![]() | System Reference Document v3.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Epic Magic ItemsINTELLIGENT ITEMSTable: Mental Ability Scores for Intelligent Items
Table: Epic Item Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Capabilities
MARKET PRICE MODIFIERTo find the market price for an epic magic item, use these expanded guidelines, adjusting as necessary to find an appropriate final price. Each point of Intelligence bonus, Wisdom bonus, or Charisma bonus increases the item’s market price by 400 gp. Any form of communication possessed by the item increases its market price by the number shown on Table: Epic Item Communication. Each primary ability possessed by the item increases its market price by 2,000 to 10,000 gp (average 6,000 gp). Each extraordinary ability possessed by the item increases its market price by 15,000 to 35,000 gp (average 25,000 gp). A special purpose increases the item’s market price by 50,000 gp. An awesome power increases the item’s market price by 100,000 gp.INTELLIGENT ITEM ALIGNMENTAny item with Intelligence has an alignment. Make sure that the alignment choosen or determine randomly (using Table: Item Alignment) matches any alignment-oriented special abilities of the item. Any character whose alignment is not compatible with that of the item gains one negative level for every 10 points of the weapon’s Ego (see Item Ego, below) if he or she so much as picks up the item. Although this never results in actual level loss, the negative levels remain as long as the item is in hand and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells). These negative levels are cumulative with any other penalties the item might already place on inappropriate wielders.Table: Item Alignment
ITEM COMMUNICATIONLike a character, an intelligent item speaks Common plus one language per point of Intelligence bonus. Choose appropriate languages, taking into account the item’s origin and purposes. An item with multiple modes of communication can use any of its modes at will.Table: Epic Item Communication
INTELLIGENT ITEM ABILITIES Using the number of capabilities determined above, find the item’s specific abilities by rolling on the appropriate tables below.
If the same ability is rolled twice or more, the range, frequency, or effectiveness of the power is doubled, tripled, and so on. All abilities function only when the item is held, drawn, or otherwise brandished and the possessor is concentrating on the desired result. Activating a power is a standard action, but using a free feat is not. Feats may be used regardless of prerequisites, but the item still must be held and drawn (or worn, in the case of such items). An intelligent item might activate a power on its own. Table: Intelligent Item Extraordinary Powers
If the same power is rolled twice, the uses per day are doubled. (If true seeing or passwall is rolled twice, roll again.) Powers function only when the item is drawn and held, and the possessor is concentrating upon the desired effect. Activating a power is a standard action. An intelligent item might activate a power on its own. Table: Intelligent Item Awesome Powers
Unless otherwise stated, all awesome powers function at 20th caster level. If a power is rolled twice, the uses per day are doubled. Powers function only when the item is drawn and held, and the possessor is concentrating upon the desired effect. Activating a power is a standard action. An intelligent item might activate a power on its own. SPECIAL PURPOSE ITEMSPurpose
SPECIAL PURPOSE POWERA special purpose power operates only when the item is in pursuit of its special purpose. This is always up to the purview of the item. It should always be easy and straightforward to see how the ends justify the means. That is to say that if the player’s reasoning for how a particular action serves the item’s purpose is not completely believable, the item won’t allow it.Table: Intelligent Item Special Purpose Powers
ITEM EGOEgo is a measure of the total power and force of personality that an item possesses. Only after all aspects of an item have been generated and recorded can its Ego score be determined. Ego is a factor with regard to the dominance of item over character, as detailed below.Table: Item Ego
ITEMS AGAINST CHARACTERSWhen an item has an Ego of its own, it has a will of its own. The item is, of course, absolutely true to its alignment. If the character who possesses the item is not true to that alignment’s goals or the item’s special purpose, personality conflict-item against character-results. Similarly, any item with an Ego score of 20 or higher always considers itself superior to any character, and a personality conflict results if the possessor does not always agree with the item. When a personality conflict occurs, the possessor must make a Will saving throw (DC = item’s Ego). If the possessor succeeds, he or she is dominant. If he or she fails, the item is dominant. Dominance lasts for one day or until a critical situation occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat to either item or character, and so on). Should an item gain dominance, it resists the character’s desires and demands concessions such as any of the following:
In extreme circumstances, the item can resort to even harsher measures.
Naturally, such actions are unlikely when harmony reigns between the character’s and item’s alignments or when their purposes and personalities are well matched. Even so, an item might wish to have a lesser character possess it in order to easily command him or her, or a higher-level possessor so as to better accomplish its goals. All magic items with personalities desire to play an important role in whatever activity is under way, particularly combat. Such items are rivals of each other, even if they are of the same alignment. No intelligent item wants to share its wielder with others. An intelligent item is aware of the presence of any other intelligent item within 60 feet, and most intelligent items try their best to mislead or distract their host so that he or she ignores or destroys the rival. Of course, alignment might change this sort of behavior. Items with personalities are never totally controlled or silenced by the characters who possess them, even though they may never successfully control their possessor. They may be powerless to force their demands but remain undaunted and continue to air their wishes and demands. ARTIFACTSMINOR ARTIFACTSMinor artifacts are not necessarily unique items, but rather magic items that no longer can be made by common mortal means-even by the hands of epic creators. Such items have no established market price. Below is a selection of known minor artifacts.Everfull Purse: This leather belt pouch has the power to turn a single gold coin into many overnight. If a single gold piece is placed in the everfull purse at sunset, it will be replaced at sunrise by 25 gold pieces. The purse has no effect if more than one gold piece is left within, or if anything other than gold is placed within. Libram of Gainful Conjuration: This mystic book is of great value to arcane spellcasters of good alignment (LG, NG, CG). Study of the work requires one week. Upon completion, the good arcane caster gains a +1 inherent bonus to the ability score controlling his or her arcane spellcasting ability and experience points sufficient to place him or her halfway into the next level of experience. (If the reader has levels in more than one arcane spellcasting class, he or she must choose one of the classes to be affected.) Nongood arcane spellcasters (LN, N, CN, LE, NE, or CE) are permanently drained of 1d4+1 points of Constitution and must atone (see the atonement spell) in order to gain any further experience. Anyone incapable of casting arcane spells who reads even a single word of the work must make a Will save (DC 20) or suffer insanity (see the insanity spell). Except as indicated above, the writing in a libram of gainful conjuration can’t be distinguished from any other book, libram, tome, or so on until perused. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same character ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time. Libram of Ineffable Damnation: This mystic book is of great value to arcane spellcasters of evil alignment (LE, NE, CE). Study of the work requires one week. Upon completion, the evil arcane caster gains a +1 inherent bonus to the ability score controlling his or her arcane spell-casting ability and experience points sufficient to place him or her halfway into the next level of experience. (If the reader has levels in more than one arcane spellcasting class, he or she must choose one of the classes to be affected.) Nonevil arcane spellcasters (LN, N, CN, LG, NG, or CG) are permanently drained of 1d4+1 points of Constitution and must atone (see the atonement spell) in order to gain any further experience. Anyone incapable of casting arcane spells who reads even a single word of the work must make a Will save (DC 20) or suffer insanity (see the insanity spell). Except as indicated above, the writing in a libram of ineffable damnation can’t be distinguished from any other book, libram, tome, or so on until perused. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same character ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time. Libram of Silver Magic: This mystic book is of great value to arcane spellcasters of neutral alignment (LN, N, CN). Study of the work requires one week. Upon completion, the neutral arcane caster gains a +1 inherent bonus to the ability score controlling his or her arcane spellcasting ability and experience points sufficient to place him or her halfway into the next level of experience. (If the reader has levels in more than one arcane spellcasting class, he or she must choose one of the classes to be affected.) Evil or good arcane spellcasters (LE, NE, CE, LG, NG, or CG) are permanently drained of 1d4+1 points of Constitution and must atone (see the atonement spell) in order to gain any further experience. Anyone incapable of casting arcane spells who reads even a single word of the work must make a Will save (DC 20) or suffer insanity (see the insanity spell). Except as indicated above, the writing in a libram of silver magic can’t be distinguished from any other book, libram, tome, or so on until perused. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same character ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time. Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms: This treatise contains expert advice and instruction in the arts of combat. Any barbarian, fighter, monk, paladin, or ranger who spends one week studying the manual gains a +1 inherent bonus to Strength and experience points sufficient to place him or her halfway into the next level of experience. (If the reader has levels in more than one of the classes listed, he or she must choose one of the classes to be affected.) A character without any levels in one of the classes listed gains no bonus from the work, but if an arcane spellcaster without levels in one of the classes listed scans even a single word he or she will lose 2dx1,000 XP and must make a Will save (DC 20) or have 1 point of Intelligence permanently drained. Except as indicated above, the writing in a manual of puissant skill at arms can’t be distinguished from any other book, libram, tome, or so on until perused. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same character ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time. Manual of Stealthy Pilfering: This guide to thievery grants any rogue who spends a week studying its lessons a +1 inherent bonus to Dexterity and experience points sufficient to place him or her halfway into the next level of experience. A character without any rogue levels gains no bonus from the work, but if a divine spellcaster without rogue levels scans even a single word she will lose 2dx1,000 XP and must make a Will save (DC 20) or have 1 point of Wisdom permanently drained. Except as indicated above, the writing in a manual of stealthy pilfering can’t be distinguished from any other book, libram, tome, or so on until perused. Once read, the book vanishes, never to be seen again, nor can the same character ever benefit from reading a similar tome a second time. Rogue’s Dice: This pair of cubes appears much like any other pair of typical (6-sided) dice. A character with a pair of rogue’s dice who wishes to roll them must announce that he or she is rolling the dice (accidental rolls have no effect). Rolling the dice is a standard action, and both dice must be rolled simultaneously to have any effect. The player should roll 2d6 and consult the table below to determine the dice’s affects.
No character can gain any effect from an additional roll of the dice within 24 hours, with two exceptions. If a 2 is rolled, the dice automatically roll themselves at the beginning of the character’s next turn and he or she must accept the additional result. If a 12 is rolled, the character may choose to roll again in the next round (if more than 1 full round elapses between the roll of 12 and this bonus roll, the character loses the bonus roll). There is no method (mundane or magical) to predict or influence the result of a roll of Rogue’s dice. Even powerful divination magic can’t predict the outcome of a roll before it is made. MAJOR ARTIFACTSAxe of the Dwarvish Lords: This is a +6 keen throwing goblinoid bane dwarven waraxe. Any dwarf who holds it doubles the range of his or her darkvision. Any nondwarf who grasps the Axe takes 2 points of temporary Charisma damage; these points cannot be healed or restored in any way while the Axe is held. The current owner of the Axe gains a +10 bonus on Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting, stonemasonry, and weaponsmithing) checks. The wielder of the Axe can summon an elder earth elemental (as summon monster IX; duration 20 rounds) once per week. Codex of the Infinite Planes: The Codex is enormous-supposedly, it requires two strong men to lift it. No matter how many pages are turned, another always remains. Anyone opening the Codex for the first time is utterly annihilated, as with a destruction spell (Fortitude DC 30 for only 10d6 damage). Those who survive can peruse its pages and learn its powers, though not without risk. Each day spent studying the Codex allows the reader to make a Spellcraft check (DC 50) to learn one of its powers (choose the power learned randomly; add a +1 circumstance bonus on the check per additional day spent reading until a power is learned). However, each day of study also forces the reader to make a Will save (DC 30 + 1 per day of study) to avoid being driven insane (as the insanity spell). The powers of the Codex of the Infinite Planes are as follows: astral projection, banishment, elemental swarm, gate, greater planar ally, greater planar binding, plane shift, and soul bind. Each is usable at will by the owner of the Codex (assuming that he or she has learned how to access the power). The Codex of the Infinite Planes has a caster level of 30th for the purposes of all powers and catastrophes, and all saving throw DCs are 20 + spell level. Activating any power requires both a Concentration check and a Spellcraft check (DC 40 + twice the spell level of the power; the character can’t take 10 on this check). Any failure on either check indicates a catastrophe befalls the user (roll on the table below for the effect). A character can only incur one catastrophe per power use, even if he or she fails both checks.
Cup and Talisman of the Demigod: The Cup is a large gem-set golden chalice requiring two hands to lift. It emits light (as the daylight spell) at all times and automatically dispels any darkness-based spells whose area it enters. If the cup is filled with holy water (requiring a full gallon), that substance will act as a potion of cure critical wounds or a potion of neutralize poison (owner’s choice) if drunk. This liquid can’t be saved or stored in any way. The Talisman is a small eight-pointed platinum star hanging from a chain of gold and pearls. The wearer gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma and may cast remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, and remove disease at will. Furthermore, if the Talisman is placed within the Cup and the Cup filled with holy water, that liquid acts as a special elixir of resurrection (as the spell). This effect will function only once per month. Any evil or chaotic creature that touches the Cup or Talisman is struck with a holy word (if evil) or dictum (if chaotic) spell (or both if the creature is chaotic evil). Eye of the Orc: This lump of rock has a marquis-cut black sapphire set in its center, making it appear similar to a large eye. If possessed by an orc, it grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and Charisma, and the orc’s darkvision range is doubled. Nonorcs who possess the Eye gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength but take a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Charisma. Regardless of the owner’s race, any weapon wielded by the owner of the Eye is considered an elf bane weapon. Furthermore, by holding the Eye before the character, he or she can perceive things as if he or she had true seeing cast upon him or her. This can be activated only once per day but lasts as long as the character concentrates on it (requiring a standard action each round). Golem Armor: This enormous suit of black iron +10 full plate armor increases the wearer’s size by one category (to a maximum of Colossal). The wearer gains a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength and is rendered immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. He or she is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Golem Armor is immune to rust attacks. The wearer of Golem Armor gains damage reduction 15/adamantine. He or she also cannot regain hit points by any means (mundane or magical) while the armor is worn. It requires 1 hour to don or extract oneself from Golem Armor. Invulnerable Coat: The Invulnerable Coat +5 chain shirt of heavy fortification. It grants its wearer damage reduction 10/epic and resistance 20 against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic energy. If the wearer can turn undead, treat the wearer as having +4 class levels for purposes of caster level, turning undead, smiting evil, and laying on hands. Iron Gauntlet of War: The Gauntlet grants a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength. The wearer doubles the damage bonus on any smite attacks he or she makes. If the wearer has the Leadership feat, the wearer’s Leadership score increases by +4, but the wearer can never attract or keep followers or cohorts who are good or chaotic. Once per day, the wielder can use implosion as a 20th-level caster (DC 23). The Iron Gauntlet of War is intelligent (Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 24, Ego 26) and lawful evil. It can communicate telepathically with its wearer, though it cannot speak. It will always seek to dominate any wearer who isn’t lawful evil, forcing such an owner to commit lawful evil deeds (or else find a more suitable wearer). Ring of Nine Facets: This ring is set with a gem of nine facets, each one in-scribed with a different incomprehensible rune. Each day at sunrise, the gem turns to display a different facet. The active facet determines the Ring’s power for that day. Each day, roll 1d10 to determine which facet (and thus which power) is active.
The wearer of the Ring can, with a great deal of mental exertion, attempt to change the active facet away from one he or she does not desire. This requires a full-round action and a Concentration check (DC 50), and deals 2d6 points of nonlethal damage regardless of success. If the save is successful, the new facet is determined randomly. If the Ring is removed, the former wearer takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage each minute until it is replaced or until his or her nonlethal damage exceeds his or her current hit points (though the nonlethal damage resumes again immediately when the former wearer regains consciousness). |