do something, anything, to save those he had protected for so long. He swooped and attacked the humans. He scored many hits, sent some scrambling and cursing. He landed and used his sharp beak to rip open a bag and small mice and a few rabbits and all the other ran for safety. But before he could take flight again, he was covered in a fine mesh net which tangled his wings no matter how he struggled.

Then he found himself in a bag too. Although he didn’t about cages and pet shops or what else was to come, he was proud he freed those he was able too. No matter what became of himself.
Silent wing didn’t enjoy the cage he eventually found himself in. It was limiting. He couldn’t fly or hunt! However, not everything was bad. If he thought mice and rabbits were interesting creatures, he was no prepared for the variety of animals in Himelli’s Pet Shop. If nothing else, well, he was certainly entertained and perhaps…..he finally found animals who could be more than just a community. But friends also.

Writing Sample:

Why Do You Want To Play? I like animals! Not so much in the pet owning sense, but more amazed by the natural world. And as much as I love roll-play, I enjoy roleplay even more. I’ve not played a game like this before and it seems like a really interesting premise

Last edited by Revlar; Nov 16th, 2024 at 11:15 PM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 06:21 PM
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Fudge! I'm loving this, got too many ideas on which Species to choose!

I'm gonna wait for a few more applicants before I make a decision, leaving it to fate to thin down my choices!
I'm back, baby!!!
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 09:24 PM
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Application: Banjo

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Race: Monkey

Name: Banjo

Banjo is a small capuchin monkey with a scruffy, reddish-brown coat that always seems slightly disheveled. His face is a patchwork of expressive features, with dark, beady eyes hinting at mischief and an endearing curiosity. His long, nimble tail curls and uncurls habitually as if it has a mind of its own. Banjo’s fur is dusted with patches of mud and leaves, remnants of his many attempts at "escape," and he’s often seen chewing on a twig or scratching his head, making him look a bit rough around the edges.

Banjo is a cheeky, resourceful little monkey with a knack for getting himself into trouble (and sometimes out of it). He’s a social creature who thrives on interaction—be it with other animals, humans, or anything that looks remotely interesting. With a boundless curiosity and a tendency to mimic others, Banjo often finds himself “borrowing” objects that catch his eye, hiding them away for safekeeping. He’s unashamedly messy and isn’t above throwing food (or poop) when he gets frustrated or excited. Despite his antics, he has a kind heart and is fiercely protective of his friends. He can sometimes be wary of humans, having been caught and caged by them, but he’s willing to give them a chance—especially if there’s food involved.

Banjo hails from a dense, tropical forest far from the coastal towns near Alaron. He once lived freely in a lively troop of monkeys, foraging for fruits and bugs and learning the ways of the jungle from his elders. His life took an unexpected turn when he was captured by a group of travelling merchants, who saw his small size and playful nature as ideal traits for an exotic pet. From then on, Banjo’s life was a series of cages, carts, and noisy marketplaces until he eventually ended up at Himelli's Pet Shop. He’s a bit of a “new arrival,” still coming to terms with his confined surroundings but already plotting his escape. Though a little roughened by his experiences, Banjo’s natural cleverness has made him street-smart and a bit sharper than most small beasts. He's learned to observe and adapt, waiting for his moment to break free.

Writing Sample
Three Longer style games here (I have have some shorter/quicker form games)
Brother Aster

Why Do You Want to Play?
This is a great idea, a novel take on D&D, and I have bandwidth since a couple of games dropped, and winter is coming on so lots of free time.

Long Term Plans
Hazodee; Druid (Wildfire) or Rogue (Soulknife) are my two top options.
Posting Status: Good.Normal.
Characters: [ Leatherface ] [ Valthrum ] [ Mellori ] [ Aster ] [ Spyder ] [ Eric/Unit-13 ] [ Banjo ] [ Lyricus ]
The Oath of Sangus
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 10:43 AM
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This looks super fun! Also a very unique idea! I am honestly surprised there ahven't more games like this!

So, without further ado...let's meet...

Luna [WIP
Name: Luna
Race: Lizard

Luna is a small creature, with big beady eyes. Her typical skin color is green, though she can change this to better blend into her surroundings, in an attempt to hide from predators. Each of her four feet has elongated toes, which help her grip logs, or rocks to better stabilize herself as she lays on them and suns. The longest part of her body is her tail, which is also used for wrapping around smaller logs and for balance. Luna has small spikes around her neck and her skin is dry and bumpy to the touch, because of her scales.

Luna is on the quieter side, preferring to remain as still as possible and collect as much heat as possible. This does not mean that she can't or won't interact with others, she's more than capable of that, but being on the smaller of bestiary means that she remains a little guarded with them, slightly afraid that getting too close will cause them to turn into the predators they are and eat her! Despite being mostly quiet, Luna observes the world around her and shares her thoughts only with those who are not interested in possibly eating her as meal.

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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 02:59 PM
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Race: Red Eared Slider Turtle
Special ability: Great armor there, and you can breathe water when you want!
Name: Nixie

Description: Nixie is a Roughly the size of a human palmsmallish green and yellow turtle with brilliant red patches at her temples just behind her eyes. She has very stylish black circular markings on her ventral carapace and swirled brown and yellow markings on her dorsal carapace. Her short stout limbs end in long, elegant webbed feet that allow her to glide effortlessly through the water, but are still though she does loose much of her fluid grace when out of the water.functional for scrambling about on land. Her skin, where exposed, is cool, slick and supple, allowing her to bend and stretch as needed.

Personality: Nixie is an incredibly curious turtle, and while curiosity may have killed the cat, she is confident (right or wrongly) that she is tough enough to survive any dangers that she might discover. After all, mystery is the spice of life, so she can't wait to discover how things work and what makes people tick.

Background: Nixie was born in the feywild, but did not stay there long. When she was about half the size that she is now, one of her clutch mates discovered a strange glowing pool near their pond and dared all of the siblings to go in and find what caused the glow. Nixie was the only one who was brave (or foolish) enough to try. The pool was not very wide but extremely deep and just kept getting brighter and brighter the further down that she swam. When the water was so bright that she could only open her eyes the smallest sliver she finally saw a beautiful cloud of swirling energy that was the source of the light. Mesmerized, she swam closer and closer until she felt herself caught up in energy whirls. Feeling invigorated, she played in the strange currents for what felt like hours until the light slowly started to fade and the currents dissipated. However, when she breached the surface, the forest looked different and her clutch mates were nowhere to be found. Searching for them or her pond, Nixie eventually realized that she was completely lost and no longer knew where the pool was that had led her here.
It was at that time that Himelli found Nixie and brought her back to the pet shop. Perhaps sensing something of the feywild about her, the old woman started calling her Nixie and the name has sort of stuck. She has been in the shop for a while, longer than many but not so long as some, and she is starting to get bored. Not so badly that she wants to escape tonight, but unless something changes soon she will find a way to make a new path. And then the bell started ringing...

Writing Sample: https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthre...50#post9229950

Why Do You Want To Play? I love stories from unusual perspectives, and have had fun with a convention one-shot of a day in a familiar's in the past. Also love the pet Avengers comics.

Last edited by kanly; Nov 21st, 2024 at 04:41 PM.
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Old Nov 15th, 2024, 05:14 PM
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Race: Cat

Name: Midnight

Description: Midnight is upon first glance just another black cat. Any attention paid beyond the passing glance reveals something else. This black cat seems to always be paying attention to everything that is going on around her - as long as she isn't curled up sleeping and purring away somewhere. Her shiny black coat remains so due to the near constant and immaculate care given to it by her tongue baths and occasional paw rubs.
Her eyes though... the intense gaze seems to be looking into your very thoughts, and perhaps into your soul.

Personality: Looks and appearance are one thing, but what's behind those intense eyes of Midnight's are anything but malevolent and evil. Sure, she's got a curious, agile, and devious mind at times, but her overriding desire that sets her moods is, "what's of use?" This includes people and other critters with whom she'll ally for just about any cause - even if that cause is as simple as sneaking up on that feather on that quill hiding behind that jar of jelly on the desk there.
Midnight loves to make new acquaintances as they all have stories and ideas of their own that she can daydream about and hope to stumble upon one day so she can experience something new.

Background: Midnight was taken as a kitten from a local breeder and into the home of an aspiring Wizard named Jettison. If she dwells on it long enough, Midnight will remember that his name was something else entirely. This word description is how she referred to him in their manner of speaking through their thoughts once she became his 'Familiar.' This connection opened up a whole new world for her, realizing there was a world of the arcane woven unseen into the real one. Sadly, she was only his Familiar for less than a year when one day their connection was severed. Someone had locked her into the small living area of the Wizard's home while she heard some disturbance in other areas of the house. After two days of her wondering what had happened and having almost clawed herself a hole in a window seam to get out, local wardens came and took her away in a small cage. Some Gnome proclaimed "Druid" spoke to her as if they were another cat and asked if she'd seen what happened to someone. She didn't know of whom he meant at first until he explained it was the man who had lived there. Jettison. She didn't, so the Gnome stopped speaking to her. After spending a few days in the Warden's offices, she was tricked with food to get back into the small cage and taken to the pet shop... sold. Of course, she didn't really "know" she had been sold, just that she seemed to now be in a place with a lot of other animals waiting... on something... It. Was. Boring.

Writing Sample: Hard to pick one or even a few, but here's one of my favorites for one of my first ever D&D 5E created characters. It's her reaction to the Fall of Elturel. It's not very long, and there are many others from games I DM/GM, but I should think one from a player's perspective is more fitting here. https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthre...00#post9035300

Why Do You Want To Play? - Breathing life and character into creatures/characters that have been spawned from my imagination or those that may otherwise go unnoticed is indeed a passion of mine. Aside from RPing here, I am in a game in RL (sometimes more than one) and an Not a "writer" until published, at least from my point of view towards my own ambitionsaspiring writer with several works "out there" being looked at/considered.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 16th, 2024 at 12:36 PM. Reason: spelling errrrrors
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 07:56 AM
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Race. Frog - Special ability: Can jump well, and breathe water too!

Name. r'Eb, the Horned Frog

Description. r'Eb is a short, rotund chap. He is covered in gorgeous golden, coffee and tan patterns. His skin is a little knobbly here and there, and always looks a little...moist. He is especially proud of his large eye ridges, which shape his face handsomely.

Personality. r'Eb's favourite things are eating, wallowing in a murky pool, eating, rainy days, eating, sitting by himself, and eating.
He is proud of his his size, he sees no shame in displaying how comfortably he is living. He can be a little lazy, and does not enjoy exercise.

Background. r'Eb does not remember a time before the petshop. He is not a native species to Alaron, but was bred here. He sometimes struggles with the feeling of not belonging anywhere. If he eventually found his way back to his native swamps, would he be welcomed or an outsider? Noone seems to accept him here in Alaron, as he looks weird and foreign.
Himelli, the shop keeper, looks after his basic needs well enough, but r'Eb yearns for a family, to belong.

Writing Sample.
r'Eb's black eyes slowly fluttered open as the shop filled with light. I seemed another day was beginning. Grumbling at the disturbance, he closed his eyes again, snuggling deeper into the damp loamy soil in his enclosure. However, the banging and clattering of the shopkeeper busying about getting the store ready for opening time filled his ears and he failed to slip back into the quiet abandon of sleep.
He resignedly opened his eyes again and fixed an angry glare at the back of the shopkeeper as she bent over, digging through a cupboard. As she stood up, r'Eb spotted what she carried in her hands, and his eyes widened. "Could it be?" He thought hopefully, "Is it today?".
Watching her intently, he wriggled out of his dirt hole bed, ignoring the clumps of soil sticking to his skin. Waddling slowly to the front of the enclosure he stood on his hind legs and braced his bulk against the glass, straining for a better view.
The shopkeeper was going along the row of cages, stopping briefly at some, and dropping something in from the small tub in her hands.
"Come on! Come on!" r'Eb pleaded. In excitement he started trying to scrabble up the glass, his large belly thwarting his efforts and turning his eagerness into a awkward, jerky almost-dance.
The shopkeeper was almost at his cage! "This is it!" He thought, one last desperate hop almost toppling his heft over backwards. But his heart sank as she walked right. past. his cage.
In an instant all joy was sapped from him. He sunk back down sadly on all fours, face staring sorrowfully down at the dirt.
He was so absorbed in self pity that he didn't notice she had returned until he heard the lid of his enclosure opening. "Did you think I'd forgotten you?" The shopkeeper asked, "I had to get the big ones for you."
His black eyes shined with tears of gratitude as she dropped 3 large crickets next to him. "I do love feeding day." He thought to himself happily, as the crickets swiftly disappeared.

Development A grung ranger most likely. Although I do like the idea of him becoming a wizard.

Why Do You Want To Play? I love this idea of starting a character based off an animal, and chosing its path based on how the play develops, rather than starting with a race & class.
I can commit to posting most days (I'm usually at my pc) but realistically at least 2-3 times a week. I am new to D&D, but have been bitten by the bug and I am eagerly searching for a group to play with.
I have played a short one-shot 'taster' campaign aimed at beginners.

I am drawing inspiration for r'Eb from my Argentine Horned Frog (Pictured), also known as the Pac-Man frog. In real life his name is Cricket, as that was the reason I actually went into the petstore.

Last edited by Kobbledink; Nov 16th, 2024 at 02:48 PM. Reason: Added the writing sample
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 08:50 AM
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Race: Frog
Name: Tad

Tad was small, much smaller than some of the other frogs that also called this glass prison home. But he knew he was not the same as him, he was small, sleek, his skin glistening and moist with a vivid bright pattern.
His body and head were a bright yellow, his limbs were blue, both decorated with black blotches.
His eyes were large and prominent, black and in other creatures would be considered soulless, but in Tad they were somewhat inquisitive.
Tad is curious, and reflective.
His size and the proximity of other, much larger, probably predatory amphibians has led him to being quite timid.
Confident that he would taste bad to anyone that tried, he'd rather not rely on that, and avoid the experience of being eaten, even if temporarily.
He spent most of his time up in the leaves, safe in places the others were too heavy to access.
His time was spent, sat waiting for small bugs to come his way. Often watching those living on the floor of the vivarium, enjoying the comfort of the humidity higher up in the foliage.

Writing Sample:
Why Do You Want To Play?In part, novelty. It sounds really interesting and is quite a unique concept which has me intrigued.

Plans: Hoping to evolve to a Grung, probably monk.
Shepherd Gahzu - Tomb of Annihilation

Laarth -The Last of the Hunters

Last edited by Kweheri; Nov 16th, 2024 at 02:27 PM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 03:20 PM
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I just noticed the note about the preference for long posts, while I actually enjoy short and concise ones (both to read and to write).

Nibbles the Rat will not apply today.

Have fun! (ya animals!)
I'm back, baby!!!
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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 09:35 PM
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Question: Either as a fox, or using the abilities/stats of a cat.Fox?

(PS: I promise not to eat everyone else)
Status: Normal (1-3 Posts / Week, per game) ✿ She/They

Games: Epicurean (D&D 5e) ✦ Grimoire Hart Academy (F&F Playtest) (TBA) | Characters: Amelia (Pokémon Dragonrealm)| Systems: Fables & Foxtales 1.4 Playtest | The Crimson Codex

Last edited by briar; Nov 16th, 2024 at 09:37 PM.
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Old Nov 17th, 2024, 12:15 AM
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right-aligned image
Race: Calf (Charolais)
Name: Pumpkin

Description: Pumpkin is a charolais calf, a stocky breed farmed for meat. By the standards of her kind, Pumpkin is a bit of a runt. Despite that, she's easily one of, if not the largest animal in the pet shop, with the top of her head right around waist-height of your average human. Her coarse fur is very pale, with a slight orange hue.

Personality: What Pumpkin (comparatively) lacks in size, she makes up for by force of her personality. And her mooing! Pumpkin is very talkative, and will happily strike up a conversation with anyone willing to listen to her. Closed quarters means that everyone is, essentially, forced to listen, but she at least has the self-awareness to stop talking when they become agitated. And she isn't just energetic socially; she often prances around the perimeter of her enclosure, yearning for the big, open pastures of her old home. But the other cows there were so lazy and antisocial, and here she has plenty of friends!
She tends to have a one-track mind, so focused on one goal (like conversing with another pet) that she forgets other, arguably more important things, until she collapses from exhaustion or realize her stomach is growling in pain. But she does it all out of goodwill for her friends, only wanting to entertain them when she can.
At only six months old, she's still young, and growing up in the pet shop means her worldview is rather limited. (All those cows who disappeared from the pasture must love their new owners!) She very adamantly believes that anyone and everyone can get along if they're patient enough to try, and doesn't fear any of the predators in the pet shop at all. Of course, none of them have ever tried to eat her...

Background: The sprawling fields Pumpkin once called home was once visited by the Green Goddess Eldath. The Guardian of Groves adored the warm sunshine, the blossoming wildflowers, and of course, the sweet and docile cows that grazed there.
...Of course, that was countless years ago, certainly too long for simple cows to remember. The fields are now common farmland, home to cattle being fattened up to be butchered, and no one who's set foot there for the last few centuries knows it was once blessed by a goddess. Still, perhaps just the tiniest bit of her magic remained and made its way into the ditzy little calf, given her inclination towards using words before her (metaphorical) horns.
While larger than many of the animals kept at the pet shop, Pumpkin was on the smaller side compared to the other calves on the farm. When the owners were offered a pouchful of gold in exchange for the runt, they didn't think twice.

Writing Sample: Pumpkin watched the latest customers to the shop with wide eyes and wiggling haunches. The bars of her enclosure kept her from greeting them herself, but she stayed pressed close to them, her head as far out as she could get it. It was always exciting when customers came around - even though Pumpkin never got to go home with them, she loved hearing the sounds of their new, unfamiliar voices, and their nimble hands as they ran through her fur.
"Over here!" she bayed, hoping to get their attention.
She saw the little girl's head turn in her direction, and her eyes light up. The taller one - her father, Pumpkin presumed - looked significantly less endeared to her. The little girl ran right up to her, and just as Pumpkin had hoped for, started scratching her, right in that hard-to-reach spot behind her ears, and she closed her eyes in contentment.
The other human was saying something. Pumpkin picked out words like "space" and "noise," but none of the words that connected them. But he sounded frustrated.
"What's wrong?" Pumpkin asked, but he couldn't understand her, either. Pumpkin knew talking to them rarely worked, but it didn't hurt to try.
She opened her eyes to see that the girl was moving away from her now, the other human leading her by the hand. Pumpkin was sad to see her go, but she felt good for the little kitten that she ended up taking home instead. The kitten would love the little girl's ear scritches.

Why Do You Want To Play? I'm a HUGE fan of xenofiction, and I will take any and all opportunities to write from the perspective of an animal. It opens up so many avenues for unique character philosophies, culture... and trying to solve problems without thumbs! Plus, I prefer the roleplay over the roll-play aspect of Dnd, and this seems like the perfect game for that.
"You can't punish the dead... and you can't take revenge against them, either."

Last edited by DahliaHawthorne; Nov 17th, 2024 at 12:30 PM.
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Old Nov 17th, 2024, 08:33 AM
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Name: Little Bit

Race: Rabbit

Description: A small, round rabbit with light fur that is oddly smooth; looks a bit older than some of the other animals.

(oo) Was I supposed to find character art? I forgot!

Personality: A bit lazy; finds creative ways to avoid doing work.

Background: He has spent some time at the Hogresources school of Tech Wizardry and the Coney Mesa nature park. He left his children behind and hide in a crate headed for Alaron to escape having to help load the crates. When they unloaded the crates, it was assumed he was supposed to be sent to Himelli's Pet Shop but had been mislabeled.

Play Style: Hides in a burrow much of the time.

Why I want to play: The idea of a magically uplifted animal campaign draws my interest.

RP Sample: Little Bit slowly comes out of his burrow once everyone is done cleaning the cages. He makes a show of having been stuck to explain why he couldn't help. He eats his food and drinks his water and then looks around for more food. One of the children grabs him and tries to pet him a bit too hard. He wishes he could take his tail off to escape like a lizard. Fortunately, the mother makes the child put him back in his cage. It hurts a bit, but soon fades...
"On one hand, I'd bite them to keep my teeth worn down, but on the other, they might be rabid"

Other issues:
New to site? no.
Experience: I have played in previous campaigns and know the rules for 5E.

Last edited by Ericg1s; Nov 19th, 2024 at 08:37 AM.
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