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Old Dec 12th, 2009, 04:39 AM
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Avelestar Avelestar is offline
Jelly anyone?
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Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar
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A couple of you wanted to use UA classes, or prestige classes that aren't actually in Pathfinder. Just a reference point so you can look up the changes I enforced.

First up, the list of skill changes from 3.5 --> Pathfinder. This is part of the free conversion guide download I linked previously, stored here for ease of access.

Please update your sheets accordingly! This will require a little bit of rewriting the skills in manually, but it is worth it I promise.
Old Dec 12th, 2009, 04:40 AM
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Avelestar Avelestar is offline
Jelly anyone?
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Paladin of Freedom1) You now gain Aura of Resolve at level 3, and Aura of Courage at level 8
Normal: Aura of Courage at level 3, and Aura of Resolve at level 8
2) Remove Diplomacy from the class list, add Bluff
3) Code of Conduct is now: A paladin of freedom must be of chaotic good alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act. Additionally, a paladin of freedom's code requires that he respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for lawful or evil ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty.

You can change the spells like the UA variant to Pro-Law based ones, or leave them as Pro-Evil, up to you. You must pick one or the other, and it affects your entire spell list for the whole game.
Old Dec 12th, 2009, 04:43 AM
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Avelestar Avelestar is offline
Jelly anyone?
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Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar Avelestar
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Dread PirateRequirements:
+6 BAB
5 Ranks Appraise and Profession (Sailor)
1 Rank Swim and Acrobatics
Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse
A ship! (this is part of the adventure path anyway, so lucky you!)


At first level you gain the Master of Two Weapon Fighting feat, this replaces the Two Weapon Fighting feat normally granted.

Master of TWF: You become a master of two weapon fighting, and have trained yourself to be ambidextrous. As a result you may count any 1-handed weapon you hold in your off-hand as a light weapon.

2) Skill Ranks/level = 6 + INT, add Disable Device, Perception, Stealth and Acrobatics to the skill list (remove others that aren't part of Pathfinder)

3) Pirates Code: You must now choose this when you take your first level of Dread Pirate, and it establishes the Code by which you live and command. You are either an Honourable, or Dishonourable pirate lord, and act accordingly. This has no affect on the different class abilties you can gain until your 9th level of Dread Pirate, at which point you gain Fight to the Death as an Honourable Pirate, or Motivate the Scum as a Dishonourable Pirate.

In addition, at levels 3,5,7 you gain BOTH class abilities, instead of just one based on your Code. This also applies to the Fearsome Reputation ability at level 2, you will gain bonuses to both Diplomacy and Intimidate (and continue to gain them as you gain levels in Dread Pirate). So you will end up with every class ability you can gain as you take levels in Dread Pirate except at 9th level where you will only gain 1 of the two.

Last edited by Avelestar; Dec 12th, 2009 at 11:12 PM.
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